2014-11-11 Florent Kermarrecphy: send 2 ALIGN primitives every 256 DWORDs
2014-11-04 Florent Kermarreclink: add SATALinkLayer skeleton (wip)
2014-11-04 Florent Kermarreclink: improve crc_tb/ preamble_tb and increase length
2014-11-04 Florent Kermarreclink: add Scrambler and testbench
2014-11-04 Florent Kermarreclink: add CRC and testbench
2014-11-03 Florent Kermarrecsata/link: add crc and scrambler C models from SATA...
2014-11-03 Florent Kermarrecmove code and create a directory for each layer
2014-10-28 Florent Kermarrecremove DRP ports (won't be used for now)
2014-10-28 Florent Kermarrecvarious fixes and simplifications, SATA1 & SATA2 OK
2014-10-24 Florent Kermarrecplatforms: merge but keep support for iMPACT for now...
2014-10-16 Florent Kermarrecctrl: drive txcomwake and not gtx.txcomwake in K7SATAPH...
2014-09-30 Florent Kermarrecrevert simulation design and add wave
2014-09-30 Florent Kermarrecadd .payload. to Sink and Source to be compatible with...
2014-09-30 Florent Kermarrecinstanciate GTXE2_COMMON (seems recommended in AR43339)
2014-09-30 Florent Kermarrectest to visualize OOB with Miscope
2014-09-30 Florent Kermarrecuse SGMII clk (125MHz) and SFP for test on KC705
2014-09-29 Florent Kermarrecsimplify and clean up
2014-09-29 Florent Kermarrecsim working
2014-09-29 Florent Kermarrecfix alignment (still some transmissions errors -->...
2014-09-27 Florent Kermarrecfix and simplify ctrl fsms, OOB OK, align KO
2014-09-27 Florent Kermarrecgtx: add resynchronization on control signals
2014-09-27 Florent Kermarrecmmcm: configure default divider with default_speed
2014-09-27 Florent Kermarrecadd tx_reset_fsm and rx_reset_fsm
2014-09-27 Florent Kermarrecreorganize code
2014-09-27 Florent Kermarrecclocking: clean up and add comments
2014-09-26 Florent Kermarrechost and device communicate with OOB, now need to fix...
2014-09-26 Florent Kermarrecreset and lock of PLL OK. We see OOB signals on the...
2014-09-26 Florent Kermarrecadd modelsim simulation and start fixing init
2014-09-25 Florent Kermarrecmodify TestDesign to be able to simulate phy with host...
2014-09-25 Florent Kermarrecmove some logic outside of GTX
2014-09-25 Florent Kermarrecclean up (thanks to Sebastien)
2014-09-24 Florent Kermarrecintegrate phy in test design and start fix syntax errors
2014-09-24 Florent Kermarrecinstanciate device or host controller
2014-09-24 Florent Kermarrecmanage clock domain crossing and data width conversion...
2014-09-24 Florent Kermarreccreate sata clock (sata_tx/2 for a 32 bits data path)
2014-09-24 Florent Kermarrecrealign rxdata / rxcharisk directly in gtx
2014-09-24 Florent Kermarrecadd device ctrl skeleton (we will use it for simulation...
2014-09-24 Florent Kermarrecmore ctrl skeleton
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarrecadd ctrl skeleton
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarrecrearrange code and remove datapath for now
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarrecclean up and add K7SATAGTXReconfig skeleton (empty...
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarrecremove GTXE2_COMMON (we use in fact CPLL and not QPLL...
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarrecadd data path from another design (need to be adapted...
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarrecadd SATAGTX with RX/TX clocking and reset (no DRP for...
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarrecadd dict for fbdiv computation on GTXE2_COMMON
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarreccreate and move GTXE2 primitive inside
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarreccreate GTXE2_CHANNEL & GTXE2_COMMON class / add IO...
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarrecfill GTXE2_COMMON constants parameters and signals...
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarrecfill GTXE2_CHANNEL constants parameters and signals...
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarreck7sataphy: add GTXE2_COMMON instance skeleton
2014-09-23 Florent Kermarreck7sataphy: add GTXE2_CHANNEL instance skeleton
2014-09-22 Florent Kermarrecinit with repo with simple TestDesign