2011-04-01 Marek Beliskobuildroot: Add webdav support to lighttpd.
2011-04-01 Peter Korsgaardcopas: select lua shared library support
2011-04-01 Gustavo Zacariasopenssl: fix compilation for i386
2011-04-01 Gustavo Zacariasquagga: security bump to version 0.99.18
2011-04-01 Gustavo Zacariasmpd: bump to version 0.16.2 and bugfix
2011-04-01 Martin Hickslinux: Add support to specify special Kernel Image...
2011-03-31 Peter Korsgaardrsync: bump version
2011-03-31 Gustavo Zacariaswebkit: bump to version 1.2.7
2011-03-31 Gustavo Zacariasmidori: bump to version 0.3.2
2011-03-30 Peter Korsgaardpackage/config; br2_symbol_printer(): fix off-by-1...
2011-03-29 Peter Korsgaardkernel-headers: bump 2.6.37.x / 2.6.38.x stable versions
2011-03-29 Peter Korsgaardqt: fix qt3 support target install
2011-03-28 Peter add libtool v2.4 support
2011-03-28 Peter Korsgaardbusybox: ensure source gets downloaded/extracted/patche...
2011-03-28 Mike Frysingerhostcc/hostcxx: fix noccache variant setting
2011-03-28 Sonic Zhangexternal toolchain: Only prefix path if specified
2011-03-27 Peter KorsgaardCHANGES: update with recent changes
2011-03-27 Thomas Petazzoniqt: convert to the GENTARGETS infrastructure
2011-03-27 Gustavo Zacariasdnsmasq: bump to version 2.57
2011-03-27 Gustavo Zacariasnetsnmp: bump to version 5.6.1
2011-03-27 Mike Frysingerncurses: version bump to 5.8
2011-03-27 Peter Korsgaardwebkit: prefer X11 backend if both directfb and x11...
2011-03-27 Peter Korsgaardxlib_xtrans: drop pkgconfig patch now we're search...
2011-03-27 Peter Korsgaardpkg-config: add usr/share/pkgconfig to search path...
2011-03-25 Peter Korsgaardqt: dbus module doesn't depend on gui support
2011-03-24 Peter Korsgaardkernel-headers: bump 2.6.37.x / 2.6.38.x stable versions
2011-03-18 Peter Korsgaardmtd: bump version
2011-03-17 Peter Korsgaardethtool: bump version, use new upstream location
2011-03-17 Peter Korsgaardicu: fix parallel builds
2011-03-16 Jean-Christophe... fetch/git: clone the repository as bare
2011-03-16 Peter KorsgaarduClibc: bump 0.9.32-rc version
2011-03-16 Yegor Yefremovsocat: bump to version 2.0.0-b4
2011-03-15 Peter Korsgaardlinux: use 2.6.38 by default
2011-03-15 Peter Korsgaardkernel-headers: add 2.6.38, remove 2.6.34.x
2011-03-14 Peter Korsgaardlinux: bump 2.6.37.x stable version
2011-03-14 Peter Korsgaardkernel-headers: bump 2.6.37.x stable version
2011-03-14 Peter Korsgaardalsa-utils: fix dependencies
2011-03-14 Peter Korsgaardxterm: fix dependencies
2011-03-14 Gustavo Zacariasxterm: fix dependencies and bump to version 267
2011-03-14 Peter Korsgaardgst-plugins-good: bump version
2011-03-14 Chih-Min Chaoalsa-utils: bump to
2011-03-13 Chih-Min Chaoalsa-lib : bump to
2011-03-13 Peter Korsgaardfakeroot: use --program-prefix rather than manually...
2011-03-13 Peter Korsgaardgrub: fix download URL
2011-03-13 Hector Oronalsamixergui: fix download URL
2011-03-13 Hector Oronfakeroot: fix download URL
2011-03-13 Peter Korsgaardbusybox: bump 1.18.x stable version
2011-03-12 Peter Korsgaardmakedevs: don't call /bin/sync after creating nodes
2011-03-12 Peter Korsgaardmakedevs: convert to GENTARGETS format
2011-03-12 Peter make <pkg>_SOURCE optional
2011-03-12 Peter KorsgaardCHANGES: update with recent changes
2011-03-11 Peter Korsgaardbusybox: 1.18.3 cksum fix
2011-03-11 Peter Korsgaardsamba: rename CVE-2011-0719 patch so other patches...
2011-03-11 Will Newtontoolchain/gcc/4.2.4: Remove libstdc++ uClibc locale...
2011-03-10 Gustavo Zacariasbusybox 1.18.3: add patches for klogd and menuconfig
2011-03-10 Gustavo Zacariasxz: bump to version 5.0.1
2011-03-10 Gustavo Zacariasxorg-server: point localstatedir to /var
2011-03-10 Peter Korsgaardpkg-config: only prepend sysroot to includedir / libdir
2011-03-09 Peter KorsgaardMerge branch 'for-2011.05/remove-config-scripts' of...
2011-03-09 Peter Korsgaardavahi: bump version
2011-03-08 Peter Korsgaardkernel-headers: bump 2.6.37.x stable version
2011-03-07 Will Newtongnuconfig: Update README.buildroot.
2011-03-07 Will Newtongnuconfig: Apply patches to config.{sub,guess}.
2011-03-07 Will Newtongnuconfig: Update patches to apply to 2011-02-02 version.
2011-03-07 Will Newtongnuconfig: Update config.{sub,guess} to 2011-02-02...
2011-03-07 Will Newtongnuconfig: Remove sh patch.
2011-03-07 Will Newtongnuconfig: Remove gnuconfig patch as it has been merged...
2011-03-07 Will Newtongnuconfig: Remove GNU Hurd patch as it is no longer...
2011-03-07 Will Newtongnuconfig: Remove old checkout of GNU config.
2011-03-07 Thomas Petazzonilibxslt: remove xslt-config script from TARGET_DIR
2011-03-07 Thomas Petazzonilibxml2: remove xml2-config script from TARGET_DIR
2011-03-07 Thomas Petazzonilibpng: remove libpng*-config scripts from TARGET_DIR
2011-03-07 Thomas Petazzonilibdnet: remove dnet-config script from TARGET_DIR
2011-03-07 Thomas Petazzonineon: remove neon-config script from TARGET_DIR
2011-03-07 Thomas Petazzoniimagemagick: remove *-config scripts from TARGET_DIR
2011-03-06 Gustavo Zacariasgst-ffmpeg: bump to version 0.10.11
2011-03-06 Gustavo Zacariasffmpeg: bump to version 0.6.1
2011-03-06 Gustavo Zacariasfile: bump to version 5.05
2011-03-06 Gustavo Zacariasmpg123: bump to version 1.13.2
2011-03-05 Gustavo Zacariasdropbear: bump to version 0.53.1
2011-03-05 Gustavo Zacariassamba: add security fix for CVE-2011-0719
2011-03-05 Gustavo Zacariasqt: add option for system sqlite
2011-03-05 Peter KorsgaardMerge branch 'for-2011.05/pkg-stats-improvements' of...
2011-03-05 Peter Korsgaardxz: fix build without wchar support
2011-03-05 Gustavo Zacariassquashfs: re-add legacy lzma support
2011-03-03 Peter Korsgaardsquashfs: bump version
2011-03-02 Peter Korsgaardxerces: add optional libcurl support
2011-03-02 Peter Korsgaardxerces: bump version, convert to autotargets
2011-03-01 Peter Korsgaardwebsite: add google analytics for statistics
2011-03-01 Peter Korsgaardqt: bump version
2011-03-01 Peter Korsgaardavahi: bump version, remove dbus workaround
2011-03-01 Peter Korsgaardkickoff 2011.05 development cycle
2011-02-28 Thomas Petazzonipkg-stats: add statistics about number of patches per...
2011-02-28 Thomas Petazzonipkg-stats: support CMAKETARGETS and update list of...
2011-02-28 Peter Korsgaardnews.html: add 2011.02 announcement link
2011-02-28 Peter KorsgaardUpdate for 2011.02
2011-02-28 Peter Korsgaardqt: qt3 compatibility needs gui support
2011-02-28 Peter Korsgaardxerces: disable parallel builds
2011-02-28 Peter KorsgaardCHANGES: update with recent changes
2011-02-28 Gustavo Zacariasffmpeg: disable mmx for low end x86-type processors