2019-06-17 Peter Korsgaardpackage/wireguard: bump version to 0.0.20190601
2019-06-17 Bartosz Bilasconfigs/bananapro: bump Linux to 5.1.1
2019-06-17 Nylon Chenpackage/gdb: disable for nds32
2019-06-17 Pierre-Jean... package/libsocketcan: add license file details
2019-06-17 Pierre-Jean... package/libsocketcan: bump to version 0.0.11
2019-06-17 Bernd Kuhlspackage/waylandpp: bump version
2019-06-17 Bernd Kuhlspackage/pugixml: enable host build
2019-06-17 Bernd Kuhlspackage/flatbuffers: enable host build
2019-06-17 Bernd Kuhlspackage/flatbuffers: bump version to v1.11.0
2019-06-17 Peter Korsgaard{linux, linux-headers}: bump 4.{4, 9, 14, 19}.x / 5...
2019-06-17 James Hilliardpackage/meson: bump to version 0.51.0
2019-06-13 Peter Korsgaardpackage/dbus: security bump to version 1.12.16
2019-06-13 Esben Haabendalpackage/openblas: Handle new westmere target architecture
2019-06-13 Esben Haabendalarch: Add support for Westmere targets
2019-06-11 Ryan Coepackage/mariadb: security bump to version 10.3.15
2019-06-11 Bernd Kuhlspackage/freeswitch: add optional support for libopenh264
2019-06-11 Bernd Kuhlspackage/freeswitch: bump version to 1.8.6
2019-06-11 Fabrice Fontainepackage/git: fix build with curl
2019-06-11 Pierre-Jean... package/rauc: add license file details
2019-06-11 Pierre-Jean... package/rauc: bump to version 1.1
2019-06-11 Asaf Kahlonpackage/python-psutil: bump to version 5.6.3
2019-06-11 Asaf Kahlonpackage/python-paramiko: bump to version 2.5.0
2019-06-11 Asaf Kahlonpackage/python-lxml: bump to version 4.3.4
2019-06-10 Bernd Kuhlspackage/vlc: bump version to 3.0.7
2019-06-10 Adam Duskettpackage/libglib2: bump to version 2.60.3
2019-06-10 Fabrice Fontainepackage/mdadm: bump to version 4.1
2019-06-10 Fabrice Fontainepackage/mdadm: fix patch number
2019-06-10 Vadim Kochanpackage/git: bump to version 2.22.0
2019-06-10 Fabrice Fontainepackage/poppler: needs wchar
2019-06-10 Jörg Krausepackage/gerbera: add upstream patch to fix find_program...
2019-06-10 Jörg Krausepackage/taglib: add upstream patch to fix taglib-config
2019-06-10 Pierre-Jean... package/swupdate: bump to version 2019.04
2019-06-10 Joris Offougaconfigs/imx7dpico: Add Wifi support
2019-06-10 Joris Offougaconfigs/imx7dpico: Bump Linux and U-Boot
2019-06-10 Joris Offougaboards/freescale/common: Introduce genimage.cfg.templat...
2019-06-10 Fabrice Fontainepackage/weston: drop unneeded first patch
2019-06-10 Mirza Krakpackage/pkg-golang: do not set static linking for host...
2019-06-10 Julien Olivainconfigs/imx8mmpico: new defconfig
2019-06-10 Julien Olivainboard/freescale/common/imx: add support for i.MX8MM
2019-06-10 Julien Olivainpackage/imx-mkimage: add support for i.MX8MM
2019-06-10 Julien Olivainpackage/freescale-imx/firmware-imx: add support for...
2019-06-10 Julien Olivainpackage/freescale-imx: add option for i.MX8MM
2019-06-10 Fabrice Fontainepackage/weston: fix build with headers < 4.4
2019-06-10 Jan Kundrátdocs: use-case for un-ignoring VCS directories and...
2019-06-10 Fabrice Fontainepackage/openjdk: set PATH before calling make
2019-06-10 Julien Olivainmanual/contribute.txt: fix typo
2019-06-10 Fabrice Fontainepackage/ncmpc: fix build without NLS
2019-06-10 Fabrice Fontainepackage/openzwave: needs NPTL
2019-06-10 Fabrice Fontainepackage/libgit2: security bump to version 0.27.8
2019-06-10 Fabrice Fontainepackage/samba4: drop third patch
2019-06-10 Francois Perradpackage/perl-www-form-urlencoded: bump to version 0.26
2019-06-10 Francois Perradpackage/perl-net-http: bump to version 6.19
2019-06-10 Francois Perradpackage/perl-libwww-perl: bump to version 6.39
2019-06-10 Francois Perradpackage/perl-date-manip: bump to version 6.77
2019-06-10 Francois Perradpackage/perl-cookie-baker: bump to version 0.11
2019-06-10 Adam Duskettmender-grubenv: new package
2019-06-10 Petr Voreliputils: set the permissions with IPUTILS_PERMISSIONS
2019-06-10 Fabrice Fontainepackage/collectd: add write_redis support
2019-06-10 Fabrice Fontainepackage/collectd: add redis support
2019-06-10 Jan KundrátAllow overriding the VCS exclude list with *_OVERRIDE_S...
2019-06-09 Fabrice Fontainepackage/collectd: add amqp support
2019-06-09 Fabrice Fontainepackage/samba4: drop unneeded second patch
2019-06-09 Fabrice Fontainepackage/gpsd: fix isync build without nmea
2019-06-09 Francois Perradpackage/luarocks: fix test file creation on br-external
2019-06-09 Francois Perradutils/scancpan: fix test file creation on br-external
2019-06-09 Fabrice Fontainepackage/iputils: fix build without setcap
2019-06-09 Fabrice Fontainepackage/iputils: fix license
2019-06-09 Fabrice Fontainepackage/iputils: fix build with NLS
2019-06-09 Fabrice Fontainepackage/iputils: fix IDN support
2019-06-09 Fabrice Fontainepackage/poppler: needs dynamic library
2019-06-09 Fabrice Fontainepackage/libevent: fix build with openssl
2019-06-08 Arnout Vandecappelle... package/poppler: use THREAD_PTHREAD_ARG=OFF
2019-06-08 Sébastien Szymanskilinux/linux-ext-xenomai: add check-package exclusion...
2019-06-08 Atharva Leleutils/genrandconfing: randomly enable BR2_REPRODUCIBLE...
2019-06-08 James Hilliardpackage/gstreamer1/gst1-plugins-bad: add wpe plugin...
2019-06-08 Fabrice Fontainepackage/iputils: fix static build with gcrypt
2019-06-08 Fabrice Fontainepackage/mpd: fix static build with tremor and vorbis
2019-06-08 Fabrice Fontainepackage/mpd: drop tremor select
2019-06-08 Fabrice Fontainepackage/opencv3: objdetect needs calib3d
2019-06-08 Arnout Vandecappelle... package/poppler: add missing end-of-line backslash
2019-06-08 Mirza Krakpackage/pkg-golang: add cflags/ldflags to GO_HOST_ENV
2019-06-08 Fabrice Fontainepackage/poppler: fix build with cmake < 3.10
2019-06-08 Fabrice Fontainepackage/openzwave: needs dynamic library
2019-06-08 Fabrice Fontainepackage/grpc: fix build with uclibc on x86_64
2019-06-08 Fabrice Fontainepackage/libva: fix build with gcc < 5
2019-06-08 Adam Duskettpackage/gstreamer1/gst1-plugins-bad: bluez-plugin depen...
2019-06-08 Pierre-Jean... package/libubootenv: fix build with 'nothread' toolchain
2019-06-08 Nicolas Serafinipackage/exiv2: cleanup options and licenses
2019-06-08 Esben Haabendalarch: Fix typo breaking use of core-avx2 arch
2019-06-08 Asaf Kahlonpackage/uftp: bump to version 4.9.11
2019-06-08 Pierre-Jean... package/libevent: bump to version 2.1.10
2019-06-08 Francois Perradpackage/luarocks: bump to version 3.1.3
2019-06-07 Peter Korsgaarddocs/website: update for 2019.02.3
2019-06-07 Peter KorsgaardUpdate for 2019.02.3
2019-06-06 Romain Naourpackage/gdb: remove gdb 8.0.x
2019-06-06 Romain Naourpackage/gdb: switch to 8.2 as the default version
2019-06-06 Romain Naourpackage/gdb: bump to version 8.3
2019-06-06 Pierre-Jean... package/nanomsg: fix legal-info failure
2019-06-06 Romain Naourpackage/python-numpy: bump to version 1.16.4
2019-06-06 Bartosz Golaszewskilibgpiod: bump version to v1.4