2018-10-17 Asaf Kahlonpython-py: add dependency on host-python-setuptools-scm
2018-10-17 Antoine Tenart{linux, linux-headers}: fix linux-4.9.133.tar.xz checksum
2018-10-17 Thomas Petazzonidocs/website: add TkOS to the sponsors
2018-10-16 Baruch Siachntp: fix build without libcap and no threads
2018-10-16 Asaf Kahlonpython-posix-ipc: bump to version 1.0.4
2018-10-16 Asaf Kahlonpython-markdown: bump to version 3.0.1
2018-10-16 Asaf Kahlonpython-babel: bump to version 2.6.0
2018-10-16 Bernd Kuhls{linux, linux-headers}: bump 4.{4, 9, 14, 18}.x series
2018-10-16 Baruch Siachsquid: requires C++11 toolchain
2018-10-16 Baruch Siachlibssh: security bump to version 0.8.4
2018-10-15 Matt Weberpackage/glibc: provide an upstream site link
2018-10-15 Asaf Kahlonpython-py: new package
2018-10-15 Yann E. MORINpackage/nodejs: use per-build cache directories
2018-10-15 Peter Seidererrpi-wifi-firmware: bump version to 8c1e2bff1d
2018-10-15 Peter Seidererrpi-bt-firmware: bump version to 8c1e2bff1d
2018-10-15 Peter Seidererrpi-userland: bump version to 8f0abfb07b
2018-10-15 Peter Seidererrpi-firmware: bump version to fbad6408c4
2018-10-15 Peter Seidererconfigs/raspberrypi*: bump kernel version to 6d27aa156c
2018-10-15 Thomas Petazzonimdadm: also install mdmon
2018-10-15 Thomas Petazzonimdadm: move from /usr/sbin to /sbin
2018-10-15 Thomas Petazzonimdadm: convert to generic-package
2018-10-15 Fabrice Fontaineudftools: fix build with glibc 2.28
2018-10-15 Asaf Kahlonpython-logbook: bump to version 1.4.1
2018-10-15 Asaf Kahlonpython-cython: bump to version 0.29
2018-10-15 Fabrice Fontainefindutils: fix build with glibc 2.28
2018-10-15 Peter Korsgaardwireshark: security bump to version 2.2.17
2018-10-14 Frank Hunletherlang: always use Buildroot's zlib
2018-10-14 Thomas Petazzoniboot/uboot: fix environment image generation on big...
2018-10-14 Peter Korsgaardsedutil: disable for MIPS Codesourcery toolchain
2018-10-14 Thomas Petazzonisupport/testing: fix TestATFMarvell test case
2018-10-14 Thomas Petazzonisupport/testing: fix TestATFAllwinner test case
2018-10-14 Fabrice Fontainexerces: fix static linking with curl
2018-10-14 Lothar Feltenconfigs/bananapi_m2_ultra: new defconfig
2018-10-14 Lothar Feltenconfigs/bananapi_m1: bump kernel and uboot version
2018-10-14 Fabrice Fontainehaproxy: put back dependency on __sync_*_4
2018-10-14 Asaf Kahlonpython-pycryptodomex: update license info
2018-10-14 Asaf Kahlonpython-txtorcon: bump to version 18.3.0
2018-10-14 Asaf Kahlonpython-psycopg2: add patch to avoid installing tests
2018-10-14 Fabrice Fontainegvfs: bump to version 1.31.4
2018-10-14 Fabrice Fontainegvfs: remove --disable-gconf
2018-10-14 Fabrice Fontainegvfs: fix activation of http/dav backend
2018-10-14 Peter Seiderergstreamer1-editing-services: fix libgtk3 compile
2018-10-13 Baruch Siachntp: fix build for no-MMU with libcap
2018-10-12 Baruch Siachspandsp: remove redundant --disable-doc
2018-10-12 Baruch Siachspandsp: fix static build with jpeg enabled
2018-10-12 Baruch Siachntp: fix build for no-MMU
2018-10-12 Grégoire Delattreutils/get-developers: fix python 3.x compatibility
2018-10-11 Thomas Petazzoniustr: remove source code from target
2018-10-11 Giulio Benettinetsnmp: fix static build failure due to missing -lssl...
2018-10-11 Thomas Petazzoniptpd2: fix patch 0002 so that it applies properly
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontainebotan: disable documentation
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontainexerces: fix buid with older cmake
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontainesemodule-utils: bump to version 2.8
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontaineselinux-python: bump to version 2.8
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontainepolicycoreutils: bump to version 2.8
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontainerestorecond: bump to version 2.8
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontainecheckpolicy: bump to version 2.8
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontainelibsemanage: bump to version 2.8
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontainelibsepol: bump to version 2.8
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontainelibselinux: bump to version 2.8
2018-10-11 Baruch Siachlibssh: bump to version 0.8.3
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontaineopen-plc-utils: fix build with static musl
2018-10-11 Francois Perradperl-class-std-fast: add missing dependency on host...
2018-10-11 Ricardo Martincoskisupport/testing: add python-twisted tests
2018-10-11 Ricardo Martincoskisupport/testing: add python-incremental tests
2018-10-11 Ricardo Martincoskisupport/testing: add python-txtorcon tests
2018-10-11 Ricardo Martincoskisupport/testing: add python-txaio tests
2018-10-11 Ricardo Martincoskisupport/testing: add python-autobahn tests
2018-10-11 Jared Bentspackage/proftpd: add ftpasswd
2018-10-11 Jared Bentspackage/proftpd: add mod_{sql, quotatab} support
2018-10-11 Erico Nunesfwts: bump to version V18.09.00
2018-10-11 Thomas Petazzonifreetype: drop calling autogen, no longer needed
2018-10-11 Grzegorz Blachpigpio: needs thread support
2018-10-11 Yegor Yefremovgzip: fix build with glibc 2.28
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontainenmap: use system liblinear
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontainelibsepol: remove library host symlink
2018-10-11 Fabrice Fontainelibselinux: remove library host symlink
2018-10-11 Artyom Panfilovpackage/ntp: fix md5sum.
2018-10-11 Asaf Kahlonpython-subprocess32: bump to version 3.5.3
2018-10-11 Yegor Yefremovglibc: fix build breakage on soft-float configurations
2018-10-11 Yegor Yefremovscanpypi: improve BSD licence handling
2018-10-11 Thomas Petazzoniconfigs/solidrun_macchiatobin_marvell: bump component...
2018-10-11 Thomas Petazzoniconfigs/solidrun_macchiatobin_mainline: bump component...
2018-10-11 Thomas Petazzoniboot/arm-trusted-firmware: don't pass TARGET_CONFIGURE_...
2018-10-11 Thomas Petazzoniboot/binaries-marvell: bump version to marvell-armada...
2018-10-11 Thomas Petazzoniboot/mv-ddr-marvell: bump version to armada-18.09.2
2018-10-10 Fabrice Fontaineboost: context needs C++11
2018-10-10 Thomas Petazzoniboost: update upstream status of 0005-fix-static-detect...
2018-10-10 Fabrice Fontaineboost: fix static detection of lock-free atomic ints
2018-10-10 Thomas Petazzonipackage/ increase precision of timestamps
2018-10-10 Artyom Panfilovpackage/ntp: security bump to version 4.2.8p12
2018-10-10 Adrian Perez... webkitgtk: enable JIT support on 32-bit MIPS
2018-10-10 Adrian Perez... webkitgtk: enable package for aarch64
2018-10-10 Adrian Perez... webkitgtk: move JSC JIT selection logic to kconfig
2018-10-10 Francois Perradperl-*: regeneration of files
2018-10-10 Francois Perradscancpan: generate a conventional comment
2018-10-10 Fabrice Fontainexerces: bump to version 3.2.2
2018-10-10 Fabrice Fontainejasper: bump to version 2.0.14
2018-10-10 Fabrice Fontainejasper: update license
2018-10-10 Giulio Benettiptpd2: fix build failures due to EVP_MD_CTX conflict...