From: Chia-I Wu Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 07:58:29 +0000 (+0900) Subject: glapi: add X-Git-Url:;h=281947b3511f606df365e0985631f31d237e63f1;p=mesa.git glapi: add Move the list of entry points belong to GLES from to a new file. Until we figure out how to describe the APIs an entry point belongs to in the XML file, and how to handle the case where an entry point others alias is missing in some APIs, this is an easier solution than maintaining another two sets of XMLs in glapi/gen-es/. Reviewed-by: Brian Paul --- diff --git a/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_and_es_API.xml b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_and_es_API.xml index ac7d43ceda7..1313da0f5d6 100644 --- a/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_and_es_API.xml +++ b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/gl_and_es_API.xml @@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ + + diff --git a/src/mapi/glapi/gen/ b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..4cde9e544d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/mapi/glapi/gen/ @@ -0,0 +1,452 @@ +#!/usr/bin/env python + +# Mesa 3-D graphics library +# Version: 7.12 +# +# Copyright (C) 2011 LunarG Inc. +# +# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a +# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), +# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation +# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, +# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the +# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: +# +# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included +# in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +# +# THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +# IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL +# THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +# LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING +# FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER +# DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +# +# Authors: +# Chia-I Wu + +# These info should be part of GLAPI XML. Until that is possible, scripts have +# to use tables here to filter gl_api. + +es1_core = ( + # OpenGL ES 1.1 + 'ActiveTexture', + 'AlphaFunc', + 'AlphaFuncx', + 'BindBuffer', + 'BindTexture', + 'BlendFunc', + 'BufferData', + 'BufferSubData', + 'Clear', + 'ClearColor', + 'ClearColorx', + 'ClearDepthf', + 'ClearDepthx', + 'ClearStencil', + 'ClientActiveTexture', + 'ClipPlanef', + 'ClipPlanex', + 'Color4f', + 'Color4ub', + 'Color4x', + 'ColorMask', + 'ColorPointer', + 'CompressedTexImage2D', + 'CompressedTexSubImage2D', + 'CopyTexImage2D', + 'CopyTexSubImage2D', + 'CullFace', + 'DeleteBuffers', + 'DeleteTextures', + 'DepthFunc', + 'DepthMask', + 'DepthRangef', + 'DepthRangex', + 'Disable', + 'DisableClientState', + 'DrawArrays', + 'DrawElements', + 'Enable', + 'EnableClientState', + 'Finish', + 'Flush', + 'Fogf', + 'Fogfv', + 'Fogx', + 'Fogxv', + 'FrontFace', + 'Frustumf', + 'Frustumx', + 'GenBuffers', + 'GenTextures', + 'GetBooleanv', + 'GetBufferParameteriv', + 'GetClipPlanef', + 'GetClipPlanex', + 'GetError', + 'GetFixedv', + 'GetFloatv', + 'GetIntegerv', + 'GetLightfv', + 'GetLightxv', + 'GetMaterialfv', + 'GetMaterialxv', + 'GetPointerv', + 'GetString', + 'GetTexEnvfv', + 'GetTexEnviv', + 'GetTexEnvxv', + 'GetTexParameterfv', + 'GetTexParameteriv', + 'GetTexParameterxv', + 'Hint', + 'IsBuffer', + 'IsEnabled', + 'IsTexture', + 'Lightf', + 'Lightfv', + 'LightModelf', + 'LightModelfv', + 'LightModelx', + 'LightModelxv', + 'Lightx', + 'Lightxv', + 'LineWidth', + 'LineWidthx', + 'LoadIdentity', + 'LoadMatrixf', + 'LoadMatrixx', + 'LogicOp', + 'Materialf', + 'Materialfv', + 'Materialx', + 'Materialxv', + 'MatrixMode', + 'MultiTexCoord4f', + 'MultiTexCoord4x', + 'MultMatrixf', + 'MultMatrixx', + 'Normal3f', + 'Normal3x', + 'NormalPointer', + 'Orthof', + 'Orthox', + 'PixelStorei', + 'PointParameterf', + 'PointParameterfv', + 'PointParameterx', + 'PointParameterxv', + 'PointSize', + 'PointSizex', + 'PolygonOffset', + 'PolygonOffsetx', + 'PopMatrix', + 'PushMatrix', + 'ReadPixels', + 'Rotatef', + 'Rotatex', + 'SampleCoverage', + 'SampleCoveragex', + 'Scalef', + 'Scalex', + 'Scissor', + 'ShadeModel', + 'StencilFunc', + 'StencilMask', + 'StencilOp', + 'TexCoordPointer', + 'TexEnvf', + 'TexEnvfv', + 'TexEnvi', + 'TexEnviv', + 'TexEnvx', + 'TexEnvxv', + 'TexImage2D', + 'TexParameterf', + 'TexParameterfv', + 'TexParameteri', + 'TexParameteriv', + 'TexParameterx', + 'TexParameterxv', + 'TexSubImage2D', + 'Translatef', + 'Translatex', + 'VertexPointer', + 'Viewport', +) + +es1_api = es1_core + ( + # GL_OES_EGL_image + 'EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES', + 'EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES', + # GL_OES_mapbuffer + 'GetBufferPointervOES', + 'MapBufferOES', + 'UnmapBufferOES', + # GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays + 'MultiDrawArraysEXT', + 'MultiDrawElementsEXT', + # GL_OES_blend_equation_separate + 'BlendEquationSeparateOES', + # GL_OES_blend_func_separate + 'BlendFuncSeparateOES', + # GL_OES_blend_subtract + 'BlendEquationOES', + # GL_OES_draw_texture + 'DrawTexiOES', + 'DrawTexivOES', + 'DrawTexfOES', + 'DrawTexfvOES', + 'DrawTexsOES', + 'DrawTexsvOES', + 'DrawTexxOES', + 'DrawTexxvOES', + # GL_OES_fixed_point + 'AlphaFuncxOES', + 'ClearColorxOES', + 'ClearDepthxOES', + 'Color4xOES', + 'DepthRangexOES', + 'FogxOES', + 'FogxvOES', + 'FrustumxOES', + 'LightModelxOES', + 'LightModelxvOES', + 'LightxOES', + 'LightxvOES', + 'LineWidthxOES', + 'LoadMatrixxOES', + 'MaterialxOES', + 'MaterialxvOES', + 'MultiTexCoord4xOES', + 'MultMatrixxOES', + 'Normal3xOES', + 'OrthoxOES', + 'PointSizexOES', + 'PolygonOffsetxOES', + 'RotatexOES', + 'SampleCoveragexOES', + 'ScalexOES', + 'TexEnvxOES', + 'TexEnvxvOES', + 'TexParameterxOES', + 'TranslatexOES', + 'ClipPlanexOES', + 'GetClipPlanexOES', + 'GetFixedvOES', + 'GetLightxvOES', + 'GetMaterialxvOES', + 'GetTexEnvxvOES', + 'GetTexParameterxvOES', + 'PointParameterxOES', + 'PointParameterxvOES', + 'TexParameterxvOES', + # GL_OES_framebuffer_object + 'BindFramebufferOES', + 'BindRenderbufferOES', + 'CheckFramebufferStatusOES', + 'DeleteFramebuffersOES', + 'DeleteRenderbuffersOES', + 'FramebufferRenderbufferOES', + 'FramebufferTexture2DOES', + 'GenerateMipmapOES', + 'GenFramebuffersOES', + 'GenRenderbuffersOES', + 'GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES', + 'GetRenderbufferParameterivOES', + 'IsFramebufferOES', + 'IsRenderbufferOES', + 'RenderbufferStorageOES', + # GL_OES_point_size_array + 'PointSizePointerOES', + # GL_OES_query_matrix + 'QueryMatrixxOES', + # GL_OES_single_precision + 'ClearDepthfOES', + 'DepthRangefOES', + 'FrustumfOES', + 'OrthofOES', + 'ClipPlanefOES', + 'GetClipPlanefOES', + # GL_OES_texture_cube_map + 'GetTexGenfvOES', + 'GetTexGenivOES', + 'GetTexGenxvOES', + 'TexGenfOES', + 'TexGenfvOES', + 'TexGeniOES', + 'TexGenivOES', + 'TexGenxOES', + 'TexGenxvOES', +) + +es2_core = ( + # OpenGL ES 2.0 + "ActiveTexture", + "AttachShader", + "BindAttribLocation", + "BindBuffer", + "BindFramebuffer", + "BindRenderbuffer", + "BindTexture", + "BlendColor", + "BlendEquation", + "BlendEquationSeparate", + "BlendFunc", + "BlendFuncSeparate", + "BufferData", + "BufferSubData", + "CheckFramebufferStatus", + "Clear", + "ClearColor", + "ClearDepthf", + "ClearStencil", + "ColorMask", + "CompileShader", + "CompressedTexImage2D", + "CompressedTexSubImage2D", + "CopyTexImage2D", + "CopyTexSubImage2D", + "CreateProgram", + "CreateShader", + "CullFace", + "DeleteBuffers", + "DeleteFramebuffers", + "DeleteProgram", + "DeleteRenderbuffers", + "DeleteShader", + "DeleteTextures", + "DepthFunc", + "DepthMask", + "DepthRangef", + "DetachShader", + "Disable", + "DisableVertexAttribArray", + "DrawArrays", + "DrawElements", + "Enable", + "EnableVertexAttribArray", + "Finish", + "Flush", + "FramebufferRenderbuffer", + "FramebufferTexture2D", + "FrontFace", + "GenBuffers", + "GenerateMipmap", + "GenFramebuffers", + "GenRenderbuffers", + "GenTextures", + "GetActiveAttrib", + "GetActiveUniform", + "GetAttachedShaders", + "GetAttribLocation", + "GetBooleanv", + "GetBufferParameteriv", + "GetError", + "GetFloatv", + "GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv", + "GetIntegerv", + "GetProgramInfoLog", + "GetProgramiv", + "GetRenderbufferParameteriv", + "GetShaderInfoLog", + "GetShaderiv", + "GetShaderPrecisionFormat", + "GetShaderSource", + "GetString", + "GetTexParameterfv", + "GetTexParameteriv", + "GetUniformfv", + "GetUniformiv", + "GetUniformLocation", + "GetVertexAttribfv", + "GetVertexAttribiv", + "GetVertexAttribPointerv", + "Hint", + "IsBuffer", + "IsEnabled", + "IsFramebuffer", + "IsProgram", + "IsRenderbuffer", + "IsShader", + "IsTexture", + "LineWidth", + "LinkProgram", + "PixelStorei", + "PolygonOffset", + "ReadPixels", + "ReleaseShaderCompiler", + "RenderbufferStorage", + "SampleCoverage", + "Scissor", + "ShaderBinary", + "ShaderSource", + "StencilFunc", + "StencilFuncSeparate", + "StencilMask", + "StencilMaskSeparate", + "StencilOp", + "StencilOpSeparate", + "TexImage2D", + "TexParameterf", + "TexParameterfv", + "TexParameteri", + "TexParameteriv", + "TexSubImage2D", + "Uniform1f", + "Uniform1fv", + "Uniform1i", + "Uniform1iv", + "Uniform2f", + "Uniform2fv", + "Uniform2i", + "Uniform2iv", + "Uniform3f", + "Uniform3fv", + "Uniform3i", + "Uniform3iv", + "Uniform4f", + "Uniform4fv", + "Uniform4i", + "Uniform4iv", + "UniformMatrix2fv", + "UniformMatrix3fv", + "UniformMatrix4fv", + "UseProgram", + "ValidateProgram", + "VertexAttrib1f", + "VertexAttrib1fv", + "VertexAttrib2f", + "VertexAttrib2fv", + "VertexAttrib3f", + "VertexAttrib3fv", + "VertexAttrib4f", + "VertexAttrib4fv", + "VertexAttribPointer", + "Viewport", +) + +es2_api = es2_core + ( + # GL_OES_EGL_image + 'EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES', + 'EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES', + # GL_OES_mapbuffer + 'GetBufferPointervOES', + 'MapBufferOES', + 'UnmapBufferOES', + # GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays + 'MultiDrawArraysEXT', + 'MultiDrawElementsEXT', + # GL_OES_texture_3D + 'CompressedTexImage3DOES', + 'CompressedTexSubImage3DOES', + 'CopyTexSubImage3DOES', + 'FramebufferTexture3DOES', + 'TexImage3DOES', + 'TexSubImage3DOES', + # GL_OES_get_program_binary + 'GetProgramBinaryOES', + 'ProgramBinaryOES', +) diff --git a/src/mapi/mapi/ b/src/mapi/mapi/ index cb9fc0ef841..e3d3f6518ec 100644 --- a/src/mapi/mapi/ +++ b/src/mapi/mapi/ @@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ # Chia-I Wu import sys +# make it possible to import glapi +import os +GLAPI = "./%s/../glapi/gen" % (os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) +sys.path.append(GLAPI) + import re from optparse import OptionParser @@ -128,9 +133,6 @@ class ABIEntry(object): def abi_parse_xml(xml): """Parse a GLAPI XML file for ABI entries.""" - import os - GLAPI = "./%s/../glapi/gen" % (os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) - sys.path.append(GLAPI) import gl_XML, glX_XML api = gl_XML.parse_GL_API(xml, glX_XML.glx_item_factory()) @@ -749,255 +751,7 @@ class ES1APIPrinter(GLAPIPrinter): """OpenGL ES 1.x API Printer""" def __init__(self, entries): - es1_api = [ - # OpenGL ES 1.1 - 'ActiveTexture', - 'AlphaFunc', - 'AlphaFuncx', - 'BindBuffer', - 'BindTexture', - 'BlendFunc', - 'BufferData', - 'BufferSubData', - 'Clear', - 'ClearColor', - 'ClearColorx', - 'ClearDepthf', - 'ClearDepthx', - 'ClearStencil', - 'ClientActiveTexture', - 'ClipPlanef', - 'ClipPlanex', - 'Color4f', - 'Color4ub', - 'Color4x', - 'ColorMask', - 'ColorPointer', - 'CompressedTexImage2D', - 'CompressedTexSubImage2D', - 'CopyTexImage2D', - 'CopyTexSubImage2D', - 'CullFace', - 'DeleteBuffers', - 'DeleteTextures', - 'DepthFunc', - 'DepthMask', - 'DepthRangef', - 'DepthRangex', - 'Disable', - 'DisableClientState', - 'DrawArrays', - 'DrawElements', - 'Enable', - 'EnableClientState', - 'Finish', - 'Flush', - 'Fogf', - 'Fogfv', - 'Fogx', - 'Fogxv', - 'FrontFace', - 'Frustumf', - 'Frustumx', - 'GenBuffers', - 'GenTextures', - 'GetBooleanv', - 'GetBufferParameteriv', - 'GetClipPlanef', - 'GetClipPlanex', - 'GetError', - 'GetFixedv', - 'GetFloatv', - 'GetIntegerv', - 'GetLightfv', - 'GetLightxv', - 'GetMaterialfv', - 'GetMaterialxv', - 'GetPointerv', - 'GetString', - 'GetTexEnvfv', - 'GetTexEnviv', - 'GetTexEnvxv', - 'GetTexParameterfv', - 'GetTexParameteriv', - 'GetTexParameterxv', - 'Hint', - 'IsBuffer', - 'IsEnabled', - 'IsTexture', - 'Lightf', - 'Lightfv', - 'LightModelf', - 'LightModelfv', - 'LightModelx', - 'LightModelxv', - 'Lightx', - 'Lightxv', - 'LineWidth', - 'LineWidthx', - 'LoadIdentity', - 'LoadMatrixf', - 'LoadMatrixx', - 'LogicOp', - 'Materialf', - 'Materialfv', - 'Materialx', - 'Materialxv', - 'MatrixMode', - 'MultiTexCoord4f', - 'MultiTexCoord4x', - 'MultMatrixf', - 'MultMatrixx', - 'Normal3f', - 'Normal3x', - 'NormalPointer', - 'Orthof', - 'Orthox', - 'PixelStorei', - 'PointParameterf', - 'PointParameterfv', - 'PointParameterx', - 'PointParameterxv', - 'PointSize', - 'PointSizex', - 'PolygonOffset', - 'PolygonOffsetx', - 'PopMatrix', - 'PushMatrix', - 'ReadPixels', - 'Rotatef', - 'Rotatex', - 'SampleCoverage', - 'SampleCoveragex', - 'Scalef', - 'Scalex', - 'Scissor', - 'ShadeModel', - 'StencilFunc', - 'StencilMask', - 'StencilOp', - 'TexCoordPointer', - 'TexEnvf', - 'TexEnvfv', - 'TexEnvi', - 'TexEnviv', - 'TexEnvx', - 'TexEnvxv', - 'TexImage2D', - 'TexParameterf', - 'TexParameterfv', - 'TexParameteri', - 'TexParameteriv', - 'TexParameterx', - 'TexParameterxv', - 'TexSubImage2D', - 'Translatef', - 'Translatex', - 'VertexPointer', - 'Viewport', - # GL_OES_EGL_image - 'EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES', - 'EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES', - # GL_OES_mapbuffer - 'GetBufferPointervOES', - 'MapBufferOES', - 'UnmapBufferOES', - # GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays - 'MultiDrawArraysEXT', - 'MultiDrawElementsEXT', - # GL_OES_blend_equation_separate - 'BlendEquationSeparateOES', - # GL_OES_blend_func_separate - 'BlendFuncSeparateOES', - # GL_OES_blend_subtract - 'BlendEquationOES', - # GL_OES_draw_texture - 'DrawTexiOES', - 'DrawTexivOES', - 'DrawTexfOES', - 'DrawTexfvOES', - 'DrawTexsOES', - 'DrawTexsvOES', - 'DrawTexxOES', - 'DrawTexxvOES', - # GL_OES_fixed_point - 'AlphaFuncxOES', - 'ClearColorxOES', - 'ClearDepthxOES', - 'Color4xOES', - 'DepthRangexOES', - 'FogxOES', - 'FogxvOES', - 'FrustumxOES', - 'LightModelxOES', - 'LightModelxvOES', - 'LightxOES', - 'LightxvOES', - 'LineWidthxOES', - 'LoadMatrixxOES', - 'MaterialxOES', - 'MaterialxvOES', - 'MultiTexCoord4xOES', - 'MultMatrixxOES', - 'Normal3xOES', - 'OrthoxOES', - 'PointSizexOES', - 'PolygonOffsetxOES', - 'RotatexOES', - 'SampleCoveragexOES', - 'ScalexOES', - 'TexEnvxOES', - 'TexEnvxvOES', - 'TexParameterxOES', - 'TranslatexOES', - 'ClipPlanexOES', - 'GetClipPlanexOES', - 'GetFixedvOES', - 'GetLightxvOES', - 'GetMaterialxvOES', - 'GetTexEnvxvOES', - 'GetTexParameterxvOES', - 'PointParameterxOES', - 'PointParameterxvOES', - 'TexParameterxvOES', - # GL_OES_framebuffer_object - 'BindFramebufferOES', - 'BindRenderbufferOES', - 'CheckFramebufferStatusOES', - 'DeleteFramebuffersOES', - 'DeleteRenderbuffersOES', - 'FramebufferRenderbufferOES', - 'FramebufferTexture2DOES', - 'GenerateMipmapOES', - 'GenFramebuffersOES', - 'GenRenderbuffersOES', - 'GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES', - 'GetRenderbufferParameterivOES', - 'IsFramebufferOES', - 'IsRenderbufferOES', - 'RenderbufferStorageOES', - # GL_OES_point_size_array - 'PointSizePointerOES', - # GL_OES_query_matrix - 'QueryMatrixxOES', - # GL_OES_single_precision - 'ClearDepthfOES', - 'DepthRangefOES', - 'FrustumfOES', - 'OrthofOES', - 'ClipPlanefOES', - 'GetClipPlanefOES', - # GL_OES_texture_cube_map - 'GetTexGenfvOES', - 'GetTexGenivOES', - 'GetTexGenxvOES', - 'TexGenfOES', - 'TexGenfvOES', - 'TexGeniOES', - 'TexGenivOES', - 'TexGenxOES', - 'TexGenxvOES', - ] + from gles_api import es1_api super(ES1APIPrinter, self).__init__(entries, es1_api) self.prefix_lib = 'gl' @@ -1016,171 +770,7 @@ class ES2APIPrinter(GLAPIPrinter): """OpenGL ES 2.x API Printer""" def __init__(self, entries): - es2_api = [ - # OpenGL ES 2.0 - "ActiveTexture", - "AttachShader", - "BindAttribLocation", - "BindBuffer", - "BindFramebuffer", - "BindRenderbuffer", - "BindTexture", - "BlendColor", - "BlendEquation", - "BlendEquationSeparate", - "BlendFunc", - "BlendFuncSeparate", - "BufferData", - "BufferSubData", - "CheckFramebufferStatus", - "Clear", - "ClearColor", - "ClearDepthf", - "ClearStencil", - "ColorMask", - "CompileShader", - "CompressedTexImage2D", - "CompressedTexSubImage2D", - "CopyTexImage2D", - "CopyTexSubImage2D", - "CreateProgram", - "CreateShader", - "CullFace", - "DeleteBuffers", - "DeleteFramebuffers", - "DeleteProgram", - "DeleteRenderbuffers", - "DeleteShader", - "DeleteTextures", - "DepthFunc", - "DepthMask", - "DepthRangef", - "DetachShader", - "Disable", - "DisableVertexAttribArray", - "DrawArrays", - "DrawElements", - "Enable", - "EnableVertexAttribArray", - "Finish", - "Flush", - "FramebufferRenderbuffer", - "FramebufferTexture2D", - "FrontFace", - "GenBuffers", - "GenerateMipmap", - "GenFramebuffers", - "GenRenderbuffers", - "GenTextures", - "GetActiveAttrib", - "GetActiveUniform", - "GetAttachedShaders", - "GetAttribLocation", - "GetBooleanv", - "GetBufferParameteriv", - "GetError", - "GetFloatv", - "GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv", - "GetIntegerv", - "GetProgramInfoLog", - "GetProgramiv", - "GetRenderbufferParameteriv", - "GetShaderInfoLog", - "GetShaderiv", - "GetShaderPrecisionFormat", - "GetShaderSource", - "GetString", - "GetTexParameterfv", - "GetTexParameteriv", - "GetUniformfv", - "GetUniformiv", - "GetUniformLocation", - "GetVertexAttribfv", - "GetVertexAttribiv", - "GetVertexAttribPointerv", - "Hint", - "IsBuffer", - "IsEnabled", - "IsFramebuffer", - "IsProgram", - "IsRenderbuffer", - "IsShader", - "IsTexture", - "LineWidth", - "LinkProgram", - "PixelStorei", - "PolygonOffset", - "ReadPixels", - "ReleaseShaderCompiler", - "RenderbufferStorage", - "SampleCoverage", - "Scissor", - "ShaderBinary", - "ShaderSource", - "StencilFunc", - "StencilFuncSeparate", - "StencilMask", - "StencilMaskSeparate", - "StencilOp", - "StencilOpSeparate", - "TexImage2D", - "TexParameterf", - "TexParameterfv", - "TexParameteri", - "TexParameteriv", - "TexSubImage2D", - "Uniform1f", - "Uniform1fv", - "Uniform1i", - "Uniform1iv", - "Uniform2f", - "Uniform2fv", - "Uniform2i", - "Uniform2iv", - "Uniform3f", - "Uniform3fv", - "Uniform3i", - "Uniform3iv", - "Uniform4f", - "Uniform4fv", - "Uniform4i", - "Uniform4iv", - "UniformMatrix2fv", - "UniformMatrix3fv", - "UniformMatrix4fv", - "UseProgram", - "ValidateProgram", - "VertexAttrib1f", - "VertexAttrib1fv", - "VertexAttrib2f", - "VertexAttrib2fv", - "VertexAttrib3f", - "VertexAttrib3fv", - "VertexAttrib4f", - "VertexAttrib4fv", - "VertexAttribPointer", - "Viewport", - # GL_OES_EGL_image - 'EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES', - 'EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES', - # GL_OES_mapbuffer - 'GetBufferPointervOES', - 'MapBufferOES', - 'UnmapBufferOES', - # GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays - 'MultiDrawArraysEXT', - 'MultiDrawElementsEXT', - # GL_OES_texture_3D - 'CompressedTexImage3DOES', - 'CompressedTexSubImage3DOES', - 'CopyTexSubImage3DOES', - 'FramebufferTexture3DOES', - 'TexImage3DOES', - 'TexSubImage3DOES', - # GL_OES_get_program_binary - 'GetProgramBinaryOES', - 'ProgramBinaryOES', - ] + from gles_api import es2_api super(ES2APIPrinter, self).__init__(entries, es2_api) self.prefix_lib = 'gl'