intel/isl: move tiled_memcpy static libs from i965 to isl
[mesa.git] / src / mesa / drivers / dri / i965 / intel_tex_image.c
2 #include "main/macros.h"
3 #include "main/mtypes.h"
4 #include "main/enums.h"
5 #include "main/bufferobj.h"
6 #include "main/context.h"
7 #include "main/formats.h"
8 #include "main/glformats.h"
9 #include "main/image.h"
10 #include "main/pbo.h"
11 #include "main/renderbuffer.h"
12 #include "main/texcompress.h"
13 #include "main/texgetimage.h"
14 #include "main/texobj.h"
15 #include "main/teximage.h"
16 #include "main/texstore.h"
18 #include "drivers/common/meta.h"
20 #include "intel_mipmap_tree.h"
21 #include "intel_buffer_objects.h"
22 #include "intel_batchbuffer.h"
23 #include "intel_tex.h"
24 #include "intel_fbo.h"
25 #include "intel_image.h"
26 #include "brw_context.h"
27 #include "brw_blorp.h"
31 /* Make sure one doesn't end up shrinking base level zero unnecessarily.
32 * Determining the base level dimension by shifting higher level dimension
33 * ends up in off-by-one value in case base level has NPOT size (for example,
34 * 293 != 146 << 1).
35 * Choose the original base level dimension when shifted dimensions agree.
36 * Otherwise assume real resize is intended and use the new shifted value.
37 */
38 static unsigned
39 get_base_dim(unsigned old_base_dim, unsigned new_level_dim, unsigned level)
40 {
41 const unsigned old_level_dim = old_base_dim >> level;
42 const unsigned new_base_dim = new_level_dim << level;
44 return old_level_dim == new_level_dim ? old_base_dim : new_base_dim;
45 }
47 /* Work back from the specified level of the image to the baselevel and create a
48 * miptree of that size.
49 */
50 struct intel_mipmap_tree *
51 intel_miptree_create_for_teximage(struct brw_context *brw,
52 struct intel_texture_object *intelObj,
53 struct intel_texture_image *intelImage,
54 enum intel_miptree_create_flags flags)
55 {
56 GLuint lastLevel;
57 int width, height, depth;
58 unsigned old_width = 0, old_height = 0, old_depth = 0;
59 const struct intel_mipmap_tree *old_mt = intelObj->mt;
60 const unsigned level = intelImage->base.Base.Level;
62 intel_get_image_dims(&intelImage->base.Base, &width, &height, &depth);
64 if (old_mt) {
65 old_width = old_mt->surf.logical_level0_px.width;
66 old_height = old_mt->surf.logical_level0_px.height;
67 old_depth = old_mt->surf.dim == ISL_SURF_DIM_3D ?
68 old_mt->surf.logical_level0_px.depth :
69 old_mt->surf.logical_level0_px.array_len;
70 }
72 DBG("%s\n", __func__);
74 /* Figure out image dimensions at start level. */
75 switch(intelObj->base.Target) {
80 assert(level == 0);
81 break;
82 case GL_TEXTURE_3D:
83 depth = old_mt ? get_base_dim(old_depth, depth, level) :
84 depth << level;
85 /* Fall through */
86 case GL_TEXTURE_2D:
90 height = old_mt ? get_base_dim(old_height, height, level) :
91 height << level;
92 /* Fall through */
93 case GL_TEXTURE_1D:
95 width = old_mt ? get_base_dim(old_width, width, level) :
96 width << level;
97 break;
98 default:
99 unreachable("Unexpected target");
100 }
102 /* Guess a reasonable value for lastLevel. This is probably going
103 * to be wrong fairly often and might mean that we have to look at
104 * resizable buffers, or require that buffers implement lazy
105 * pagetable arrangements.
106 */
107 if ((intelObj->base.Sampler.MinFilter == GL_NEAREST ||
108 intelObj->base.Sampler.MinFilter == GL_LINEAR) &&
109 intelImage->base.Base.Level == 0 &&
110 !intelObj->base.GenerateMipmap) {
111 lastLevel = 0;
112 } else {
113 lastLevel = _mesa_get_tex_max_num_levels(intelObj->base.Target,
114 width, height, depth) - 1;
115 }
117 return intel_miptree_create(brw,
118 intelObj->base.Target,
119 intelImage->base.Base.TexFormat,
120 0,
121 lastLevel,
122 width,
123 height,
124 depth,
125 MAX2(intelImage->base.Base.NumSamples, 1),
126 flags);
127 }
129 static bool
130 intel_texsubimage_blorp(struct brw_context *brw, GLuint dims,
131 struct gl_texture_image *tex_image,
132 unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned z,
133 unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned depth,
134 GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *pixels,
135 const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing)
136 {
137 struct intel_texture_image *intel_image = intel_texture_image(tex_image);
138 const unsigned mt_level = tex_image->Level + tex_image->TexObject->MinLevel;
139 const unsigned mt_z = tex_image->TexObject->MinLayer + tex_image->Face + z;
141 /* The blorp path can't understand crazy format hackery */
142 if (_mesa_base_tex_format(&brw->ctx, tex_image->InternalFormat) !=
143 _mesa_get_format_base_format(tex_image->TexFormat))
144 return false;
146 return brw_blorp_upload_miptree(brw, intel_image->mt, tex_image->TexFormat,
147 mt_level, x, y, mt_z, width, height, depth,
148 tex_image->TexObject->Target, format, type,
149 pixels, packing);
150 }
152 /**
153 * \brief A fast path for glTexImage and glTexSubImage.
154 *
155 * This fast path is taken when the texture format is BGRA, RGBA,
156 * A or L and when the texture memory is X- or Y-tiled. It uploads
157 * the texture data by mapping the texture memory without a GTT fence, thus
158 * acquiring a tiled view of the memory, and then copying sucessive
159 * spans within each tile.
160 *
161 * This is a performance win over the conventional texture upload path because
162 * it avoids the performance penalty of writing through the write-combine
163 * buffer. In the conventional texture upload path,
164 * texstore.c:store_texsubimage(), the texture memory is mapped through a GTT
165 * fence, thus acquiring a linear view of the memory, then each row in the
166 * image is memcpy'd. In this fast path, we replace each row's copy with
167 * a sequence of copies over each linear span in tile.
168 *
169 * One use case is Google Chrome's paint rectangles. Chrome (as
170 * of version 21) renders each page as a tiling of 256x256 GL_BGRA textures.
171 * Each page's content is initially uploaded with glTexImage2D and damaged
172 * regions are updated with glTexSubImage2D. On some workloads, the
173 * performance gain of this fastpath on Sandybridge is over 5x.
174 */
175 static bool
176 intel_texsubimage_tiled_memcpy(struct gl_context * ctx,
177 GLuint dims,
178 struct gl_texture_image *texImage,
179 GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset,
180 GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth,
181 GLenum format, GLenum type,
182 const GLvoid *pixels,
183 const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing)
184 {
185 struct brw_context *brw = brw_context(ctx);
186 const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &brw->screen->devinfo;
187 struct intel_texture_image *image = intel_texture_image(texImage);
188 int src_pitch;
190 /* The miptree's buffer. */
191 struct brw_bo *bo;
193 uint32_t cpp;
194 isl_memcpy_type copy_type;
196 /* This fastpath is restricted to specific texture types:
197 * a 2D BGRA, RGBA, L8 or A8 texture. It could be generalized to support
198 * more types.
199 *
200 * FINISHME: The restrictions below on packing alignment and packing row
201 * length are likely unneeded now because we calculate the source stride
202 * with _mesa_image_row_stride. However, before removing the restrictions
203 * we need tests.
204 */
205 if (!devinfo->has_llc ||
206 !(type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV) ||
207 !(texImage->TexObject->Target == GL_TEXTURE_2D ||
208 texImage->TexObject->Target == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE) ||
209 pixels == NULL ||
210 _mesa_is_bufferobj(packing->BufferObj) ||
211 packing->Alignment > 4 ||
212 packing->SkipPixels > 0 ||
213 packing->SkipRows > 0 ||
214 (packing->RowLength != 0 && packing->RowLength != width) ||
215 packing->SwapBytes ||
216 packing->LsbFirst ||
217 packing->Invert)
218 return false;
220 /* Only a simple blit, no scale, bias or other mapping. */
221 if (ctx->_ImageTransferState)
222 return false;
224 copy_type = intel_miptree_get_memcpy_type(texImage->TexFormat, format, type,
225 &cpp);
226 if (copy_type == ISL_MEMCPY_INVALID)
227 return false;
229 /* If this is a nontrivial texture view, let another path handle it instead. */
230 if (texImage->TexObject->MinLayer)
231 return false;
233 if (!image->mt ||
234 (image->mt->surf.tiling != ISL_TILING_X &&
235 image->mt->surf.tiling != ISL_TILING_Y0)) {
236 /* The algorithm is written only for X- or Y-tiled memory. */
237 return false;
238 }
240 /* linear_to_tiled() assumes that if the object is swizzled, it is using
241 * I915_BIT6_SWIZZLE_9_10 for X and I915_BIT6_SWIZZLE_9 for Y. This is only
242 * true on gen5 and above.
243 *
244 * The killer on top is that some gen4 have an L-shaped swizzle mode, where
245 * parts of the memory aren't swizzled at all. Userspace just can't handle
246 * that.
247 */
248 if (devinfo->gen < 5 && brw->has_swizzling)
249 return false;
251 int level = texImage->Level + texImage->TexObject->MinLevel;
253 /* Since we are going to write raw data to the miptree, we need to resolve
254 * any pending fast color clears before we start.
255 */
256 assert(image->mt->surf.logical_level0_px.depth == 1);
257 assert(image->mt->surf.logical_level0_px.array_len == 1);
259 intel_miptree_access_raw(brw, image->mt, level, 0, true);
261 bo = image->mt->bo;
263 if (brw_batch_references(&brw->batch, bo)) {
264 perf_debug("Flushing before mapping a referenced bo.\n");
265 intel_batchbuffer_flush(brw);
266 }
268 void *map = brw_bo_map(brw, bo, MAP_WRITE | MAP_RAW);
269 if (map == NULL) {
270 DBG("%s: failed to map bo\n", __func__);
271 return false;
272 }
274 src_pitch = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing, width, format, type);
276 /* We postponed printing this message until having committed to executing
277 * the function.
278 */
279 DBG("%s: level=%d offset=(%d,%d) (w,h)=(%d,%d) format=0x%x type=0x%x "
280 "mesa_format=0x%x tiling=%d "
281 "packing=(alignment=%d row_length=%d skip_pixels=%d skip_rows=%d) ",
282 __func__, texImage->Level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height,
283 format, type, texImage->TexFormat, image->mt->surf.tiling,
284 packing->Alignment, packing->RowLength, packing->SkipPixels,
285 packing->SkipRows);
287 /* Adjust x and y offset based on miplevel */
288 unsigned level_x, level_y;
289 intel_miptree_get_image_offset(image->mt, level, 0, &level_x, &level_y);
290 xoffset += level_x;
291 yoffset += level_y;
293 isl_memcpy_linear_to_tiled(
294 xoffset * cpp, (xoffset + width) * cpp,
295 yoffset, yoffset + height,
296 map,
297 pixels,
298 image->mt->surf.row_pitch_B, src_pitch,
299 brw->has_swizzling,
300 image->mt->surf.tiling,
301 copy_type
302 );
304 brw_bo_unmap(bo);
305 return true;
306 }
309 static void
310 intel_upload_tex(struct gl_context * ctx,
311 GLuint dims,
312 struct gl_texture_image *texImage,
313 GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset,
314 GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth,
315 GLenum format, GLenum type,
316 const GLvoid * pixels,
317 const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing)
318 {
319 struct brw_context *brw = brw_context(ctx);
320 struct intel_mipmap_tree *mt = intel_texture_image(texImage)->mt;
321 bool ok;
323 /* Check that there is actually data to store. */
324 if (pixels == NULL && !_mesa_is_bufferobj(packing->BufferObj))
325 return;
327 bool tex_busy = mt && brw_bo_busy(mt->bo);
329 if (_mesa_is_bufferobj(packing->BufferObj) || tex_busy ||
330 mt->aux_usage == ISL_AUX_USAGE_CCS_E) {
331 ok = intel_texsubimage_blorp(brw, dims, texImage,
332 xoffset, yoffset, zoffset,
333 width, height, depth, format, type,
334 pixels, packing);
335 if (ok)
336 return;
337 }
339 ok = intel_texsubimage_tiled_memcpy(ctx, dims, texImage,
340 xoffset, yoffset, zoffset,
341 width, height, depth,
342 format, type, pixels, packing);
343 if (ok)
344 return;
346 _mesa_store_texsubimage(ctx, dims, texImage,
347 xoffset, yoffset, zoffset,
348 width, height, depth,
349 format, type, pixels, packing);
350 }
353 static void
354 intelTexImage(struct gl_context * ctx,
355 GLuint dims,
356 struct gl_texture_image *texImage,
357 GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *pixels,
358 const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *unpack)
359 {
360 DBG("%s mesa_format %s target %s format %s type %s level %d %dx%dx%d\n",
361 __func__, _mesa_get_format_name(texImage->TexFormat),
362 _mesa_enum_to_string(texImage->TexObject->Target),
363 _mesa_enum_to_string(format), _mesa_enum_to_string(type),
364 texImage->Level, texImage->Width, texImage->Height, texImage->Depth);
366 /* Allocate storage for texture data. */
367 if (!ctx->Driver.AllocTextureImageBuffer(ctx, texImage)) {
368 _mesa_error(ctx, GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "glTexImage%uD", dims);
369 return;
370 }
372 assert(intel_texture_image(texImage)->mt);
374 intel_upload_tex(ctx, dims, texImage, 0, 0, 0,
375 texImage->Width, texImage->Height, texImage->Depth,
376 format, type, pixels, unpack);
377 }
380 static void
381 intelTexSubImage(struct gl_context * ctx,
382 GLuint dims,
383 struct gl_texture_image *texImage,
384 GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset,
385 GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth,
386 GLenum format, GLenum type,
387 const GLvoid * pixels,
388 const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing)
389 {
390 DBG("%s mesa_format %s target %s format %s type %s level %d %dx%dx%d\n",
391 __func__, _mesa_get_format_name(texImage->TexFormat),
392 _mesa_enum_to_string(texImage->TexObject->Target),
393 _mesa_enum_to_string(format), _mesa_enum_to_string(type),
394 texImage->Level, texImage->Width, texImage->Height, texImage->Depth);
396 intel_upload_tex(ctx, dims, texImage, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset,
397 width, height, depth, format, type, pixels, packing);
398 }
401 static void
402 intel_set_texture_image_mt(struct brw_context *brw,
403 struct gl_texture_image *image,
404 GLenum internal_format,
405 mesa_format format,
406 struct intel_mipmap_tree *mt)
408 {
409 struct gl_texture_object *texobj = image->TexObject;
410 struct intel_texture_object *intel_texobj = intel_texture_object(texobj);
411 struct intel_texture_image *intel_image = intel_texture_image(image);
413 _mesa_init_teximage_fields(&brw->ctx, image,
414 mt->surf.logical_level0_px.width,
415 mt->surf.logical_level0_px.height, 1,
416 0, internal_format, format);
418 brw->ctx.Driver.FreeTextureImageBuffer(&brw->ctx, image);
420 intel_texobj->needs_validate = true;
421 intel_image->base.RowStride = mt->surf.row_pitch_B / mt->cpp;
422 assert(mt->surf.row_pitch_B % mt->cpp == 0);
424 intel_miptree_reference(&intel_image->mt, mt);
426 /* Immediately validate the image to the object. */
427 intel_miptree_reference(&intel_texobj->mt, mt);
428 }
431 void
432 intelSetTexBuffer2(__DRIcontext *pDRICtx, GLint target,
433 GLint texture_format,
434 __DRIdrawable *dPriv)
435 {
436 struct gl_framebuffer *fb = dPriv->driverPrivate;
437 struct brw_context *brw = pDRICtx->driverPrivate;
438 struct gl_context *ctx = &brw->ctx;
439 struct intel_renderbuffer *rb;
440 struct gl_texture_object *texObj;
441 struct gl_texture_image *texImage;
442 mesa_format texFormat = MESA_FORMAT_NONE;
443 GLenum internal_format = 0;
445 texObj = _mesa_get_current_tex_object(ctx, target);
447 if (!texObj)
448 return;
450 if (dPriv->lastStamp != dPriv->dri2.stamp ||
451 !pDRICtx->driScreenPriv->dri2.useInvalidate)
452 intel_update_renderbuffers(pDRICtx, dPriv);
454 rb = intel_get_renderbuffer(fb, BUFFER_FRONT_LEFT);
455 /* If the miptree isn't set, then intel_update_renderbuffers was unable
456 * to get the BO for the drawable from the window system.
457 */
458 if (!rb || !rb->mt)
459 return;
461 /* Neither the EGL and GLX texture_from_pixmap specs say anything about
462 * sRGB. They are both from a time where sRGB was considered an extra
463 * encoding step you did as part of rendering/blending and not a format.
464 * Even though we have concept of sRGB visuals, X has classically assumed
465 * that your data is just bits and sRGB rendering is entirely a client-side
466 * rendering construct. The assumption is that the result of BindTexImage
467 * is a texture with a linear format even if it was rendered with sRGB
468 * encoding enabled.
469 */
470 texFormat = _mesa_get_srgb_format_linear(intel_rb_format(rb));
472 if (rb->mt->cpp == 4) {
473 /* The extra texture_format parameter indicates whether the alpha
474 * channel should be respected or ignored. If we set internal_format to
475 * GL_RGB, the texture handling code is smart enough to swap the format
476 * or apply a swizzle if the underlying format is RGBA so we don't need
477 * to stomp it to RGBX or anything like that.
478 */
479 if (texture_format == __DRI_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGB)
480 internal_format = GL_RGB;
481 else
482 internal_format = GL_RGBA;
483 } else if (rb->mt->cpp == 2) {
484 internal_format = GL_RGB;
485 }
487 intel_miptree_finish_external(brw, rb->mt);
489 _mesa_lock_texture(&brw->ctx, texObj);
490 texImage = _mesa_get_tex_image(ctx, texObj, target, 0);
491 intel_set_texture_image_mt(brw, texImage, internal_format,
492 texFormat, rb->mt);
493 _mesa_unlock_texture(&brw->ctx, texObj);
494 }
496 void
497 intelReleaseTexBuffer(__DRIcontext *pDRICtx, GLint target,
498 __DRIdrawable *dPriv)
499 {
500 struct brw_context *brw = pDRICtx->driverPrivate;
501 struct gl_context *ctx = &brw->ctx;
502 struct gl_texture_object *tex_obj;
503 struct intel_texture_object *intel_tex;
505 tex_obj = _mesa_get_current_tex_object(ctx, target);
506 if (!tex_obj)
507 return;
509 _mesa_lock_texture(&brw->ctx, tex_obj);
511 intel_tex = intel_texture_object(tex_obj);
512 if (!intel_tex->mt) {
513 _mesa_unlock_texture(&brw->ctx, tex_obj);
514 return;
515 }
517 /* The intel_miptree_prepare_external below as well as the finish_external
518 * above in intelSetTexBuffer2 *should* do nothing. The BindTexImage call
519 * from both GLX and EGL has TexImage2D and not TexSubImage2D semantics so
520 * the texture is not immutable. This means that the user cannot create a
521 * texture view of the image with a different format. Since the only three
522 * formats available when using BindTexImage are all UNORM, we can never
523 * end up with an sRGB format being used for texturing and so we shouldn't
524 * get any format-related resolves when texturing from it.
525 *
526 * While very unlikely, it is possible that the client could use the bound
527 * texture with GL_ARB_image_load_store. In that case, we'll do a resolve
528 * but that's not actually a problem as it just means that we lose
529 * compression on this texture until the next time it's used as a render
530 * target.
531 *
532 * The only other way we could end up with an unexpected aux usage would be
533 * if we rendered to the image from the same context as we have it bound as
534 * a texture between BindTexImage and ReleaseTexImage. However, the spec
535 * clearly calls this case out and says you shouldn't do that. It doesn't
536 * explicitly prevent binding the texture to a framebuffer but it says the
537 * results of trying to render to it while bound are undefined.
538 *
539 * Just to keep everything safe and sane, we do a prepare_external but it
540 * should be a no-op in almost all cases. On the off chance that someone
541 * ever triggers this, we should at least warn them.
542 */
543 if (intel_tex->mt->aux_buf &&
544 intel_miptree_get_aux_state(intel_tex->mt, 0, 0) !=
545 isl_drm_modifier_get_default_aux_state(intel_tex->mt->drm_modifier)) {
546 _mesa_warning(ctx, "Aux state changed between BindTexImage and "
547 "ReleaseTexImage. Most likely someone tried to draw "
548 "to the pixmap bound in BindTexImage or used it with "
549 "image_load_store.");
550 }
552 intel_miptree_prepare_external(brw, intel_tex->mt);
554 _mesa_unlock_texture(&brw->ctx, tex_obj);
555 }
557 static GLboolean
558 intel_bind_renderbuffer_tex_image(struct gl_context *ctx,
559 struct gl_renderbuffer *rb,
560 struct gl_texture_image *image)
561 {
562 struct intel_renderbuffer *irb = intel_renderbuffer(rb);
563 struct intel_texture_image *intel_image = intel_texture_image(image);
564 struct gl_texture_object *texobj = image->TexObject;
565 struct intel_texture_object *intel_texobj = intel_texture_object(texobj);
567 /* We can only handle RB allocated with AllocRenderbufferStorage, or
568 * window-system renderbuffers.
569 */
570 assert(!rb->TexImage);
572 if (!irb->mt)
573 return false;
575 _mesa_lock_texture(ctx, texobj);
576 _mesa_init_teximage_fields(ctx, image,
577 rb->Width, rb->Height, 1,
578 0, rb->InternalFormat, rb->Format);
579 image->NumSamples = rb->NumSamples;
581 intel_miptree_reference(&intel_image->mt, irb->mt);
583 /* Immediately validate the image to the object. */
584 intel_miptree_reference(&intel_texobj->mt, intel_image->mt);
586 intel_texobj->needs_validate = true;
587 _mesa_unlock_texture(ctx, texobj);
589 return true;
590 }
592 void
593 intelSetTexBuffer(__DRIcontext *pDRICtx, GLint target, __DRIdrawable *dPriv)
594 {
595 /* The old interface didn't have the format argument, so copy our
596 * implementation's behavior at the time.
597 */
598 intelSetTexBuffer2(pDRICtx, target, __DRI_TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA, dPriv);
599 }
601 static void
602 intel_image_target_texture_2d(struct gl_context *ctx, GLenum target,
603 struct gl_texture_object *texObj,
604 struct gl_texture_image *texImage,
605 GLeglImageOES image_handle)
606 {
607 struct brw_context *brw = brw_context(ctx);
608 struct intel_mipmap_tree *mt;
609 __DRIscreen *dri_screen = brw->screen->driScrnPriv;
610 __DRIimage *image;
612 image = dri_screen->dri2.image->lookupEGLImage(dri_screen, image_handle,
613 dri_screen->loaderPrivate);
614 if (image == NULL)
615 return;
617 /* Disallow depth/stencil textures: we don't have a way to pass the
618 * separate stencil miptree of a GL_DEPTH_STENCIL texture through.
619 */
620 if (image->has_depthstencil) {
621 _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, __func__);
622 return;
623 }
625 mt = intel_miptree_create_for_dri_image(brw, image, target, image->format,
626 false);
627 if (mt == NULL)
628 return;
630 struct intel_texture_object *intel_texobj = intel_texture_object(texObj);
631 intel_texobj->planar_format = image->planar_format;
633 const GLenum internal_format =
634 image->internal_format != 0 ?
635 image->internal_format : _mesa_get_format_base_format(mt->format);
636 intel_set_texture_image_mt(brw, texImage, internal_format, mt->format, mt);
637 intel_miptree_release(&mt);
638 }
640 static bool
641 intel_gettexsubimage_blorp(struct brw_context *brw,
642 struct gl_texture_image *tex_image,
643 unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned z,
644 unsigned width, unsigned height, unsigned depth,
645 GLenum format, GLenum type, const void *pixels,
646 const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing)
647 {
648 struct intel_texture_image *intel_image = intel_texture_image(tex_image);
649 const unsigned mt_level = tex_image->Level + tex_image->TexObject->MinLevel;
650 const unsigned mt_z = tex_image->TexObject->MinLayer + tex_image->Face + z;
652 /* The blorp path can't understand crazy format hackery */
653 if (_mesa_base_tex_format(&brw->ctx, tex_image->InternalFormat) !=
654 _mesa_get_format_base_format(tex_image->TexFormat))
655 return false;
657 return brw_blorp_download_miptree(brw, intel_image->mt,
658 tex_image->TexFormat, SWIZZLE_XYZW,
659 mt_level, x, y, mt_z,
660 width, height, depth,
661 tex_image->TexObject->Target,
662 format, type, false, pixels, packing);
663 }
665 /**
666 * \brief A fast path for glGetTexImage.
667 *
668 * \see intel_readpixels_tiled_memcpy()
669 */
670 static bool
671 intel_gettexsubimage_tiled_memcpy(struct gl_context *ctx,
672 struct gl_texture_image *texImage,
673 GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset,
674 GLsizei width, GLsizei height,
675 GLenum format, GLenum type,
676 GLvoid *pixels,
677 const struct gl_pixelstore_attrib *packing)
678 {
679 struct brw_context *brw = brw_context(ctx);
680 const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &brw->screen->devinfo;
681 struct intel_texture_image *image = intel_texture_image(texImage);
682 int dst_pitch;
684 /* The miptree's buffer. */
685 struct brw_bo *bo;
687 uint32_t cpp;
688 isl_memcpy_type copy_type;
690 /* This fastpath is restricted to specific texture types:
691 * a 2D BGRA, RGBA, L8 or A8 texture. It could be generalized to support
692 * more types.
693 *
694 * FINISHME: The restrictions below on packing alignment and packing row
695 * length are likely unneeded now because we calculate the destination stride
696 * with _mesa_image_row_stride. However, before removing the restrictions
697 * we need tests.
698 */
699 if (!devinfo->has_llc ||
700 !(type == GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE || type == GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV) ||
701 !(texImage->TexObject->Target == GL_TEXTURE_2D ||
702 texImage->TexObject->Target == GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE) ||
703 pixels == NULL ||
704 _mesa_is_bufferobj(packing->BufferObj) ||
705 packing->Alignment > 4 ||
706 packing->SkipPixels > 0 ||
707 packing->SkipRows > 0 ||
708 (packing->RowLength != 0 && packing->RowLength != width) ||
709 packing->SwapBytes ||
710 packing->LsbFirst ||
711 packing->Invert)
712 return false;
714 /* We can't handle copying from RGBX or BGRX because the tiled_memcpy
715 * function doesn't set the last channel to 1. Note this checks BaseFormat
716 * rather than TexFormat in case the RGBX format is being simulated with an
717 * RGBA format.
718 */
719 if (texImage->_BaseFormat == GL_RGB)
720 return false;
722 copy_type = intel_miptree_get_memcpy_type(texImage->TexFormat, format, type,
723 &cpp);
724 if (copy_type == ISL_MEMCPY_INVALID)
725 return false;
727 /* If this is a nontrivial texture view, let another path handle it instead. */
728 if (texImage->TexObject->MinLayer)
729 return false;
731 if (!image->mt ||
732 (image->mt->surf.tiling != ISL_TILING_X &&
733 image->mt->surf.tiling != ISL_TILING_Y0)) {
734 /* The algorithm is written only for X- or Y-tiled memory. */
735 return false;
736 }
738 /* tiled_to_linear() assumes that if the object is swizzled, it is using
739 * I915_BIT6_SWIZZLE_9_10 for X and I915_BIT6_SWIZZLE_9 for Y. This is only
740 * true on gen5 and above.
741 *
742 * The killer on top is that some gen4 have an L-shaped swizzle mode, where
743 * parts of the memory aren't swizzled at all. Userspace just can't handle
744 * that.
745 */
746 if (devinfo->gen < 5 && brw->has_swizzling)
747 return false;
749 int level = texImage->Level + texImage->TexObject->MinLevel;
751 /* Since we are going to write raw data to the miptree, we need to resolve
752 * any pending fast color clears before we start.
753 */
754 assert(image->mt->surf.logical_level0_px.depth == 1);
755 assert(image->mt->surf.logical_level0_px.array_len == 1);
757 intel_miptree_access_raw(brw, image->mt, level, 0, true);
759 bo = image->mt->bo;
761 if (brw_batch_references(&brw->batch, bo)) {
762 perf_debug("Flushing before mapping a referenced bo.\n");
763 intel_batchbuffer_flush(brw);
764 }
766 void *map = brw_bo_map(brw, bo, MAP_READ | MAP_RAW);
767 if (map == NULL) {
768 DBG("%s: failed to map bo\n", __func__);
769 return false;
770 }
772 dst_pitch = _mesa_image_row_stride(packing, width, format, type);
774 DBG("%s: level=%d x,y=(%d,%d) (w,h)=(%d,%d) format=0x%x type=0x%x "
775 "mesa_format=0x%x tiling=%d "
776 "packing=(alignment=%d row_length=%d skip_pixels=%d skip_rows=%d)\n",
777 __func__, texImage->Level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height,
778 format, type, texImage->TexFormat, image->mt->surf.tiling,
779 packing->Alignment, packing->RowLength, packing->SkipPixels,
780 packing->SkipRows);
782 /* Adjust x and y offset based on miplevel */
783 unsigned level_x, level_y;
784 intel_miptree_get_image_offset(image->mt, level, 0, &level_x, &level_y);
785 xoffset += level_x;
786 yoffset += level_y;
788 isl_memcpy_tiled_to_linear(
789 xoffset * cpp, (xoffset + width) * cpp,
790 yoffset, yoffset + height,
791 pixels,
792 map,
793 dst_pitch, image->mt->surf.row_pitch_B,
794 brw->has_swizzling,
795 image->mt->surf.tiling,
796 copy_type
797 );
799 brw_bo_unmap(bo);
800 return true;
801 }
803 static void
804 intel_get_tex_sub_image(struct gl_context *ctx,
805 GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset,
806 GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint depth,
807 GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels,
808 struct gl_texture_image *texImage)
809 {
810 struct brw_context *brw = brw_context(ctx);
811 bool ok;
813 DBG("%s\n", __func__);
815 if (_mesa_is_bufferobj(ctx->Pack.BufferObj)) {
816 if (intel_gettexsubimage_blorp(brw, texImage,
817 xoffset, yoffset, zoffset,
818 width, height, depth, format, type,
819 pixels, &ctx->Pack))
820 return;
822 perf_debug("%s: fallback to CPU mapping in PBO case\n", __func__);
823 }
825 ok = intel_gettexsubimage_tiled_memcpy(ctx, texImage, xoffset, yoffset,
826 width, height,
827 format, type, pixels, &ctx->Pack);
829 if(ok)
830 return;
832 _mesa_meta_GetTexSubImage(ctx, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset,
833 width, height, depth,
834 format, type, pixels, texImage);
836 DBG("%s - DONE\n", __func__);
837 }
839 static void
840 flush_astc_denorms(struct gl_context *ctx, GLuint dims,
841 struct gl_texture_image *texImage,
842 GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset,
843 GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth)
844 {
845 struct compressed_pixelstore store;
846 _mesa_compute_compressed_pixelstore(dims, texImage->TexFormat,
847 width, height, depth,
848 &ctx->Unpack, &store);
850 for (int slice = 0; slice < store.CopySlices; slice++) {
852 /* Map dest texture buffer */
853 GLubyte *dstMap;
854 GLint dstRowStride;
855 ctx->Driver.MapTextureImage(ctx, texImage, slice + zoffset,
856 xoffset, yoffset, width, height,
858 &dstMap, &dstRowStride);
859 if (!dstMap)
860 continue;
862 for (int i = 0; i < store.CopyRowsPerSlice; i++) {
864 /* An ASTC block is stored in little endian mode. The byte that
865 * contains bits 0..7 is stored at the lower address in memory.
866 */
867 struct astc_void_extent {
868 uint16_t header : 12;
869 uint16_t dontcare[3];
870 uint16_t R;
871 uint16_t G;
872 uint16_t B;
873 uint16_t A;
874 } *blocks = (struct astc_void_extent*) dstMap;
876 /* Iterate over every copied block in the row */
877 for (int j = 0; j < store.CopyBytesPerRow / 16; j++) {
879 /* Check if the header matches that of an LDR void-extent block */
880 if (blocks[j].header == 0xDFC) {
882 /* Flush UNORM16 values that would be denormalized */
883 if (blocks[j].A < 4) blocks[j].A = 0;
884 if (blocks[j].B < 4) blocks[j].B = 0;
885 if (blocks[j].G < 4) blocks[j].G = 0;
886 if (blocks[j].R < 4) blocks[j].R = 0;
887 }
888 }
890 dstMap += dstRowStride;
891 }
893 ctx->Driver.UnmapTextureImage(ctx, texImage, slice + zoffset);
894 }
895 }
898 static void
899 intelCompressedTexSubImage(struct gl_context *ctx, GLuint dims,
900 struct gl_texture_image *texImage,
901 GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset,
902 GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth,
903 GLenum format,
904 GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid *data)
905 {
906 /* Upload the compressed data blocks */
907 _mesa_store_compressed_texsubimage(ctx, dims, texImage,
908 xoffset, yoffset, zoffset,
909 width, height, depth,
910 format, imageSize, data);
912 /* Fix up copied ASTC blocks if necessary */
913 GLenum gl_format = _mesa_compressed_format_to_glenum(ctx,
914 texImage->TexFormat);
915 bool is_linear_astc = _mesa_is_astc_format(gl_format) &&
916 !_mesa_is_srgb_format(gl_format);
917 struct brw_context *brw = (struct brw_context*) ctx;
918 const struct gen_device_info *devinfo = &brw->screen->devinfo;
919 if (devinfo->gen == 9 && !gen_device_info_is_9lp(devinfo) && is_linear_astc)
920 flush_astc_denorms(ctx, dims, texImage,
921 xoffset, yoffset, zoffset,
922 width, height, depth);
923 }
925 void
926 intelInitTextureImageFuncs(struct dd_function_table *functions)
927 {
928 functions->TexImage = intelTexImage;
929 functions->TexSubImage = intelTexSubImage;
930 functions->CompressedTexSubImage = intelCompressedTexSubImage;
931 functions->EGLImageTargetTexture2D = intel_image_target_texture_2d;
932 functions->BindRenderbufferTexImage = intel_bind_renderbuffer_tex_image;
933 functions->GetTexSubImage = intel_get_tex_sub_image;
934 }