2015-04-08 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: disable optional libcdio support
2015-04-08 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: add optional libiconv support
2015-04-08 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: add optional speex support
2015-04-08 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: add optional rtmpdump support
2015-04-08 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: add optional faad2 support
2015-04-08 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: add optional lzo support
2015-04-08 Johan Sagaertlibvpx: bump version to 1.4.0
2015-04-08 Gustavo Zacariasadwaita-icon-theme: also available for libgtk2
2015-04-08 Gustavo Zacariasprocps-ng: fix/patch wrong ncursesw headers assumption
2015-04-08 Bernd Kuhlspackage/ffmpeg: Re-number patch 0014 to 0015
2015-04-08 Masahiro YamadaFix typos in comment blocks
2015-04-08 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libungif: deprecate package
2015-04-08 Romain Naourpackage/thrift: add dependency on host-autoconf-archive
2015-04-08 Bernd Kuhlspackage/kodi: Remove unused dependency to libungif
2015-04-08 Bernd Kuhlspackage/ffmpeg: Fix Kodi 14.2 compile
2015-04-08 Yann E. MORINinfra/pkg-kconfig: don't require a kconfig file for...
2015-04-08 Angelo Compagnuccipackage/sam-ba: bump to version 2.15
2015-04-08 Jörg Krausepackage/libuv: Bump to version 1.4.2
2015-04-08 Jérôme Pouillerconfigs/raspberrypi2: kernel version does not exist...
2015-04-08 Gustavo Zacariassocat: security bump to version 2.0.0-b8
2015-04-08 Gustavo Zacariasphp: add opcache option
2015-04-08 Gustavo Zacariasphp: cleanup patches
2015-04-08 Gustavo Zacariasphp: bump to version 5.6.7
2015-04-08 Gustavo Zacariasgeoip: bump to version 1.6.5
2015-04-08 Gustavo Zacariasstrongswan: bump to version 5.3.0
2015-04-08 Gustavo Zacariasstrongswan: kill unnecessary whitespace
2015-04-08 Thomas Petazzonilibsigrok: mark libsigrokcxx as broken
2015-04-07 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: add optional libenca support
2015-04-07 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: add optional libass support
2015-04-07 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: add optional libfribidi support
2015-04-07 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: add optional fontconfig support
2015-04-07 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: add optional libbluray support
2015-04-07 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: add optional samba support
2015-04-07 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: add optional ncurses support
2015-04-07 Karoly Kaszapackage/openvmtools: bump version to 9.10.0
2015-04-07 Johan Sagaertxserver_xorg-server: allow xserver without the systemd...
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasnginx: bump to version 1.6.3
2015-04-07 Romain Naourpackage/autoconf-archive: bump to version v2015.02.24
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariaslibsoup: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariaslibsigc++: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasgtk2-engines: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxproto_fontsproto: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxcb-proto: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasgperf: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXrandr: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXScrnSaver: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXext: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXdmcp: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXdamage: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libSM: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libfontenc: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libdmx: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXcomposite: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXaw: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXmu: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXpm: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libICE: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libxkbfile: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXft: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXi: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXau: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libFS: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasxlib_libXv: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariaslibxcb: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariaslibiconv: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasgdk-pixbuf: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariaslibffi: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasenchant: add hash file
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasespeak: fix legal info
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariaslibmicrohttpd: bump to version 0.9.40
2015-04-07 Gustavo Zacariasntp: security bump to version 4.2.8p2
2015-04-07 Masahiro YamadaMakefile: remove extra ifdef/endif of top Makefile
2015-04-07 Baruch Siachlirc-tools: needs threads
2015-04-07 Johan Sagaertlibvpx: name the supported formats.
2015-04-07 Baruch Siachconfigs/raspberrypi: remove BR2_PACKAGE_RPI_FIRMWARE_IN...
2015-04-07 Baruch Siachboard/raspberrypi: document RPi-2 defconfig
2015-04-07 Baruch Siachboard/raspberrypi: readme: add a missing word
2015-04-06 Thomas Petazzonibluez_utils: add patch to fix musl build issue
2015-04-06 Thomas Petazzoniat91bootstrap3: make sure AT91BOOTSTRAP3_KCONFIG_FILE...
2015-04-06 Yegor YefremovMakefile: add help for linux-update-defconfig target
2015-04-06 Mauro Condarelliboot/at91bootstrap3: migrate to pkg-kconfig
2015-04-06 Yann E. MORINsupport/download: do not warn about missing hash file...
2015-04-06 Romain Naourpackage/thrift: fix libtool warning
2015-04-06 Romain Naourpackage/thrift: reorders alphabetically the dependencies.
2015-04-06 Yann E. MORINpackage/ipmiutil: do not build doc
2015-04-06 Yann E. MORINpackage/vlc: bump to 2.2.0
2015-04-06 Jerzy Grzegorekswig: change the name of variable SWIG_MAJOR to SWIG_VE...
2015-04-06 Jerzy Grzegoreklockdev: change the name of variable LOCKDEV_MAJOR...
2015-04-06 Thomas Petazzoniespeak: disable for static-only builds
2015-04-06 Maxim Mikityanskiypackage/samba: use FHS dirs
2015-04-06 Thomas Petazzonipkg-generic: declare phony targets as such
2015-04-06 Thomas Petazzonipkg-generic: implement <pkg>-all-{source, legal-info...
2015-04-06 Thomas PetazzoniMakefile: directories are not PHONY targets
2015-04-06 Thomas PetazzoniMakefile: remove dubious comment
2015-04-06 Thomas Petazzonipkg-generic: implement a <pkg>-external-deps target
2015-04-06 Thomas Petazzonidocs/manual: update documentation about applying patches
2015-04-06 Thomas Petazzonipackages: apply custom patches using *.patch instead...
2015-04-06 Ryan Barnetti2c-tools: add support to build python extension
2015-04-06 Ryan Barnetti2c-tools: add hash file
2015-04-06 Johan Sagaertlibwebsockets: bump version to v1.4-chrome43-firefox-36