2018-09-06 Giulio Benettisunxi-mali-mainline: add hash file for tarball
2018-09-06 Bernd Kuhlspackage/vlc: also use AC_PATH_PROG to check for wayland...
2018-09-06 Luca Ceresoliconfigs/zynq_microzed: uboot: bump to xilinx-v2018...
2018-09-06 Luca Ceresoliconfigs/zynq_zc706: uboot: bump to xilinx-v2018.2 ...
2018-09-06 Luca Ceresoliconfigs/zynq_zed: uboot: bump to xilinx-v2018.2 (fixes...
2018-09-06 Martin Kepplingertslib: update to 1.17
2018-09-06 Joseph Kogutpython-websockets: bump version to 6.0
2018-09-05 Jagan TekiDEVELOPERS: Fix file order list maintained by me
2018-09-05 Adam Duskettglibmm: bump version to 2.56.0
2018-09-05 Fabrice Fontaineduktape: new package
2018-09-05 Alexey Brodkinsystemd: enable on the ARC architecture
2018-09-05 Fabrice Fontainelibidn2: bump to version 2.0.5
2018-09-02 Fabrice Fontainejpeg-turbo: fix install with a static only lib
2018-09-02 Fabrice Fontainejpeg-turbo: fix static build
2018-09-02 Fabrice Fontainelog4cplus: bump to version 2.0.2
2018-09-01 Thomas Petazzonilibsoup: add patch to fix build on hosts without Python 3.x
2018-09-01 Asaf Kahlonlibtorrent: refactor openssl optional dependency
2018-09-01 Grzegorz Blachpython-falcon: add optional dependency on host-python...
2018-08-31 Fabrice Fontaineexpat: disable docbook
2018-08-31 Alexey Brodkincoreutils: bump version to 8.30
2018-08-31 Asaf Kahlonpython-pyzmq: bump to version 17.1.2
2018-08-31 Giulio Benettiminicom: change upstream site, bump version
2018-08-31 Giulio Benettiminicom: add COPYING sha256 to hash
2018-08-31 Matt Flaxswig: add visible option for host variant
2018-08-31 Yegor Yefremovscanpypi: place a warning into *.mk file if licence...
2018-08-29 Peter Korsgaardacpid: drop x86 architecture dependency
2018-08-29 Carlos Santosqemu: add an option to enable user mode networking...
2018-08-29 Thomas Petazzonipython-mimeparse: remove SOURCE variable
2018-08-29 Grzegorz Blachpython-falcon: new package
2018-08-29 Grzegorz Blachpython-mimeparse: new package
2018-08-29 Fabrice Fontaineexpat: bump to version 2.2.6
2018-08-29 Giulio Benettilibyaml: fix libyaml-legal-info build failure
2018-08-28 Fabrice Fontainelibrtlsdr: bump to version 0.6.0
2018-08-28 Baruch Siachgit-crypt: disable for gcc affected by bug #64735
2018-08-28 Baruch Siachflatcc: bump to version 0.5.2
2018-08-28 Giulio Benettiatop: fix minor()/major() build failure due to glibc...
2018-08-28 Baruch Siachlibsoup: security bump to version 2.62.3
2018-08-28 Yegor Yefremovpython-lxml: bump to version 4.2.4
2018-08-28 Yegor Yefremovpython-pyyaml: bump to version 3.13
2018-08-28 Yegor Yefremovlibyaml: bump to version 0.2.1
2018-08-28 Matt Weberpackage/spi-tools: bump version to 0.8.3
2018-08-27 Bernd Kuhlspackage/botan: fix altivec support
2018-08-25 Yann E. MORINfs/btrfs: remove destination file before generation
2018-08-25 Asaf Kahlonccache: bump to version 3.4.2
2018-08-25 Robert J. Heywoodfs/btrfs: add support for generating a btrfs image
2018-08-24 Brad Lovei2c-tools: install library and header to staging
2018-08-24 Brad Lovei2c-tools: include LGPL-2.1+ license for libi2c
2018-08-24 Baruch Siachiproute2: bump to version 4.18.0
2018-08-24 Baruch Siachbtrfs-progs: bump to version 4.17.1
2018-08-24 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mosquitto: bump version to 1.5.1
2018-08-24 Brad Lovegst1-plugins-good: add optional dependency on jack2
2018-08-24 Marcus Folkessonlibostree: bump to version 2018.8
2018-08-24 Angelo Compagnuccipackage/sam-ba: bump to version 2.18
2018-08-24 Bernd Kuhlspython-libconfig: fix python-3.7 support
2018-08-24 Bernd Kuhlspackage/samba4: bump version to 4.8.5
2018-08-24 Bernd Kuhlspackage/samba4: Fix uClibc build on 64bit platforms...
2018-08-24 Bernd Kuhlspackage/samba4: security bump to version 4.8.4
2018-08-24 Bernd Kuhlslinux-headers: drop old unsupported 4.{10,11,12,13...
2018-08-24 Bernd Kuhlslinux: bump default to version 4.18.5
2018-08-24 Bernd Kuhlslinux-headers: bump 4.18.x series
2018-08-24 Fabio Estevamlinux-headers: bump 4.{4, 9, 14, 17}.x series
2018-08-23 Yann E. MORINpackage/asterisk: fix compilation with libsrtp 2.2.0
2018-08-23 Yann E. MORINpackage/tini: needs MMU
2018-08-23 Baruch Siachlibssh: fix cross compile with older cmake
2018-08-23 Bernd Kuhlspackage/perl-crypt-openssl-rsa: bump version to 0.30
2018-08-22 Bernd Kuhlspackage/perl-crypt-openssl-random: bump version to...
2018-08-22 Bernd Kuhlspackage/perl-crypt-openssl-guess: new package
2018-08-22 Fabio Estevamlinux: bump default to version 4.18.4
2018-08-22 Thomas Petazzonie2fsprogs: group disable and enable together
2018-08-22 Thomas Petazzonibtrfs-progs: make e2fsprogs an optional dependency
2018-08-22 Thomas Petazzonibtrfs-progs: drop dependency on e2fsprogs by not buildi...
2018-08-22 Thomas Petazzonie2fsprogs: build shared library for the host
2018-08-22 Thomas Petazzonilzo: build shared library for the host
2018-08-22 Thomas Petazzonisunxi-mali-mainline-driver: free-electrons is now bootlin
2018-08-22 Thomas Petazzonisunxi-mali-mainline: free-electrons is now bootlin
2018-08-22 Giulio Benettisunxi-mali-mainline: add support for arm64 and r8p1...
2018-08-22 Baruch Siachpackage: drop remaining BR2_PACKAGE_LIBAIO_ARCH_SUPPORTS
2018-08-21 Robert J. Heywoodbtrfs-progs: add host package variant
2018-08-21 Gustavo Pimentelconfigs/arm_juno: bump ATF to v1.4
2018-08-21 Thomas Petazzoniconfigs/arm_juno: bump ATF to v1.3
2018-08-21 Ryan Coemariadb: bump version to 10.2.17
2018-08-21 Bernd Kuhlspackage/mariadb: security bump to version 10.1.35
2018-08-21 Bernd Kuhlspackage/vlc: skins2 depends on qt5base
2018-08-21 Fabrice Fontaineglorytun: bump to version 0.0.99-mud
2018-08-21 Fabrice Fontainexxhash: bump to version 0.6.5
2018-08-21 Thomas Petazzonilibaio: bump to 0.3.111
2018-08-21 Thomas Petazzonilvm2: host variant needs host-libaio
2018-08-21 Thomas Petazzonilibaio: add host variant
2018-08-21 Frank Hunlethfwup: bump to v1.2.5
2018-08-21 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libcpprestsdk: bump version to 2.10.5
2018-08-21 Bernd Kuhlspackage/vlc: wayland support needs wayland-protocols
2018-08-21 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libsrtp: fix static build
2018-08-20 Paresh Chaudharypackage/checksec: new package
2018-08-20 Bernd Kuhlspackage/nodejs: use host-libopenssl
2018-08-20 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libssh: bump version to 0.8.1
2018-08-20 Thomas Petazzonilibssh: fix download location
2018-08-20 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libepoxy: bump version to 1.5.2
2018-08-20 Thomas Petazzonibotan: fix minor typo in file
2018-08-20 Bernd Kuhlspackage/botan: add optional dependency to xz
2018-08-20 Bernd Kuhlspackage/botan: add optional dependency to sqlite