2017-04-27 Baruch Siachaircrack-ng: don't build SSE code for non SSE target
2017-04-27 Baruch Siachlibnl: add upstream security fix
2017-04-27 Peter Korsgaardtiff: add upstream security fixes
2017-04-27 Peter Korsgaardicu: add upstream security fix for utf-8 handling
2017-04-27 Martin Kepplingertslib: speed up the build by skipping autoreconf
2017-04-27 Steve Kentontovid: bump version to 0.35.2
2017-04-27 Waldemar Brodkorblibmpeg2: fix sparc32 build
2017-04-27 Baruch SiachDEVELOPERS: remove bouncing email address
2017-04-27 Peter Korsgaardlibsndfile: security bump to version 1.0.28
2017-04-27 Peter Korsgaardncftp: use tar.gz to workaround upstream changing tarba...
2017-04-26 Bernd Kuhlspackage/pcsc-lite: bump version to 1.8.20
2017-04-26 Baruch Siachxorriso: disable libcdio
2017-04-26 Waldemar Brodkorbuclibc: update to 1.0.24
2017-04-26 Romain Naourpackage/bullet: bump to version 2.86.1
2017-04-26 Romain Naourpackage/xenomai: fallback to http
2017-04-26 Peter Korsgaardimagemagick: add upstream security fix for CVE-2017...
2017-04-26 Peter Korsgaardlibcroco: bump to version 0.6.12
2017-04-26 Peter Korsgaardlibcroco: add upstream security fixes
2017-04-26 Peter Korsgaardpython-web2py: security bump to version 2.14.6
2017-04-26 Peter Korsgaardminicom: security bump to version 2.7.1
2017-04-26 Arnout Vandecappellebusybox: no need to disable clear and reset
2017-04-26 Bernd Kuhlspackage/aircrack-ng: bump version to 1.2-rc4
2017-04-26 Bernd Kuhlspackage/ccid: bump version to 1.4.26
2017-04-26 Bernd Kuhlspackage/acsccid: bump version to 1.1.4
2017-04-26 Bernd Kuhlspackage/acpica: bump version to 20170303
2017-04-26 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libgpgme: bump version to 1.9.0
2017-04-26 Rahul Bedarkarsg3_utils: improve license description
2017-04-26 Vicente Olivert... linux: bump default version to 4.10.12
2017-04-26 Vicente Olivert... linux-headers: bump 4.{4,9,10}.x series
2017-04-26 Vicente Olivert... python-pyopenssl: bump version to 17.0.0
2017-04-26 Vicente Olivert... tcpreplay: bump version to 4.2.3
2017-04-25 Andrey Smirnovpackage/python-json-schema-validator: remove Python2...
2017-04-25 Andrey Smirnovpackage/python-versiontools: remove Python2 dependency
2017-04-24 Zakharov Vladbinutils: arc: fix 0301-PATCH-check-ldrunpath-length...
2017-04-24 Davide Vitimongoose: bump to version 6.7
2017-04-24 Vicente Olivert... mpv: bump version to 0.25.0
2017-04-24 Vicente Olivert... poppler: bump version to 0.54.0
2017-04-24 Vicente Olivert... harfbuzz: bump version to 1.4.6
2017-04-24 Vicente Olivert... python-dataproperty: bump version to 0.18.1
2017-04-24 Vicente Olivert... x265: bump version to 2.4
2017-04-24 Francois Perradperl-gd: bump to version 2.66
2017-04-22 Baruch Siachsyslog-ng: disable mongodb
2017-04-22 Adam Duskettpackage makefiles: clean up backslash spacing.
2017-04-22 Adam Duskettpackage/qt: fix header
2017-04-22 Adam Duskettpackage/qt5: add comment header
2017-04-22 Adam Duskettpackage/xenomai: properly indent XENOMAI_DEVICES variable
2017-04-22 Adam Duskettpackage/busybox: fix unexpected indent with tabs
2017-04-22 Zakharov Vladtoolchain: Bump ARC tools to arc-2017.03-rc1
2017-04-22 Mario J. Rugieropackage{protobuf,python-protobuf}: bump to v3.2.0
2017-04-22 Francois Perradperl-gd: bump to version 2.59
2017-04-22 Christian Stewartuboot: fix target uboot defconfig warning
2017-04-22 Carlos Santose2fsprogs: use libblkid and libuuid from util-linux...
2017-04-22 Carlos Santose2fsprogs: remove uuidgen support
2017-04-22 Carlos Santose2fsprogs: change into menuconfig
2017-04-22 Carlos Santose2fsprogs: add missing arch depends to comment
2017-04-22 Carlos Santose2fsprogs: change upstream URL ->
2017-04-21 Alistair Francispackage/xen: Use POSIX complaint header includes
2017-04-21 Martin Kepplingertslib: update to 1.9
2017-04-20 Baruch Siachnetsniff-ng: bump to version 0.6.3
2017-04-20 Baruch Siachnetsniff-ng: fix static build with netfilter_conntrack
2017-04-20 Baruch Siachnetsniff-ng: use upstream provided tarball
2017-04-20 Vicente Olivert... libcurl: bump version to 7.54.0 (security)
2017-04-20 Vicente Olivert... cjson: bump version to v1.4.7
2017-04-20 Thomas De Schampheleirexenomai: add string option for additional configure...
2017-04-20 Thomas De Schampheleirexenomai: add support for registry
2017-04-20 Thomas De Schampheleirexenomai: restrict installed files further
2017-04-20 Thomas De Schampheleirexenomai: update list of testsuite files
2017-04-20 Thomas De Schampheleirexenomai: update list of Analogy installed files
2017-04-20 Thomas De Schampheleirexenomai: add option for Smokey skin
2017-04-20 Thomas De Schampheleirexenomai: group skin selection in separate menu and...
2017-04-20 Thomas De Schampheleirexenomai: native skin is now called alchemy
2017-04-20 Thomas De Schampheleirexenomai: update LICENSE_FILES
2017-04-20 Vicente Olivert... mutt: bump version to 1.8.2
2017-04-20 Carlos Santosgtest: fix usage on ARM platforms
2017-04-20 Ricardo Martincoskicheck-package: move parts to subdirectory
2017-04-20 Bernd Kuhlspackage/eudev: bump version to 3.2.2
2017-04-20 Ricardo Martincoskidownload/git: clarify why .git is removed
2017-04-20 Baruch Siachtzdata: bump to version 2017b
2017-04-20 Baruch Siachzic: bump to version 2017b
2017-04-20 Baruch Siachdbus: bump to version 1.10.18
2017-04-20 Baruch Siachlibnss: security bump to version 3.30.2
2017-04-20 Baruch Siachlibnspr: bump to version 4.14
2017-04-20 Baruch Siachzsh: bump to version 5.3.1
2017-04-20 Vicente Olivert... bind: bump version to 9.11.1
2017-04-18 Christian Stewartdocker-engine: fix handling of vendor tree
2017-04-18 Bernd Kuhlspackage/freeswitch: bump version to 1.6.17
2017-04-18 Bernd Kuhlslinux: bump default version to 4.10.11
2017-04-18 Bernd Kuhlspackage/linux-headers: bump 3.12.x and 4.{4, 9, 10...
2017-04-18 Zakharov Vladboard/synopsys: remove patch for linux vdk defconfig
2017-04-18 Rahul Bedarkartrinity: needs __sync_val_compare_and_swap_4
2017-04-18 Vicente Olivert... php: bump version to 7.1.4
2017-04-17 Yann E. MORINsupport/test-pkg: run legal-info
2017-04-17 Arnout Vandecappellesupport/test-pkg: calculate toolchain name only once
2017-04-17 Romain Naourpackage/libunwind: disable for x86 with uClibc toolchain
2017-04-17 Romain Naourpackage/efl: add libunwind optional dependency
2017-04-17 Romain Naourpackage/xenomai: add host-pkgconf dependency
2017-04-17 Rahul Bedarkarpackage: use SPDX short identifier for license string...
2017-04-17 Rahul Bedarkarti-cgt-pru: use SPDX short identifier for license string
2017-04-17 Rahul Bedarkarsam-ba: use SPDX short identifier for license string
2017-04-17 Rahul Bedarkarwhich: update homepage URL