# Note: skips lists for CI are just a list of lines that, when # non-zero-length and not starting with '#', will regex match to # delete lines from the test list. Be careful. # Skip the perf/stress tests to keep runtime manageable dEQP-GLES[0-9]*.performance.* dEQP-GLES[0-9]*.stress.* # These are really slow on tiling architectures (including llvmpipe). dEQP-GLES[0-9]*.functional.flush_finish.* # Flakes reported more than once during Jan-Feb 2020 dEQP-GLES31.functional.layout_binding.ssbo.fragment_binding_array # Non-sysmem flakes dEQP-VK.pipeline.spec_constant.compute.composite.matrix.mat3x2 # Fails NIR_VALIDATE so probably flaky dEQP-VK.memory_model.write_after_read.core11.u32.coherent.fence_fence.atomicwrite.workgroup.payload_nonlocal.workgroup.guard_local.buffer.comp # Sysmem flake: this one is fairly frequent, but if you enable it then # it moves to dEQP-VK.renderpass.dedicated_allocation.attachment.3.393 # #dEQP-VK.renderpass.suballocation.attachment_allocation.grow_shrink.89 # At least some of the separate_channels tests fail on sysmem due to an # interaction of use of a UBWC buffer as both a render target and a # texture. Stores are done through both paths in separate channels, # and the UBWC updates don't get synced. The current a650 blob also # fails these tests and qcom apparently noted the failure at one point # https://gitlab.khronos.org/Tracker/vk-gl-cts/-/issues/2017 dEQP-VK.renderpass.*separate_channels.*