Resource("clk12", 0, Pins("A10", dir="i"),
Clock(12e6), Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")),
+ # By default this CLK is not populated, see User Manual Section 4.
+ Resource("extclk", 0, Pins("B11", dir="i"),
+ Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")),
*LEDResources(pins="A13 A12 B19 A18 B18 C17 A17 B17", invert=True,
*ButtonResources(pins="P4", invert=True,
*SwitchResources(pins={4: "E15", 5: "D16", 6: "B16", 7: "C16", 8: "A16"}, invert=True,
+ # In order to use the UART as a UART you need to swap two resistor jumpers,
+ # and potentially reconfigure the onboard FTDI chip, see section 6.2 in the
+ # User Manual for hardware instructions, and
+ # to reconfigure the FTDI.
+ UARTResource(0,
+ rx="P2", tx="P3",
+ attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE=bank6_iostandard, PULLMODE="UP")
+ ),
+ *SPIFlashResources(0,
+ cs="R2", clk="U3", miso="V2", mosi="W2", wp="Y2", hold="W1",
+ attrs=Attrs(IO_STANDARD="LVCMOS33")
+ ),
Resource("serdes", 0,
Subsignal("tx", DiffPairs("W4", "W5", dir="o")),
Subsignal("rx", DiffPairs("Y5", "Y6", dir="i")),