2018-01-31 Peter KorsgaardUpdate for 2017.02.10
2018-01-31 Baruch Siachdnsmasq: update homepage link
2018-01-31 Fabio Estevamlinux-headers: bump 4.{4, 9}.x series
2018-01-30 Thomas Petazzonilibva: remove consecutive empty lines
2018-01-30 Bernd KuhlsDEVELOPERS: add myself for samba4
2018-01-30 Bernd Kuhlspackage/samba4: Fix uClibc build on 64bit platforms...
2018-01-30 Adam Duskettangularjs: bump version to 1.6.7
2018-01-30 Adam Duskettbootstrap: bump version to 4.0.0
2018-01-30 Petr Kulhavypackage: linuxptp: bump to the latest GIT version
2018-01-30 Sergio Pradoaoetools: fix aoe-stat script that was using /bin/bash...
2018-01-30 Carlos Santoseudev: fix printf usage in init script
2018-01-30 Carlos Santoseudev: fix error handling init script
2018-01-30 Adam Duskettphp: bump to 7.2.1
2018-01-30 Petr Vorelltp-testsuite: Add upstream patch to fix build numa...
2018-01-30 Sergey Matyukevichmacchiatobin: bump kernel and u-boot versions
2018-01-30 Martin Barkpackage/connman: fix compilation error for kernels...
2018-01-30 Peter Seidererlibevdev: bump version to 1.5.8
2018-01-30 Martin Barkpackage/nodejs: bump version to 8.9.4
2018-01-30 Martin Barkca-certificates: bump to version 20170717
2018-01-30 Angelo Compagnuccilinux: bump Linux CIP to v4.4.112-cip18
2018-01-30 Romain Naourpackage/binutils: remove support for 2.27
2018-01-30 Romain Naourpackage/binutils: switch to use 2.29.x as the default...
2018-01-30 Romain Naourpackage/binutils: add support for binutils 2.30
2018-01-29 Ricardo Martincoskiscanpypi: fix code style
2018-01-29 Ricardo Martincoskiget-developers: fix code style
2018-01-29 Ricardo Martincoskicheck-package: fix code style
2018-01-29 Ricardo Martincoskitesting/tests/boot/test_atf: fix code style
2018-01-29 Ricardo Martincoskisize-stats: fix code style
2018-01-29 Ricardo Martincoskipycompile: fix code style
2018-01-29 Ricardo Martincoskigraph-build-time: fix code style
2018-01-29 Ricardo Martincoskicheck-uniq-files: fix code style
2018-01-29 Ricardo Martincoskigraph-depends: fix code style
2018-01-29 Dagg Stomplerkodi-texturepacker: fix compilation error with host...
2018-01-29 Sergey Matyukevichorangepi-pc-plus: bump kernel and u-boot versions
2018-01-29 Sergey Matyukevichorangepi-one: bump kernel and u-boot versions
2018-01-29 Johan Oudinetejabberd: Bump to version 17.11
2018-01-29 Sergio Pradodaq: add necessary dependencies on host-flex and host...
2018-01-29 Peter Korsgaardorangepi-zero: bump linux to 4.15, u-boot to 2018.01
2018-01-29 Peter Korsgaardorangepi-pc: bump linux to 4.15, u-boot to 2018.01
2018-01-29 André Hentschelwine: Bump to version 3.0
2018-01-29 Adam Duskettlibcpprestsdk: require nptl threads
2018-01-29 Zoltan Gyarmatipackage/pinentry: avoid building qt5 version if qt4...
2018-01-29 Bernd Kuhlspackage/berkeleydb: add security fix for CVE-2017-10140
2018-01-29 James Knightlibpqxx: needs at least gcc 4.8 for c++11 features
2018-01-29 Marcin Niestrojpackage/turbolua: bump version to v2.1.2
2018-01-29 Ilya add br2-external support
2018-01-29 Matt Weberpython-flask-cors: new package
2018-01-29 Zoltan Gyarmatipackage/gpsd: upgrade to 3.17, remove obsolete patch
2018-01-29 Julien Corjonpackage/wf111: Fix manufacturer name and url
2018-01-29 Jörg Krauseaugeas: bump to version 1.10.1
2018-01-29 Laurent Charpentieropen-lldp: requires dynamic linking interface (dlopen...
2018-01-29 Stefan Beckerpackage/systemd: fix build with fallback hostname
2018-01-29 Peter Korsgaarddovecot: add upstream security fix for CVE-2017-15132
2018-01-29 Peter Korsgaardopenocd: add security fix for CVE-2018-5704
2018-01-29 Carlos Santoslinux-firmware: add menu for Intel QuickAssist firmware
2018-01-29 Carlos Santoslinux-firmware: add hashes for license files
2018-01-28 Fabio Estevamconfigs/imx6-sabresd: Bump to kernel 4.15
2018-01-28 Fabio Estevamlinux: bump default to version 4.15
2018-01-28 Fabio Estevamlinux-headers: bump to 4.15 kernel version
2018-01-28 Fabio Estevamtoolchain: add 4.15.x choice for headers
2018-01-28 Baruch Siachnftables: bump to version 0.8.1
2018-01-28 Baruch Siachlibnftnl: bump to version 1.0.9
2018-01-28 Peter Korsgaardwireshark: security bump to version 2.2.12
2018-01-28 Chris Lesiakpackage/systemd: Set fallback hostname
2018-01-28 Chris LesiakMakefile: Store OS release in /usr/lib/os-release
2018-01-28 Bernd Kuhlspackage/transmission: security bump version to 2.93
2018-01-28 Romain Naourpackage/gcc: bump 7.x series to 7.3.0
2018-01-28 Sam Vosspackage/pure-ftpd: Add uploadscript option
2018-01-28 Matt Webersecurity hardening: add RELFO, FORTIFY options
2018-01-28 Matt Weberstack protector: moved option out of adv menu
2018-01-28 Bernd Kuhlspackage/git: bump version to 2.16.1
2018-01-28 Gary Bissonimx-m4fwloader: new package
2018-01-27 Zoltan Gyarmatipackage/tinc: upgrade to 1.0.33, install upstream's...
2018-01-27 Bernd Kuhlspackage/freeswitch: bump version to 1.6.20
2018-01-27 Bernd Kuhlspackage/clamav: security bump to version 0.99.3
2018-01-27 Kurt Van Dijcknilfs-utils: fix build with static toolchains
2018-01-27 Romain Naourpackage/physfs: needs threads support
2018-01-27 Baruch Siachltp-testsuite: disable numa tests
2018-01-27 Baruch Siachltp-testsuite: drop redundant arch dependency entries
2018-01-27 Carlos Santoshwdata: bump to version 0.308
2018-01-27 Jörg Krauseswupdate: add upstream patch to fix build error
2018-01-27 Julien Corjonpackage/wf111: bump to version 5.2.2-r3
2018-01-27 Mark Hirotaccache: bump to version 3.3.5
2018-01-26 Yegor Yefremovscanpypi: ignore empty elements in package requirements
2018-01-26 Tobias Klausernetsniff-ng: bump to version 0.6.4
2018-01-26 Baruch Siachnetcat-openbsd: bump to version 1.187-1
2018-01-26 Baruch Siachlibbsd: bump to version 0.8.7
2018-01-26 Baruch Siachzbar: enable static build
2018-01-26 Baruch Siachlibv4l: bump to version 1.14.1
2018-01-26 Fabio Estevamlinux-headers: bump 4.{4, 9, 14}.x series
2018-01-26 Fabio Estevamlinux: bump default to version 4.14.15
2018-01-26 Baruch Siachlibcurl: security bump to version 7.58.0
2018-01-26 Carlos Santosutil-linux: disable useless programs in the host package
2018-01-26 Peter Korsgaardgnutls: bump to version 3.5.17
2018-01-26 Adrian Perez... webkitgtk: security bump to version 2.18.6
2018-01-26 Adrian Perez... webkitgtk: Add missing libtasn1 dependency
2018-01-25 Peter Korsgaardlighttpd: add hash for the license file
2018-01-25 Petr Kulhavypackage: lighttpd: bump to version 1.4.48
2018-01-25 Gary Bissonfis: fix typo in build command
2018-01-23 Baruch Siachdos2unix: bump to version 7.4.0