#======================================================================= # UCB VLSI FLOW: Makefile for riscv-bmarks #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Yunsup Lee (yunsup@cs.berkeley.edu) # default: all bmarkdir = . instname = riscv-bmarks instbasedir = $(UCB_VLSI_HOME)/install #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sources #-------------------------------------------------------------------- bmarks = \ median \ qsort \ towers \ vvadd \ multiply \ dgemm \ dhrystone \ spmv \ vec-vvadd \ vec-cmplxmult \ vec-matmul \ mt-vvadd \ mt-matmul \ bmarks_host = \ median \ qsort \ towers \ vvadd \ multiply \ dgemm \ spmv \ vec-vvadd \ vec-cmplxmult \ vec-matmul \ #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build rules #-------------------------------------------------------------------- HOST_OPTS = -std=gnu99 -DPREALLOCATE=0 -DHOST_DEBUG=1 HOST_COMP = gcc $(HOST_OPTS) RISCV_GCC = riscv-gcc RISCV_GCC_OPTS = -std=gnu99 -DSET_STATS -O2 -nostdlib -nostartfiles -ffast-math RISCV_LINK = riscv-gcc -T $(bmarkdir)/common/test.ld RISCV_LINK_MT = riscv-gcc -T $(bmarkdir)/common/test-mt.ld RISCV_LINK_OPTS = -lc RISCV_LINK_SYSCALL = $(bmarkdir)/common/syscalls.c -lc RISCV_OBJDUMP = riscv-objdump --disassemble-all --disassemble-zeroes --section=.text --section=.text.startup --section=.data RISCV_SIM = riscv-isa-run VPATH += $(addprefix $(bmarkdir)/, $(bmarks)) VPATH += $(bmarkdir)/common incs += -I. -I./common $(addprefix -I$(bmarkdir)/, $(bmarks)) objs := include $(patsubst %, $(bmarkdir)/%/bmark.mk, $(bmarks)) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Build and run benchmarks on riscv simulator bmarks_riscv_bin = $(addsuffix .riscv, $(bmarks)) bmarks_riscv_dump = $(addsuffix .riscv.dump, $(bmarks)) bmarks_riscv_hex = $(addsuffix .riscv.hex, $(bmarks)) bmarks_riscv_out = $(addsuffix .riscv.out, $(bmarks)) bmarks_defs = -DPREALLOCATE=1 -DHOST_DEBUG=0 bmarks_cycles = 80000 %.hex: % elf2hex 16 32768 $< > $@ $(bmarks_riscv_dump): %.riscv.dump: %.riscv $(RISCV_OBJDUMP) $< > $@ $(bmarks_riscv_out): %.riscv.out: %.riscv $(RISCV_SIM) $< > $@ %.o: %.c $(RISCV_GCC) $(RISCV_GCC_OPTS) $(bmarks_defs) \ -c $(incs) $< -o $@ %.o: %.S $(RISCV_GCC) $(RISCV_GCC_OPTS) $(bmarks_defs) \ -c $(incs) $< -o $@ riscv: $(bmarks_riscv_dump) $(bmarks_riscv_hex) run-riscv: $(bmarks_riscv_out) echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$1] $$ARGV \t$$2\n" if /\*{3}(.{8})\*{3}(.*)/' \ $(bmarks_riscv_out); echo; junk += $(bmarks_riscv_bin) $(bmarks_riscv_dump) $(bmarks_riscv_hex) $(bmarks_riscv_out) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Build and run benchmarks on host machine bmarks_host_bin = $(addsuffix .host, $(bmarks_host)) bmarks_host_out = $(addsuffix .host.out, $(bmarks_host)) $(bmarks_host_out): %.host.out: %.host ./$< > $@ host: $(bmarks_host_bin) run-host: $(bmarks_host_out) echo; perl -ne 'print " [$$1] $$ARGV \t$$2\n" if /\*{3}(.{8})\*{3}(.*)/' \ $(bmarks_host_out); echo; junk += $(bmarks_host_bin) $(bmarks_host_out) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Default all: riscv #------------------------------------------------------------ # Install date_suffix = $(shell date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M) install_dir = $(instbasedir)/$(instname)-$(date_suffix) latest_install = $(shell ls -1 -d $(instbasedir)/$(instname)* | tail -n 1) install: mkdir $(install_dir) cp -r $(bmarks_riscv_bin) $(bmarks_riscv_dump) $(install_dir) install-link: rm -rf $(instbasedir)/$(instname) ln -s $(latest_install) $(instbasedir)/$(instname) #------------------------------------------------------------ # Clean up clean: rm -rf $(objs) $(junk)