2020-07-07 Francois Perradpackage/luaposix: bump to version 35.0
2020-07-07 Ignacy Gawędzkipackage/angularjs: bump version to 1.8.0
2020-07-07 Santosh Multhallipackage/valijson: bump version to 0.3
2020-07-07 Chris Packhamsyslog-ng: version bump to 3.28.1
2020-07-07 Giulio Benettipackage/sunxi-mali-mainline-driver: bump version
2020-07-07 Mylène JosserandDEVELOPERS: Update Mylene's email
2020-07-05 Sergio Pradopackage/azure-iot-sdk-c: bump version to LTS_02_2020_Ref01
2020-07-05 Antoine Tenartpackage/refpolicy: enable systemd support
2020-07-05 Antoine Tenartpackage/refpolicy: bump to 2.20200229
2020-07-05 Yegor Yefremovpackage/swig: bump version to 4.0.2
2020-07-05 Yegor Yefremovpackage/python-pyparted: bump version to 3.11.6
2020-07-05 Sergio Pradopackage/execline: bump version to
2020-07-05 Julien Olivainconfigs/freescale_imx7dsabresd: bump BSP components...
2020-07-05 Julien Olivainconfigs/freescale_imx6*: bump BSP components to 5.4...
2020-07-05 Sergio Pradopackage/adwaita-icon-theme: bump version to 3.37.2
2020-07-05 Sergio Pradopackage/lshw: bump version to 02.19.2
2020-07-05 Giulio Benettipackage/libnss: enable parallel building
2020-07-05 Masahiro Yamadaconfigs/arm_foundationv8: use BR2_LINUX_KERNEL_USE_ARCH...
2020-07-05 Sergio Pradopackage/libyaml: bump version to 0.2.5
2020-07-05 Bernd Kuhlspackage/kodi-pvr-nextpvr: bump version to 3.3.21-Leia
2020-07-05 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libmicrohttpd: security bump version to 0.9.71
2020-07-05 Bernd Kuhlspackage/upmpdcli: fix build with libmicrohttpd 0.9.71
2020-07-05 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libhttpserver: fix build with libmicrohttpd...
2020-07-05 Bernd Kuhlspackage/libhttpserver: bump version to 0.18.1
2020-07-05 Bernd Kuhlspackage/kodi: fix build with libmicrohttpd 0.9.71
2020-07-05 Bernd Kuhlspackage/systemd: fix build with libmicrohttpd 0.9.71
2020-07-04 Sergio Pradopackage/live555: bump version to 2020.06.25
2020-07-04 Sergio Pradopackage/lm-sensors: bump version to 3-6-0
2020-07-03 Sergio Pradopackage/exempi: bump version to 2.5.2
2020-07-03 Baruch Siachpackage/libcurl: bump to version 7.71.1
2020-07-03 Pierre-Jean... package/qt5: fix check-package warnings
2020-07-02 Nicolas Dufresnepackage/gstreamer1/gst1-plugins-good: Enable GUDEV...
2020-07-01 Andreas Naumanncore/pkg-infra: Add per-package support in qmake infra
2020-06-30 Julien Olivainpackage/poco: add new option for the Poco JWT component
2020-06-30 Julien Olivainpackage/poco: enable build for riscv64
2020-06-30 Julien Olivainpackage/poco: bump to version 1.10.1
2020-06-30 Julien Olivainpackage/poco: add BR2_PACKAGE_POCO_ARCH_SUPPORTS
2020-06-29 Angelo Compagnuccipackage/cups-filters: bump to version 1.27.5
2020-06-29 Angelo Compagnuccipackage/cups-filters: improve cups-browsed init integration
2020-06-29 Romain Naourpackage/binutils: remove version 2.31.1
2020-06-29 Romain Naourpackage/binutils: switch to use 2.33.1 as the default...
2020-06-29 Romain Naourpackage/binutils: add version 2.34
2020-06-29 Romain Naourpackage/glibc: disable Werror for gcc 10 build
2020-06-29 Fabrice Fontainepackage/cryptsetup: needs iconv
2020-06-29 Fabrice Fontainepackage/xvisor: bump to version 0.3.0
2020-06-29 Yann E. MORINpackage/dropbear: fix typo
2020-06-29 Bernd Kuhlspackage/unrar: bump version to 5.9.3
2020-06-29 Jörg Krausepackage/ncmpc: bump to version 0.38
2020-06-29 Jörg Krausepackage/mpd: bump to version 0.21.24
2020-06-29 Francois Perradpackage/dropbear: bump to version 2020.80
2020-06-29 Francois Perradpackage/dropbear: fix license infos
2020-06-29 Gwenhael Goavec... package/gr-osmosdr: fix build with boost 1.7.3
2020-06-29 Adam Duskettpackage/libressl: bump version to 3.1.3
2020-06-29 Asaf Kahlonpackage/python-py: bump to version 1.9.0
2020-06-29 Asaf Kahlonpackage/fuse-overlayfs: bump to version 1.1.2
2020-06-29 Yurii Monakovfs/cpio: generate reproducible archives
2020-06-27 Brandon Maieruboot: zynqmp: Support loading a PMU config
2020-06-27 John Keepingtoolchain/toolchain-wrapper: let recent GCC handle...
2020-06-27 Norbert Langepackage/lttng-{libust, tools}: use proper systemd rundir
2020-06-27 Norbert Langepackage/lttng-tools: bump version to 2.12.1
2020-06-27 Norbert Langepackage/lttng-libust: bump version to 2.12.0
2020-06-27 Norbert Langepackage/liburcu: bump version to 0.12.1
2020-06-27 Pieterjan Camerlynckpackage/mraa: fix toolchain requirements
2020-06-26 Stéphane Veyretpackage/rpi-firmware: fix startup file names
2020-06-25 Bernd Kuhlspackage/{mesa3d, mesa3d-headers}: bump version to 20.1.2
2020-06-25 Fabrice Fontainepackage/smstools3: bump to version 3.1.21
2020-06-25 Francois Perradpackage/dropbear: restore full BR2_PACKAGE_DROPBEAR_LEG...
2020-06-25 Bernd Kuhlspackage/stellarium: bump version to 0.20.2
2020-06-25 Frank Hunlethpackage/fwup: bump to v1.8.0
2020-06-25 Frank Hunlethpackage/libconfuse: bump version to 3.3
2020-06-25 Peter Seidererpackage/wireless-regdb: bump version to 2020.04.29
2020-06-25 Maxim Cournoyerpackages/ fix file locking over NFS
2020-06-24 Romain Naourpackage/sdl2: remove sdl2-config.cmake
2020-06-24 Adam Duskettpackage/nftables: bear the kernel options munging
2020-06-24 Jan Kiszkapackage/xenomai: add support to download from a custom...
2020-06-24 Yann E. MORINpackage/xenomai: add support to download a custom tarball
2020-06-24 Yann E. MORINpackage/xenomai: move the version setting to Kconfig
2020-06-24 Romain Naourconfigs/qemu_*: bump kernel version to 5.4.42
2020-06-24 Romain Naourboard/qemu/sh4-r2d: fix sh4 kernel bug with binutils...
2020-06-24 Giulio Benettipackage/libnss: fix build failure on microblaze
2020-06-24 Romain Naourpackage/gcc: switch to gcc 9.x as the default
2020-06-24 Romain Naourtoolchain/toolchain-external/toolchain-external-custom...
2020-06-24 Romain Naourarch/ add BR2_ARCH_NEEDS_GCC_AT_LEAST_10
2020-06-24 Romain Naourpackage/gcc: add support for gcc 10
2020-06-24 Romain Naourtoolchain/ add BR2_TOOLCHAIN_GCC_AT_LEAST_10...
2020-06-24 Gwenhael Goavec... package/gqrx: fix build with boost 1.73.0
2020-06-24 Christopher... package/json-c: bump version to 0.14
2020-06-24 Adrian Perez... package/wpebackend-fdo: bump to version 1.6.1
2020-06-24 Mark Corbinboot/opensbi: bump to version 0.8
2020-06-24 Baruch Siachpackage/libcurl: security bump to version 7.71.0
2020-06-24 Guillaume W... package/libnids: disable libnet only if not available
2020-06-24 Peter Korsgaardpackage/wireguard-linux-compat: bump version to 1.0...
2020-06-24 Peter Korsgaardpackage/wireguard-tools: bump version to 1.0.20200513
2020-06-23 Ash Charlespru-software-support: bump to latest version 5.7.0
2020-06-23 Fabrice Fontainepackage/nginx: fix typo in stream split clients
2020-06-23 Fabrice Fontainepackage/upmpdcli: bump to version 1.4.12
2020-06-23 Fabrice Fontainepackage/libupnpp: bump to version 0.19.2
2020-06-23 Fabrice Fontainepackage/libnpupnp: new package
2020-06-23 Fabrice Fontainepackage/nginx: add stream split clients option
2020-06-23 Bartosz Bilaspackage/irrlicht: add patch to fix libraries linking