\title{\vspace{-0.7in}\Large {\bf Additions to The PowerPC Instruction Set Manual} \\
\large {\bf Libre-SOC Extensions} \\
Document Version \specrev
- \vspace{-0.1in}}
+ \vspace{-0.1in} \\
+\vspace{1in} \Huge{\textbf{This document is draft}} \\
+This means that: it is not complete, it may contain outrageous errors,
+it may knot bee speled write, parts may be in the wrong order, updates will
+come at strange intervals and may make things worse.
+No liability will be accepted for any use of the draft document contents.
+% When the draft notice is removed - remember to remove draft/watermark at the top of the preamble
\author{Editor: Alain D D Williams$^{1}$ \\
$^{1}$Parliament Hill Computers Ltd, \\
% Package includes
-\usepackage{tabularx} % For tables with wide columns
+\usepackage{tabularx} % For tables with wide columns
+\usepackage{draftwatermark} % Put Draft on every page
+\SetWatermarkScale{3} % Make the word Draft big enough to see