From: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 11:20:55 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: rename core_parameters.bsv

rename core_parameters.bsv

diff --git a/src/core/core_defines.bsv b/src/core/core_defines.bsv
deleted file mode 100644
index d4afdb0..0000000
--- a/src/core/core_defines.bsv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-`define RegFileSize 32 // describes the size of ht register file in the processor.
-`ifdef spfpu
-	`define FLEN 32
-`ifdef dpfpu
-	`define FLEN 64
-//`define fpu_hierarchical //Define this if you want hierarchical modules in verilog
-`include "instance_defines.bsv"
-//`define MMU
-`define PRFDEPTH 6
-`ifdef RV64
-	`define Burst_length_bits 8
-	`define byte_offset 2
-	`define DCACHE_ADDR 64
-	`define DCACHE_WORD_SIZE 8
-/////////////////////////////MMU parameters///////////////////////////////////
-`define OFFSET	12
-`define ASID		8
-	// TLM2 Request Response definitions for Processor to Bus connection
-	`define TLM_PRM_CPU_REQ 4, 64, 64, 5, Bit #(0)
-	`define TLM_PRM_CPU_RSP 4, 64, 64, 5, Bit #(0)
-	// TLM2 Request Response definitions for Memory to Bus connection
-	`define TLM_PRM_MEM_REQ 4, 64, 64, 5, Bit #(0)
-	`define TLM_PRM_MEM_RSP 4, 64, 64, 5, Bit #(0)
-	// Axi Request Response definitions for Processor as a Master
-	`define AXI_PRM_CPU	4, 64, 64, 5, Bit #(0)	// Fabric Interface
-	`define AXI_XTR_CPU TLMRequest #(`TLM_PRM_CPU_REQ), TLMResponse #(`TLM_PRM_CPU_RSP), `AXI_PRM_CPU // Transactor Interface
-	// Axi Request Response definitions for Memory as a Slave
-	`define AXI_PRM_MEM	4, 64, 64, 5, Bit #(0)	// Fabric Interface
-	`define AXI_XTR_MEM TLMRequest #(`TLM_PRM_MEM_REQ), TLMResponse #(`TLM_PRM_MEM_RSP), `AXI_PRM_MEM // Transactor Interface
-	`define byte_offset 1
-	`define Addr_width 32 // the address width
-	`define DCACHE_ADDR 32
-	`define DCACHE_WORD_SIZE 4
-	// TLM2 Request Response definitions for Processor to Bus connection
-	`define TLM_PRM_CPU_REQ 4, 32, 32, 5, Bit #(0)
-	`define TLM_PRM_CPU_RSP 4, 32, 32, 5, Bit #(0)
-	// TLM2 Request Response definitions for Memory to Bus connection
-	`define TLM_PRM_MEM_REQ 4, 32, 32, 5, Bit #(0)
-	`define TLM_PRM_MEM_RSP 4, 32, 32, 5, Bit #(0)
-	// Axi Request Response definitions for Processor as a Master
-	`define AXI_PRM_CPU	4, 32, 32, 5, Bit #(0)	// Fabric Interface
-	`define AXI_XTR_CPU TLMRequest #(`TLM_PRM_CPU_REQ), TLMResponse #(`TLM_PRM_CPU_RSP), `AXI_PRM_CPU // Transactor Interface
-	// Axi Request Response definitions for Memory as a Slave
-	`define AXI_PRM_MEM	4, 32, 32, 5, Bit #(0)	// Fabric Interface
-	`define AXI_XTR_MEM TLMRequest #(`TLM_PRM_MEM_REQ), TLMResponse #(`TLM_PRM_MEM_RSP), `AXI_PRM_MEM // Transactor Interface
-`define Loop 1
-`define BAUD_RATE 130
-`ifdef verilog
-	`define Addr_space 22	//since we are leaving off the lower 2 bits of address(byte addressable memory), we have to 
-	`define Addr_space 30
-`ifdef simulate
-  `define BAUD_RATE 5 //130 //
-`define INTERRUPT_PINS 64 
-// Branch_predictor_paramters
-/////////////////////////// CACHE RELATED PARAMETERS ////////////////////////////////
-`define DCACHE_WAYS 4
-`define DCACHE_SETS 512
-`define ICACHE_WAYS 4			// way_bits =2
-`define ICACHE_BLOCK_SIZE 8	// word_bits = 3
-`define ICACHE_SETS 512			// set_bits	=7
-`define ICACHE_WORD_SIZE 4		// byte_bits=2
-`define ICACHE_TAG_BITS 20		// tag_bits = 52
-`define DCACHE_TAG_BITS 20		// tag_bits = 52
-`define BTB_DEPTH			256
-`define RAS_DEPTH			8
-`ifdef RV64
-	`define MISA_BITS   'h141129 //'h082C849//// 'h40101121 // A + F + I + M + U 
-	`define MXL_BITS		'h2
-	`define MISA_BITS   'h082C849 // 'h40101121 // A + F + I + M + U 
-	`define MXL_BITS		'h1
-`define MTVEC_DEFAULT       'h00000000
-`define STVEC_DEFAULT       'h00000000
-`define UTVEC_DEFAULT       'h00000000
-/////////////////////////// Register Mapping for Machine Mode Regs /////////////////
-`define MSTATUS			'h00 //'h300 // Machine Status register                                
-`define MISA				'h01 //'h301 // ISA and extensions                                     
-`define MEDELEG			'h02 //'h302 // Machine exception delegation                               
-`define MIDELEG			'h03 //'h303 // Machine interrupt delegation                               
-`define MIE					'h04 //'h304 // Machine interrupt enable                                   
-`define MTVEC				'h05 //'h305 // Machine trap-handler base address                          
-`define MCOUNTEREN		'h06 //'h306 // Machine counter setup register                                  
-`define MHPMEVENTSTART	'h23 //'h323 // statr of event selectors
-`define MHPMEVENTEND		'h26 //'h326 // end of event selectors
-`define MSCRATCH			'h40 //'h340 // Scratch rgister for machine trap hanglers                  
-`define MEPC				'h41 //'h341 // Machine exception program counter                          
-`define MCAUSE				'h42 //'h342 // Machine trap cause                                         
-`define MTVAL				'h43 //'h343 // Machine bad address                                        
-`define MIP					'h44 //'h344 // Machine interrupt pending
-`define MPOWERCONTROL	'h45 //'h345 // 2 bits to control the power switches.
-`define PMPCFG0			'hA0 //'h3A0 // 
-`ifndef RV64
-	`define PMPCFG1			'hA1 //'h3A1 // Physical Memory Protection Configuration Registers 
-`define PMPCFG2			'hA2 //'h3A2 // Physical Memory Protection Configuration Registers 
-`ifndef RV64
-	`define PMPCFG3			'hA3 //'h3A3 // Physical Memory Protection Configuration Registers 
-`define PMPADDRSTART 'hB0 //PMP Address array start 
-`define PMPADDREND   'hB7 //PMP Address array end
-`define MCYCLE				'h00 //'hB00 // Machine cycle counter                                      
-`define MTIME				'h01 //'hB01	// mtime register (Non-standard r/w)
-`define MINSTRET			'h02 //'hB02 // Machine instructions retired.                              
-`define MHPMCOUNTSTART 	'h03 //'hB03 // start address for performance counters
-`define MHPMCOUNTEND 	'h05 //'hB05 // end address for performance counters
-`define MTIMECMP			'h20 //'hB20 //  time compare register (Non-standard r/w)
-`define MCYCLEH			'h80 //'hB80 // Upper 32 bits of mcycle                                   
-`define MTIMEH				'h81 //'hB81	// mtime hi-register (Non-standard r/w)
-`define MINSTRETH			'h82 //'hB82 // Upper 32 bits of minstret.                                 
-`define MHPMCOUNTHSTART 'h83 //'hB83 // start address for performance counters higher bits
-`define MHPMCOUNTHEND 	'h85 //'hB86 // end address for performance counters higher bits
-`define MTIMECMPH			'hA0 //'hBA0 //  time compare hi-register (Non-standard r/w)
-`define MHPMTHRESSTART	'hA3 //'hBA3 // start of counter-thresholds
-`define MHPMTHRESEND		'hA5 //'hBA6 // end of counter-thresholds
-`define MVENDORID			'h11 //'hF11 // Vendor ID                                                  
-`define MARCHID			'h12 //'hF12 // Architecture ID                                           
-`define MIMPID				'h13 //'hF13 // Implementation ID                                        
-`define MHARTID			'h14 //'hF14 // Hardware Thread ID                                      
-`define MBOOTSEQ			'h15 //'hF15 // Hardware Thread ID                                      
-`define MHPMTHRESHSTART	'hE0 //'h7E0 // start of counter-thresholds
-`define MHPMTHRESHEND	'hE2 //'h7FC // end of counter-thresholds
-/////////////////////////// Register Mapping for Supervisor Mode Regs /////////////////
-`define SSTATUS     'h00 //'h100 // Supervisor Status register                                
-`define SEDELEG     'h02 //'h102 // Supervisor exception delegation                               
-`define SIDELEG     'h03 //'h103 // Supervisor interrupt delegation                               
-`define SIE         'h04 //'h104 // Supervisor interrupt enable                                   
-`define STVEC       'h05 //'h105 // Supervisor trap-handler base address                          
-`define SCOUNTEREN  'h06 //'h106 // Supervisor counter setup register                                  
-`define SSCRATCH    'h40 //'h140 // Scratch register for supervisor trap hanglers                  
-`define SEPC        'h41 //'h141 // Supervisor exception program counter                          
-`define SCAUSE      'h42 //'h142 // Supervisor trap cause                                         
-`define STVAL		  'h43 //'h143 // Supervisor bad address or illegal instruction                                  
-`define SIP         'h44 //'h144 // Supervisor interrupt pending                                  
-`define SATP        'h80 //'h180 // Supervisor interrupt pending                                  
-/////////////////////////// Register Mapping for User Mode Regs /////////////////
-`define USTATUS		'h00 //'h000 // User status register
-`define FFLAGS			'h01 //'h001 // FP Accrued exceptions
-`define FRM				'h02 //'h002 // FP Dynamic rounding mode
-`define FCSR			'h03 //'h003 // FP Control and status register
-`define UIE				'h04 //'h004 // User interrupt enable register
-`define UTVEC			'h05 //'h005 // User trap handler base address
-`define USCRATCH		'h40 //'h040 // Scratch register for user trap handlers
-`define UEPC			'h41 //'h041 // User exception program counter
-`define UCAUSE			'h42 //'h042 // User trap cause
-`define UTVAL			'h43 //'h043 // User bad address or illegal instruction
-`define UIP				'h44 //'h044 // User interrupt pending
-`define UMEMSE			'h45 //'h045 // Machine Memory Structures enable
-`define UCYCLE			'h00 //'hC00 // cycle counter for RDCYCLE instruction.
-`define UTIME			'h01 //'hC01 // Tiemr for RDTIME instruction
-`define UINSTRET		'h02 //'hC02 // Instruction retired counter for RDINSTRET
-`define UCYCLEH		'h80 //'hC80 // Upper 32bits of UCYCLE
-`define UTIMEH			'h81 //'hC81 // Upper 32bits of UTIME
-`define UINSTRETH		'h82 //'hC82 // Upper 32bits of UINSTRET
-`define HPMCOUNTSTART	'h03 	//'hC03 // start address for performance counters
-`define HPMCOUNTEND		'h05  //'hC06 // start address for performance counters
-`define HPMCOUNTHSTART	'h83 	//'hC83 // start address for performance counters higher bits
-`define HPMCOUNTHEND		'h85  //'hC86 // end address for performance counters higher bits
-/////////// Debug registers //////////////////////////
-`define DCSR		'hb0 //'h7b0
-`define DPC			'hb1 //'h7b1
-`define DSCRATCH0	'hb2 //'h7b2
-`define DSCRATCH1	'hb3 //'h7b3
-`define DENTRY		'hb4 //'h7b4 // holds the address of the debug entry for self loop
-`define TSELECT	'ha0 // 'h7a0 // holds the tselect information
-`define TDATA1		'ha1 // 'h7a1 // holds the first trigger data
-`define TDATA2		'ha2 // 'h7a2 // holds the first trigger data
-//////////////////////////////////// funct3 defintions for ISA ////////////////////
-`define JALR_f3 'b000
-`define BEQ_f3	'b000
-`define BNE_f3 	'b001
-`define BLT_f3	'b100
-`define BGE_f3	'b101
-`define BLTU_f3	'b110
-`define BGEU_f3	'b111
-`define LB_f3		'b000
-`define Lh_f3		'b001
-`define LW_f3		'b010
-`define LBU_f3	'b100
-`define LHU_f3	'b101
-`define LWU_f3	'b110
-`define SB_f3		'b000
-`define SH_f3		'b001
-`define SW_f3		'b010
-`define ADD_SUB_f3	'b000
-`define SLT_SLTI_f3	'b010
-`define SLTU_SLTIU_f3	'b011
-`define XOR_XORI_f3	'b100
-`define OR_ORI_f3	'b110
-`define AND_ANDI_f3	'b111
-`define SLL_SLLI_f3	'b001
-`define SR_SRI_f3	'b101
-`define ECALL_f3	'b000
-`define EBREAK_f3	'b000
-`define CSRRW_f3	'b001
-`define CSRRS_f3	'b010
-`define CSRRC_f3	'b011
-`define CSRRWI_f3	'b101
-`define CSRRSI_f3	'b110
-`define CSRRCI_f3	'b111
-`define MUL_f3		'b000
-`define MULH_f3		'b001
-`define MULHSU_f3	'b010
-`define MULHU_f3	'b011
-`define DIV_f3		'b100
-`define DIVU_f3		'b101
-`define REM_f3		'b110
-`define REMU_f3		'b111
-`define ATOMIC_f3	'b010
-`define FENCE_f3	'b000
-`define	FENCEI_f3	'b001
-////////////////////// opcode definitions of ISA ////////////////////////
-`define LUI_op				'b01101
-`define AUIPC_op			'b00101
-`define JAL_op				'b11011
-`define JALR_op				'b11001
-`define BRANCH_op			'b11000
-`define LOAD_op				'b00000
-`define FLOAD_op			'b00001
-`define STORE_op			'b01000
-`define FSTORE_op			'b01001
-`define IMM_ARITH_op	'b00100
-`define	ARITH_op			'b01100
-`ifdef RV64
-	`define IMM_ARITHW_op	'b00110
-	`define	ARITHW_op			'b01110
-	`define MULDIVW_op		'b01110
-`define	CSR_op				'b11100
-`define	MULDIV_op			'b01100
-`define	ATOMIC_op			'b01011
-`define	FMADD_op  		'b10000
-`define	FMSUB_op			'b10001
-`define	FNMSUB_op			'b10010
-`define	FNMADD_op			'b10011
-`define	FLOAT_op		'b10100
-`define	FENCE_op			'b00011
-/////////////// funct7 deifnition of ISA /////////////////////////////////
-`define	SLLI_f7		'b0000000
-`define	LOGIC_SHIFT_f7		'b0000000
-`define	ARITH_SHIFT_f7		'b0100000
-`define	ARITH_f7		'b0000000
-`define	SUB_f7			'b0100000
-`define	MULDIV_f7		'b0000001
-`define	SFENCE_VMA	'b0001001
-`define	LR_f5				'b00010
-`define	SC_f5				'b00011
-`define	AMOSWAP_f5	'b00001
-`define	AMOADD_f5		'b00000
-`define	AMOXOR_f5		'b00100
-`define	AMOAND_f5		'b01100
-`define	AMOOR_f5		'b01000
-`define	AMOMIN_f5		'b10000
-`define	AMOMAX_f5		'b10100
-`define	AMOMINU_f5	'b11000
-`define	AMOMAXU_f5	'b11100
-`define	AMOMIN_f5	'b10000
-`define	AMOMAX_f5	'b10100
-`define FADD_f5         'b00000
-`define FSUB_f5         'b00001
-`define FMUL_f5         'b00010
-`define FDIV_f5         'b00011
-`define FSQRT_f5        'b01011
-`define FP_OPCODE       'b0100
-`define FCMP_f5         'b10100
-`define FMMAX_f5        'b00101
-`define FCVT_F_I_f5     'b11010
-`define FCVT_I_F_f5     'b11000
-`define FSGNJN_f5       'b00100
-`define FCLASS_f5       'b11100
-`define FCVT_S_D_f5     'b01000
-`define FMV_X_S_f7      'b1110000
-`define FMV_S_X_f7      'b1111000
-`define FMV_X_D_f7      'b1110001
-`define FMV_D_X_f7      'b1111001
-///////////////// Event Values of Performance Counters ////////////////////
-`define PERFMONITORS							64
-`define	CYCLECOUNTERS						13
-`define ICACHE_MISS							0
-`define SPFPU_INST							`UNCOND_JUMPS+1
-`define DPFPU_INST							`SPFPU_INST+1
-`define TOTAL_STORES							`TOTAL_LOADS+1
-`define WB_FLUSHES							`EXEC_FLUSHES+1
-`define USERMODE_CYCLES						30
-`define MACHINEMODE_CYLES					32
-`define INTERRUPT_STALLS					34
-`define DFENCE_CYCLES						35	
-`define IFENCE_CYCLES						36
-`define DCACHE_MISS_CYCLES					37
-`define ICACHE_MISS_CYCLES					38
-`define FPBUSY_CYCLES						39
-`define TOTAL_STALL_CYCLES					41
-`define PAGEWALK_CYCLES						42
-`define COREBUS_CYCLES						43
-/*====== Define the slave number of each peripheral=== */
-//`ifdef simulate
-//	`define Sdram_slave_num					0 
-//	`define Sdram_cfg_slave_num		`Sdram_slave_num 
-//	`define BootRom_slave_num			`Sdram_cfg_slave_num+1
-//	`define Uart0_slave_num				`BootRom_slave_num+1
-//	`define Uart1_slave_num				`Uart0_slave_num+1
-//	`define Debug_slave_num				`Uart1_slave_num+1
-//	`define Plic_slave_num				`Debug_slave_num+1
-//	`define Qspi0_slave_num          `Plic_slave_num 
-//	`define Qspi1_slave_num          `Qspi0_slave_num
-//	`define Num_Slaves					`Qspi1_slave_num
-//	`define Uart0_slave_num           0
-//	`define Uart1_slave_num           1
-//	`define Qspi0_slave_num           2
-//	`define Qspi1_slave_num           3
-//	`define I2c0_slave_num				 4
-//	`define I2c1_slave_num            5
-//	`define Sdram_slave_num           6
-//	`define Sdram_cfg_slave_num		 7
-//	`define Dma_slave_num				 8
-//	`define Hyperflash_mem_slave_num  9
-//	`define Hyperflash_reg_slave_num  10
-//	`define Debug_slave_num				11
-//	`define AxiExp1_slave_num			12
-//	`define GPIO_slave_num				13
-//	`define BootRom_slave_num			14
-//	`define PLIC_slave_num				15
-//	`define TCM_slave_num				16
-/*=================================================== */
-/*===== Define the base address of each peripheral === */
-	`define DebugBase		'h00000000
-	`define DebugEnd		'h000000FF
-	`define BootRomBase  'h00001000
-	`define BootRomEnd   'h00010FFF
-	`define DMABase		'h00011600
-	`define DMAEnd			'h000116FF // TODO
-	`define SDRAMCfgBase	'h00011700
-	`define SDRAMCfgEnd  'h000117FF // 12 32-bit registers
-	`define TCMBase		'h00020000 // 
-	`define TCMEnd			'h00040000 // 128KB
-  `define VMEBase	'h40000000	
-	`define  VMEEnd  'h4FFFFFFF // 1GB
-    `ifdef FlexBus_verify
-        `define FlexBusBase 'h80000000
-        `define FlexBusEnd 'h8FFFFFFF
-    `else
-        `define FlexBusBase 'h50000000
-        `define FlexBusEnd 'h5FFFFFFF
-    `endif
-    `ifdef FlexBus_verify
-	    `define SDRAMMemBase	'h50000000	
-	    `define SDRAMMemEnd  'h5FFFFFFF // 1GB
-    `else
-	    `define SDRAMMemBase	'h80000000	
-	    `define SDRAMMemEnd  'h8FFFFFFF // 1GB
-    `endif
-	`define AxiExp1Base	'hC0000000
-	`define AxiExp1End	'hFFFFFFFF
-/*=================================================== */
-/*== Define the range of bytes per peripheral==== 
-`ifdef simulate
-	`define MemCRange		'h7FFFFFFF
-	`define ConfigMRange	'h3000
-	`define DebugRange		'h44  
-    `define BootRomRange       'hFFF         //4KB for Now
-	 `define GPIORange			 'h8				//2 registers for GPIO
-    `define UART0Range         'h38          //8 Registers
-    `define UART1Range         'h38          //2 registers
-    `define I2C0Range          'h38          //6 Registers. Adding +2 to just have a backup, if at all it might be required 
-    `define I2C1Range          'h38          //8 registers
-    `define DMARange           'hFF          
-    `define SDRAMCfgRange      'h58          //12 registers
-    `define QSPI0CfgRange      'h60          //13 registers
-    `define QSPI1CfgRange      'h60          //13 registers
-    `define HyperCfgRange      'h70          //15 registers
-    `define SDRAMMemRange      'hFFFFFFF     //512 MB
-    `define HyperMemRange      'hFFFFFFF     //512 MB
-	 `define QSPI0MemRange	    'h7FFFFFFF    //2 GB
-    `define QSPI1MemRange	    'h7FFFFFFF    //2 GB
-    `define AxiExpRange			 'hFFFFFFFF    //512 MB for now!
-    `define DebugRange         'h44          //16 Registers -- 32 bit
-	/*=================================================== */
diff --git a/src/core/core_parameters.bsv b/src/core/core_parameters.bsv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4afdb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/core/core_parameters.bsv
@@ -0,0 +1,456 @@
+`define RegFileSize 32 // describes the size of ht register file in the processor.
+`ifdef spfpu
+	`define FLEN 32
+`ifdef dpfpu
+	`define FLEN 64
+//`define fpu_hierarchical //Define this if you want hierarchical modules in verilog
+`include "instance_defines.bsv"
+//`define MMU
+`define PRFDEPTH 6
+`ifdef RV64
+	`define Burst_length_bits 8
+	`define byte_offset 2
+	`define DCACHE_ADDR 64
+	`define DCACHE_WORD_SIZE 8
+/////////////////////////////MMU parameters///////////////////////////////////
+`define OFFSET	12
+`define ASID		8
+	// TLM2 Request Response definitions for Processor to Bus connection
+	`define TLM_PRM_CPU_REQ 4, 64, 64, 5, Bit #(0)
+	`define TLM_PRM_CPU_RSP 4, 64, 64, 5, Bit #(0)
+	// TLM2 Request Response definitions for Memory to Bus connection
+	`define TLM_PRM_MEM_REQ 4, 64, 64, 5, Bit #(0)
+	`define TLM_PRM_MEM_RSP 4, 64, 64, 5, Bit #(0)
+	// Axi Request Response definitions for Processor as a Master
+	`define AXI_PRM_CPU	4, 64, 64, 5, Bit #(0)	// Fabric Interface
+	`define AXI_XTR_CPU TLMRequest #(`TLM_PRM_CPU_REQ), TLMResponse #(`TLM_PRM_CPU_RSP), `AXI_PRM_CPU // Transactor Interface
+	// Axi Request Response definitions for Memory as a Slave
+	`define AXI_PRM_MEM	4, 64, 64, 5, Bit #(0)	// Fabric Interface
+	`define AXI_XTR_MEM TLMRequest #(`TLM_PRM_MEM_REQ), TLMResponse #(`TLM_PRM_MEM_RSP), `AXI_PRM_MEM // Transactor Interface
+	`define byte_offset 1
+	`define Addr_width 32 // the address width
+	`define DCACHE_ADDR 32
+	`define DCACHE_WORD_SIZE 4
+	// TLM2 Request Response definitions for Processor to Bus connection
+	`define TLM_PRM_CPU_REQ 4, 32, 32, 5, Bit #(0)
+	`define TLM_PRM_CPU_RSP 4, 32, 32, 5, Bit #(0)
+	// TLM2 Request Response definitions for Memory to Bus connection
+	`define TLM_PRM_MEM_REQ 4, 32, 32, 5, Bit #(0)
+	`define TLM_PRM_MEM_RSP 4, 32, 32, 5, Bit #(0)
+	// Axi Request Response definitions for Processor as a Master
+	`define AXI_PRM_CPU	4, 32, 32, 5, Bit #(0)	// Fabric Interface
+	`define AXI_XTR_CPU TLMRequest #(`TLM_PRM_CPU_REQ), TLMResponse #(`TLM_PRM_CPU_RSP), `AXI_PRM_CPU // Transactor Interface
+	// Axi Request Response definitions for Memory as a Slave
+	`define AXI_PRM_MEM	4, 32, 32, 5, Bit #(0)	// Fabric Interface
+	`define AXI_XTR_MEM TLMRequest #(`TLM_PRM_MEM_REQ), TLMResponse #(`TLM_PRM_MEM_RSP), `AXI_PRM_MEM // Transactor Interface
+`define Loop 1
+`define BAUD_RATE 130
+`ifdef verilog
+	`define Addr_space 22	//since we are leaving off the lower 2 bits of address(byte addressable memory), we have to 
+	`define Addr_space 30
+`ifdef simulate
+  `define BAUD_RATE 5 //130 //
+`define INTERRUPT_PINS 64 
+// Branch_predictor_paramters
+/////////////////////////// CACHE RELATED PARAMETERS ////////////////////////////////
+`define DCACHE_WAYS 4
+`define DCACHE_SETS 512
+`define ICACHE_WAYS 4			// way_bits =2
+`define ICACHE_BLOCK_SIZE 8	// word_bits = 3
+`define ICACHE_SETS 512			// set_bits	=7
+`define ICACHE_WORD_SIZE 4		// byte_bits=2
+`define ICACHE_TAG_BITS 20		// tag_bits = 52
+`define DCACHE_TAG_BITS 20		// tag_bits = 52
+`define BTB_DEPTH			256
+`define RAS_DEPTH			8
+`ifdef RV64
+	`define MISA_BITS   'h141129 //'h082C849//// 'h40101121 // A + F + I + M + U 
+	`define MXL_BITS		'h2
+	`define MISA_BITS   'h082C849 // 'h40101121 // A + F + I + M + U 
+	`define MXL_BITS		'h1
+`define MTVEC_DEFAULT       'h00000000
+`define STVEC_DEFAULT       'h00000000
+`define UTVEC_DEFAULT       'h00000000
+/////////////////////////// Register Mapping for Machine Mode Regs /////////////////
+`define MSTATUS			'h00 //'h300 // Machine Status register                                
+`define MISA				'h01 //'h301 // ISA and extensions                                     
+`define MEDELEG			'h02 //'h302 // Machine exception delegation                               
+`define MIDELEG			'h03 //'h303 // Machine interrupt delegation                               
+`define MIE					'h04 //'h304 // Machine interrupt enable                                   
+`define MTVEC				'h05 //'h305 // Machine trap-handler base address                          
+`define MCOUNTEREN		'h06 //'h306 // Machine counter setup register                                  
+`define MHPMEVENTSTART	'h23 //'h323 // statr of event selectors
+`define MHPMEVENTEND		'h26 //'h326 // end of event selectors
+`define MSCRATCH			'h40 //'h340 // Scratch rgister for machine trap hanglers                  
+`define MEPC				'h41 //'h341 // Machine exception program counter                          
+`define MCAUSE				'h42 //'h342 // Machine trap cause                                         
+`define MTVAL				'h43 //'h343 // Machine bad address                                        
+`define MIP					'h44 //'h344 // Machine interrupt pending
+`define MPOWERCONTROL	'h45 //'h345 // 2 bits to control the power switches.
+`define PMPCFG0			'hA0 //'h3A0 // 
+`ifndef RV64
+	`define PMPCFG1			'hA1 //'h3A1 // Physical Memory Protection Configuration Registers 
+`define PMPCFG2			'hA2 //'h3A2 // Physical Memory Protection Configuration Registers 
+`ifndef RV64
+	`define PMPCFG3			'hA3 //'h3A3 // Physical Memory Protection Configuration Registers 
+`define PMPADDRSTART 'hB0 //PMP Address array start 
+`define PMPADDREND   'hB7 //PMP Address array end
+`define MCYCLE				'h00 //'hB00 // Machine cycle counter                                      
+`define MTIME				'h01 //'hB01	// mtime register (Non-standard r/w)
+`define MINSTRET			'h02 //'hB02 // Machine instructions retired.                              
+`define MHPMCOUNTSTART 	'h03 //'hB03 // start address for performance counters
+`define MHPMCOUNTEND 	'h05 //'hB05 // end address for performance counters
+`define MTIMECMP			'h20 //'hB20 //  time compare register (Non-standard r/w)
+`define MCYCLEH			'h80 //'hB80 // Upper 32 bits of mcycle                                   
+`define MTIMEH				'h81 //'hB81	// mtime hi-register (Non-standard r/w)
+`define MINSTRETH			'h82 //'hB82 // Upper 32 bits of minstret.                                 
+`define MHPMCOUNTHSTART 'h83 //'hB83 // start address for performance counters higher bits
+`define MHPMCOUNTHEND 	'h85 //'hB86 // end address for performance counters higher bits
+`define MTIMECMPH			'hA0 //'hBA0 //  time compare hi-register (Non-standard r/w)
+`define MHPMTHRESSTART	'hA3 //'hBA3 // start of counter-thresholds
+`define MHPMTHRESEND		'hA5 //'hBA6 // end of counter-thresholds
+`define MVENDORID			'h11 //'hF11 // Vendor ID                                                  
+`define MARCHID			'h12 //'hF12 // Architecture ID                                           
+`define MIMPID				'h13 //'hF13 // Implementation ID                                        
+`define MHARTID			'h14 //'hF14 // Hardware Thread ID                                      
+`define MBOOTSEQ			'h15 //'hF15 // Hardware Thread ID                                      
+`define MHPMTHRESHSTART	'hE0 //'h7E0 // start of counter-thresholds
+`define MHPMTHRESHEND	'hE2 //'h7FC // end of counter-thresholds
+/////////////////////////// Register Mapping for Supervisor Mode Regs /////////////////
+`define SSTATUS     'h00 //'h100 // Supervisor Status register                                
+`define SEDELEG     'h02 //'h102 // Supervisor exception delegation                               
+`define SIDELEG     'h03 //'h103 // Supervisor interrupt delegation                               
+`define SIE         'h04 //'h104 // Supervisor interrupt enable                                   
+`define STVEC       'h05 //'h105 // Supervisor trap-handler base address                          
+`define SCOUNTEREN  'h06 //'h106 // Supervisor counter setup register                                  
+`define SSCRATCH    'h40 //'h140 // Scratch register for supervisor trap hanglers                  
+`define SEPC        'h41 //'h141 // Supervisor exception program counter                          
+`define SCAUSE      'h42 //'h142 // Supervisor trap cause                                         
+`define STVAL		  'h43 //'h143 // Supervisor bad address or illegal instruction                                  
+`define SIP         'h44 //'h144 // Supervisor interrupt pending                                  
+`define SATP        'h80 //'h180 // Supervisor interrupt pending                                  
+/////////////////////////// Register Mapping for User Mode Regs /////////////////
+`define USTATUS		'h00 //'h000 // User status register
+`define FFLAGS			'h01 //'h001 // FP Accrued exceptions
+`define FRM				'h02 //'h002 // FP Dynamic rounding mode
+`define FCSR			'h03 //'h003 // FP Control and status register
+`define UIE				'h04 //'h004 // User interrupt enable register
+`define UTVEC			'h05 //'h005 // User trap handler base address
+`define USCRATCH		'h40 //'h040 // Scratch register for user trap handlers
+`define UEPC			'h41 //'h041 // User exception program counter
+`define UCAUSE			'h42 //'h042 // User trap cause
+`define UTVAL			'h43 //'h043 // User bad address or illegal instruction
+`define UIP				'h44 //'h044 // User interrupt pending
+`define UMEMSE			'h45 //'h045 // Machine Memory Structures enable
+`define UCYCLE			'h00 //'hC00 // cycle counter for RDCYCLE instruction.
+`define UTIME			'h01 //'hC01 // Tiemr for RDTIME instruction
+`define UINSTRET		'h02 //'hC02 // Instruction retired counter for RDINSTRET
+`define UCYCLEH		'h80 //'hC80 // Upper 32bits of UCYCLE
+`define UTIMEH			'h81 //'hC81 // Upper 32bits of UTIME
+`define UINSTRETH		'h82 //'hC82 // Upper 32bits of UINSTRET
+`define HPMCOUNTSTART	'h03 	//'hC03 // start address for performance counters
+`define HPMCOUNTEND		'h05  //'hC06 // start address for performance counters
+`define HPMCOUNTHSTART	'h83 	//'hC83 // start address for performance counters higher bits
+`define HPMCOUNTHEND		'h85  //'hC86 // end address for performance counters higher bits
+/////////// Debug registers //////////////////////////
+`define DCSR		'hb0 //'h7b0
+`define DPC			'hb1 //'h7b1
+`define DSCRATCH0	'hb2 //'h7b2
+`define DSCRATCH1	'hb3 //'h7b3
+`define DENTRY		'hb4 //'h7b4 // holds the address of the debug entry for self loop
+`define TSELECT	'ha0 // 'h7a0 // holds the tselect information
+`define TDATA1		'ha1 // 'h7a1 // holds the first trigger data
+`define TDATA2		'ha2 // 'h7a2 // holds the first trigger data
+//////////////////////////////////// funct3 defintions for ISA ////////////////////
+`define JALR_f3 'b000
+`define BEQ_f3	'b000
+`define BNE_f3 	'b001
+`define BLT_f3	'b100
+`define BGE_f3	'b101
+`define BLTU_f3	'b110
+`define BGEU_f3	'b111
+`define LB_f3		'b000
+`define Lh_f3		'b001
+`define LW_f3		'b010
+`define LBU_f3	'b100
+`define LHU_f3	'b101
+`define LWU_f3	'b110
+`define SB_f3		'b000
+`define SH_f3		'b001
+`define SW_f3		'b010
+`define ADD_SUB_f3	'b000
+`define SLT_SLTI_f3	'b010
+`define SLTU_SLTIU_f3	'b011
+`define XOR_XORI_f3	'b100
+`define OR_ORI_f3	'b110
+`define AND_ANDI_f3	'b111
+`define SLL_SLLI_f3	'b001
+`define SR_SRI_f3	'b101
+`define ECALL_f3	'b000
+`define EBREAK_f3	'b000
+`define CSRRW_f3	'b001
+`define CSRRS_f3	'b010
+`define CSRRC_f3	'b011
+`define CSRRWI_f3	'b101
+`define CSRRSI_f3	'b110
+`define CSRRCI_f3	'b111
+`define MUL_f3		'b000
+`define MULH_f3		'b001
+`define MULHSU_f3	'b010
+`define MULHU_f3	'b011
+`define DIV_f3		'b100
+`define DIVU_f3		'b101
+`define REM_f3		'b110
+`define REMU_f3		'b111
+`define ATOMIC_f3	'b010
+`define FENCE_f3	'b000
+`define	FENCEI_f3	'b001
+////////////////////// opcode definitions of ISA ////////////////////////
+`define LUI_op				'b01101
+`define AUIPC_op			'b00101
+`define JAL_op				'b11011
+`define JALR_op				'b11001
+`define BRANCH_op			'b11000
+`define LOAD_op				'b00000
+`define FLOAD_op			'b00001
+`define STORE_op			'b01000
+`define FSTORE_op			'b01001
+`define IMM_ARITH_op	'b00100
+`define	ARITH_op			'b01100
+`ifdef RV64
+	`define IMM_ARITHW_op	'b00110
+	`define	ARITHW_op			'b01110
+	`define MULDIVW_op		'b01110
+`define	CSR_op				'b11100
+`define	MULDIV_op			'b01100
+`define	ATOMIC_op			'b01011
+`define	FMADD_op  		'b10000
+`define	FMSUB_op			'b10001
+`define	FNMSUB_op			'b10010
+`define	FNMADD_op			'b10011
+`define	FLOAT_op		'b10100
+`define	FENCE_op			'b00011
+/////////////// funct7 deifnition of ISA /////////////////////////////////
+`define	SLLI_f7		'b0000000
+`define	LOGIC_SHIFT_f7		'b0000000
+`define	ARITH_SHIFT_f7		'b0100000
+`define	ARITH_f7		'b0000000
+`define	SUB_f7			'b0100000
+`define	MULDIV_f7		'b0000001
+`define	SFENCE_VMA	'b0001001
+`define	LR_f5				'b00010
+`define	SC_f5				'b00011
+`define	AMOSWAP_f5	'b00001
+`define	AMOADD_f5		'b00000
+`define	AMOXOR_f5		'b00100
+`define	AMOAND_f5		'b01100
+`define	AMOOR_f5		'b01000
+`define	AMOMIN_f5		'b10000
+`define	AMOMAX_f5		'b10100
+`define	AMOMINU_f5	'b11000
+`define	AMOMAXU_f5	'b11100
+`define	AMOMIN_f5	'b10000
+`define	AMOMAX_f5	'b10100
+`define FADD_f5         'b00000
+`define FSUB_f5         'b00001
+`define FMUL_f5         'b00010
+`define FDIV_f5         'b00011
+`define FSQRT_f5        'b01011
+`define FP_OPCODE       'b0100
+`define FCMP_f5         'b10100
+`define FMMAX_f5        'b00101
+`define FCVT_F_I_f5     'b11010
+`define FCVT_I_F_f5     'b11000
+`define FSGNJN_f5       'b00100
+`define FCLASS_f5       'b11100
+`define FCVT_S_D_f5     'b01000
+`define FMV_X_S_f7      'b1110000
+`define FMV_S_X_f7      'b1111000
+`define FMV_X_D_f7      'b1110001
+`define FMV_D_X_f7      'b1111001
+///////////////// Event Values of Performance Counters ////////////////////
+`define PERFMONITORS							64
+`define	CYCLECOUNTERS						13
+`define ICACHE_MISS							0
+`define SPFPU_INST							`UNCOND_JUMPS+1
+`define DPFPU_INST							`SPFPU_INST+1
+`define TOTAL_STORES							`TOTAL_LOADS+1
+`define WB_FLUSHES							`EXEC_FLUSHES+1
+`define USERMODE_CYCLES						30
+`define MACHINEMODE_CYLES					32
+`define INTERRUPT_STALLS					34
+`define DFENCE_CYCLES						35	
+`define IFENCE_CYCLES						36
+`define DCACHE_MISS_CYCLES					37
+`define ICACHE_MISS_CYCLES					38
+`define FPBUSY_CYCLES						39
+`define TOTAL_STALL_CYCLES					41
+`define PAGEWALK_CYCLES						42
+`define COREBUS_CYCLES						43
+/*====== Define the slave number of each peripheral=== */
+//`ifdef simulate
+//	`define Sdram_slave_num					0 
+//	`define Sdram_cfg_slave_num		`Sdram_slave_num 
+//	`define BootRom_slave_num			`Sdram_cfg_slave_num+1
+//	`define Uart0_slave_num				`BootRom_slave_num+1
+//	`define Uart1_slave_num				`Uart0_slave_num+1
+//	`define Debug_slave_num				`Uart1_slave_num+1
+//	`define Plic_slave_num				`Debug_slave_num+1
+//	`define Qspi0_slave_num          `Plic_slave_num 
+//	`define Qspi1_slave_num          `Qspi0_slave_num
+//	`define Num_Slaves					`Qspi1_slave_num
+//	`define Uart0_slave_num           0
+//	`define Uart1_slave_num           1
+//	`define Qspi0_slave_num           2
+//	`define Qspi1_slave_num           3
+//	`define I2c0_slave_num				 4
+//	`define I2c1_slave_num            5
+//	`define Sdram_slave_num           6
+//	`define Sdram_cfg_slave_num		 7
+//	`define Dma_slave_num				 8
+//	`define Hyperflash_mem_slave_num  9
+//	`define Hyperflash_reg_slave_num  10
+//	`define Debug_slave_num				11
+//	`define AxiExp1_slave_num			12
+//	`define GPIO_slave_num				13
+//	`define BootRom_slave_num			14
+//	`define PLIC_slave_num				15
+//	`define TCM_slave_num				16
+/*=================================================== */
+/*===== Define the base address of each peripheral === */
+	`define DebugBase		'h00000000
+	`define DebugEnd		'h000000FF
+	`define BootRomBase  'h00001000
+	`define BootRomEnd   'h00010FFF
+	`define DMABase		'h00011600
+	`define DMAEnd			'h000116FF // TODO
+	`define SDRAMCfgBase	'h00011700
+	`define SDRAMCfgEnd  'h000117FF // 12 32-bit registers
+	`define TCMBase		'h00020000 // 
+	`define TCMEnd			'h00040000 // 128KB
+  `define VMEBase	'h40000000	
+	`define  VMEEnd  'h4FFFFFFF // 1GB
+    `ifdef FlexBus_verify
+        `define FlexBusBase 'h80000000
+        `define FlexBusEnd 'h8FFFFFFF
+    `else
+        `define FlexBusBase 'h50000000
+        `define FlexBusEnd 'h5FFFFFFF
+    `endif
+    `ifdef FlexBus_verify
+	    `define SDRAMMemBase	'h50000000	
+	    `define SDRAMMemEnd  'h5FFFFFFF // 1GB
+    `else
+	    `define SDRAMMemBase	'h80000000	
+	    `define SDRAMMemEnd  'h8FFFFFFF // 1GB
+    `endif
+	`define AxiExp1Base	'hC0000000
+	`define AxiExp1End	'hFFFFFFFF
+/*=================================================== */
+/*== Define the range of bytes per peripheral==== 
+`ifdef simulate
+	`define MemCRange		'h7FFFFFFF
+	`define ConfigMRange	'h3000
+	`define DebugRange		'h44  
+    `define BootRomRange       'hFFF         //4KB for Now
+	 `define GPIORange			 'h8				//2 registers for GPIO
+    `define UART0Range         'h38          //8 Registers
+    `define UART1Range         'h38          //2 registers
+    `define I2C0Range          'h38          //6 Registers. Adding +2 to just have a backup, if at all it might be required 
+    `define I2C1Range          'h38          //8 registers
+    `define DMARange           'hFF          
+    `define SDRAMCfgRange      'h58          //12 registers
+    `define QSPI0CfgRange      'h60          //13 registers
+    `define QSPI1CfgRange      'h60          //13 registers
+    `define HyperCfgRange      'h70          //15 registers
+    `define SDRAMMemRange      'hFFFFFFF     //512 MB
+    `define HyperMemRange      'hFFFFFFF     //512 MB
+	 `define QSPI0MemRange	    'h7FFFFFFF    //2 GB
+    `define QSPI1MemRange	    'h7FFFFFFF    //2 GB
+    `define AxiExpRange			 'hFFFFFFFF    //512 MB for now!
+    `define DebugRange         'h44          //16 Registers -- 32 bit
+	/*=================================================== */