// Black Box
class VC707MIGIODDR(depth : BigInt) extends GenericParameterizedBundle(depth) {
- require((depth==0x40000000L) || (depth==0x100000000L),"VC707MIGIODDR supports 1GB and 4GB depth configuraton only")
- val ddr3_addr = Bits(OUTPUT,if(depth==0x40000000L) 14 else 16)
+ require((depth<=0x100000000L),"VC707MIGIODDR supports upto 4GB depth configuraton")
+ val ddr3_addr = Bits(OUTPUT,if(depth<=0x40000000L) 14 else 16)
val ddr3_ba = Bits(OUTPUT,3)
val ddr3_ras_n = Bool(OUTPUT)
val ddr3_cas_n = Bool(OUTPUT)
//turn off linter: blackbox name must match verilog module
class vc707mig(depth : BigInt)(implicit val p:Parameters) extends BlackBox
- private val oneGB : BigInt = 0x40000000L
- private val fourGB : BigInt = 0x100000000L
- require((depth==oneGB) || (depth==fourGB),"vc707mig supports 1GB and 4GB depth configuraton only")
+ require((depth<=0x100000000L),"vc707mig supports upto 4GB depth configuraton")
- override def desiredName = if(depth==fourGB) "vc707mig4gb" else "vc707mig"
+ override def desiredName = if(depth<=0x40000000) "vc707mig" else "vc707mig4gb"
val io = new VC707MIGIODDR(depth) with VC707MIGIOClocksReset {
// User interface signals
//slave interface write address ports
val s_axi_awid = Bits(INPUT,4)
- val s_axi_awaddr = Bits(INPUT,if(depth==oneGB) 30 else 32)
+ val s_axi_awaddr = Bits(INPUT,if(depth<=0x40000000) 30 else 32)
val s_axi_awlen = Bits(INPUT,8)
val s_axi_awsize = Bits(INPUT,3)
val s_axi_awburst = Bits(INPUT,2)
val s_axi_bvalid = Bool(OUTPUT)
//slave interface read address ports
val s_axi_arid = Bits(INPUT,4)
- val s_axi_araddr = Bits(INPUT,if(depth==oneGB) 30 else 32)
+ val s_axi_araddr = Bits(INPUT,if(depth<=0x40000000) 30 else 32)
val s_axi_arlen = Bits(INPUT,8)
val s_axi_arsize = Bits(INPUT,3)
val s_axi_arburst = Bits(INPUT,2)