2017-01-10 Gustavo Zacariascollectd: fix libgcrypt support
2017-01-10 Fabio Estevamconfigs/mx6sx_udoo_neo: Bump to U-Boot 2017.01
2017-01-10 Vicente Olivert... php: bump version to 7.1.0 (security)
2017-01-10 Vicente Olivert... php-imagick: bump version to 3.4.3RC1
2017-01-10 Vicente Olivert... nano: bump version to 2.7.4
2017-01-10 Vicente Olivert... btrfs-progs: bump version to 4.9
2017-01-10 Stewart Smithkexec-lite: add KEXEC_LITE_LICENSE_FILES
2017-01-10 Peter Korsgaardflac: fix benchmark linking issue with older glibc...
2017-01-09 Francois Perradolimex_a20_olinuxino_lime: bump versions
2017-01-09 Francois Perradolimex_imx233_olinuxino: bump versions
2017-01-09 Fabio Estevamconfigs/warp7: Bump U-Boot to 2017.01 version
2017-01-09 Fabio Estevamuboot-tools: bump to version 2017.01
2017-01-09 Fabio Estevamboot/uboot: bump to version 2017.01
2017-01-09 Vicente Olivert... ser2net: bump version to 3.3
2017-01-09 Vicente Olivert... nano: bump version to 2.7.3
2017-01-09 Vicente Olivert... lua-messagepack: bump version to 0.4.0
2017-01-09 Peter Korsgaardlibnss: bump to version 3.27.2
2017-01-09 Peter Korsgaardlibnspr: bump to version 4.13.1
2017-01-09 Vicente Olivert... lttng-babeltrace: bump version to 1.5.1
2017-01-09 Gustavo Zacariasgnutls: security bump to version 3.5.8
2017-01-09 Vicente Olivert... imagemagick: bump version to 7.0.4-3 (security)
2017-01-09 Vicente Olivert... cjson: bump version to v1.2.0
2017-01-09 Gustavo Zacariassqlite: bump to version 3.16.2
2017-01-09 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libvpx: disable on blackfin
2017-01-09 Peter Korsgaardnmon: not available on uclibc/musl
2017-01-09 Peter Korsgaardmysql: propagate common dependencies to toplevel config
2017-01-09 Fabio Estevamgst1-plugins-bad: Add kmssink support
2017-01-09 Gustavo Zacariasmemcached: bump to version 1.4.34
2017-01-09 Gustavo Zacariaslinux: bump default to version 4.9.2
2017-01-09 Gustavo Zacariaslinux-headers: bump 4.{4, 8, 9}.x series
2017-01-09 Peter Korsgaardnodejs: bump to version 6.9.4
2017-01-09 Peter Korsgaardqextserialport: really disable target (and not staging...
2017-01-09 Francois Perradpkg-perl: set PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC
2017-01-09 Romain NaourDEVELOPERS: Add entry for upower
2017-01-09 Peter Korsgaardnodejs: re-add 6.x patches
2017-01-08 Waldemar Brodkorbuclibc: add locale/iconv related bugfixes
2017-01-08 Gustavo Sverzut... efl: optional 'upower' ecore system module.
2017-01-08 Romain Naourpackage/upower: new package
2017-01-08 Romain Naourpackage/x11r7/xserver_xorg-server: AIGLX Extension...
2017-01-08 David Bachelartpython-arrow: new package
2017-01-08 David Bachelartpython-chardet: new package
2017-01-08 David Bachelartpython-whoosh: new package
2017-01-08 David Bachelartnmon: new package
2017-01-08 Peter Korsgaardbash: add upstream fixes to patch level 5
2017-01-08 David Bachelartifenslave: new package
2017-01-08 Peter Korsgaardlibmad: disable ASO support for thumb-only ARM cores
2017-01-06 Waldemar Brodkorbuclibc: add kernel module syscall wrappers
2017-01-06 Gustavo Zacariaslibpng: bump to version 1.6.28
2017-01-06 Gustavo Zacariasharfbuzz: bump to version 1.4.1
2017-01-06 Peter Korsgaardlibvncserver: security bump to version 0.9.11
2017-01-06 Peter Korsgaardirssi: security bump to 0.8.21
2017-01-06 Gustavo Zacariaslinux: bump default to version 4.9.1
2017-01-06 Gustavo Zacariaslinux-headers: bump 4.{4, 8, 9}.x series
2017-01-06 Gustavo Zacariaslibnice: bump to version 0.1.13
2017-01-06 Yegor Yefremovpython-pudb: new package
2017-01-06 Gustavo Zacariasharfbuzz: bump to version 1.4.0
2017-01-06 Jerzy Grzegorekpackage/perl: change tarball compression to xz
2017-01-06 Baruch Siachmpd: needs toolchain with C++14 support
2017-01-06 Bernd Kuhlspackage/{mesa3d, mesa3d-headers}: bump version to 13.0.3
2017-01-06 Gustavo Zacariasheimdal: bump to version 7.1.0
2017-01-06 Marcus Hoffmanndocs: Add bc to required tools
2017-01-05 Gustavo Zacariaslibgtk3: bump to version 3.22.6
2017-01-05 Gustavo Zacariasgdk-pixbuf: bump to version 2.36.3
2017-01-04 Gustavo Zacariassamba4: bump to version 4.4.9
2017-01-04 Gustavo Zacariassqlite: bump to version 3.16.1
2017-01-04 Jörg Krausepackage/mpd: bump version to 0.20
2017-01-04 Baruch Siachfirmware-imx: remove Makefile from target
2017-01-04 Baruch Siachalsa-utils: disable manpages generation from reStructur...
2017-01-04 Yann E. MORINpackage/nut: bump version
2017-01-04 Francois Perradperl-cross: bump to version 1.1.2
2017-01-04 Francois Perradperl: bump to version 5.24.0
2017-01-04 Peter Korsgaardclamav: fix configure breakage after zlib 1.2.10 versio...
2017-01-04 Gustavo Zacariasca-certificates: bump to version 20161130
2017-01-04 Peter Korsgaardgd: security bump to version 2.2.3
2017-01-04 Peter Korsgaardlibopenh264: bump to version 1.6.0
2017-01-03 Gustavo Zacariasgranite: bump to version
2017-01-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/zlib: bump version to 1.2.10
2017-01-03 Gustavo Zacariasmpv: bump to version 0.23.0
2017-01-03 Gustavo Zacariasflac: bump to version 1.3.2
2017-01-03 Peter Korsgaardcollectd: fix riemann write plugin dependencies
2017-01-03 Peter Korsgaardriemann-c-client: new package
2017-01-03 Fabio Estevamconfigs/mx53loco: Bump kernel and U-Boot versions
2017-01-03 Gustavo Zacariasm4: bump to version 1.4.18
2017-01-03 Gustavo Zacariasmusl: security bump to version 1.1.16
2017-01-03 Gustavo Zacariasxz: bump to version 5.2.3
2017-01-03 Gustavo Zacariasfreetype: bump to version 2.7.1
2017-01-03 Gustavo Zacariassqlite: bump to version 3.16
2017-01-03 Gustavo Zacariasweston: fix DEPENDENCIES typo
2017-01-03 Gustavo Zacariasmpv: fix DEPENDENCIES typo
2017-01-01 Eric Le Bihanskalibs: make ld use dummy file when configuring
2017-01-01 Fabio Estevamudoo: mx6qdl: Use the preferred form for disabling...
2017-01-01 Romain Naourpackage/intltool: remove target variant
2017-01-01 Yann E. MORINpackage/systemd-bootchart: bump version
2016-12-31 Fabio Estevamconfigs/warpboard: Select BR2_ROOTFS_DEVICE_CREATION_DY...
2016-12-31 Fabio Estevamconfigs/warpboard: Bump kernel and U-Boot versions
2016-12-30 Jörg Krausepackage/busybox: add patch to fix dependency for IFUPDO...
2016-12-30 Jörg Krausepackage/busybox: update minimal configuration file
2016-12-30 Jörg Krausepackage/busybox: update configuration file
2016-12-30 Baruch Siachwireshark: fix build with musl
2016-12-30 Fabio Estevamconfigs/warp7: Add floating point support