2018-04-09 Fabrice FontaineDEVELOPERS: add myself for libcap-ng
2018-04-09 Fabio Estevamlinux-headers: bump 4.16.x series
2018-04-09 Fabio Estevamlinux: bump default to version 4.16.1
2018-04-09 Erik Larssonfreescale-imx: add config option for i.MX8M
2018-04-09 Erik Larssonimx-mkimage: new package
2018-04-09 Romain Naourpackage/flare-game: new package
2018-04-09 Thomas Petazzonipackage/flare-engine: fix license
2018-04-09 Romain Naourpackage/flare-engine: new package
2018-04-09 Fabio Estevamconfigs/wandboard: bump to kernel 4.16
2018-04-09 Luca CeresoliDEVELOPERS: add myself for zynq_zed
2018-04-09 Luca Ceresoliconfigs/zynq_zed: linux: bump to latest mainline kernel
2018-04-09 Bernd Kuhlslinux: bump default to version 4.16
2018-04-09 Bernd Kuhlslinux-headers: bump to 4.16 kernel version
2018-04-09 Bernd Kuhlstoolchain: add 4.16.x choice for headers
2018-04-09 Valentin Korenblitpackage/llvm: add dependency on wchar
2018-04-09 Valentin Korenblitpackage/llvm: add dependency on shared libraries
2018-04-09 James ByrneMakefile: avoid executing 'git log' each time SOURCE_DA...
2018-04-09 Baruch Siachpatch: add upstream security fix
2018-04-09 Chris Brandtfs/cramfs: add xip option
2018-04-09 Chris Brandtpackage/cramfs: change to new site location
2018-04-09 Thomas Petazzoniuclibc: simplify UCLIBC_EXTRA_CFLAGS
2018-04-09 Thomas Petazzonigcc: fix HOST_GCC_COMMON_WRAPPER_TARGET_FLOAT_ABI typos
2018-04-09 Joshua Hendersonqt5base: remove use of QT5BASE_EXTRA_CFLAGS
2018-04-09 Jörg Krauselibbsd: add upstream patch to fix musl build issue
2018-04-09 Thomas Petazzoniphp: fix emalloc/efree/estrdup/... undefined references
2018-04-09 Yann E. MORINpackage/liblo: fix build with musl
2018-04-09 Alistair Francispackage/xen: fix qemu-xen memfd build failure
2018-04-09 Fabrice Fontainelibglib2: bump to version 2.56.1
2018-04-09 Yann E. MORINpackage/python-yieldfrom: fix licensing info
2018-04-09 Yann E. MORINpackage/kmod: fix host install
2018-04-09 Fabrice Fontainelibcap-ng: bump to version 0.7.9
2018-04-09 Fabrice Fontainelibcap: add license hash
2018-04-09 Fabrice FontaineDEVELOPERS: add myself for libglib2
2018-04-09 André Hentschelwine: add optional dependency on libkrb5
2018-04-09 Fabrice Fontainelibmms: bump to version 0.6.4
2018-04-09 André Hentschelwireshark: bump version to 2.2.14 (security)
2018-04-08 Yann E. MORINdownload/git: don't require too-recent git
2018-04-08 Fabio Estevamlinux: bump default to version 4.15.16
2018-04-08 Fabio Estevamlinux-headers: bump 4.{4, 9, 14, 15}.x series
2018-04-08 Yann E. MORINdownload/git: fix transform-name
2018-04-07 Asaf Kahlonzeromq: bump to version 4.2.5
2018-04-07 Thomas Petazzonilibglib2: add upstream patch to fix build issue
2018-04-07 Prasanthi Chellakumaratmel: add support for at91sam9g20ek to
2018-04-07 Joshua Hendersonconfigs/at91sam9g20dfc: add ubifs target filesystem
2018-04-07 Joshua Hendersonboard/atmel: add support for at91sam9260ek
2018-04-06 Romain Naourpackage/strace: add missing libunwind optional dependency
2018-04-06 Adam Duskettlibglib2: bump to 2.56.0
2018-04-06 Jörg Krauseupmpdcli: bump to version 1.2.16
2018-04-06 Jörg Krauselibupnpp: bump to version 0.16.1
2018-04-06 Martin BarkDEVELOPERS: add myself for rpi packages
2018-04-06 Martin Barkpackage/rpi-wifi-firmware: change to LibreELEC github...
2018-04-06 Martin Barkpackage/rpi-bt-firmware: change to LibreELEC github...
2018-04-06 Martin Barkpackage/rpi-firmware: improve installation of dtb files
2018-04-06 Martin Barkboard/raspberrypi: add support for rpi3 b+
2018-04-06 Martin Barkconfigs/raspberrypi*: bump kernel version
2018-04-06 Martin Barkpackage/rpi-firmware: bump version
2018-04-06 Thomas Petazzoniiqvlinux: remove package
2018-04-06 Joshua Hendersonboard/atmel: use correct sam-ba binary in
2018-04-06 Joshua Hendersonconfigs/atmel: bump at91 defconfigs to at91bootstrap...
2018-04-06 Joshua Hendersonconfigs/atmel_sama5d3xek: bump to linux4sam_5.8
2018-04-06 Thomas Petazzonimesa3d: properly propagate the dependencies of BR2_PACK...
2018-04-06 Thomas Petazzonillvm: add dependency on !BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_GCC_BUG_64735
2018-04-06 Thomas Petazzoniphp: fix how PCRE JIT is disabled
2018-04-06 André Hentschelazure-iot-sdk-c: Bump to version 2018-03-16
2018-04-06 Yann E. MORINcore/download fix local backend
2018-04-06 Asaf Kahlonpython-yieldfrom: fix wrong package name in license
2018-04-05 Thomas Petazzonikeepalived: add patch to disable PIE
2018-04-05 Thomas Petazzonikeepalived: bump to 1.4.2
2018-04-05 Peter Korsgaardpython-webpy: use webpy-0.39 tag
2018-04-05 Jörg Krauseconfigs/bananapro: bump U-Boot to version 2018.03
2018-04-05 Jörg Krauseconfigs/bananapro: bump Linux to version 4.14.32
2018-04-05 Rahul Bedarkardocs/manual: use SPDX short identifier for license
2018-04-05 Rahul Bedarkargstreamer1-editing-services: use SPDX short identifier...
2018-04-05 Anssi Hannulakexec: allow selection on aarch64
2018-04-05 Adam Duskettpython-psycopg2: new package
2018-04-05 Thomas Petazzonipostgresql: propagate BR2_USE_MMU dependency to Config...
2018-04-05 Peter do not add a trailing slash to <PKG...
2018-04-05 Ricardo Martincoskidownload/git: fix basename for files inside tarballs
2018-04-04 Giulio Benettiqt5base: add support for sunxi-mali{,-mainline} eglfs...
2018-04-04 Giulio Benettiqt5base: correct eglfs support in
2018-04-04 Adam Duskettpostgresql: add version output to pg_config
2018-04-04 Asaf Kahlonlibuv: bump to version v1.20.0
2018-04-04 Fabrice Fontainetinycbor: bump to version 0.5.1
2018-04-04 Peter Korsgaardpython-webpy: security bump to version 0.39
2018-04-04 Peter Korsgaardpython-webpy: needs hashlib support in python
2018-04-04 Peter Korsgaardwolfssl: bump version to 3.14.0
2018-04-04 Valentin Korenblitpackage/mesa3d: enable llvm support
2018-04-04 Valentin Korenblitpackage/llvm: enable AMDGPU
2018-04-04 Valentin Korenblitpackage/llvm: new package
2018-04-04 Thomas Petazzonisupport/scripts/pkg-stats: replace with new Python...
2018-04-04 Thomas Petazzonisupport/scripts/pkg-stats-new: add current version...
2018-04-04 Thomas Petazzonisupport/scripts/pkg-stats-new: add -n and -p options
2018-04-04 Thomas Petazzonisupport/scripts/pkg-stats-new: rewrite in Python
2018-04-04 Asaf Kahlonczmq: bump to version 4.1.1
2018-04-04 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libupnp18: add optional dependency to openssl...
2018-04-04 Baruch Siachlibkrb5: disable optional tcl support
2018-04-04 Baruch Siachlibkrb5: needs dynamic library support
2018-04-04 Fabio Estevamconfigs/wandboard: Bump to U-Boot 2018.03
2018-04-04 Fabio Estevamuboot-tools: bump to version 2018.03
2018-04-04 Fabio Estevamuboot: bump to version 2018.03