2013-10-02 Gustavo Zacariasm4: bump to version 1.4.17
2013-10-02 Peter Korsgaardlinux: bump 3.11.x stable version
2013-10-02 Peter Korsgaardlinux-headers: bump 3.{0,4,10,11}.x stable versions
2013-10-02 Peter Korsgaardjamvm: add license info
2013-10-02 Peter Korsgaardsdl_sound: add license info
2013-10-02 Peter Korsgaardvala: add license info
2013-10-02 Fatih Aşıcıqt5: give numbers to patch files
2013-10-02 Axel Linnetkitbase: needs mmu
2013-10-02 Axel Linlmbench: needs mmu
2013-10-02 Axel Linnfs-utils: needs mmu
2013-10-02 Axel Linsetserial: bump to version 2.17-45.3
2013-10-01 Peter Korsgaardvorbis-tools: add license info
2013-10-01 Peter Korsgaardtremor: add license info
2013-10-01 Markos Chandrasglibc: Pass correct -mabi for MIPS
2013-10-01 Thomas Petazzonitrace-cmd: fix largefile build problem
2013-10-01 Thierry Bultelpackage: add lesstif
2013-10-01 Peter Sanfordgnupg: option to include RSA support.
2013-10-01 Thomas De Schampheleiremake clean: remove redundant removal of STAGING_DIR
2013-10-01 gilles.talis... webp: bump to version 0.3.1
2013-10-01 Axel Linpppd: needs mmu and shared objects
2013-10-01 Axel Linfindutils: needs mmu
2013-10-01 Axel Linlogrotate: bump to version 3.8.6
2013-10-01 Axel Linlogrotate: needs mmu
2013-10-01 Axel Lindiffutils: bump to version 3.3
2013-10-01 Phil Eichingermtdev: bump version to 1.1.4
2013-10-01 Peter Korsgaardngircd: add license info
2013-10-01 Jerzy Grzegorekngircd: bump to version 20.3
2013-10-01 Peter Korsgaardpicocom: add license info
2013-10-01 Jerzy Grzegorekpicocom: bump to version 1.7
2013-10-01 Phil Eichingerpsplash: new package
2013-10-01 Peter Korsgaardaiccu: really fix static linking
2013-10-01 Michael Rommelaiccu: patched Makefile to enable static linking
2013-09-30 Simon Dawsonmonit: bump version to 5.6
2013-09-29 gilles.talis... configs: add Freescale SABRE-SD board support
2013-09-29 gilles.talis... configs: add Freescale i.MX 6SoloLite EVK support
2013-09-27 Yann E. MORINpackage/gst1-plugins-bad: fix decklink comment
2013-09-27 Yann E. MORINpackage/gst1-plugins-good: remove duplicate VPX entry
2013-09-27 Gustavo Zacariassamba: bump to version 3.6.19
2013-09-27 Gustavo Zacariaslinux: bump 3.11.x stable version
2013-09-27 Gustavo Zacariaslinux-headers: bump 3.{0, 4, 10, 11}.x stable versions
2013-09-27 Axel Linxinetd: needs mmu
2013-09-27 Peter Korsgaardnitrogen6x: fixup linux tarball setting
2013-09-26 Eric Nelsonnitrogen6x: bump kernel to latest version (3.0.35-4...
2013-09-26 Peter Korsgaardnitrogen6x: use the exported variables...
2013-09-26 Peter Korsgaardnitrogen6x: u-boot: use imx format to match bootscript
2013-09-26 Eric Nelsonnitrogen6x: use 6x_bootscript/6x_upgrade instead of...
2013-09-26 Eric Nelsonnitrogen6x: bump U-Boot to latest production version...
2013-09-26 Jerzy Grzegorekatk: bump to version 2.10.0
2013-09-26 Ryan Barnettlibssh2: fix library search path issues
2013-09-26 Axel Linlogsurfer: needs mmu
2013-09-26 Axel Linsocat: needs mmu
2013-09-26 Peter Korsgaardu-boot: add option for Freescale u-boot.imx format
2013-09-26 Jerzy Grzegorektcl: cleanup: use TCL_VERSION in TCL_SITE
2013-09-26 Simon Dawsonxscreensaver: new package
2013-09-25 Axel Linstress: needs mmu
2013-09-25 Axel Linproftpd: needs mmu
2013-09-25 Clayton Shotwelllinux-pam: bump to version 1.1.8
2013-09-25 Mischa Jonkerlibevent: Bump to 2.0.21
2013-09-24 Simon Dawsonneard: bump version to 0.13
2013-09-24 Peter Korsgaardcivetweb: fix static linking with openssl
2013-09-24 Peter Korsgaardcivetweb: use TARGET_LDFLAGS
2013-09-24 Peter Korsgaardrrdtool: fix build without threads support
2013-09-24 Peter Korsgaardqt: needs threads
2013-09-23 Peter Korsgaardtoolchain-wrapper: minor code style fixup
2013-09-23 Axel Liniputils: needs mmu
2013-09-22 Yann E. MORINtoolchain/wrapper: add option to print one argument...
2013-09-22 Yann E. MORINpackage/rpi-firmware: bump version
2013-09-22 Yann E. MORINpackage/tvheadend: bump for misc fixes
2013-09-21 Romain Naourpackage/ sort the real-time menu entries
2013-09-21 Thomas Petazzonizeromq: remove unneeded patch after version bump
2013-09-20 Thomas Daviscivetweb: new package
2013-09-20 Simon Dawsonzeromq: bump version to 3.2.4
2013-09-20 Clayton Shotwelllibsepol: new package
2013-09-20 Samuel Martinlibtirpc: requires toolchain with threading support
2013-09-20 Frank Hunletherlang: bump to version R16B01
2013-09-20 Frank Hunletherlang: pass erl_xcomp_sysroot to configure
2013-09-20 Thomas De Schampheleiremanual generation: update help
2013-09-20 Thomas De Schampheleiremanual generation: change capitalization of messages
2013-09-20 Francois Perradluaposix: remove IPv6 constraint
2013-09-20 Yegor Yefremovfeh: bump to 2.9.3
2013-09-20 Peter Korsgaardpython-pyzmq: use http instead of https to retrieve...
2013-09-20 Gustavo Zacariasbc: needs host-flex
2013-09-20 tbultelMakefile: Fix the generation of locales
2013-09-20 Spenser Gillilandlibdrm: bump and add experimental ARM framebuffer support
2013-09-19 Peter Korsgaardgcc: deprecate objective C and fortran support
2013-09-19 Gustavo Zacariasautomake: bump to version 1.12.6
2013-09-19 Vivien Didelotqt: install translations
2013-09-19 Francois Perradluaposix: add ncurses dependency
2013-09-19 Francois Perradluaposix: fix runtime dependency
2013-09-19 Gustavo Zacariasluaposix: bump to version 31
2013-09-19 Gustavo Zacariasneardal: add fix for automake bump breakage
2013-09-19 Gustavo Zacariasmutt: fix automake breakage
2013-09-19 Gustavo Zacariaslinux-pam: bump to version 1.1.7
2013-09-19 Gustavo Zacariaslibcdaudio: disable autoreconf
2013-09-19 Matt Weberbc: new package
2013-09-19 Matt Weberiputils: new package
2013-09-19 Peter Korsgaardtslib: fix help text (white space / order)
2013-09-19 Yegor Yefremovtslib: bump version to 1.1
2013-09-19 Fatih Aşıcıdirectfb: Add upstream patch to fix qt5base build