2018-10-04 Asaf Kahlonpython-twisted: bump to version 18.7.0
2018-10-04 Asaf Kahlonpython-pyhamcrest: new package
2018-10-04 Asaf Kahlonpython-pyasn1-modules: new package
2018-10-04 Asaf Kahlonpython-passlib: new package
2018-10-04 Asaf Kahlonpython-pytrie: bump to version 0.3.1
2018-10-03 Asaf Kahlonpython-zope-interface: bump to version 4.5.0
2018-10-03 Asaf Kahlonpython-u-msgpack: bump to version 2.5.0
2018-10-03 Asaf Kahlonpython-txtorcon: bump to version 18.1.0
2018-10-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/vlc: fix linking with tremor
2018-10-03 Asaf Kahlonpython-subprocess32: bump to version 3.5.2
2018-10-03 Fabrice Fontainehaproxy: tweak thread activation
2018-10-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mesa3d: dri i965 driver needs headers >= 3.17
2018-10-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/ghostscript: fix removal of included lcms2
2018-10-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/samba4: Fix uClibc build on 64bit platforms...
2018-10-03 Peter Korsgaardpython-django: bump version to 1.11.16
2018-10-03 Peter Seiderercrda: bump version to 4.14
2018-10-03 Laurent Cansaircrack-ng: bump to version 1.4
2018-10-03 William Wennerströmrtl8188eu: bump to latest commit
2018-10-03 Peter Korsgaardstrongswan: add upstream security fix for CVE-2018...
2018-10-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/dovecot-pigeonhole: bump version to 0.5.3
2018-10-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/dovecot: bump version to 2.3.3
2018-10-03 Peter Korsgaardlinks: fix X11 library/includes detection
2018-10-03 Fabrice Fontainex265: disable parallel build
2018-10-03 Nikolay Dimitrovconfigs/riotboard: bump kernel to version 4.18.10
2018-10-02 Asaf Kahlonpython-txaio: bump to version 18.8.1
2018-10-02 Asaf Kahlonpython-sortedcontainers: bump to version 2.0.5
2018-10-02 Asaf Kahlonpython-sdnotify: bump to version 0.3.2
2018-10-02 Asaf Kahlonpython-pyopenssl: bump to version 18.0.0
2018-10-02 Asaf Kahlonpython-pynacl: bump to version 1.2.1
2018-10-01 Peter fix s/CC_TARGET_ARCH/GCC_TAR...
2018-10-01 Fabrice Fontainehaproxy: fix linking with lua
2018-10-01 Fabrice Fontainelua: fix dynamic library install
2018-10-01 Thomas Petazzonitoolchain-external: drop no longer needed CC_TARGET_...
2018-10-01 Thomas Petazzoniarch: drop BR2_GCC_TARGET_CPU_REVISION option
2018-10-01 Peter Korsgaardxen: security bump to version 4.10.2
2018-10-01 Peter Korsgaardstrongswan: add upstream security patch
2018-10-01 Fabrice Fontaineirqbalance: ui needs ncurses
2018-10-01 Thomas PetazzoniDEVELOPERS: remove Nathan Lynch
2018-10-01 Asaf Kahlonpython-pycparser: bump to version 2.19
2018-10-01 Peter Korsgaardlinux-firmware: fix tarball hash
2018-09-30 Fabrice Fontainesqlite: fix build without threads
2018-09-30 Asaf Kahlonpython-dateutil: bump to version 2.7.3
2018-09-30 Asaf Kahlonpython-ipaddress: bump to version 1.0.22
2018-09-30 Fabrice Fontainesg3_utils: bump to version 1.44
2018-09-30 Asaf Kahlonpython-futures: bump to version 3.2.0
2018-09-30 Fabrice Fontainebootutils: drop package
2018-09-30 Valentin Korenblitpackage/clang: bump to version 7.0.0
2018-09-30 Valentin Korenblitpackage/llvm: bump to version 7.0.0
2018-09-30 Romain Naourpackage/expedite: remove package
2018-09-30 Peter Seidererqt5: bump latest version to 5.11.2
2018-09-30 Bernd Kuhlspackage/opencv3: bump version to 3.4.3
2018-09-30 Bernd Kuhlspackage/freeswitch: bump version to 1.8.2
2018-09-30 Fabrice Fontainehaproxy: fix build with pcre2
2018-09-30 Romain Naourpackage/expedite: bump to the latest version
2018-09-30 Romain Naourpackage/efl: bump to version 1.21.1
2018-09-30 Fabrice Fontainebootutils: fix build with glibc 2.28
2018-09-30 Ferdinand van... sqlite: bump to version 3.25.2
2018-09-30 Fabrice Fontainemosquitto: security bump to version 1.5.3
2018-09-30 Asaf Kahlonpython-msgpack: bump to version 0.5.6
2018-09-30 Bernd Kuhlspackage/{mesa3d, mesa3d-headers}: bump version to 18.2.1
2018-09-30 Bernd Kuhlspackage/samba4: bump version to 4.9.1
2018-09-30 Bernd Kuhlspackage/apache: security bump to version 2.4.35
2018-09-30 Asaf Kahlonpython-engineio: bump to version 2.3.1
2018-09-30 Asaf Kahlonpython-cython: bump to version 0.28.5
2018-09-30 Gilles Talisiozone: bump to version 3_482
2018-09-30 Gilles Talishttping: add license hash
2018-09-30 Gilles Talisocrad: add license hash
2018-09-30 Gilles Talistesseract-ocr: bump to version 3.05.02
2018-09-30 Gilles Talisleptonica: bump to version 1.76.0
2018-09-30 Gilles Taliswebp: bump to version 1.0.0
2018-09-30 Peter Korsgaardbind: security bump to version 9.11.4-P2
2018-09-28 Asaf Kahlonpython-engineio: bump to version 2.3.0
2018-09-28 Fabrice Fontainehaproxy: security bump to 1.8.14
2018-09-28 Fabrice Fontainexl2tp: bump to version 1.3.12
2018-09-28 Peter Korsgaardghostscript: security bump to version 9.25
2018-09-28 Peter Korsgaardglibc: bump version for post-2.28 fixes
2018-09-28 Asaf Kahlonpython-psutil: bump to version 5.4.7
2018-09-28 Asaf Kahlonpython-lmdb: bump to version 0.94
2018-09-28 Asaf Kahlonpython-jinja2: bump to version 2.10
2018-09-28 Asaf Kahlonpython-incremental: bump to version 17.5.0
2018-09-28 Asaf Kahlonpython-hyperlink: bump to version 18.0.0
2018-09-28 Asaf Kahlonpython-automat: bump to version 0.7.0
2018-09-28 Asaf Kahlonpython-autobahn: bump to version 18.9.2
2018-09-28 Asaf Kahlonpython-attrs: bump to version 18.2.0
2018-09-27 Fabrice Fontainehaproxy: new package
2018-09-27 Petr Vorelltp-testsuite: Bump to version 20180926
2018-09-27 Peter Seiderere2fsprogs: fix musl compile (__GNUC_PREREQ related)
2018-09-27 Erico Nuneslinux-firmware: bump version and fix hash
2018-09-27 Zoltan Gyarmatiquazip: upgrade to 0.7.6
2018-09-27 Erico Nunesconfigs/pc: bump kernel version
2018-09-27 Fabrice Fontainenilfs-utils: drop NPTL dependency
2018-09-27 Fabrice Fontainenilfs-utils: no comment if BR2_USE_MMU is true
2018-09-27 Peter Korsgaardsedutil: new package
2018-09-27 Peter Korsgaardwireguard: bump version to 0.0.20180925
2018-09-27 Fabrice Fontainencmpc: fix build with gcc 4.9
2018-09-27 Giulio Benettichrony: fix build failure due to missing inclusion...
2018-09-26 Asaf KahlonDEVELOPERS: add myself for python-lxml
2018-09-26 Fabio Estevamlinux-headers: bump 4.{4, 9, 14, 18}.x series
2018-09-26 Fabio Estevamlinux: bump default to version 4.18.10
2018-09-25 Asaf Kahlonccache: bump to version 3.4.3