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last changeWed, 16 Nov 2022 06:02:12 +0000 (22:02 -0800)
2022-11-16 Jacob Lifshayspeed up ==, hash, <, >, <=, and >= for plain_data master
2022-10-13 Jacob Lifshaychange plain_data to ignore more base classes, so it...
2022-10-13 Jacob Lifshayfix broken .pyi
2022-09-27 Jacob Lifshayadd plain_data.pyi to help type deduction for @plain_da...
2022-08-26 Jacob Lifshayadd note that migration to new PLRU should be blocked...
2022-08-19 Jacob Lifshayadd fixed PLRU
2022-08-19 Jacob Lifshaycopy -> and add deprecation messages
2022-08-19 Jacob Lifshayrename p_lru.txt to plru.txt so it shows up right next...
2022-08-19 Jacob Lifshayautoformat all code
2022-08-19 Jacob Lifshayformat code with autopep8
2022-08-18 Luke Kenneth... i really hate f"....". replace with just bin(v) and...
2022-08-18 Luke Kenneth... moved pop_count to its own separate module so that...
2022-08-18 Luke Kenneth... whitespace in docstrings
2022-08-18 Jacob Lifshayadd WIP formal proof
2022-08-18 Jacob Lifshaymodify PLRU to allow access to internals by formal...
2022-08-16 Jacob Lifshayadd support for plain_data __repr__ with fields that...
4 years ago 24jan2021_ls180
2 years ago master