2016-05-11 Peter Korsgaardandroid-tools: adb/adbd sub options use fork(), need MMU
2016-05-11 Peter Korsgaardandroid-tools: fix indentation
2016-05-11 Fabio Estevamimx6ulevk: readme: Update the rootfs type to ext4
2016-05-11 Fabio Estevamlinux: Bump default to version 4.5.4
2016-05-11 Gustavo Zacariaslibarchive: add security patch for CVE-2016-1541
2016-05-11 Gustavo Zacariaslinux-headers: bump 3.{14, 18}.x and 4.{1, 4, 5}.x...
2016-05-11 Bernd Kuhlspackage/kodi-screensaver/visualisation-*: allow OpenGL...
2016-05-11 Bernd Kuhlspackage/kodi-visualisation-shadertoy: needs libglew...
2016-05-11 Bernd Kuhlspackage/kodi-screensaver-rsxs: needs xlib_libXmu
2016-05-11 Bernd Kuhlspackage/kodi-screensaver-asterwave: needs libglu
2016-05-11 Bernd Kuhlspackage/kodi-visualisation-shadertoy: needs libplatform
2016-05-11 Bernd Kuhlspackage/kodi-{screensaver,visualisation}-*: fix comments
2016-05-11 Waldemar Brodkorbm68k: fix open issues with qemu coldfire
2016-05-11 Yegor Yefremovpython-coherence: fix twisted detection
2016-05-11 Danomi Manchegolibinput: fix variable name typo
2016-05-10 Peter KorsgaardUpdate for 2016.05-rc1
2016-05-10 Gustavo Zacariasimagemagick: security bump to version 6.9.4-1
2016-05-10 Gustavo Zacariasphp-geoip: fix legal info
2016-05-10 Gustavo Zacariaslibksba: security bump to version 1.3.4
2016-05-10 Vicente Olivert... qemu: bump version to
2016-05-10 Gustavo Zacariaslibglib2: bump to version 2.48.1
2016-05-10 Yegor Yefremovlksctp-tools: bump to version 1.0.17
2016-05-10 Gustavo Zacariassmartmontools: bump to version 6.5
2016-05-10 Gustavo Zacariassquid: bump to version 3.5.19
2016-05-10 Gustavo Zacariaslibgtk3: bump to version 3.20.4
2016-05-09 Bernd Kuhlspackage/ffmpeg: bump version to 2.8.7
2016-05-09 Martin Barkpackage/nodejs: bump version to 0.10.45
2016-05-09 Martin Barkpackage/nodejs: bump version to 6.1.0
2016-05-09 Gustavo Zacariasglib-networking: bump to version 2.48.2
2016-05-09 Bernd Kuhlspackage/clamav: bump version to 0.99.2
2016-05-09 Bernd Kuhlspackage/{mesa3d, mesa3d-headers}: bump version to 11.2.2
2016-05-09 Gustavo Zacariasgvfs: bump to version 1.28.2
2016-05-09 Gustavo Zacariaslibglib2: remove gdbus-codegen from target
2016-05-09 Yann E. MORINlegacy: i386 is legacy, inform the user
2016-05-09 Bernd Kuhlspackage/freeswitch: Fix added license
2016-05-09 Vicente Olivert... mc: bump version to 4.8.17
2016-05-09 Vicente Olivert... lvm2: bump version to 2.02.153
2016-05-09 Fabio Estevamconfigs: warpboard: Use the final U-boot release version
2016-05-08 Yann E. MORINboards/raspberrypi0: new board
2016-05-08 Yann E. MORINpackage/rpi-firmware: bump version for rpi0
2016-05-08 Brian 'redbeard... fs/common: fix typo in comments
2016-05-08 Yann E. MORINRevert "package/kodi: optimise for RPi2"
2016-05-08 Gustavo Zacariassquid: security bump to version 3.5.18
2016-05-08 Bernd Kuhlspackage/freeswitch: bump version to 1.6.8
2016-05-08 Thomas Petazzonitoolchain-external: fix registration of hook for Source...
2016-05-08 Fabio Estevamconfigs/imx6ulevk: Use ext4 as filesystem type
2016-05-07 Christian Stewartpackage/go: bump version to 1.6.2
2016-05-07 Mike Williamsbluez5_utils: start systemd service on boot
2016-05-07 Mike Williamsbluez5_utils: bump to version 5.39
2016-05-07 Jerzy Grzegorekimagemagick: bump to version 6.9.3-10
2016-05-07 Jörg Krausetaskd: add patch to fix musl build issue
2016-05-07 Jörg Krauseswupdate: bump to version 2016.04
2016-05-06 Jörg Krauseuboot-tools: add patch to fix linking with libubootenv
2016-05-06 Jörg Krauseuboot-tools: install libubootenv to staging
2016-05-06 Gustavo Zacariasxserver_xorg-server: use -O2 build optimization level
2016-05-06 Yegor Yefremovbarebox: add an option to embed environment image
2016-05-06 Jörg Krausemacchanger: add patch to fix musl build
2016-05-06 Jörg Krausemacchanger: bump to version 1.7.0
2016-05-06 Yegor Yefremovpython-cffi: bump to version 1.6.0
2016-05-06 Yegor Yefremovpython-twisted: bump to version 16.1.1
2016-05-06 Julien BOIBESSOTboard: add a readme for Armadeus boards
2016-05-05 Gustavo Zacariasmpv: jack/sdl/sdl2 require 64-bit sync intrinsics
2016-05-05 Yegor Yefremovpython-singledispatch: add missing runtime dependency
2016-05-05 Martin Barkpackage/nginx: add debug logging support
2016-05-05 Martin Barkpackage/nginx: add thread pool support
2016-05-05 Martin Barkpackage/nginx: add support for stream proxy modules
2016-05-05 Martin Barkpackage/nginx: bump version to 1.10.0
2016-05-05 Martin Barkpackage/nginx: fix error is nginx.service
2016-05-05 Martin Barkpackage/nginx: fix mail modules not building
2016-05-05 Gustavo Zacariaslinux: bump defaut to version 4.5.3
2016-05-05 Gustavo Zacariaslinux-headers: bump 3.14.x and 4.{4, 5}.x series
2016-05-05 Gustavo Zacariasconfigs/freescale_mpc8315erdb: bump to kernel 4.5.3
2016-05-05 Gustavo Zacariasconfigs/freescale_p1010rdb_pa: lock down binutils version
2016-05-05 Gustavo Zacariasconfigs/freescale_mpc8315erdb: lock down binutils version
2016-05-05 Martin Barkpackage/ca-certificates: depend on host-python or host...
2016-05-05 Gustavo Zacariasconfigs/qemu: bump to the latest version
2016-05-05 Gustavo Zacariasconfigs/qemu: use zImage for sh4/sh4eb samples
2016-05-05 Peter Korsgaarduboot: ensure u-boot-dtb.img gets built if enabled
2016-05-05 Gustavo Zacariasgst1-plugins-bad: add rtmp support
2016-05-05 Gustavo Zacariasgst1-plugins-bad: remove rtp plugin option
2016-05-05 Gustavo Zacariasgst1-plugins-bad: remove mpg123 plugin option
2016-05-05 Romain Izardcore/pkg-kconfig: Use olddefconfig when available
2016-05-05 Baruch Siachtiff: update homepage link
2016-05-04 Gustavo Zacariaswireless-regdb: bump to version 2016.05.02
2016-05-04 Gustavo Zacariasbind: security bump to version 9.10.4
2016-05-04 Vicente Olivert... vlc: bump version to 2.2.3
2016-05-04 Vicente Olivert... mutt: bump version to 1.6.1
2016-05-04 Vicente Olivert... lvm2: bump version to 2.02.152
2016-05-04 Vicente Olivert... git: bump version to 2.8.2
2016-05-04 Gustavo Zacariasopenssl: security bump to version 1.0.2h
2016-05-03 Baruch Siachwpa_supplicant: add security fixes
2016-05-03 Baruch Siachhostapd: add security fix
2016-05-02 Gustavo Zacariasx264: needs madvise(), disable for bfin external toolchain
2016-05-02 Gustavo Zacariasharfbuzz: bump to version 1.2.7
2016-05-02 Gustavo Zacariasntp: security bump to version 4.2.8p7
2016-05-02 Gustavo Zacariassamba4: bump to version 4.4.3
2016-05-01 Waldemar Brodkorbopencv: fix compile issues
2016-05-01 Gustavo Zacariaslinux-headers: bump 3.2.x series
2016-05-01 Romain Naourluajit: fix host installation
2016-05-01 Vicente Olivert... php-zmq: bump version to 1.1.3