2016-07-04 Robert Sohnimagemagick: explicitly specify ghostscript font directory
2016-07-04 Francois Perradscancpan: improve message when bad host perl version
2016-07-04 Vicente Olivert... openblas: pass ONLY_CBLAS=1 only when Fortran is not...
2016-07-04 Peter Korsgaardpackage/multicat: use double quotes in toolchain comment
2016-07-04 Yann E. MORINpackage/gpsd: use 'menuconfig' instead of 'config'...
2016-07-04 Yann E. MORINpackage/gd: use 'menuconfig' instead of 'config'+'menu'
2016-07-04 Thomas Petazzonidvblast: use double quotes around the comment
2016-07-04 Yann E. MORINpackage/dvblast: requires NPTL
2016-07-04 Romain Naourpackage/pulseaudio: fix typo
2016-07-04 Romain Naourpackage/pulseaudio: explicitly enable/disable WebRTC...
2016-07-04 Romain Naourpackage/pulseaudio: allow to build without C++11 support
2016-07-04 Romain Naourtoolchain-external: Commonize /lib/<tuple> symlinks...
2016-07-04 Ezequiel Garciaminnowboard-max: Start X on boot and run a few demos
2016-07-04 Alex Suykovconfigs: chromebook snow: bump to linux 4.6.3
2016-07-04 Yegor Yefremovscanpypi: change hash file comments
2016-07-04 Thomas Petazzonipackage: move busybox show others dependency to per...
2016-07-04 Thomas Petazzoninetcat-openbsd: remove stray ~ character at end of...
2016-07-04 Yann E. MORINpackage/angularjs: drop modules selection and simplify
2016-07-04 Yann E. MORINpackage/open2300: fix static builds
2016-07-04 Yann E. MORINdocs/manual: document BR2_ROOTFS_POST_FAKEROOT_SCRIPT
2016-07-04 Geoff Levandpackage/go-bootstrap: Build host tools with host CC
2016-07-04 Vicente Olivert... toolchain-external: wrap gfortran
2016-07-04 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: needs BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_SYNC_4
2016-07-04 Vicente Olivert... toolchain-external: bump Codescape toolchains to 2016.05
2016-07-04 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mplayer: Fix static linking with tremor & libogg
2016-07-04 Maxime Hadjinlianpackage/nfs-utils: fix indentation
2016-07-04 Andreas Ehmannspackage/nfs-utils: start/stop daemons consistently
2016-07-04 Thomas Petazzoniqemu: bump to version 2.6.0
2016-07-04 Simon Maeshost-qemu: add support for vde2
2016-07-04 Simon Maesvde2: enable building host package
2016-07-04 Simon Maesqemu: add support for host-qemu-system
2016-07-04 Waldemar Brodkorbgcc: uClinux supports POSIX threads
2016-07-04 Maxime Hadjinlianpackage/wireless_tools: Pretty fixes
2016-07-04 Maxime Hadjinlianpackage/wireless_tools: Remove install man pages
2016-07-04 Georges Savoundararadjwpa_supplicant: add option to enable Wi-Fi Display
2016-07-04 Waldemar Brodkorbtoolchain-buildroot: add bfin support
2016-07-04 Waldemar Brodkorbgcc: add hidden symbol for defaults
2016-07-04 Yann E. MORINpackage/gcc: fix list of files of patch file to hash...
2016-07-04 Yann E. MORINpackage/f2fs-tools: update version
2016-07-04 Yann E. MORINsupport/download: don't over-remove files from git...
2016-07-03 Peter Korsgaardlibbdplus: select libgcrypt in as well
2016-07-03 Romain Naourpackage/webrtc-audio-processing: needs gcc >= 4.8
2016-07-03 Ezequiel Garciasupertuxkart: new package
2016-07-03 Yegor Yefremovscanpypi: fix help text handling
2016-07-03 Gustavo Zacariasgmp: dissable assembly for armv7m
2016-07-03 Eric Le Bihanninja: new package
2016-07-03 Alex Suykovboard: add support for Chromebook Snow
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonibabeld: use TARGET_CONFIGURE_OPTS
2016-07-03 Julien Floretcdrkit: add explicit dependencies for host variant
2016-07-03 Damien Lansonlibvdpau: new package
2016-07-03 Yann E. MORINfs/common: add option to execute custom scripts under...
2016-07-03 Waldemar Brodkorblvm2: fix m68k build error
2016-07-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/transmission: add optional support for libminiu...
2016-07-03 Bernd Kuhlslibnatpmp: New package
2016-07-03 Maxime Hadjinlianpackage/wpa_supplicant: Add optional autoscan support
2016-07-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libbdplus: new package
2016-07-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libaacs: new package
2016-07-03 Waldemar Brodkorbuclibc: update to 1.0.16
2016-07-03 Vicente Olivert... efivar: disable for some incompatible Sourcery CodeBenc...
2016-07-03 Samuel Martinpackage/fftw: add fortran support
2016-07-03 Samuel Martintoolchain/toolchain-external: update external toolchain...
2016-07-03 Samuel Martintoolchain/toolchain-external: add knob for fortran...
2016-07-03 Samuel Martintoolchain/toolchain-external: add lib{gfortran,quadmath...
2016-07-03 Samuel Martintoolchain/toolchain-external: enable fortran check...
2016-07-03 Samuel Martintoolchain/helpers: add fortran check
2016-07-03 Samuel export the fortran compiler path in the...
2016-07-03 Samuel Martinpackage/gcc: select BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_FORTRAN when...
2016-07-03 Samuel Martindocs/manual: document dependency on fortran
2016-07-03 Samuel Martintoolchain: add hidden symbol for fortran support in...
2016-07-03 Samuel Martinpackage/gcc: fix fortran support
2016-07-03 Samuel Martinpackage/gcc: complete the logic on libquadmath
2016-07-03 Samuel Martintoolchain/ add BR2_TOOLCHAIN_HAS_LI...
2016-07-03 universe IIPackage nfs-utils: Added check for OK/FAIL
2016-07-03 Nathaniel Roachpackage/quagga: Add systemd.service file
2016-07-03 He Chunhuigcc: apply patches stored in global patches directories
2016-07-03 Yann E. MORINcore/pkg-virtual: fix fallout of host-dependecy no...
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzoniiprutils: uses fork(), needs MMU
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonipkg-generic: check that SITE has a value when SOURCE
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonitoolchain-external: remove SOURCE/SITE for locally...
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonimcookie: remove SOURCE variable
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonitz: remove SOURCE variable
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzoniskeleton: remove SOURCE variable
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonimkpimage: remove SOURCE
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonimkpasswd: remove VERSION/SOURCE
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonimke2img: remove SOURCE
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzoniinitscripts: remove SOURCE
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonigetent: remove VERSION/SOURCE
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonipkg-virtual: remove VERSION/SOURCE
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonimakedevs: remove VERSION/SOURCE
2016-07-03 Alex Suykovcore: do not attempt downloads with no _VERSION set
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonicups: bump to version 2.1.4, change upstream location
2016-07-03 Jörg Krausecups: fix static linking with GnuTLS
2016-07-03 Thomas Petazzonicups: reformat patch with Git
2016-07-03 Peter Korsgaardsunxi-mail: hack to work around autobuilder issue
2016-07-03 Bernd Kuhlslibminiupnpc: New package
2016-07-03 Yann E. MORINpackage/sunxi-mali: remove useless package
2016-07-03 Yann E. MORINpackage/sunxi-mali: use git submodules
2016-07-03 Yann E. MORINdocs/manual: document FOO_GIT_SUBMODULE
2016-07-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/dovecot: bump version to 2.2.25
2016-07-03 Francois Perradtekui: new package