2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonimidori: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonimcrypt: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonimake: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonimadplay: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniltris: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilshw: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilinux-tools: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilinux-pam: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilightning: remove -lintl linking
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilibvips: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilibv4l: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilibuio: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilibidn: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilibgpg-error: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilibglib2: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilibftdi1: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilibconfuse: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilbreakout2: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonikbd: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonijson-glib: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonihttping: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonigrep: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonignuchess: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonigmpc: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniglib-networking: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonigit: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonigdbm: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniflex: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonifetchmail: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniexiv2: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonielfutils: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniefibootmgr: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonidropwatch: use new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonidos2unix: use new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonidnsmasq: use new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniding-libs: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonidiffutils: use new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonicurlftpfs: use new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonicryptsetup: use new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonicoreutils: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniclamav: use new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonibinutils: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniaxel: use the new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniavahi: use new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonialsa-utils: use new gettext logic
2017-07-04 Thomas PetazzoniRevert "gettext: build libintl unconditionally for...
2017-07-04 Romain Naourpackage/kvazaar: needs BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SYNC_4
2017-07-04 Romain Naourpackage/kvazaar: needs C++ compiler
2017-07-04 Romain Naourpackage/kvazaar: add host-pkgconf dependency
2017-07-04 Sébastien Szymanskipackage/mke2img: remove package
2017-07-04 Sébastien Szymanskifs/ext2: use mkfs to generate rootfs image
2017-07-04 Samuel Martinfs/ext2: deprecate BR2_TARGET_ROOTFS_EXT2_EXTRA_INODES...
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardgnutls: bump to version 3.5.14
2017-07-04 Yann E. MORINutils/brmake: print the error code of the build
2017-07-04 Romain Naourpackage/ratpoison: needs MMU
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonigettext: build libintl unconditionally for uClibc/musl
2017-07-04 Yann E. MORINpackage/ifupdown-scripts: allow use with a custom skeleton
2017-07-04 Yann E. MORINpackage/ifupdown-scripts: new package
2017-07-04 Maxime Hadjinlianlinux-firmware: add qca6174{bt} firmware
2017-07-04 Peter KorsgaardUpdate for 2017.05.1
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaarddocs/website: update for 2017.05.1
2017-07-04 Peter KorsgaardUpdate for 2017.02.4
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaarddocs/website: update for 2017.02.4
2017-07-04 Eric Le Bihanskalibs: fix bashism in type sizes patch
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonipackage/ fix musl handling
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonipackage/ introduce TARGET_NLS_{DEPENDENCIES...
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonisystem: introduce BR2_SYSTEM_ENABLE_NLS
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonipackage: rename DISABLE_NLS to NLS_OPTS
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonigettext: force build libintl if needed
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonitoolchain: introduce BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_FULL_GETTEXT
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniuclibc: enable libintl stubs
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniushare: do not use the DISABLE_NLS variable
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilvm2: force disable NLS support
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniflex: remove bogus comment
2017-07-04 Thomas Petazzonilibglib2: disable compiler warnings
2017-07-04 Romain Naourpackage/strace: fix nios2_sp_ptr definition
2017-07-04 Benoît Allardsyslinux: drop patch 0003, not needed after gnu-efi...
2017-07-04 Bartosz Golaszewskilibusb-compat: fix a build issue with undefined PATH_MAX
2017-07-04 Matthew Shyulinux-fusion: fix build issue with Linux >= 4.7
2017-07-04 Yann E. MORINpackage/systemd: needs timezone info
2017-07-04 Romain Naourboot/syslinux: disable syslinux legacy-BIOS for broken...
2017-07-04 Romain Naourtoolchain: CodeSourcery AMD64 affected by PR19615
2017-07-04 Wolfgang Grandeggerpackage/qt5base: provide "qt.conf" to make "qmake"...
2017-07-04 Wolfgang Grandeggersupport/scripts: add script for SDK...
2017-07-04 Maxime Hadjinlianspidev-test: s/BR2_DL_DIR/DL_DIR/
2017-07-04 Maxime Hadjinliankodi: s/BR2_DL_DIR/DL_DIR/
2017-07-04 Maxime Hadjinlianmanual: add documentation about DL_DIR
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardgst1-rtsp-server: bump version to 1.12.1
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardgst1-validate: bump version to 1.12.1
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardgst1-plugins-bad: bump version to 1.12.1
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardgst1-plugins-ugly: bump version to 1.12.1
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardgst1-plugins-good: bump version to 1.12.1
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardgst1-plugins-base: bump version to 1.12.1
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardgst1-libav: bump version to 1.12.1
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardgst-omx: bump version to 1.12.1
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardgst1-vaapi: bump version to 1.12.1
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardgstreamer1: bump to version 1.12.1
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardlibmad: add security patch from debian
2017-07-04 Peter Korsgaardicu: propagate host gcc dependency to reverse dependencies
2017-07-04 Vicente Olivert... gst1-rtsp-server: bump version to 1.12.0