2017-11-08 Matt WeberManual: DEVELOPERS file integrity check
2017-11-08 Matt WeberDEVELOPERS: fix wireless_tools entry
2017-11-07 Matt WeberDEVELOPERS: add myself to packages
2017-11-07 André Hentschelwireshark: bump version to 2.2.10 (security)
2017-11-07 Peter KorsgaardCHANGES: add toolchain info missing from 2017.11-rc1
2017-11-06 Peter KorsgaardUpdate for 2017.11-rc1
2017-11-06 Peter KorsgaardCHANGES: update with recent changes
2017-11-06 Peter KorsgaardCHANGES: #10361 has been resolved
2017-11-06 Thomas Petazzoniprosody: build with -fPIC
2017-11-06 Matt Weberuboot: use local libfdt.h
2017-11-06 Matt Weberuboot-tools: use local libfdt.h
2017-11-06 Peter KorsgaardCHANGES: update with recent libssh2 changes
2017-11-06 Peter Korsgaardlibssh2: revert to previous crypto defaults
2017-11-06 Gary Bissonqt5base: add qmake.conf fixup for i.MX platforms
2017-11-06 Thomas Petazzoniopenssl: disable libressl on uClibc noMMU
2017-11-06 Peter Korsgaardlxc: fix legacy PR_{G, S}ET_NO_NEW_PRIVS handling
2017-11-06 Sergey Matyukevichorange-pi-one: bump kernel and uboot versions
2017-11-06 Florian Fainelliethtool: Allow enabling/disabling pretty printing
2017-11-05 Peter KorsgaardCHANGES: update with recent changes
2017-11-05 Arnout Vandecappelle... gstreamer: needs dynamic libraries
2017-11-05 Peter Korsgaardkvm-unit-test: x86-64 variant only available on x86...
2017-11-05 Yann E. MORINsuport/download: force svn to be non-interactive
2017-11-05 Joseph Kogutdocs: update DEVELOPERS modification process
2017-11-05 Sergey Matyukevichconfigs/pcduino: bump kernel and u-boot versions
2017-11-05 Peter Korsgaardusb_modeswitch: explicitly set --host / --build for...
2017-11-05 Peter Korsgaardjimtcl: explicitly set --host / --build
2017-11-05 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libplist: security bump to version 2.0.0
2017-11-05 Baruch Siachdbus: bump to version 1.12.0
2017-11-05 Peter Korsgaardorange-pi-pc: bump kernel version to 4.13.11
2017-11-05 Peter Korsgaardorange-pi-zero: bump kernel version to 4.13.11
2017-11-05 Sergey Matyukevichorange-pi-zero: bump kernel version
2017-11-05 Sergey Matyukevichpackage/xr819-xradio: update to the latest version
2017-11-05 Romain Naourpackage/mesa3d: remove old patch for uClibc
2017-11-05 Andrey Smirnovfs: add missing $$(sep) to pre- and post-command hooks...
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/zlib: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/util-linux: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/ussp-push: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/urg: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/scrub: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/python: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/python-numpy: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/pcre: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/patchelf: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/openobex: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/opencv3: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/nginx: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/m4: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/libxml2: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/libtool: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/libglib2: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/libffi: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/gettext: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/flite: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/flex: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/fakeroot: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/cwiid: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/clapack: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/check: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/canfestival: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/busybox: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/bluez_utils: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/bison: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/automake: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpackage/armadillo: add license hash
2017-11-05 Samuel Martinpkg-generic: allow legal-info to be verbose
2017-11-05 Peter Korsgaardqt5webengine: only available on x86(-64) hosts
2017-11-05 Peter Korsgaardluajit: only available on x86(-64) hosts
2017-11-05 Peter Korsgaardti-gfx: only available on x86(-64) hosts
2017-11-05 Thomas Preston.gitlab-ci.yml: use gitlab 9.0 varaible names
2017-11-05 Peter Seidererqt5base: add 3rdparty/harfbuzz-ng license file hash
2017-11-05 Alexey Roslyakovpython-protobuf: update dependencies
2017-11-05 Matt don't reassign ${prefix}
2017-11-05 Yann E. MORINcore/reproducible: do not override SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH
2017-11-04 Florian Fainelliethtool: Bump to version 4.13
2017-11-04 Arnout Vandecappelle... CHANGES: update with the explicit choice of backend...
2017-11-04 Sam Vosspackage/libssh2: Add selectable crypto libraries
2017-11-04 Joseph Kogutpython-websockets: new package
2017-11-03 Evgeniy Didintoolchain: Bump ARC tools to arc-2017.09 release
2017-11-03 Fabrice Fontainelxc: bump to version 2.1.1
2017-11-03 Yegor Yefremovpython-docutils: bump version to 0.14
2017-11-03 Andrey Smirnovpackage/python-toml: bump to version 0.9.3
2017-11-03 Samuel Martinpackage/ussp-push: add patches fixing the build
2017-11-03 Samuel MartinRevert "libiio: Disable IIOD on Blackfin"
2017-11-03 Yegor Yefremovpython-mistune: bump version to 0.8
2017-11-03 Yegor Yefremovpython-m2r: bump version to 0.1.12
2017-11-03 Peter Korsgaardmoarvm: use host-lua instead of host-luajit
2017-11-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libdrm: bump version to 2.4.88
2017-11-03 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libopenssl: security bump to version 1.0.2m
2017-11-03 Ryan Coeinadyn: bump version to 2.2.1
2017-11-03 Ryan Coelibite: bump version to 1.9.2
2017-11-03 Ryan Coemariadb: bump version to 10.1.28
2017-11-03 Adam DuskettDEVELOPERS: Add myself to several packages
2017-11-03 Angelo Compagnuccipackage/mono: bump to version
2017-11-03 Adam Duskettboost: fix handling of BR2_PACKAGE_BOOST_FIBER option
2017-11-03 Adam Duskettlibsepol: require threads
2017-11-03 Carlos Santosrfkill: remove package
2017-11-02 Thomas Petazzonistress-ng: not available on ARC
2017-11-02 Markus Mayerdhcpcd: add systemd start-up service
2017-11-02 Markus Mayerdhcpcd: add SysV start-up script
2017-11-02 Thomas Petazzonilua-sdl2: fix build without C++ compiler