add dma peripheral
authorLuke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>
Wed, 25 Jul 2018 03:57:53 +0000 (04:57 +0100)
committerLuke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>
Wed, 25 Jul 2018 03:57:53 +0000 (04:57 +0100)
src/peripherals/dma/DMA.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/peripherals/dma/DMA.defines [new file with mode: 0644]
src/peripherals/dma/DMA_try.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/peripherals/dma/DMAv2.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/peripherals/dma/GDefines.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/peripherals/dma/tb_DMA.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]
src/peripherals/dma/tb_DMA_AXI_Memory.bsv [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/src/peripherals/dma/DMA.bsv b/src/peripherals/dma/DMA.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ac51120
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,910 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+//1. change CPAR, CMAR and CNDTR registers to conditionalWrite registers so that a write to these registers is possible only when the DMA channel is disabled.
+//   DMA ISR register cannot be written by the software in any case. It can be reset by the software by writing into to DMA_IFCR.
+//--DONE-- 2. Implement functionality of DMA_IFCR
+//--DONE-- 3. Optimization. Remove the 1+ from 1 + (2*chanNum) for id because we are anyways checking for read and write responses in different FIFOs
+//--DONE-- 4. What to do if the DMA channel needs to be disabled in between? How to clear the FIFOs, and what to do about the pending on going transaction?
+//5. Opt. Try to remove currentReadRs and currentWriteRs and use !destAddrFs.notEmpty instead to detect transfer complete and generate exception. Is generateTransferDoneRules even needed then?
+//6. Parameterize the number of channels and peripherals completely.
+//7. Write an assertion if currentReadRs[chan]==currentWriteRs[chan] then destAddrFs and responseDataFs are both empty. Prove this formally?
+//8. Implement burst mode readConfig and writeConfig registers
+//9. While joining generateTransferDoneRules, try using rJoinConflictFree instead of rJoinDescendingUrgency and check if they are formally equivalent. The conflict is between finishWrite and this rule. But the condition currentReadRs==currentWriteRs will not be true untill finishWrite fires. So, these two rules will never actually fire together.
+package DMA;
+import FIFO :: * ;
+import FIFOF :: * ;
+import Vector :: * ;
+import FShow::*;
+import GetPut::*;
+import DefaultValue ::*;
+import AXI4_Types   :: *;
+import AXI4_Fabric  :: *;
+import Semi_FIFOF        :: *;
+import ConcatReg :: *;
+import ConfigReg :: *;
+`define Burst_length_bits 8
+`include "defined_parameters.bsv"
+`define verbose
+// ================================================================
+// DMA requests and responses parameters
+function Bit#(1) fn_aligned_addr(Bit#(3) addr, Bit#(3) awsize);
+   bit out = 0;
+    case(awsize)
+        'd3: begin
+            if(addr == 0) out = 1;
+        end
+        'd2: begin
+            if(addr[1:0] == 0) out = 1;
+        end
+        'd1: begin
+            if(addr[0] == 0) out = 1;
+        end
+        'd0: begin
+            out = 1;
+        end
+        default: out = 0;
+    endcase
+    return out;
+typedef Bit#(`USERSPACE) Req_Info; 
+typedef Bit#(`PADDR) Req_Addr; 
+typedef Bit#(`Reg_width) Req_Data; 
+//The Req and Resp are of the same width in the current design
+//typedef Bit#(10) RespInfo;
+//typedef Bit#(1) RespAddr;
+//typedef Bit#(32) RespData;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// At times it is best to consider registers as completely homogeneous,
+// so that they can be accessed as a bit pattern with no internal
+// structure.  These functions convert reg interfaces based on a
+// structured type to reg interfaces based on a bit pattern of at
+// least the same width.
+function Reg#(Bit#(n)) regAToRegBitN( Reg#(a_type) rin )
+       provisos ( Bits#( a_type, asize),
+                          Add#(asize,xxx,n) ) ;
+       return
+       interface Reg
+               method Bit#(n) _read ();
+                       a_type tmp =  rin._read()  ;
+                       return zeroExtend (pack( tmp )) ;
+               endmethod
+               method Action _write( Bit#(n) din );
+                       rin._write( unpack( truncate(din) )) ;
+               endmethod
+       endinterface ;
+// This function converts a Vector of 7 Registers to a single Register
+function Reg#(Bit#(TMul#(7,q))) vector7ToRegN(Vector#(7,Reg#(Bit#(q))) inpV);
+       return concatReg7(inpV[6], inpV[5], inpV[4], inpV[3], inpV[2], inpV[1], inpV[0]);
+       //return asReg(zeroExtend(pack(inpV)));
+// ================================================================
+// The DMA interface has two sub-interfaces
+//  A AXI4 Slave interface for config
+//  A AXI4 Master interface for data transfers
+interface DmaC #(numeric type numChannels, numeric type numPeripherals);
+       interface AXI4_Master_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) mmu;
+       interface AXI4_Slave_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) cfg;
+       method Action interrupt_from_peripherals(Bit#(numPeripherals) pint);
+       method Bit#(numChannels) interrupt_to_processor();
+typedef UInt#(16)  DMACounts ;
+// The number of channels is a parameter.
+// typedef 2 NumChannels;
+// Several configuration registers are included, and connected to the
+// config socket/fifo.
+// Along with the destination address, if we are writing into a peripheral, we need to pass the peripheral id 
+// of the peripheral to check if the corresponding interrupt line is still high.
+// Also, we need to send the destination transfer size for all the transactions.
+typedef struct{
+       Req_Addr addr;
+       Bool is_dest_periph;
+       Bit#(TLog#(numPeriphs)) periph_id;
+} DestAddrFs_type#(numeric type numPeriphs) deriving (Bits,Eq);
+typedef struct{
+       Bit#(TLog#(numChannels)) chanNum;
+       Bit#(4) id;
+} Disable_channel_type#(numeric type numChannels) deriving (Bits, Eq);
+instance DefaultValue#(Disable_channel_type#(numChannels));
+       defaultValue= Disable_channel_type { chanNum: 'd-1,
+                                                                                id: 'd-1 };
+(* descending_urgency = "writeConfig, handle_interrupts" *)
+(* descending_urgency = "writeConfig, rl_finishRead" *)
+(* descending_urgency = "writeConfig, rl_startWrite" *)
+module mkDMA( DmaC #(numChannels, numPeripherals) )
+       provisos ( Add#(numChannels, 0, 7),
+                          Add#(a__, TLog#(numPeripherals), 4)); 
+       // The DMA contains one master interface, and one slave interface. The processor sends
+       // request through the slave interface to set the config registers.
+       // The DMA's master initiates a request to one of the peripherals through one of the
+       // channels. The response is taken (through response sub-interface of DMA's Master interface
+       // and returned to the processor (through response sub-interface of the DMA's Slave interface 
+       AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) s_xactor <- mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor;
+       AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) m_xactor <- mkAXI4_Master_Xactor;
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       //////////////////////// DMA Registers /////////////////////////
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       Vector#(numChannels,Reg#(Bit#(4))) dma_isr <- replicateM(mkReg(0));             //Interrupt Status Register
+       Vector#(numChannels,Reg#(Bit#(4))) dma_ifcr <- replicateM(mkReg(0));    //Interrupt Flag Clear Register
+       Vector#(numChannels,Reg#(Bit#(32))) dma_ccr <- replicateM(mkConfigReg(0));      //Channel Configuration Register
+       Vector#(numChannels,Reg#(Bit#(16))) dma_cndtr <- replicateM(mkConfigReg(0));    //Channel Number of Data Transfer Register
+       Vector#(numChannels,Reg#(Req_Addr)) dma_cpar <- replicateM(mkReg(0));   //Channel Peripheral Address Register
+       Vector#(numChannels,Reg#(Req_Addr)) dma_cmar <- replicateM(mkReg(0));   //Channel Memory Address Register
+       Vector#(numChannels,Reg#(Bit#(4))) dma1_cselr <- replicateM(mkReg(0));  //Channel SELection Register
+       //We do not have dma2_cselr because there is only one DMA, and not 2 in this architecture
+       //Registers to keep track if all the data read is wrtten
+       //Vector#(numChannels, Array#(Reg#(DMACounts))) currentReadRs[2]  <- replicateM(mkCReg(2,0));
+       //Vector#(numChannels, Array#(Reg#(DMACounts))) currentWriteRs[2] <- replicateM(mkCReg(2,0));
+       Reg#(DMACounts) currentReadRs[valueOf(numChannels)][2];
+       Reg#(DMACounts) currentWriteRs[valueOf(numChannels)][2];
+       Reg#(Bool)              rg_is_cndtr_zero[valueOf(numChannels)][2];
+    Reg#(Bit#(8)) rg_write_strobe <- mkReg(0);
+    Reg#(Bit#(2)) rg_tsize <- mkReg(0);
+       for(Integer i=0 ; i<valueOf(numChannels) ; i=i+1) begin
+               currentReadRs[i] <- mkCReg(2,0);
+               currentWriteRs[i] <- mkCReg(2,0);
+               rg_is_cndtr_zero[i] <- mkCReg(2,True);
+       end
+       // Use a FIFO to pass the read response to the write "side",
+       //  thus allowing pending transations and concurrency.
+       // FIFOs can be replicated as well.
+       Vector#(numChannels,FIFOF#(Req_Data))  
+                 responseDataFs <- replicateM(mkSizedFIFOF(2)) ;  
+       //Wire to pass the interrupt from peripheral to DMA
+       Wire#(Vector#(numPeripherals,Bit#(1))) wr_peripheral_interrupt <- mkDWire(replicate(0));
+       //Wire to set the TEIF
+       Wire#(Maybe#(Bit#(4))) wr_bus_err <- mkDWire(tagged Invalid);
+       // We also want to pass the destination address for each read over
+       // to the write "side", along with some other metadata.
+       // The depth of this fifo limits the number of outstanding reads
+       // which may be pending before the write.  The maximum outstanding
+       // reads depends on the overall latency of the read requests.
+       Vector#(numChannels,FIFOF#(DestAddrFs_type#(numPeripherals))) 
+               destAddrFs <- replicateM( mkSizedFIFOF(2)) ;
+       // This register stores the initial value of the CNDTR. It is used to restore the value back
+       // when operating in circular mode.
+       Vector#(numChannels,Reg#(Bit#(16))) rg_cndtr <- replicateM(mkReg(0));
+       // The spec specifies that the CPAR and CMAR values when read in middle of a transaction should
+       // still hold the original programmed value, and not the address of the current transaction.
+       // Therefore, we have a copy of these registers which indicate the address of the current
+       // ongoing transaction on that channel.
+       Vector#(numChannels,Reg#(Req_Addr)) rg_cpa <- replicateM(mkConfigReg(0));       // Local Channel Peripheral Address Register
+       Vector#(numChannels,Reg#(Req_Addr)) rg_cma <- replicateM(mkConfigReg(0));       // Local Channel Memory Address Register
+       Reg#(Bit#(`Burst_length_bits)) rg_burst_count <- mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Bit#(TLog#(numChannels))) rg_current_trans_chan_id <- mkReg(0);
+       Reg#(Tuple3#(Bool, Bit#(TLog#(numChannels)), Bit#(4))) rg_disable_channel <- mkReg(tuple3(False, ?, 'd-1));
+       Reg#(Tuple2#(Bit#(TLog#(numChannels)), Bit#(32))) rg_writeConfig_ccr <- mkReg(tuple2(0,0));
+       Reg#(Bool) rg_finish_write[valueOf(numChannels)][2];
+       Reg#(Bool) rg_finish_read[valueOf(numChannels)][2];
+       for(Integer i=0 ; i<valueOf(numChannels) ; i=i+1) begin
+               rg_finish_write[i]<- mkCReg(2,True);
+               rg_finish_read[i]<- mkCReg(2,True);
+       end
+       // This function returns the id of the peripheral for which this channel is configured
+       function Bit#(TLog#(numPeripherals)) fn_map_channel_to_periph(Integer chanNum);
+               return truncate(dma1_cselr[chanNum]);
+       endfunction
+       // This function tells the maximum priority number amongst all the active peripherals
+       // which want to initiate a transaction. If one of the peripherals want to initiate a transaction
+       // i.e. it's interrupt line in high, we check if any other peripheral, whose interrupt line is high,
+       // has a higher priority (bits 13:12 in dma_ccrX). If so, we set the max_priority_num to
+       // the value of the highest interrupt.
+       // Note that even after this there might be multiple peripheral which have the same priority level as
+       // max_priority_num. Amongst them, the one with the lower channel number is given priority.
+       function Tuple2#(Bit#(TLog#(numChannels)),Bit#(TLog#(numPeripherals))) fn_dma_priority_encoder();
+               Bit#(2) max_priority_num= 0;
+               //stores id of the periph whose channel has been granted to generate req in this cycle.
+               Bit#(TLog#(numChannels)) grant_chan_id= 'd-1;
+               Bit#(TLog#(numPeripherals)) grant_periph_id= 'd-1;
+               for(Integer i=valueOf(numChannels)-1; i>=0; i=i-1) begin                        //for every channel
+                       let periph_connected_to_channel_i=fn_map_channel_to_periph(i);  //identify the peripheral connected to this channel
+                       if(dma_ccr[i][0]==1 && dma_isr[i][1]==0 &&                                          //if the DMA channel is enabled
+                       (wr_peripheral_interrupt[periph_connected_to_channel_i]==1      //if the peripheral has raised an interrupt
+                       || dma_ccr[i][14]==1                                                                                    //if M2M transfer, need not check for interrupt
+                       //|| (dma_ccr[4]==1 && !rg_burst)       //if not burst mode, the interrupt of periph needn't be high when reading from memory
+                                                                                               //if in burst mode, its better if the peripheral is ready, and then we fetch the word from memory? TODO
+                       )) begin 
+                               //check if its priority is greater than any of the other peripherals' priority
+                               //here we check for equality also as the channels with lower number have higher priority.
+                               //therefore if two requests have same "high" software priority, the channel whose channel number
+                               //is lower will be chosen
+                               if(dma_ccr[i][13:12]>=max_priority_num) begin
+                                       max_priority_num= dma_ccr[i][13:12];    //if so, then set the current priority level to be that of peripheral[i]
+                                       grant_chan_id= fromInteger(i);
+                                       grant_periph_id= periph_connected_to_channel_i;
+                               end
+                       end
+               end
+               return tuple2(grant_chan_id,grant_periph_id);
+       endfunction
+       function Bit#(16) fn_decr_cndtr(Bit#(16) cndtr, Bit#(2) tsize, Bit#(`Burst_length_bits) bsize);
+               Bit#(17) lv_to_sub= (zeroExtend(bsize)+1) << tsize;
+               Bit#(17) lv_result= {1'b0,cndtr}-lv_to_sub;
+               if(lv_result[16]==1)    //underflow. Can happen in burst mode when the bytes to be transferred is not an exact multiple of the burst length x burst size.
+                       return 0;
+        else
+                   return lv_result[15:0];
+    endfunction
+       // This function increments the source or destination address depending on
+       // the size of the transfer.
+       // Note that though STM's DMA defines tsize=2'b11 as reserved, we use it to
+       // perform a 64-bit data transfer.
+       function Req_Addr fn_incr_address(Req_Addr addr, Bit#(2) tsize, Bit#(`Burst_length_bits) bsize) provisos(Bits#(Req_Addr,sz_Req_Addr), Add#(sz_Req_Addr,1, a));
+               Bit#(a) lv_to_add= (zeroExtend(bsize)+1) << tsize;
+               Bit#(a) lv_result= {1'b0,addr}+lv_to_add;
+               return truncate(lv_result);
+       endfunction
+       //This function performs the data alignment for 64 bit data
+       function Bit#(64) fn_data_alignment64 (Bit#(64) data, Bit#(2) source_sz, Bit#(2) dest_sz);
+               Bit#(64) outp;
+               case (source_sz) matches
+                       2'd0: begin 
+                                       outp= zeroExtend(data[7:0]);
+                                 end
+                       2'd1: begin
+                                       if(dest_sz==2'd0)
+                                               outp= zeroExtend(data[7:0]);
+                                       else
+                                               outp= zeroExtend(data[15:0]);
+                                 end
+                       2'd2: begin
+                                       if(dest_sz==2'd0)
+                                               outp= zeroExtend(data[7:0]);
+                                       else if(dest_sz==2'd1)
+                                               outp= zeroExtend(data[15:0]);
+                                       else 
+                                               outp= zeroExtend(data[31:0]);
+                                 end
+                       2'd3: begin
+                                       if(dest_sz==2'd0)
+                                               outp= zeroExtend(data[7:0]);
+                                       else if(dest_sz==2'd1)
+                                               outp= zeroExtend(data[15:0]);
+                                       else if(dest_sz== 2'd2)
+                                               outp= zeroExtend(data[31:0]);
+                                       else
+                                               outp= data;
+                                 end
+               endcase
+               return outp;
+       endfunction
+       // DMA rules //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       // We define a function inside the module so it can access some
+       // of the registers without passing too many arguments.  
+       // The function takes as arguments the conditions and fifos
+       // (interfaces)
+       // And returns a set a rules.
+       // The rule are identical to the set used in the one mmu port case.
+       function Rules generatePortDMARules (AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC#(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) xactor, Integer chanNum);
+               return
+               rules
+           /*rule display_stat(dma_ccr[chanNum][0]==1 || tpl_1(rg_disable_channel));
+                       Bit#(2) max_priority_num= 0;
+                       //stores id of the periph whose channel has been granted to generate req in this cycle.
+                       Bit#(TLog#(numChannels)) grant_chan_id= 'd-1;
+                       Bit#(TLog#(numPeripherals)) grant_periph_id= 'd-1;
+                       for(Integer i=valueOf(numChannels)-1; i>=0; i=i-1) begin                        //for every channel
+                               let periph_connected_to_channel_i=fn_map_channel_to_periph(i);  //identify the peripheral connected to this channel
+                               //$display("\nChan %d interrupt: %b cndtr: 'h%h prio: %d", i, dma_isr[i][1], wr_peripheral_interrupt[periph_connected_to_channel_i], dma_cndtr[chanNum],tpl_1(fn_dma_priority_encoder()));
+                               if(dma_ccr[i][0]==1 && dma_isr[i][1]==0 &&                                          //if the DMA channel is enabled
+                                 (wr_peripheral_interrupt[periph_connected_to_channel_i]==1    //if the peripheral has raised an interrupt
+                                 || dma_ccr[i][14]==1                                                                                  //if M2M transfer, need not check for interrupt
+                                 //|| (dma_ccr[4]==1 && !rg_burst)
+                                 )) begin //if not burst mode, the interrupt of periph needn't be high when reading from memory
+                                       //check if its priority is greater than any of the other peripherals' priority
+                                       //here we check for equality also as the channels with lower number have higher priority.
+                                       //therefore if two requests have same "high" software priority, the channel whose channel number
+                                       //is lower will be chosen
+                                       if(dma_ccr[i][13:12]>=max_priority_num) begin
+                                               max_priority_num= dma_ccr[i][13:12];    //if so, then set the current priority level to be that of peripheral[i]
+                                               grant_chan_id= fromInteger(i);
+                                               grant_periph_id= periph_connected_to_channel_i;
+                                               //$display("########## grant chan: %d grant periph_id: %d", grant_chan_id, grant_periph_id);
+                                       end
+                               //$display("dma_ccr[%d][13:12]: %b max_prio: %b",i,dma_ccr[i][13:12],max_priority_num);
+                               end
+                       end
+                       if(pack(wr_peripheral_interrupt)!=0 || dma_ccr[chanNum][14]==1) begin
+                               Reg#(Bit#(64)) lv_dma_ifcr= regAToRegBitN( vector7ToRegN( dma_ifcr ));
+                               $display($time,"Chan%d: cndtr: %h dma_isr: %h dma_ifcr: %h", chanNum, dma_cndtr[chanNum], dma_isr[chanNum], lv_dma_ifcr );
+                       end
+                       //$display($time,"grant chan_id: %d periph_id: %d",grant_chan_id,grant_periph_id);
+                       //$display("Channel no. %d user_id: %d", chanNum, xactor.o_rd_data.first.ruser); 
+        endrule*/
+               // To start a read, following conditions need to be met
+               // 1. There is data to be transferred
+               // 2. The dma is enabled (dma_ccr[chanNum][0]=1)
+               // 3. The channel has the highest priority
+               // 4. If multiple channels have same high priority, choose the one whose channel number is lowest
+               // 5. A channel is disabled before the complete transfer is finished, do not initiate any more requests
+               // The 2nd, 3rd and 4th conditions are handled by fn_dma_priority_encoder
+               (* descending_urgency =  "rl_startWrite, rl_startRead" *)
+               //(* preempts = "rl_finishRead, rl_can_change_channel" *)
+               //(* preempts = "rl_startWrite, rl_can_change_channel" *)
+               //(* preempts = "rl_send_burst_write_data, rl_can_change_channel" *)
+               rule rl_startRead       ( !rg_is_cndtr_zero[chanNum][0] &&      //no of bytes remaining to transfer is not 0
+                                                         fromInteger(chanNum) == tpl_1(fn_dma_priority_encoder()) &&  //if the this channel has the highest priority
+                                                         (!tpl_1(rg_disable_channel) ||  tpl_2(rg_disable_channel)!=fromInteger(chanNum))
+                                                               && rg_finish_read[chanNum][1]); //if the channel is not being disabled by the processor
+                       Req_Addr lv_araddr;
+                       Bit#(2) lv_arsize;
+                       bit lv_burst_type;
+                       let lv_dma_ccr= dma_ccr[chanNum];
+                       Bit#(`Burst_length_bits) lv_burst= lv_dma_ccr[`Burst_length_bits+15:16]; //Upper bits of CCR supports configurable bursts !! Added, not part of STMicro
+                       let lv_periph_id= tpl_2(fn_dma_priority_encoder());
+                       if(lv_dma_ccr[6]==1)    //peripheral increment mode is on
+                               rg_cpa[chanNum]<= fn_incr_address(rg_cpa[chanNum], lv_dma_ccr[9:8], dma_ccr[chanNum][`Burst_length_bits+15:16]);
+                       if(lv_dma_ccr[7]==1)    //memory increment mode is on
+                               rg_cma[chanNum]<= fn_incr_address(rg_cma[chanNum], lv_dma_ccr[11:10], dma_ccr[chanNum][`Burst_length_bits+15:16]);
+                       if(lv_dma_ccr[4]==0) begin              //read from peripheral
+                               lv_araddr= rg_cpa[chanNum];     //set the address to read from
+                               lv_arsize= lv_dma_ccr[9:8];     //set the transfer size
+                               lv_burst_type= lv_dma_ccr[6];   //0: Fixed, 1: INCR which is consistent with that of AXI4
+                               `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tDMA: chan[%0d] starting read from peripheral address %h",chanNum, lv_araddr); `endif
+                               // Since the destination is memory, the write request needn't wait for any interrupt line to be high
+                               // Therefore, we send the first argument as Invalid
+                               destAddrFs[chanNum].enq( DestAddrFs_type {      addr: rg_cma[chanNum], // Enqueue the Write destination address
+                                                                                                                       is_dest_periph: False,
+                                                                                                                       periph_id: lv_periph_id});
+                       end
+                       else begin                                                      //read from memory
+                               lv_araddr= rg_cma[chanNum];             //set the address to read from
+                               lv_arsize= lv_dma_ccr[11:10];   //set the transfer size
+                               lv_burst_type= lv_dma_ccr[7];   //0: Fixed, 1: INCR which is consistent with that of AXI4
+                               `ifdef verbose $display($time,"\tDMA: chan[%0d] starting read from memory address %h",chanNum, lv_araddr); `endif
+                               // Since the destination address is that of a peripheral, the write request can be issued only when
+                               // the corresponding peripheral's interrupt line is high. Therefore, we send the periph_id too.
+                               Bool lv_is_dest_periph;
+                               if(lv_dma_ccr[14]==0)
+                                       lv_is_dest_periph= True;
+                               else
+                                       lv_is_dest_periph= False;
+                    `ifdef verbose $display("dest_is_periph: %h",lv_is_dest_periph); `endif
+                               destAddrFs[chanNum].enq( DestAddrFs_type {      addr: rg_cpa[chanNum], // Enqueue the Write destination address
+                                                                                                                       is_dest_periph: lv_is_dest_periph,
+                                                                                                                       periph_id: lv_periph_id});
+                       end
+                       // Create a read request, and enqueue it
+                       // Since there can be multiple pending requests, either read or
+                       // writes, we use the `Req_Info field to mark these.
+                       let read_request = AXI4_Rd_Addr {araddr: lv_araddr, 
+                                                                                        arid: {1'b1,fromInteger(chanNum)}, arlen: lv_burst,
+                                                                                        arsize: zeroExtend(lv_arsize), arburst: zeroExtend(lv_burst_type), //arburst: 00-FIXED 01-INCR 10-WRAP
+                                                                                        aruser: 0 };
+                       xactor.i_rd_addr.enq(read_request);
+            `ifdef verbose $display("Sending a read request with araddr: %h arid: %h arlen: %h arsize: %h arburst: %h",lv_araddr,fromInteger(chanNum),lv_burst,lv_arsize,lv_burst_type); `endif
+                       //housekeeping. To be done when the transaction is complete.
+                       currentReadRs[chanNum][0]<= currentReadRs[chanNum][0] + 1;
+            dma_cndtr[chanNum]<= fn_decr_cndtr(dma_cndtr[chanNum], lv_arsize, dma_ccr[chanNum][`Burst_length_bits+15:16]);
+            rg_current_trans_chan_id<= fromInteger(chanNum);
+                       rg_finish_read[chanNum][1]<= False;
+               endrule
+               // We finish the read when we see the correct respInfo on the mmu response fifo
+               rule rl_finishRead (xactor.o_rd_data.first.rid == {1'b1,fromInteger(chanNum)} && xactor.o_rd_data.first.rresp==AXI4_OKAY);
+                       // update cndtr register to keep track of remaining transactions
+                       let lv_dma_ccr= dma_ccr[chanNum];
+                       Bit#(2) lv_tsize;
+                       Bit#(2) lv_source_size;
+                       if(dma_ccr[chanNum][4]==0) begin                //if the source is peripheral
+                               lv_tsize= dma_ccr[chanNum][11:10];      //destination's tsize will be that of memory
+                               lv_source_size= dma_ccr[chanNum][9:8];
+                       end
+                       else begin
+                               lv_tsize= dma_ccr[chanNum][9:8];        //destination's tsize will be that of peripheral
+                               lv_source_size= dma_ccr[chanNum][11:10];
+                       end
+                       // grab the data from the mmu reponse fifo
+                       let resp <- pop_o(xactor.o_rd_data);
+                       `ifdef verbose $display("DMA: chan[%d] finish read. Got data: %h",chanNum, resp.rdata); `endif
+                       // Pass the read data to the write "side" of the dma
+                       responseDataFs[chanNum].enq( resp.rdata );
+                       rg_finish_read[chanNum][0]<= True;
+               endrule
+               //rule to handle circ mode
+               rule rl_handle_circ_mode(dma_ccr[chanNum][5]==1 && rg_is_cndtr_zero[chanNum][1]); //if circular mode is enabled
+                       dma_cndtr[chanNum]<= rg_cndtr[chanNum];
+               endrule
+               // This rule start the write process
+               // Note that this rule conflicts with rule startRead, so we make
+               // this rule be more urgent. i.e., finish writing before you start
+               // reading more.
+               /*rule rl_startWrite111;
+                       $display("helloo.. intrpt: %b burst_count: %h finish_write: %b", wr_peripheral_interrupt[ destAddrFs[chanNum].first.periph_id ], rg_burst_count, rg_finish_write[chanNum][1]);
+               endrule*/
+               rule rl_startWrite( (destAddrFs[chanNum].first.is_dest_periph==False            //if the dest is memory
+               || wr_peripheral_interrupt[ destAddrFs[chanNum].first.periph_id ]==1)   //if dest is not memory, then check if the peripheral's interrupt line is active
+               && rg_burst_count==0 && rg_finish_write[chanNum][1]==True);
+                       let lv_data= destAddrFs[chanNum].first;
+                       Bit#(2) lv_tsize;
+                       bit lv_burst_type;
+                       let lv_dma_ccr= dma_ccr[chanNum];
+                       if(lv_dma_ccr[4]==0) begin                      //if the source is peripheral
+                               lv_tsize= lv_dma_ccr[11:10];    //destination's tsize will be that of memory
+                               lv_burst_type= lv_dma_ccr[7];   //destination's burst type will be that of memory
+                       end
+                       else begin
+                               lv_tsize= lv_dma_ccr[9:8];              //destination's tsize will be that of peripheral
+                               lv_burst_type= lv_dma_ccr[6];   //destination's burst type will be that of peripheral
+                       end
+                       Bit#(`Reg_width) actual_data= responseDataFs[chanNum].first;
+                       Bit#(`Burst_length_bits) lv_burst_len= lv_dma_ccr[`Burst_length_bits+15:16];
+               //      Bit#(6) x = {3'b0,lv_data.addr[2:0]}<<3;
+                       Bit#(8) write_strobe=lv_tsize==0?8'b1:lv_tsize==1?8'b11:lv_tsize==2?8'hf:8'hff;
+                       if(lv_tsize!=3)begin                    // 8-bit write;
+                               //actual_data=actual_data<<(x);
+                               write_strobe=write_strobe<<(lv_data.addr[`byte_offset:0]);
+                       end
+                       //lv_data.addr[2:0]=0; // also make the address 64-bit aligned
+            `ifdef verbose $display("Start Write"); `endif
+                       Bool lv_last= True;
+                       if(lv_burst_len>0) begin // only enable the next rule when doing a write in burst mode.
+                               rg_burst_count<=rg_burst_count+1;
+                               lv_last= False;
+                               `ifdef verbose $display("Starting burst mode write...."); `endif
+                       end
+                       `ifdef verbose
+                       else begin
+                               $display("Performing a single write...");
+                       end 
+                       `endif
+            rg_write_strobe <= write_strobe; //Write strobe needs to be rotated so that burst writes are sent correctly, storing write_strobe in a register. ~Vinod
+            rg_tsize <= lv_tsize; //Storing rg_tsize in a register. ~Vinod
+                       // Generate a Write 
+                       let write_data = AXI4_Wr_Data { wdata: actual_data , wstrb: write_strobe, wlast: lv_last, wid: {1'b1,fromInteger(chanNum)}};
+                       let write_addr = AXI4_Wr_Addr { awaddr: lv_data.addr,  awuser: 0,
+                                                                                       awlen: lv_burst_len, awsize: zeroExtend(lv_tsize), awburst: zeroExtend(lv_burst_type),
+                                                                                       awid: {1'b1,fromInteger(chanNum)} };
+                       // enqueue the request.
+                       xactor.i_wr_data.enq(write_data);
+                       xactor.i_wr_addr.enq(write_addr);
+                       rg_finish_write[chanNum][1]<= False;
+                       // Some other house keeping - removing the data from the fifos
+                       responseDataFs[chanNum].deq;
+                       destAddrFs[chanNum].deq;        //dequeing this FIFO will cause startRead to fire.
+                       `ifdef verbose $display ($time,"\tDMA[%0d] startWrite addr: %h data: %h", chanNum,lv_data.addr,responseDataFs[chanNum].first); `endif
+               endrule
+               //This rule is used to send burst write data. The explicit condition ensures that we
+               //send burst length number of data i.e. rg_burst_count>1. When rg_burst_count = the burst
+               //length specified in dma_ccr, rg_burst_count becomes 0. Since rg_burst_count!=0 infers
+               //lesser hardware compared to rg_burst_count>1, we write that as the explicit condition.
+               rule rl_send_burst_write_data(rg_burst_count!=0);// && dma_ccr[chanNum][`Burst_length_bits+15:16]!='d0);
+                       Bool lv_last= rg_burst_count==dma_ccr[chanNum][`Burst_length_bits+15:16];
+                       /*==  Since this is going to always be a line write request in burst mode No need of shifting data and address=== */
+            let write_strobe = rotateBitsBy(rg_write_strobe,1<<rg_tsize); //~Vinod Rotating write_strobe by awsize
+                       let w  = AXI4_Wr_Data {wdata:  responseDataFs[chanNum].first, wstrb: write_strobe , wlast: lv_last, wid: {1'b1, fromInteger(chanNum)} };
+               xactor.i_wr_data.enq(w);
+                       `ifdef verbose $display ($time,"\tDMA[%0d] startWrite Burst data: %h rg_burst_count: %d dma_ccr[23:16]: %d", chanNum,responseDataFs[chanNum].first,  rg_burst_count, dma_ccr[chanNum][23:16]); `endif
+                       if(lv_last)begin
+                               `ifdef verbose $display("Last data received..."); `endif
+                               rg_burst_count<=0;
+                       end
+                       else begin
+                               rg_burst_count<=rg_burst_count+1;
+                       end
+                       responseDataFs[chanNum].deq;
+            rg_write_strobe <= write_strobe;
+               endrule
+               // This rule waits for the write to finish
+               rule rl_finishWrite( ( == {1'b1, fromInteger(chanNum)}) &&
+               (xactor.o_wr_resp.first.bresp==AXI4_OKAY) );
+                       let x<- pop_o(xactor.o_wr_resp) ;                        // take the response data and finish
+                       currentWriteRs[chanNum][0]<= currentWriteRs[chanNum][0] + 1;
+                       `ifdef verbose $display ("DMA[%0d]: finishWrite", chanNum); `endif
+                       rg_finish_write[chanNum][0]<= True;
+               endrule
+               rule rl_cndtr_is_zero;
+                       rg_is_cndtr_zero[chanNum][0]<= (dma_cndtr[chanNum]==0);
+               endrule
+       endrules;
+       endfunction
+       function Rules generateTransferDoneRules( Integer chanNum );
+               return
+               rules
+                       // Conditions to mark when transfer is done.
+                       // This rule will not fire for when circular mode because dma_cndtr[chanNum] is updated 
+                       // in the next cycle, which is before currentWriteRs can possibly get updated.
+                       rule markTransferDone ( dma_ccr[chanNum][0]==1 &&       //if the channel is enabled
+                                                                       rg_is_cndtr_zero[chanNum][0] && //if the remaining data to transfer is 0
+                                                                       currentWriteRs[chanNum][0]== currentReadRs[chanNum][0]) ;       //the final write has finished
+                               //dmaEnabledRs[chanNum]._write (False) ; 
+                               currentWriteRs[chanNum][0] <= 0 ;
+                               currentReadRs[chanNum][0]  <= 0 ;
+                               $display ("DMA[%0d]: transfer done", chanNum);
+                       endrule
+               endrules ;
+       endfunction
+       // Generate the rules, place them in priority order
+       //
+       Rules ruleset = emptyRules;
+       for (Integer ch = 0; ch < valueof (numChannels); ch = ch + 1)
+               ruleset = rJoinDescendingUrgency (ruleset,
+                                       generatePortDMARules( m_xactor, ch));
+       //
+       for (Integer ch = 0; ch < valueof (numChannels); ch = ch + 1)
+               ruleset = rJoinDescendingUrgency (ruleset,
+                                       generateTransferDoneRules(ch));
+       (* descending_urgency = "rl_write_response_error, rl_read_response_error" *)
+       rule rl_write_response_error(m_xactor.o_wr_resp.first.bresp == AXI4_SLVERR || m_xactor.o_wr_resp.first.bresp == AXI4_DECERR);
+               wr_bus_err<= tagged Valid;
+       endrule
+       rule rl_read_response_error(m_xactor.o_rd_data.first.rresp == AXI4_SLVERR || m_xactor.o_rd_data.first.rresp == AXI4_DECERR);
+               wr_bus_err<= tagged Valid m_xactor.o_rd_data.first.rid;
+       endrule
+       rule handle_interrupts; //interrupts will be raised only when channel is enabled
+               for (Integer chanNum = 0; chanNum < valueOf (numChannels); chanNum = chanNum + 1) begin
+                       Bit#(4) chan_isr= 'd0;  //TEIF, HTIF, TCIF, GIF
+                       Bit#(32) lv_dma_ccr= dma_ccr[chanNum];
+                       //$display("*** chan: %d en: %d dma_cndtr: %h rg_cndtr: %h",chanNum, dma_ccr[chanNum][0], dma_cndtr[chanNum], rg_cndtr[chanNum]);
+                       if(wr_bus_err matches tagged Valid .chan_num &&& fromInteger(chanNum)=={1'b1, chan_num[2:0]}) begin
+                               chan_isr[3]=1;
+                               $display("Bus error on channel %d",chanNum);
+                       end
+                       if(lv_dma_ccr[0]==1) begin
+                               if(currentWriteRs[chanNum][1]==currentReadRs[chanNum][1]) begin //once the read and write transactions are over
+                                       if(rg_is_cndtr_zero[chanNum][0]) //TODO check what happens if you read from port 1 here
+                                               chan_isr[1]= 1;
+                               end
+                               //The Half Transfer Complete will be set when half transfer is complete.
+                               //Since dma_cndtr is modified by startRead rule, though it would've become half,
+                               //the transaction wouldn't be complete till the write is over. Also, by the time write is over, 
+                               //another read request could've been issued. Therefore, we have the below condition.
+                               if(dma_cndtr[chanNum]<=(rg_cndtr[chanNum]>>1) && rg_finish_write[chanNum][1]) begin
+                                       chan_isr[2]= 1;
+                               end
+                       end
+                       chan_isr[0]= chan_isr[3] | chan_isr[2] | chan_isr[1];   //Setting the GIF
+                       chan_isr= dma_isr[chanNum][3:0] | chan_isr; //Sticky nature of interrupts. Should be cleared by software using ifcr.
+                       //The bits in IFCR represent the interrupts that need to be cleared
+                       chan_isr= chan_isr & ~(dma_ifcr[chanNum]);
+                       dma_isr[chanNum]<= chan_isr;
+//            $display("chan_isr %b dma_cndtr[%d] :%h",chan_isr,chanNum,dma_cndtr[chanNum]);
+               end
+       endrule
+       // Rules and other code to interface config port /////////////
+       // Add a zero-size register as a default for invalid addresses
+       Reg#(Bit#(0)) nullReg <- mkReg( ? ) ;
+       // For ease of development we want all registers to look like 64
+       // bit resister-- the data size of the config socket.
+       // Create function to map from address to specific registers
+       function Tuple2#(Reg#(Req_Data), Bool) selectReg( Req_Addr addr );
+        Bit#(8) taddr = truncate( addr ) ;
+        return
+        case ( taddr )
+            8'h00 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( vector7ToRegN( dma_isr )), True);
+            8'h04 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( vector7ToRegN( dma_ifcr )), True);
+            8'hB0 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( vector7ToRegN( dma1_cselr )), True);
+            8'h08 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_ccr[0] ), True);  //32-bit
+            8'h0c : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cndtr[0] ), True); //16-bit -- 32-bit Addr 
+            8'h10 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cpar[0] ), True); //64-bit
+            8'h18 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cmar[0] ), True); //64-bit
+            8'h20 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_ccr[1] ), True);
+            8'h24 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cndtr[1] ), True);
+            8'h28 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cpar[1] ), True);
+            8'h30 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cmar[1] ), True);
+            8'h38 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_ccr[2] ), True);
+            8'h3C : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cndtr[2] ), True);
+            8'h40 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cpar[2] ), True);
+            8'h48 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cmar[2] ), True);
+            8'h50 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_ccr[3] ), True);
+            8'h54 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cndtr[3] ), True);
+            8'h58 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cpar[3] ), True);
+            8'h60 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cmar[3] ), True);
+            8'h68 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_ccr[4] ), True);
+            8'h6C : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cndtr[4] ), True);
+            8'h70 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cpar[4] ), True);
+            8'h78 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cmar[4] ), True);
+            8'h80 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_ccr[5] ), True);
+            8'h84 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cndtr[5] ), True);
+            8'h88 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cpar[5] ), True);
+            8'h90 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cmar[5] ), True);
+            8'h98 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_ccr[6] ), True);
+            8'h9C : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cndtr[6] ), True);
+            8'hA0 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cpar[6] ), True);
+            8'hA8 : return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( dma_cmar[6] ), True);
+            default: return tuple2(regAToRegBitN( nullReg ), False);
+        endcase ;
+    endfunction
+       function Bit#(3) ccr_channel_number (Req_Addr addr);
+        Bit#(8) taddr= truncate(addr);
+        return
+        case ( taddr )
+            8'h08 : return 0;
+            8'h20 : return 1;
+            8'h38 : return 2;
+            8'h50 : return 3;
+            8'h68 : return 4;
+            8'h80 : return 5;
+            8'h98 : return 6;
+            default: 'd7;
+        endcase;
+    endfunction
+       Rules writeConfig = (rules
+               rule writeConfig;
+                       let write_addr <- pop_o(s_xactor.o_wr_addr);
+                       let write_data <- pop_o(s_xactor.o_wr_data);
+                       Req_Data lv_data= 0;
+                       Req_Addr lv_addr= 0;
+                       AXI4_Resp lv_bresp= AXI4_OKAY;
+                       Bool lv_send_response= True;
+                       if(write_data.wstrb=='hF0) begin
+                               lv_data= zeroExtend(write_data.wdata[63:32]);
+                               lv_addr= {truncateLSB(write_addr.awaddr),3'b100};
+                       end
+                       else if(write_data.wstrb=='h0F) begin
+                               lv_data= zeroExtend(write_data.wdata[31:0]);
+                               lv_addr= {truncateLSB(write_addr.awaddr),3'b000};
+                       end
+                       else if(write_data.wstrb=='hFF) begin
+                               lv_data= write_data.wdata;
+                               lv_addr= write_addr.awaddr;
+                       end
+                       else begin      //The write request is not 64-bits, and therefore return a bus error
+                               lv_bresp= AXI4_SLVERR;
+                               $display($time,"\tDMA: KAT GAYA");
+                       end
+                               `ifdef verbose $display ($time,"\tDMA writeConfig addr: %0h data: %0h", lv_addr, lv_data); `endif
+                       // Select and write the register
+                       let lv1= selectReg(lv_addr);
+                       let thisReg = tpl_1(lv1);
+                       if(!tpl_2(lv1)) begin   //if no register mapping exists for the given address
+                               lv_bresp= AXI4_SLVERR;
+                               $display($time,"\tDMA: Wapas KAT GAYA");
+                       end
+                       //else is not needed as the selectReg function handles it
+                       let lv_ccr_channel_number= ccr_channel_number(lv_addr);
+            `ifdef verbose $display("ccr_channel_number %h lv_addr %h",lv_ccr_channel_number, lv_addr); `endif
+                       if( lv_ccr_channel_number!='d-1 && tpl_2(lv1)) begin    //if the current write is happening to one of the channel's CCR.
+                               if(lv_data[0]==1 ) begin                        //if the channel is being enabled
+                                       rg_cpa[lv_ccr_channel_number] <= dma_cpar[lv_ccr_channel_number];       //peripheral address is copied
+                                       rg_cma[lv_ccr_channel_number] <= dma_cmar[lv_ccr_channel_number];       //memory address is copied
+                                       rg_cndtr[lv_ccr_channel_number]<= dma_cndtr[lv_ccr_channel_number];     //the cndtr value is saved
+                                       rg_disable_channel<= tuple3(False,?,?);
+                                       $display("----------------------- ENABLING DMA CHANNEL %d", lv_ccr_channel_number," -----------------------");
+                    Bit#(3) cmar_align = dma_cmar[lv_ccr_channel_number][2:0]; //Vinod
+                    Bit#(3) cpar_align = dma_cpar[lv_ccr_channel_number][2:0]; //Vinod
+                    //lv_data[9:8] and lv_data[11:10] gives transfer size supposedly. Using K-Maps --Possibility of a bug?
+                bit cmar_is_aligned =  fn_aligned_addr(write_addr.awaddr[2:0], write_addr.awsize);
+                bit cpar_is_aligned =  fn_aligned_addr(write_addr.awaddr[2:0], write_addr.awsize); 
+                if((cmar_is_aligned&cpar_is_aligned)==0) begin
+                        lv_bresp = AXI4_DECERR; //DECERR for Unaligned addresses
+                        $display("\tAXI4_DECERR\n");
+                end
+                    $display("cmar_is_aligned: %b cpar_is_aligned: %b",cmar_is_aligned,cpar_is_aligned);
+                    if(lv_data[4]==0) begin
+                                               $display("SOURCE: Peripheral  Addr: 'h%0h Transfer size: 'b%b Incr: %b",dma_cpar[lv_ccr_channel_number], lv_data[9:8], lv_data[6]);
+                                               $display("DEST  : Memory      Addr: 'h%0h Transfer size: 'b%b Incr: %b",dma_cmar[lv_ccr_channel_number], lv_data[11:10], lv_data[7]);
+                                       end
+                                       else if(lv_data[14]==0) begin
+                                               $display("SOURCE: Memory      Addr: 'h%0h Transfer size: 'b%b Incr: %b",dma_cmar[lv_ccr_channel_number], lv_data[11:10], lv_data[7]);
+                                               $display("DEST  : Peripheral  Addr: 'h%0h Transfer size: 'b%b Incr: %b",dma_cpar[lv_ccr_channel_number], lv_data[9:8], lv_data[6]);
+                                       end
+                                       else begin
+                                               $display("SOURCE: Memory  Addr: 'h%0h Transfer size: 'b%b Incr: %b",dma_cmar[lv_ccr_channel_number], lv_data[11:10], lv_data[7]);
+                                               $display("DEST  : Memory  Addr: 'h%0h Transfer size: 'b%b Incr: %b",dma_cpar[lv_ccr_channel_number], lv_data[9:8], lv_data[6]);
+                                       end
+                                       $display("Priority level: 'b%b Circular mode: %b CNDTR: 'h%h", lv_data[13:12], lv_data[5], dma_cndtr[lv_ccr_channel_number]);
+                               end
+                               else begin //the channel is being disabled
+                                       //TODO since it is a CReg, what if we check in port [1]?
+                                       if(currentReadRs[lv_ccr_channel_number][0]!=currentWriteRs[lv_ccr_channel_number][0]) begin     //there is an on going transaction
+                                               rg_disable_channel<= tuple3(True, lv_ccr_channel_number, write_addr.awid);
+                                               lv_send_response= False;
+                                               rg_writeConfig_ccr<= tuple2(lv_ccr_channel_number, truncate(lv_data));
+                                       end
+                                       else begin      // no pending transaction
+                                               //clear the local registers
+                                               rg_is_cndtr_zero[lv_ccr_channel_number][0]<= True;
+                                       end
+                               end
+                       end
+                       // Now generate the response and enqueue
+                       if(lv_send_response) begin
+                               thisReg <= lv_data;
+                               let resp = AXI4_Wr_Resp { bresp: lv_bresp, buser: 0, bid: write_addr.awid };
+                               s_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq(resp);
+                       end
+               endrule
+       endrules);
+       //Rule to send response to processor that the dma channel has been disabled after the on going transactions are over
+       Rules rl_send_chan_disabled_to_proc = (rules
+               rule rl_send_chan_disabled_to_proc(tpl_1(rg_disable_channel) && currentReadRs[tpl_2(rg_disable_channel)][1]==currentWriteRs[tpl_2(rg_disable_channel)][1]);
+                       rg_disable_channel<= tuple2(False,?);
+                       dma_ccr[tpl_1(rg_writeConfig_ccr)]<= tpl_2(rg_writeConfig_ccr);
+                       let resp = AXI4_Wr_Resp { bresp: AXI4_OKAY, buser: 0, bid: tpl_3(rg_disable_channel) };
+                       s_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq(resp);
+               endrule
+       endrules);
+       //writeConfig gets highest priority since we do not want the core to stall 
+       ruleset= rJoinDescendingUrgency(writeConfig,ruleset); 
+       //writeConfig if more urgent than rl_send_chan_disabled_to_proc
+       ruleset= rJoinDescendingUrgency(ruleset, rl_send_chan_disabled_to_proc); 
+       // A rule for reading a configuration register
+       //TODO need to add preempts with writeConfig? or mutually_exclusive? Because both these rules will never fire together.
+       // If we do not put any attributes, won't two instances of selectReg get synthesized?
+       rule readConfig;
+               AXI4_Resp lv_rresp;
+               let read_addr <- pop_o(s_xactor.o_rd_addr);
+               // Select the register
+               let lv1= selectReg(read_addr.araddr);
+               let thisReg = tpl_1(lv1);
+               //If read happens to a non defined register,
+               //or if read size is not 32-bits return SLVERR.
+               if(!tpl_2(lv1))
+                       lv_rresp= AXI4_SLVERR;
+               else
+                       lv_rresp= AXI4_OKAY;
+               Req_Data lv_data;
+               if(read_addr.arsize=='b0)
+                       lv_data={thisReg[7:0], thisReg[7:0], thisReg[7:0], thisReg[7:0], thisReg[7:0], thisReg[7:0], thisReg[7:0], thisReg[7:0]};
+               else if(read_addr.arsize=='b01)
+                       lv_data={thisReg[15:0], thisReg[15:0], thisReg[15:0], thisReg[15:0]};
+               else if(read_addr.arsize=='b10)
+                       lv_data={thisReg[31:0], thisReg[31:0]};
+               else
+                       lv_data= thisReg;
+               // Now generate the response and enqueue
+               let resp = AXI4_Rd_Data {rresp: lv_rresp, rdata: thisReg, rlast: True,
+                                                                ruser: 0, rid: read_addr.arid};
+               s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(resp);
+       endrule
+       // Add the rules to this module
+       addRules (ruleset);
+       //Note that unknownConfig rule is not needed here because all the FIFOs will
+       //be empty and hence neither writeConfig nor readConfig will fire.
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       //
+       // Create the interfaces by connecting the axi side interfaces
+       // of the transactors to it.
+       interface cfg= s_xactor.axi_side;
+       interface mmu= m_xactor.axi_side;
+       //This method receives various interrupts from the peripheral devices and gives it to the DMA
+       method Action interrupt_from_peripherals(Bit#(numPeripherals) pint);
+               wr_peripheral_interrupt<= unpack(pint);
+       endmethod
+       //TODO should the interrupt be sent in the next cycle (as is implemented) or in the same cycle as generated (using Wires instead)?
+       //This method returns the interrupt generated by the DMA corresponding to every channel
+       //Raise the interrupt of a particular channel if any of the interrupts are active (in ISR) and are not masked(in CCR)
+       method Bit#(numChannels) interrupt_to_processor();
+               Bit#(numChannels) lv_interrupt_to_processor;
+               for(Integer chanNum= 0; chanNum < valueof(numChannels); chanNum= chanNum + 1) begin
+                       let lv_dma_ccr= dma_ccr[chanNum];
+                       //The bits in CCR represent the interrupts that are enabled, whereas the ones in IFCR represent which need to be cleared
+                       let lv_intr_TE_HT_TC_enable= lv_dma_ccr[3:1];
+                       //The bits in ISR represent which interrupts are active right now
+                       Bit#(3) active_interrupts= {lv_intr_TE_HT_TC_enable} & dma_isr[chanNum][3:1];
+                       lv_interrupt_to_processor[chanNum]= |(active_interrupts);
+               end
+               return lv_interrupt_to_processor;
+       endmethod
diff --git a/src/peripherals/dma/DMA.defines b/src/peripherals/dma/DMA.defines
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f442371
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+`define  Req_Info_sz 10
+`define  Req_Addr_sz 64
+`define  Req_Data_sz 64
+`define Burst_length_bits 8
diff --git a/src/peripherals/dma/DMA_try.bsv b/src/peripherals/dma/DMA_try.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0e50821
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+package DMA ;
+// ================================================================
+// Copyright (c) Bluespec, Inc., 2007-2011 All Rights Reserved
+import FIFO :: * ;
+import FIFOF :: * ;
+import Vector :: * ;
+import GDefines::*;
+import FShow::*;
+import GetPut::*;
+import DefaultValue ::*;
+`include "ARM.defines"
+// ================================================================
+// DMA requests and responses
+// ----------------
+// Requests
+typedef enum { NOP, WR, RD } ReqOp
+                 deriving (Bits, Eq);
+instance FShow #(ReqOp);
+       function Fmt fshow (ReqOp op);
+               case (op)
+        NOP : return fshow ("NOP");
+        WR  : return fshow ("WR");
+        RD  : return fshow ("RD");
+               endcase
+       endfunction
+typedef Bit#(10)  ReqInfo;
+typedef Bit#(32)  ReqAddr;
+typedef Bit#(32)  ReqData;
+typedef struct {
+  ReqOp                                                reqOp;
+  ReqInfo                                      reqInfo;
+  ReqAddr                                      reqAddr;
+  ReqData                                      reqData;
+} Socket_Req
+  deriving (Bits);
+instance FShow #(Socket_Req);
+       function Fmt fshow (Socket_Req req);
+               return (fshow ("Socket_Req{")
+                       +
+                       fshow (req.reqOp)
+                       +
+                       (  (req.reqOp() != NOP)
+                        ? $format (", %h, %h, %h}", req.reqInfo(), req.reqAddr(), req.reqData())
+                        : fshow (""))
+                       +
+                       fshow ("}"));
+       endfunction
+// ================================================================
+// Responses
+typedef enum { NOP, OK } RespOp
+                 deriving (Bits, Eq);
+instance FShow #(RespOp);
+       function Fmt fshow (RespOp op);
+               case (op)
+        NOP  : return fshow ("NOP");
+        OK     : return fshow ("OK");
+               endcase
+       endfunction
+typedef Bit#(10)       RespInfo;
+typedef Bit#(1)         RespAddr;
+typedef Bit#(32)       RespData;
+typedef struct {
+  ReqOp                                                reqOp;
+  RespOp                                         respOp;
+  RespInfo                                     respInfo;
+  RespAddr                                     respAddr;
+  RespData                                     respData;
+} Socket_Resp
+  deriving (Eq, Bits);
+instance FShow #(Socket_Resp);
+       function Fmt fshow (Socket_Resp resp);
+               return (fshow ("Socket_Resp{")
+                       +
+                       fshow (resp.respOp())
+                       +
+                       (  (resp.respOp() != NOP)
+                        ? $format (", %h, %h, %h", resp.respInfo(), resp.respAddr(), resp.respData())
+                        : fshow (""))
+                       +
+                       fshow ("}"));
+       endfunction
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// At times it is best to consider registers as completely homogeneous,
+// so that they can be accessed as a bit pattern with no internal
+// structure.  These functions convert reg interfaces based on a
+// structured type to reg interfaces based on a bit pattern of at
+// least the same width.
+function Reg#(Bit#(n)) regAToRegBitN( Reg#(a_type) rin )
+       provisos ( Bits#( a_type, asize),
+                                Add#(asize,xxx,n) ) ;
+       return
+       interface Reg
+               method Bit#(n) _read ();
+                       a_type tmp =  rin._read()  ;
+                       return zeroExtend (pack( tmp )) ;
+               endmethod
+               method Action _write( Bit#(n) din );
+                       rin._write( unpack( truncate(din) )) ;
+               endmethod
+       endinterface ;
+// ================================================================
+// The DMA interface has two sub-interfaces
+//       A TLM Receive interface (slave) for config
+//       A TLM Send     interface (master) for data transfers
+interface DmaC #(numeric type numChannels);
+       interface AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC#(`PADDR, `Reg_width, 0) cfg;
+       interface TLMRecvIFC#(`ARM_RR) cfg;
+       interface TLMSendIFC#(`ARM_RR) mmu;
+typedef UInt#(16)  DMACounts ;
+// The number of channels is a parameter.
+// typedef 2 NumChannels;
+// For the module, we add additional configuration registers to control
+// which port the transfer reads from and writes to.  
+// The majority of the design remains the same, additional fifos, and
+// interface must be added, as well as adding new rules to control
+// which port is read or written.
+// Several configuration registers are included, and connected to the
+// config socket/fifo.
+module mkDMA( DmaC #(numChannels) );    
+       // For each socket, we will need 2 fifos, one for request, and 1
+       // for response.  These fifos provide the interface for the
+       // interface sockets
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       // The fifos for the config port -- these are 1 element pipeline fifos.
+       (* doc = "a fifo to hold incoming configuration requests" *)
+       FIFOF#(Socket_Req)      cnfReqF  <- mkFIFOF ;
+       (* doc = "a fifo to hold outgoing configuration responses" *)
+       FIFOF#(Socket_Resp)  cnfRespF <- mkFIFOF;
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       // The fifos for the MMU port
+       (* doc = "a fifo to hold outgoing requests towards the memory" *)
+       FIFOF#(Socket_Req)  mmuReqF  <- mkFIFOF;
+       (* doc = "a fifo to hold incoming responses from the memory" *)
+       FIFOF#(Socket_Resp) mmuRespF <- mkFIFOF;
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        
+       // The fifos for the config port -- these are 1 element pipeline fifos.
+//      FIFOF#(Socket_Req)     cnfReqF  <- mkGSizedFIFOF(True, False, 2) ;
+//      FIFOF#(Socket_Resp)  cnfRespF <- mkGSizedFIFOF(False, True, 2)  ;
+//      // The fifos for the MMU
+//      FIFOF#(Socket_Req)  mmuReqF  <- mkGSizedFIFOF(False, True, 2);
+//      FIFOF#(Socket_Resp) mmuRespF <- mkGSizedFIFOF(True, False, 2);
+//      // The fifos for the MMU2
+//      FIFOF#(Socket_Req)  mmu2ReqF  <- mkGSizedFIFOF(False, True, 2);
+//      FIFOF#(Socket_Resp) mmu2RespF <- mkGSizedFIFOF(True, False, 2);
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        
+       // We will need some registers to control the DMA transfer
+       // A Bit to signal if the transfer is enabled   
+       Vector#(numChannels, Reg#(Bool))  dmaEnabledRs  <- replicateM(mkReg(False));
+       //  The read address and other stuff needed to generate a read
+       Vector#(numChannels, Reg#(ReqAddr))     readAddrRs      <- replicateM(mkReg(0));
+       Vector#(numChannels, Reg#(DMACounts)) readCntrRs  <- replicateM(mkReg(0));
+       Vector#(numChannels, Reg#(DMACounts)) currentReadRs  <- replicateM(mkReg(0));
+       Vector#(numChannels, Reg#(DMACounts)) currentWriteRs <- replicateM(mkReg(0));
+       // To distinguish the ports for reads and writes, we need 2 bits
+       Vector#(numChannels,Reg#(Bit#(2)))      portSrcDestRs <- replicateM( mkReg(0)) ;
+       // The destination address
+       Vector#(numChannels, Reg#(ReqAddr))  destAddrRs <- replicateM(mkReg(0));
+       // Use a FIFO to pass the read response to the write "side",
+       //  thus allowing pending transations and concurrency.
+       // FIFOs can be replicated as well.
+       Vector#(numChannels,FIFO#(ReqData))  
+                 responseDataFs <- replicateM( mkSizedFIFO(2)) ;  
+       // We also want to pass the destination address for each read over
+       // to the write "side"
+       // The depth of this fifo limits the number of outstanding reads
+       // which may be pending before the write.  The maximum outstanding
+       // reads depends on the overall latency of the read requests.
+       Vector#(numChannels,FIFO#(ReqAddr)) 
+               destAddrFs <- replicateM( mkSizedFIFO( 4 )) ;                     
+       ///  DMA rules //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       // We define a function inside the module so it can access some
+       // of the registers without passing too many arguments.  
+       // The function takes as arguments the conditions and fifos
+       // (interfaces)
+       // And returns a set a rules.
+       // The rule are identical to the set used in the one mmu port case.
+       function Rules generatePortDMARules (FIFOF#(Socket_Req)  requestF,
+                                                                                                        FIFOF#(Socket_Resp) responseF,
+                                                                                                        Integer chanNum
+                                                                                                        );
+               return
+               rules
+               // To start a read, when the dma is enabled and there are data to
+               // move, and we are in the right state 
+               rule startRead (dmaEnabledRs[chanNum]._read && 
+                                                readCntrRs[chanNum] > currentReadRs[chanNum] );
+         // Create a read request, and enqueue it
+         // Since there can be multiple pending requests, either read or
+         // writes, we use the reqInfo field to mark these.            
+               //let wa= AXI4_Lite_Wr_Addr {awaddr: reqs.first.reqAddr, awprot:0, awuser:0, awlen: 0, awsize: 3, awburst: 'b01};
+                       let req = Socket_Req {reqAddr : readAddrRs[chanNum]._read,
+                                                                        reqData : 0,
+                                                                        reqOp  : RD,
+                                                                        reqInfo : fromInteger(0 + 2*chanNum)};
+                       requestF.enq( req ) ;
+                       // Enqueue the Write destination address
+                       destAddrFs[chanNum].enq( destAddrRs[chanNum] ) ;
+                       // Some house keeping -- increment the read address,
+                       // decrement the counter.
+                       readAddrRs[chanNum] <= readAddrRs[chanNum] + 4 ;
+                       currentReadRs[chanNum] <=  currentReadRs[chanNum] + 1  ;
+                       destAddrRs[chanNum] <=  destAddrRs[chanNum] + 4 ;
+                       $display ("DMA[%0d] startRead", chanNum);
+               endrule
+               // We finish the read when we see the correct respInfo on the mmu response fifo
+                       rule finishRead ( responseF.first.respInfo == fromInteger(0 + 2*chanNum) );
+                               // grab the data from the mmu reponse fifo
+                               Socket_Resp resp = responseF.first ;      
+                               responseF.deq ;
+                               // Need to consider what to do if the response is an error or
+                               // fail but we will keep it simple for now
+                               // Pass the read data to the write "side" of the dma
+                               responseDataFs[chanNum].enq( resp.respData ) ;
+                $display ("DMA[%0d]: finishRead", chanNum);
+                       endrule
+               // This rule start the write process
+               // Note that this rule conflicts with rule startRead, so we make
+               // this rule be more urgent. I.e., finish writing before you start
+               // reading more.                        
+               rule startWrite  ;
+                       // Generate a Write 
+                       let wreq = Socket_Req {reqAddr : destAddrFs[chanNum].first,
+                                                                         reqData : responseDataFs[chanNum].first,
+                                                                         reqOp : WR,
+                                                                         reqInfo : fromInteger(1 + 2*chanNum) } ;
+                       // enqueue the request.
+                       requestF.enq( wreq ) ;
+                       // Some other house keeping - removing the data from the fifos
+                       destAddrFs[chanNum].deq;
+                       responseDataFs[chanNum].deq;
+                       $display ("DMA[%0d] startWrite", chanNum);
+               endrule
+               // This rule waits for the write to finish
+               rule finishWrite((responseF.first.respInfo == fromInteger(1 + 2*chanNum)) );
+                       responseF.deq ;                  // take the response data and finish
+                       currentWriteRs[chanNum]._write (currentWriteRs[chanNum] + 1);
+                       $display ("DMA[%0d]: finishWrite", chanNum);
+               endrule
+        endrules;
+       endfunction
+       function Rules generateTransferDoneRules( Integer chanNum );
+               return
+               rules
+                       // Conditions to mark when transfer is done
+                       rule markTransferDone (dmaEnabledRs[chanNum]._read &&
+                                                                                (currentWriteRs[chanNum]._read == readCntrRs[chanNum]._read) &&
+                                                                                (currentReadRs[chanNum]._read  == readCntrRs[chanNum]._read) ) ;
+                               dmaEnabledRs[chanNum]._write (False) ; 
+                               currentWriteRs[chanNum] <= 0 ;
+                               currentReadRs[chanNum]  <= 0 ;
+                $display ("DMA[%0d]: transfer done", chanNum);
+                       endrule
+               endrules ;
+       endfunction
+       // Generate the rules, place them in priority order
+       //
+       Rules ruleset = emptyRules;
+       for (Integer ch = 0; ch < valueof (numChannels); ch = ch + 1)
+               ruleset = rJoinDescendingUrgency (ruleset,
+                                       generatePortDMARules( mmuReqF, mmuRespF, ch));
+       for (Integer ch = 0; ch < valueof (numChannels); ch = ch + 1)
+               ruleset = rJoinDescendingUrgency (ruleset,
+                                       generateTransferDoneRules(ch));
+       // Add the rules to this module
+       //
+       addRules (ruleset);
+//      // Now we can generate the rules which can be manipulated further.
+//      Rules r01 = generatePortDMARules( portSrcDestRs[0]._read[0] == 0,
+//                                                                                               portSrcDestRs[0]._read[1] == 0,
+//                                                                                              mmu1ReqF, mmu1RespF, 0 ) ;
+//      Rules r02 = generatePortDMARules( portSrcDestRs[0]._read[0] == 1,
+//                                                                                               portSrcDestRs[0]._read[1] == 1,
+//                                                                                              mmu2ReqF, mmu2RespF, 0 ) ;
+//      Rules r11 = generatePortDMARules( portSrcDestRs[1]._read[0] == 0,
+//                                                                                               portSrcDestRs[1]._read[1] == 0,
+//                                                                                              mmu1ReqF, mmu1RespF, 1 ) ;
+//      Rules r12 = generatePortDMARules( portSrcDestRs[1]._read[0] == 1,
+//                                                                                               portSrcDestRs[1]._read[1] == 1,
+//                                                                                              mmu2ReqF, mmu2RespF, 1 ) ;
+//      Rules td0 = generateTransferDoneRules(0) ;
+//      Rules td1 = generateTransferDoneRules(1) ;
+//      // The set of rules above create a conflict because 2 startRead
+//      // conflict.  To specify priority of the DMA channels, we relate
+//      // the urgency of the rules by joining the rules with following
+//      // rule functions.
+//      Rules r1 = rJoinDescendingUrgency( r01, r11) ;
+//      Rules r2 = rJoinDescendingUrgency( r02, r12) ;
+//      r2 = rJoinDescendingUrgency( r1, r2 ) ;
+//      r2 = rJoinDescendingUrgency( r2, td0 ) ;
+//      r2 = rJoinDescendingUrgency( r2, td1 ) ;
+//      addRules( r2 ) ;  
+       ///  Rules and other code to interface config port /////////////
+       // Add a zero-size register as a default for invalid addresses
+       Reg#(Bit#(0)) nullReg <- mkReg( ? ) ;
+       // For ease of development we want all registers to look like 32
+       // bit resister-- the data size of the config socket.
+       // Create function to map from address to specific registers
+       // For the multi channel DMA, split the 12 bit address into 2
+       // fields, 4 bits to select the channel, 8 for the register.
+       function Reg#(ReqData) selectReg( ReqAddr addr ) ;
+               Bit#(8) taddr = truncate( addr ) ;
+               Bit#(4) channelSel = truncate ( addr >> 8 ) ;
+               return
+               case ( taddr )
+                       8'h00 :  return regAToRegBitN( readAddrRs[channelSel] ) ;
+                       8'h04 :  return regAToRegBitN( readCntrRs[channelSel] ) ;
+                       8'h08 :  return regAToRegBitN( destAddrRs[channelSel] ) ;
+                       8'h0C :  return regAToRegBitN( dmaEnabledRs[channelSel] ) ;  
+                       8'h10 :  return regAToRegBitN( portSrcDestRs[channelSel] ) ;             
+                       default:  return regAToRegBitN( nullReg ) ;
+               endcase ;
+       endfunction
+       // A rule for writing to a registers
+       rule writeConfig ( cnfReqF.first.reqOp == WR ) ;
+               let req =  cnfReqF.first ;
+               cnfReqF.deq ;
+               $display ("DMA[%0d] writeConfig: ", (req.reqAddr[11:8]), fshow (req));
+               // Select and write the register 
+               let thisReg = selectReg( req.reqAddr ) ;
+               thisReg <= req.reqData ;
+               // Now generate the response and enqueue
+               let resp = Socket_Resp {respOp  : OK,
+                                                                               reqOp    : WR,
+                                                                               respAddr : 0,
+                                                                               respInfo : req.reqInfo,
+                                                                               respData : req.reqData } ;
+               cnfRespF.enq( resp ) ;
+       endrule
+       // A rule for reading a configuration register 
+       rule readConfig ( cnfReqF.first.reqOp == RD ) ;
+               let req =  cnfReqF.first ;
+               cnfReqF.deq ;
+               // Select the register 
+               let thisReg = selectReg( req.reqAddr ) ;
+               // Now generate the response and enqueue
+               let resp = Socket_Resp {respOp  : OK,
+                                                                               reqOp    : RD,
+                                                                               respAddr : 0,
+                                                                               respInfo : req.reqInfo,
+                                                                               respData : thisReg } ;
+               cnfRespF.enq( resp ) ;
+       endrule
+       (* descending_urgency = 
+        "writeConfig, readConfig, unknownConfig"  *)
+       rule unknownConfig ( True ) ;
+               let req =  cnfReqF.first ;
+               cnfReqF.deq ;
+               // Select the register 
+               let thisReg = selectReg( req.reqAddr ) ;
+               // Now generate the response and enqueue
+               let resp = Socket_Resp {respOp  : NOP,
+                                                                               reqOp    : NOP,
+                                                                               respAddr : 0,
+                                                                               respInfo : req.reqInfo,
+                                                                               respData : thisReg } ;
+               cnfRespF.enq( resp ) ;
+       endrule
+       function AXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor_IFC#(wd_addr,wd_dara,wd_user)
+               fifos_to_AXI4_Lite_ifc (FIFOF#(Socket_Req) reqs,
+                               FIFOF#(Socket_Resp) resps);
+               return
+               (interface AXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor_IFC#(wd_addr,wd_data,wd_user)
+                       //interface AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC #(wd_addr, wd_data, wd_user) axi_side;
+                       interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Lite_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user))
+                               i_wr_addr= fifos_to_AXI4_Lite_Wr_Addr(reqs);
+                       interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Lite_Wr_Data #(wd_data))
+                               i_wr_data= fifos_to_AXI4_Lite_Wr_Data(reqs);
+                       interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Lite_Wr_Resp #(wd_user))
+                               o_wr_resp= fifos_to_AXI4_Lite_Wr_Resp(resps);
+                       interface FIFOF_I #(AXI4_Lite_Rd_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user));
+                               i_rd_addr= fifos_to_AXI4_Lite_Rd_Addr(reqs);
+                       interface FIFOF_O #(AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data #(wd_data, wd_user))
+                               o_rd_data= fifos_to_AXI4_Lite_Rd_Data(resps);
+               endinterface);
+       endfunction
+       function FIFO_I#(AXI4_Lite_Wr_Addr #(wd_addr, wd_user))
+               fifos_to_AXI4_Lite_Wr_Addr#(FIFOF#(Socket_Req) reqs);
+               return interface FIFO_I
+                       method Action  enq(din);
+                               let x= Socket_Req {reqOp: defaultValue,
+                                   reqInfo: defaultValue,
+                                   reqAddr: din.awaddr,
+                                   reqData: defaultValue};
+                               reqs.enq (x);
+                       endmethod
+                       method Bool notFull()= reqs.notFull;
+               endinterface
+       endfunction
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       //
+       // Create the interfaces by connecting the fifo interfaces to the
+       //  the socket ports.
+       interface TLMRecvIFC cfg;
+               interface Get tx;
+                       method ActionValue#(BusResponse) get;
+                               cnfRespF.deq();
+                               return socketRespToBusResp(cnfRespF.first());
+                       endmethod
+               endinterface
+               interface Put rx;
+                       method Action put(x) = cnfReqF.enq(busReqToSocketReq(x));
+               endinterface
+       endinterface
+       AXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR,`Reg_width,0) m_xactor <- mkAXI4_Lite_Master_Xactor;
+       interface AXI4_Lite_Master_IFC#(`PADDR, `Reg_width, 0) cfg;
+       interface TLMSendIFC mmu;
+               interface Get tx;
+                       method ActionValue#(BusRequest) get;
+                               mmuReqF.deq();
+                               return socketReqToBusReq(mmuReqF.first());
+                       endmethod
+               endinterface
+               interface Put rx;
+                       method Action put(x) = mmuRespF.enq(busRespToSocketResp(x));
+               endinterface
+       endinterface
+// ================================================================
+function BusResponse socketRespToBusResp(Socket_Resp tmp);
+       BusResponse r = defaultValue;
+       r.error = !(tmp.respOp==OK);
+ = tmp.respData;
+       r.write = (tmp.reqOp==WR);
+ = unpack(truncate(tmp.respInfo));
+       return r;
+function BusRequest socketReqToBusReq(Socket_Req tmp);
+       BusRequest r = defaultValue;
+       r.byteen = '1;
+       r.address = tmp.reqAddr;
+ = tmp.reqData;
+       r.write = (tmp.reqOp == WR);
+ = unpack(truncate(tmp.reqInfo));
+       return r;
+function Socket_Req busReqToSocketReq(BusRequest x);
+        Socket_Req r = unpack(0);
+        r.reqOp = x.write ? WR : RD;
+        r.reqAddr = x.address;
+        r.reqData =;
+        r.reqInfo = pack(extend(;
+        return r;
+ endfunction
+ function Socket_Resp busRespToSocketResp(BusResponse x);
+        Socket_Resp r = unpack(0);
+        r.respOp = x.error ? NOP : OK;
+        r.respData =;
+        r.reqOp = x.write ? WR : RD;
+        r.respInfo = pack(extend(;
+        return r;
+ endfunction
diff --git a/src/peripherals/dma/DMAv2.bsv b/src/peripherals/dma/DMAv2.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ac48ea0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+package DMAv2;
+// ================================================================
+// Copyright (c) Bluespec, Inc., 2007-2011 All Rights Reserved
+import FIFO :: * ;
+import FIFOF :: * ;
+import Vector :: * ;
+import FShow::*;
+import GetPut::*;
+import DefaultValue ::*;
+import AXI4_Types   :: *;
+import AXI4_Fabric  :: *;
+import Semi_FIFOF        :: *;
+`include "ARM.defines"
+// ================================================================
+// DMA requests and responses parameters
+`define  Req_Info_sz 10
+`define  Req_Addr_sz 32
+`define  Req_Data_sz 32
+typedef Bit#(`Req_Info_sz) Req_Info; 
+typedef Bit#(`Req_Addr_sz) Req_Addr; 
+typedef Bit#(`Req_Data_sz) Req_Data; 
+//The Req and Resp are of the same width in the current design
+//typedef Bit#(10)     RespInfo;
+//typedef Bit#(1)      RespAddr;
+//typedef Bit#(32)     RespData;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------
+// At times it is best to consider registers as completely homogeneous,
+// so that they can be accessed as a bit pattern with no internal
+// structure.  These functions convert reg interfaces based on a
+// structured type to reg interfaces based on a bit pattern of at
+// least the same width.
+function Reg#(Bit#(n)) regAToRegBitN( Reg#(a_type) rin )
+       provisos ( Bits#( a_type, asize),
+                                Add#(asize,xxx,n) ) ;
+       return
+       interface Reg
+               method Bit#(n) _read ();
+                       a_type tmp =  rin._read()  ;
+                       return zeroExtend (pack( tmp )) ;
+               endmethod
+               method Action _write( Bit#(n) din );
+                       rin._write( unpack( truncate(din) )) ;
+               endmethod
+       endinterface ;
+// ================================================================
+// The DMA interface has two sub-interfaces
+//       A AXI4 Slave interface for config
+//       A AXI4 Master interface for data transfers
+interface DmaC #(numeric type numChannels);
+       interface AXI4_Master_IFC#(`Req_Addr_sz,`Req_Data_sz,`Req_Info_sz) mmu;
+       interface AXI4_Slave_IFC#(`Req_Addr_sz,`Req_Data_sz,`Req_Info_sz) cfg;
+typedef UInt#(16)  DMACounts ;
+// The number of channels is a parameter.
+// typedef 2 NumChannels;
+// For the module, we add additional configuration registers to control
+// which port the transfer reads from and writes to.  
+// The majority of the design remains the same, additional fifos, and
+// interface must be added, as well as adding new rules to control
+// which port is read or written.
+// Several configuration registers are included, and connected to the
+// config socket/fifo.
+module mkDMA( DmaC #(numChannels) );    
+       // The DMA contains one master interface, and one slave interface. The processor sends
+       // request through the slave interface to set the config registers.
+       // The DMA's master initiates a request to one of the peripherals through one of the
+       // channels. The response is taken (through response sub-interface of DMA's Master interface
+       // and returned to the processor (through response sub-interface of the DMA's Slave interface 
+       AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(`Req_Addr_sz,`Req_Data_sz,`Req_Info_sz) s_xactor <- mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor;
+       AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC #(`Req_Addr_sz,`Req_Data_sz,`Req_Info_sz) m_xactor <- mkAXI4_Master_Xactor;
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        
+       // We will need some registers to control the DMA transfer
+       // A Bit to signal if the transfer is enabled   
+       Vector#(numChannels, Reg#(Bool))  dmaEnabledRs  <- replicateM(mkReg(False));
+       //  The read address and other stuff needed to generate a read
+       Vector#(numChannels, Reg#(Req_Addr))    readAddrRs      <- replicateM(mkReg(0));
+       Vector#(numChannels, Reg#(DMACounts)) readCntrRs  <- replicateM(mkReg(0));
+       Vector#(numChannels, Reg#(DMACounts)) currentReadRs  <- replicateM(mkReg(0));
+       Vector#(numChannels, Reg#(DMACounts)) currentWriteRs <- replicateM(mkReg(0));
+       // To distinguish the ports for reads and writes, we need 2 bits
+       Vector#(numChannels,Reg#(Bit#(2)))      portSrcDestRs <- replicateM( mkReg(0)) ;
+       // The destination address
+       Vector#(numChannels, Reg#(Req_Addr))  destAddrRs        <- replicateM(mkReg(0));
+       // Use a FIFO to pass the read response to the write "side",
+       //  thus allowing pending transations and concurrency.
+       // FIFOs can be replicated as well.
+       Vector#(numChannels,FIFO#(Req_Data))  
+                 responseDataFs <- replicateM( mkSizedFIFO(2)) ;  
+       // We also want to pass the destination address for each read over
+       // to the write "side"
+       // The depth of this fifo limits the number of outstanding reads
+       // which may be pending before the write.  The maximum outstanding
+       // reads depends on the overall latency of the read requests.
+       Vector#(numChannels,FIFO#(Req_Addr)) 
+               destAddrFs <- replicateM( mkSizedFIFO( 4 )) ;                     
+       ///  DMA rules //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       // We define a function inside the module so it can access some
+       // of the registers without passing too many arguments.  
+       // The function takes as arguments the conditions and fifos
+       // (interfaces)
+       // And returns a set a rules.
+       // The rule are identical to the set used in the one mmu port case.
+       function Rules generatePortDMARules (AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC#(`Req_Addr_sz,`Req_Data_sz,`Req_Info_sz) xactor,
+                                                                                                        Integer chanNum
+                                                                                                        );
+               return
+               rules
+               // To start a read, when the dma is enabled and there are data to
+               // move, and we are in the right state 
+               rule startRead (dmaEnabledRs[chanNum]._read && 
+                                                readCntrRs[chanNum] > currentReadRs[chanNum] );
+         // Create a read request, and enqueue it
+         // Since there can be multiple pending requests, either read or
+         // writes, we use the `Req_Info field to mark these.          
+                       let read_request = AXI4_Rd_Addr {araddr: readAddrRs[chanNum]._read, arprot: 0,
+                       aruser: fromInteger(0 + 2*chanNum),     arlen: 0, arsize: 2, arburst: 'b0}; // arburst: 00-FIXED 01-INCR 10-WRAP
+                       xactor.i_rd_addr.enq(read_request);
+                       // Enqueue the Write destination address
+                       destAddrFs[chanNum].enq( destAddrRs[chanNum] ) ;
+                       // Some house keeping -- increment the read address,
+                       // decrement the counter.
+                       readAddrRs[chanNum] <= readAddrRs[chanNum] + 4 ;
+                       currentReadRs[chanNum] <=  currentReadRs[chanNum] + 1  ;
+                       destAddrRs[chanNum] <=  destAddrRs[chanNum] + 4 ;
+                       $display ("DMA[%0d] startRead", chanNum);
+               endrule
+               // We finish the read when we see the correct respInfo on the mmu response fifo
+               rule finishRead ( xactor.o_rd_data.first.ruser == fromInteger(0 + 2*chanNum) );
+                       // grab the data from the mmu reponse fifo
+                       let resp <- pop_o(xactor.o_rd_data) ;     
+                       // Need to consider what to do if the response is an error or
+                       // fail but we will keep it simple for now
+                       // Pass the read data to the write "side" of the dma
+                       responseDataFs[chanNum].enq( resp.rdata ) ;
+                       $display ("DMA[%0d]: finishRead", chanNum);
+               endrule
+               // This rule start the write process
+               // Note that this rule conflicts with rule startRead, so we make
+               // this rule be more urgent. I.e., finish writing before you start
+               // reading more.                        
+               rule startWrite;
+                       // Generate a Write 
+               let write_data = AXI4_Wr_Data {wdata: responseDataFs[chanNum].first, wstrb: 0, wlast:True};
+               let write_addr = AXI4_Wr_Addr {awaddr: destAddrFs[chanNum].first, awprot:0,
+                                                               awuser:fromInteger(1 + 2*chanNum), awlen: 0, awsize: 2, awburst: 0}; 
+                       // enqueue the request.
+                       xactor.i_wr_data.enq(write_data);
+                       xactor.i_wr_addr.enq(write_addr);
+                       // Some other house keeping - removing the data from the fifos
+                       destAddrFs[chanNum].deq;
+                       responseDataFs[chanNum].deq;
+                       $display ("DMA[%0d] startWrite", chanNum);
+               endrule
+               // This rule waits for the write to finish
+               rule finishWrite((xactor.o_wr_resp.first.buser == fromInteger(1 + 2*chanNum)) );
+                       xactor.o_wr_resp.deq ;                   // take the response data and finish
+                       currentWriteRs[chanNum]._write (currentWriteRs[chanNum] + 1);
+                       $display ("DMA[%0d]: finishWrite", chanNum);
+               endrule
+        endrules;
+       endfunction
+       function Rules generateTransferDoneRules( Integer chanNum );
+               return
+               rules
+                       // Conditions to mark when transfer is done
+                       rule markTransferDone (dmaEnabledRs[chanNum]._read &&
+                                                                                (currentWriteRs[chanNum]._read == readCntrRs[chanNum]._read) &&
+                                                                                (currentReadRs[chanNum]._read  == readCntrRs[chanNum]._read) ) ;
+                               dmaEnabledRs[chanNum]._write (False) ; 
+                               currentWriteRs[chanNum] <= 0 ;
+                               currentReadRs[chanNum]  <= 0 ;
+                $display ("DMA[%0d]: transfer done", chanNum);
+                       endrule
+               endrules ;
+       endfunction
+       // Generate the rules, place them in priority order
+       //
+       Rules ruleset = emptyRules;
+       for (Integer ch = 0; ch < valueof (numChannels); ch = ch + 1)
+               ruleset = rJoinDescendingUrgency (ruleset,
+                                       generatePortDMARules( m_xactor, ch));
+       for (Integer ch = 0; ch < valueof (numChannels); ch = ch + 1)
+               ruleset = rJoinDescendingUrgency (ruleset,
+                                       generateTransferDoneRules(ch));
+       // Add the rules to this module
+       //
+       addRules (ruleset);
+       ///  Rules and other code to interface config port /////////////
+       // Add a zero-size register as a default for invalid addresses
+       Reg#(Bit#(0)) nullReg <- mkReg( ? ) ;
+       // For ease of development we want all registers to look like 32
+       // bit resister-- the data size of the config socket.
+       // Create function to map from address to specific registers
+       // For the multi channel DMA, split the 12 bit address into 2
+       // fields, 4 bits to select the channel, 8 for the register.
+       function Reg#(Req_Data) selectReg( Req_Addr addr ) ;
+               Bit#(8) taddr = truncate( addr ) ;
+               Bit#(4) channelSel = truncate ( addr >> 8 ) ;
+               return
+               case ( taddr )
+                       8'h00 :  return regAToRegBitN( readAddrRs[channelSel] ) ;
+                       8'h04 :  return regAToRegBitN( readCntrRs[channelSel] ) ;
+                       8'h08 :  return regAToRegBitN( destAddrRs[channelSel] ) ;
+                       8'h0C :  return regAToRegBitN( dmaEnabledRs[channelSel] ) ;  
+                       8'h10 :  return regAToRegBitN( portSrcDestRs[channelSel] ) ;             
+                       default:  return regAToRegBitN( nullReg ) ;
+               endcase ;
+       endfunction
+       // A rule for writing into configuration registers
+       rule writeConfig;
+               let write_addr <- pop_o(s_xactor.o_wr_addr);
+               let write_data <- pop_o(s_xactor.o_wr_data);
+               $display ("DMA[%0d] writeConfig: ", (write_addr.awaddr[11:8]), fshow (write_addr));
+               // Select and write the register 
+               let thisReg = selectReg(write_addr.awaddr);
+               thisReg <= write_data.wdata;
+               // Now generate the response and enqueue
+               let resp = AXI4_Wr_Resp { bresp: AXI4_OKAY, buser: write_addr.awuser };
+               s_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq(resp);
+       endrule
+       // A rule for reading a configuration register 
+       rule readConfig;
+               let read_addr <- pop_o(s_xactor.o_rd_addr);
+               // Select the register 
+               let thisReg = selectReg(read_addr.araddr) ;
+               // Now generate the response and enqueue
+               let resp = AXI4_Rd_Data {rresp: AXI4_OKAY, rdata: thisReg,
+                                                                               rlast:True, ruser: read_addr.aruser};
+               s_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(resp);
+       endrule
+       //Note that unknownConfig rule is not needed here because all the FIFOs will
+       //be empty and hence neither writeConfig nor readConfig will fire.
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       //
+       // Create the interfaces by connecting the axi side interfaces
+       // of the transactors to it.
+       interface cfg= s_xactor.axi_side;
+       interface mmu= m_xactor.axi_side;
diff --git a/src/peripherals/dma/GDefines.bsv b/src/peripherals/dma/GDefines.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..036b37a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+// Copyright (c) 2010  Bluespec, Inc.   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
+//  Filename      : GDefines.bsv
+//  Description   : Global type definitions
+// Notes :
+/// Imports
+import Vector            ::*;
+import GetPut            ::*;
+import DefaultValue      ::*;
+import FShow             ::*;
+import FIFOF             ::*;
+import TLM2              ::*;
+import ClientServer      ::*;
+`include "ARM.defines"
+/// Types
+typedef TLMAddr#(`ARM_PRM)          MemAddr;
+typedef TLMData#(`ARM_PRM)          MemData;
+typedef TLMByteEn#(`ARM_PRM)        MemBen;
+/// Bus Request type
+typedef struct {
+   Bool         first;
+   Bool         reduced;
+   Bool         inst;
+   Bool         write;
+   Bool         cop;
+   Bool         gdb;
+   Bool         c;
+   Bool         b;
+   Bool         usermode;
+   Bool         wrap;
+   UInt#(6)     id;
+   UInt#(10)    burst;
+   Bit#(4)      byteen;
+   Bit#(32)     address;
+   MemData      data;
+} BusRequest deriving (Bits, Eq);
+instance DefaultValue#(BusRequest);
+   defaultValue = BusRequest {
+      first:      True,
+      reduced:    False,
+      inst:       False,
+      write:      False,
+      cop:        False,
+      gdb:        False,
+      c:          False,
+      b:          False,
+      usermode:   False,
+      wrap:       False,
+      id:         0,
+      burst:      1,
+      byteen:     0,
+      address:    ?,
+      data:       ?
+      };
+/// Bus Response Type
+typedef struct {
+   Bool         error;
+   Bool         cop;
+   Bool         gdb;
+   Bool         write;
+   UInt#(6)     id;
+   MemData      data;
+} BusResponse deriving (Bits, Eq);
+instance DefaultValue#(BusResponse);
+   defaultValue = BusResponse {
+      error:    True,
+      cop:      False,
+      gdb:      False,
+      write:    False,
+      id:       0,
+      data:     0
+      };
+/// Overloading Function for TLM conversions
+instance TLMRequestTC#(BusRequest, `ARM_PRM);
+   function toTLMRequest(x);
+      if (x.first) begin
+        RequestDescriptor#(`ARM_PRM) request = createBasicRequestDescriptor;
+        request.custom[11]       = pack(x.reduced);
+        request.custom[10]       = pack(x.gdb);
+        request.custom[9]        = pack(x.cop);
+        request.custom[8]        = 0;
+        request.custom[7]        = 0;
+        request.custom[6]        = 0;
+        request.custom[5]        = pack(x.c);
+        request.custom[4]        = pack(x.c);
+        request.custom[3]        = pack(x.b);
+        request.custom[2]        = pack(x.inst);
+        request.custom[1]        = 1;
+        request.custom[0]        = pack(!x.usermode);
+        request.burst_mode       = (x.wrap) ? WRAP : INCR;
+        request.transaction_id   = pack(;
+        request.burst_size       = truncate(pack(countOnesAlt(x.byteen) - 1));
+        request.burst_length     = x.burst;
+        request.byte_enable      = x.byteen;
+        request.command          = (x.write) ? WRITE : READ;
+        request.addr             = pack(x.address);
+             =;
+        return (tagged Descriptor request);
+      end
+      else begin
+        RequestData#(`ARM_PRM) request = unpack(0);
+        request.custom[11]       = pack(x.reduced);
+        request.custom[10]       = pack(x.gdb);
+        request.custom[9]        = pack(x.cop);
+        request.custom[8]        = 0;
+        request.custom[7]        = 0;
+        request.custom[6]        = 0;
+        request.custom[5]        = pack(x.c);
+        request.custom[4]        = pack(x.c);
+        request.custom[3]        = pack(x.b);
+        request.custom[2]        = pack(x.inst);
+        request.custom[1]        = 1;
+        request.custom[0]        = pack(!x.usermode);
+        request.transaction_id   = pack(;
+             =;
+        return (tagged Data request);
+      end
+   endfunction
+   function fromTLMRequest(x);
+      case(x) matches
+        tagged Descriptor .d: begin
+           return BusRequest {
+              first:    True,
+              reduced:  unpack(d.custom[11]),
+              inst:     unpack(d.custom[2]),
+              write:    (d.command == WRITE),
+              cop:      unpack(d.custom[9]),
+              gdb:      unpack(d.custom[10]),
+              c:        unpack(d.custom[4]),
+              b:        unpack(d.custom[3]),
+              usermode: unpack(~d.custom[0]),
+              wrap:     d.burst_mode == WRAP,
+              id:       unpack(d.transaction_id),
+              burst:    d.burst_length,
+              byteen:   calculateByteEnables(d),
+              address:  unpack(d.addr),
+              data:
+              };
+        end
+        tagged Data       .d: begin
+           return BusRequest {
+              first:    False,
+              reduced:  unpack(d.custom[11]),
+              inst:     unpack(d.custom[2]),
+              write:    ?,
+              cop:      unpack(d.custom[9]),
+              gdb:      unpack(d.custom[10]),
+              c:        unpack(d.custom[4]),
+              b:        unpack(d.custom[3]),
+              usermode: unpack(~d.custom[0]),
+              wrap:     ?,
+              id:       unpack(d.transaction_id),
+              burst:    ?,
+              byteen:   '1,
+              address:  0,
+              data:
+              };
+        end
+      endcase
+   endfunction
+instance TLMResponseTC#(BusResponse, `ARM_PRM);
+   function toTLMResponse(x);
+      TLMResponse#(`ARM_PRM) response = unpack(0);
+      response.command        = (x.write) ? WRITE : READ;
+           =;
+      response.status         = (x.error) ? ERROR : SUCCESS;
+      response.custom[10]     = pack(x.gdb);
+      response.custom[9]      = pack(x.cop);
+      response.transaction_id = pack(;
+      return response;
+   endfunction
+   function fromTLMResponse(x);
+      return BusResponse {
+         error: (x.status != SUCCESS),
+        gdb:   unpack(x.custom[10]),
+        cop:   unpack(x.custom[9]),
+        write: (x.command == WRITE),
+        id:    unpack(x.transaction_id),
+        data:
+        };
+   endfunction
+function Bit#(4) calculateByteEnables(RequestDescriptor#(`ARM_PRM) desc);
+   let offset_mask = 3 - desc.burst_size;
+   let offset      = desc.addr & zeroExtend(offset_mask);
+   let maskp1      = 1 << getTLMBurstSize(desc);
+   return  (maskp1-1) << offset;
diff --git a/src/peripherals/dma/tb_DMA.bsv b/src/peripherals/dma/tb_DMA.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d0a085f
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+package tb_DMA;
+       import DMA::*;
+       import Memory_AXI4      ::*;
+       import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
+       import AXI4_Types :: *;
+       import AXI4_Fabric :: *;
+       import Connectable :: *;
+       import ConfigReg :: *;
+       import RegFile::*;
+       import Clocks :: * ;
+       import DReg ::*;
+       import defined_types::*;
+       `include "defined_parameters.bsv"
+       `define Num_DMA_Channels 7
+       `define Num_Peripherals 12
+       `define Num_Masters 2
+       `define Num_Slaves TAdd#(`Num_Peripherals,2)
+       `define DMA_cfg_addr_start              64'h00000000
+       `define DMA_cfg_addr_end                64'h000000FF
+       `define Peripheral1_addr_start  64'h00001000
+       `define Peripheral1_addr_end    64'h00001FFF
+       `define Peripheral2_addr_start  64'h00002000
+       `define Peripheral2_addr_end    64'h00002FFF
+       `define Peripheral3_addr_start  64'h00003000
+       `define Peripheral3_addr_end    64'h00003FFF
+       `define MainMemory_addr_start   64'h80000000
+       `define MainMemory_addr_end     64'hFFFFFFFF
+       typedef enum{Send_req,Get_resp} Mem_state deriving(Bits,Eq);
+       /*function Tuple2#(t , Bit#(`Addr_space)) fn_slave_addr_range(Integer i) provisos(Literal#(t));
+               case (i) matches
+                       0: return tuple2(`DMA_cfg_addr_start, `DMA_cfg_addr_end);
+                       1: return tuple2(`MainMemory_addr_start, `MainMemory_addr_end);
+                       2: return tuple2(`Peripheral1_addr_start, `Peripheral1_addr_end);
+                       default: return tuple2(0,0);
+               endcase
+       endfunction*/
+       function Tuple2 #(Bool, Bit#(TLog#(`Num_Slaves))) fn_addr_to_slave_num (Bit #(`PADDR) addr);
+               if(addr>=`MainMemory_addr_start && addr<=`MainMemory_addr_end)
+                       return tuple2(True,1);  //Memory
+               else if(addr>=`Peripheral1_addr_start && addr<=`Peripheral1_addr_end)
+                       return tuple2(True,2);  //Peripherals
+               else if(addr>=`Peripheral2_addr_start && addr<=`Peripheral2_addr_end)
+                       return tuple2(True,3);  //Peripherals
+               else if(addr>=`Peripheral3_addr_start && addr<=`Peripheral3_addr_end)
+                       return tuple2(True,4);  //Peripherals
+               else if(addr>=`DMA_cfg_addr_start && addr<= `DMA_cfg_addr_end)
+                       return tuple2(True,0);  //DMA config registers
+               else
+                       return tuple2(False,0);
+       endfunction
+       (*synthesize*)
+       //(*mutually_exclusive= "get_read_response,get_write_response"*)
+       module mkTb_DMA(Empty);
+               DmaC#(`Num_DMA_Channels, `Num_Peripherals) dma <-mkDMA();//check parameter as DmaC-data type of mkDMA input takes two inputs
+               AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) processor <- mkAXI4_Master_Xactor();
+               Memory_IFC#(`MainMemory_addr_start,`Addr_space) main_memory <- mkMemory("MainMemory_MSB","MainMemory_LSB","MainMemory");
+               Memory_IFC#(`Peripheral1_addr_start,`Addr_space) peripheral1 <- mkMemory("Peripheral1_MSB", "Peripheral1_LSB", "Peripheral[1]");
+               Memory_IFC#(`Peripheral2_addr_start,`Addr_space) peripheral2 <- mkMemory("Peripheral2_MSB", "Peripheral2_LSB", "Peripheral[2]");
+               Memory_IFC#(`Peripheral3_addr_start,`Addr_space) peripheral3 <- mkMemory("Peripheral3_MSB", "Peripheral3_LSB", "Peripheral[2]");
+               /*for(Integer i=0; i<`Num_Peripherals; i=i+1) begin
+                       let lv_base_addr= fn_slave_addr_range(i).tpl_1;
+                       peripheral[i] <- mkMemory("Peripheral" +integerToString(i)+ "_MSB", "Peripheral" +integerToString(i)+ "_LSB", "Peripheral[" +integerToString(i)+ "]");
+               end*/
+               // Fabric
+               AXI4_Fabric_IFC #(`Num_Masters, `Num_Slaves, `PADDR, `Reg_width,`USERSPACE)
+               fabric <- mkAXI4_Fabric(fn_addr_to_slave_num());
+               //Connect the masters to fabric
+               mkConnection (processor.axi_side, fabric.v_from_masters [0]);   //MASTER0: Processor
+               mkConnection (dma.mmu, fabric.v_from_masters [1]);                              //MASTER1: DMA's MMU
+               mkConnection(fabric.v_to_slaves[0],dma.cfg);                                    //SLAVE1: Main Memory
+               mkConnection(fabric.v_to_slaves[1],main_memory.axi_slave);              //SLAVE1: Main Memory
+               mkConnection(fabric.v_to_slaves[2],peripheral1.axi_slave);              //SLAVE2: Peripheral1
+               mkConnection(fabric.v_to_slaves[3],peripheral2.axi_slave);              //SLAVE2: Peripheral1
+               mkConnection(fabric.v_to_slaves[4],peripheral3.axi_slave);              //SLAVE2: Peripheral1
+               /*for(Integer i=0; i<`Num_Peripherals; i=i+1)
+                       mkConnection(fabric.v_to_slaves[i+2],peripheral[i].axi_slave);          //SLAVE2 onwards: Various Peripherals*/
+               //Registers for reading instructions from Dummy processor
+               Reg#(Bit#(6)) index<-mkConfigReg(0); // states 0..7
+               Reg#(Bool) rg_read_flag<-mkConfigReg(False);
+               Reg#(Bool) rg_write_flag<-mkConfigReg(False);
+               RegFile#(Bit#(6),Bit#(136)) input_instructions <-mkRegFileFullLoad("trial.hex");
+               Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_count <-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bool) rg_done <-mkReg(False);
+               rule rl_inc_count;
+                       rg_count<= rg_count + 1;
+                       $display("\n");
+                       $display($time,"\tCount: %d",rg_count);
+                       if(rg_count==500)
+                               $finish(0);
+               endrule
+               rule proc_start_read(!rg_read_flag && !rg_done && input_instructions.sub(truncate(index))[65:64]==2'b00); //read operation
+                       let x = input_instructions.sub(truncate(index));
+                       let addr= x[31:0];
+                       let wdata= x[63:32];
+                       let stop= x[65];
+                       let size= 2'd2;
+                       $display($time,"\tTBMaster Processor: Sending Read Request to addr %h",addr);
+                       let read_request = AXI4_Rd_Addr {araddr: zeroExtend(addr), arprot: 0, aruser: 0, arsize: zeroExtend(size), arlen: 0 , arburst: 1, // arburst: 00-FIXED 01-INCR 10-WRAP
+                                                                                        arlock: 0, arcache: 0, arqos: 0,
+                                                                                        arregion: 0, arid: 0 };
+                       processor.i_rd_addr.enq(read_request);
+                       //x[15:0]=fn_decr_cndtr(x[15:0],2,x[50:48]);//CHECK correct this code USE FUNCTION
+                       rg_read_flag<= True;
+                       rg_done<= unpack(stop);
+               endrule
+               rule proc_start_write(!rg_write_flag && !rg_done && input_instructions.sub(truncate(index))[65:64]==2'b01); //write operation
+                       let x = input_instructions.sub(truncate(index));
+                       let addr= x[31:0];
+                       let wdata= x[63:32];
+                       let stop= x[65];
+                       let size= 2'd2;
+                       $display($time,"\tTBMaster Processor: Sending Write Request");
+                       let aw = AXI4_Wr_Addr { awaddr: zeroExtend(addr), awprot:0, awuser:0, awlen: 0, awsize: zeroExtend(size), awburst: 1, 
+                                                                       awlock: 0, awcache: 0, awqos: 0,
+                                                                       awregion: 0, awid: 0 };
+                       Bit#(8) lv_strb=0;
+                       Bit#(64) lv_wdata=0;
+                       if(addr[2:0]=='b000) begin
+                               lv_strb= 'h0F;
+                               lv_wdata= zeroExtend(wdata);
+                       end
+                       else if(addr[2:0]=='b100) begin
+                               lv_strb= 'hF0;
+                               lv_wdata= {wdata,32'd0};
+                       end
+                       else begin
+                               $display($time,"ERROR: Write to a wrong address");
+                       end
+                       let w  = AXI4_Wr_Data {wdata: lv_wdata, wstrb: lv_strb, wlast:True, wid: 0};    //TODO generate wstrb to be 2'b10 for all regs except cmar and cpar
+                       processor.i_wr_addr.enq(aw);
+                       processor.i_wr_data.enq(w);
+                       rg_write_flag<= True;
+                       rg_done<= unpack(stop);
+                       index<= index+1;
+               endrule
+               rule get_read_response1(rg_read_flag);
+                       let response <- pop_o (processor.o_rd_data);
+                       $display($time,"\tTBMaster Processor: Received read response with data %h",response.rdata);
+                       rg_read_flag<= False;
+               endrule
+               rule get_write_response1(rg_write_flag);
+                       let response <- pop_o (processor.o_wr_resp);
+                       $display($time,"\tTBMaster Processor: Received write response");
+                       rg_write_flag<= False;
+               endrule
+               /////////////////////////        SEND INTERRUPT FROM PERIPHERAL        //////////////////////////////
+               rule rl_send_interrupt;
+                       dma.interrupt_from_peripherals('d-1);
+               endrule
+               rule rl_read_interrupt_status(rg_count>20 && rg_count<60);
+                       let size= 2'd2;
+                       $display($time,"\tTBMaster Processor: Sending Read Request to addr 0 to read interrupt status...");
+                       let read_request = AXI4_Rd_Addr {araddr: 0, arprot: 0, aruser: 0, arsize: zeroExtend(size), arlen: 0 , arburst: 1, // arburst: 00-FIXED 01-INCR 10-WRAP
+                                                                                        arlock: 0, arcache: 0, arqos: 0,
+                                                                                        arregion: 0, arid: 0 };
+                       processor.i_rd_addr.enq(read_request);
+                       //x[15:0]=fn_decr_cndtr(x[15:0],2,x[50:48]);//CHECK correct this code USE FUNCTION
+                       rg_read_flag<= True;
+               endrule
+       endmodule
diff --git a/src/peripherals/dma/tb_DMA_AXI_Memory.bsv b/src/peripherals/dma/tb_DMA_AXI_Memory.bsv
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7c070ef
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+Copyright (c) 2013, IIT Madras
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+*  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+*  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+*  Neither the name of IIT Madras  nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
+//1. Remove all userid and corresponding registers i.e. rg_memory_user and rg_peripheral_user.
+package tb_DMA_AXI_Memory;
+       import DMA::*;
+       import Semi_FIFOF :: *;
+       import AXI4_Types :: *;
+       import AXI4_Fabric :: *;
+       import Connectable :: *;
+       import ConfigReg :: *;
+       import RegFile::*;
+       import Clocks :: * ;
+       import DReg ::*;
+       `include "defined_parameters.bsv"
+       typedef 2 Num_Masters;
+       typedef 3 Num_Slaves;
+       `define Max_index 14
+       typedef enum{Send_req,Get_resp} Mem_state deriving(Bits,Eq);
+       //check with table in pdf
+       /*
+       function Bit#(8) write_strobe_generation(Bit#(3) transfer_size);
+               if(transfer_size==0)
+                       return 'b1;
+               else if(transfer_size==1)
+                       return 'b11;
+               else if(transfer_size==2)
+                       return 'b1111;
+               else
+                       return '1;
+       endfunction
+       */
+       function Tuple2 #(Bool, Bit#(TLog#(Num_Slaves))) fn_addr_to_slave_num (Bit #(`PADDR) addr);
+               if(addr<='h00000100)
+                       return tuple2(True,0);  //DMA config registers
+               else if(addr<='hFFFF)
+                       return tuple2(True,2);  //Peripherals
+               else 
+                       return tuple2(True,1);  //Memory
+       endfunction
+       (*synthesize*)
+       //(*mutually_exclusive="get_read_response,get_write_response"*)
+       module mkTb_DMA_AXI_Memory(Empty);
+               /*
+               Clock curr_clk<-exposeCurrentClock;
+               Reset curr_reset<-exposeCurrentReset;
+               MakeResetIfc myrst1 <-mkReset(0,False,curr_clk);
+               Reset final_reset<-mkResetEither(myrst1.new_rst,curr_reset);
+               */
+               DmaC#(7,12) dma <-mkDMA();//check parameter as DmaC-data type of mkDMA input takes two inputs
+               AXI4_Master_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) proc_xactor <- mkAXI4_Master_Xactor();
+               AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) slave_memory_xactor <- mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor();
+               AXI4_Slave_Xactor_IFC #(`PADDR,`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) slave_peripheral_xactor <- mkAXI4_Slave_Xactor();
+               //master testbench to slave dma connection
+               //mkConnection (m_xactor.axi_side, dma.cfg);
+               //slave testbench to master dma connection
+               //mkConnection (dma.mmu,s_xactor.axi_side);
+               // Fabric
+               AXI4_Fabric_IFC #(Num_Masters, Num_Slaves, `PADDR, `Reg_width,`USERSPACE)
+               fabric <- mkAXI4_Fabric(fn_addr_to_slave_num);
+               // Connect traffic generators to fabric
+               mkConnection (proc_xactor.axi_side, fabric.v_from_masters [0]);
+               mkConnection (dma.mmu, fabric.v_from_masters [1]);
+               // Connect fabric to memory slaves
+               mkConnection(fabric.v_to_slaves[0],dma.cfg);
+               mkConnection(fabric.v_to_slaves[1],slave_memory_xactor.axi_side);
+               mkConnection(fabric.v_to_slaves[2],slave_peripheral_xactor.axi_side);
+               Reg#(Bit#(6)) index<-mkConfigReg(0); // states 0..7
+               Reg#(Bool) rg_read_flag<-mkConfigReg(False);
+               Reg#(Bool) rg_write_flag<-mkConfigReg(False);
+               RegFile#(Bit#(6),Bit#(136)) input_instructions <-mkRegFileLoad("trial.hex",0,`Max_index);
+               Reg#(Bit#(32)) rg_count <-mkReg(0);
+               //Reg#(Maybe#(AXI4_Rd_Data#(`Reg_width, `USERSPACE))) rg_slave_read_response <- mkReg(tagged Invalid);
+               Reg#(Mem_state)                 rg_memory_state <-mkDReg(Send_req);
+               Reg#(Bit#(8))                   rg_memory_readburst_counter<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(8))                   rg_memory_readburst_value<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(8))                   rg_memory_writeburst_counter<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(`USERSPACE))  rg_memory_user<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(4))                   rg_memory_id<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(64))                  rg_memory_address<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(3))                   rg_memory_transfer_size<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(`Reg_width))  rg_memory_data <-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Mem_state)                 rg_peripheral_state <-mkDReg(Send_req);
+               Reg#(Bit#(8))                   rg_peripheral_readburst_counter<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(8))                   rg_peripheral_readburst_value<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(8))                   rg_peripheral_writeburst_counter<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(`USERSPACE))  rg_peripheral_user<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(4))                   rg_peripheral_id<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(64))                  rg_peripheral_address<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(3))                   rg_peripheral_transfer_size<-mkReg(0);
+               Reg#(Bit#(`Reg_width))  rg_peripheral_data <-mkReg(0);
+               rule rl_inc_count;
+                       rg_count<= rg_count + 1;
+                       $display("\n");
+                       $display($time,"\tCount: %d",rg_count);
+                       if(rg_count==400)
+                               $finish(0);
+               endrule
+               rule proc_start_read(!rg_read_flag && index<=`Max_index && input_instructions.sub(truncate(index))[64]==0); //read operation
+                       let x = input_instructions.sub(truncate(index));
+                       let addr= x[31:0];
+                       let wdata= x[63:32];
+                       let stop= x[65];
+                       let size= 2'd2;
+                       $display($time,"\tTBMaster_Processor: Sending Read Request to addr %h",addr);
+                       let read_request = AXI4_Rd_Addr {araddr: zeroExtend(addr), arprot: 0, aruser: 0, arsize: zeroExtend(size), arlen: 0 , arburst: 1, // arburst: 00-FIXED 01-INCR 10-WRAP
+                                                                                        arlock: 0, arcache: 0, arqos: 0,
+                                                                                        arregion: 0, arid: 0 };
+                       proc_xactor.i_rd_addr.enq(read_request);
+                       //x[15:0]=fn_decr_cndtr(x[15:0],2,x[50:48]);//CHECK correct this code USE FUNCTION
+                       rg_read_flag<= True;
+               endrule
+               rule proc_start_write(!rg_write_flag && index<=`Max_index && input_instructions.sub(truncate(index))[64]==1); //write operation
+                       let x = input_instructions.sub(truncate(index));
+                       let addr= x[31:0];
+                       let wdata= x[63:32];
+                       let stop= x[65];
+                       let size= 2'd2;
+                       $display($time,"\tTBMaster_Processor: Sending Write Request");
+                       let aw = AXI4_Wr_Addr { awaddr: zeroExtend(addr), awprot:0, awuser:0, awlen: 0, awsize: zeroExtend(size), awburst: 1, 
+                                                                       awlock: 0, awcache: 0, awqos: 0,
+                                                                       awregion: 0, awid: 0 };
+                       let w  = AXI4_Wr_Data {wdata: zeroExtend(wdata), wstrb: 0, wlast:True, wid: 0};
+                       proc_xactor.i_wr_addr.enq(aw);
+                       proc_xactor.i_wr_data.enq(w);
+                       rg_write_flag<= True;
+               endrule
+               rule get_read_response1(rg_read_flag);
+                       let response <- pop_o (proc_xactor.o_rd_data);
+                       $display($time,"\tTBMaster_Processor: Received read response with data %h",response.rdata);
+                       index<= index+1;
+                       rg_read_flag<= False;
+               endrule
+               rule get_write_response1(rg_write_flag);
+                       let response <- pop_o (proc_xactor.o_wr_resp);
+                       $display($time,"\tTBMaster_Processor: Received write response");
+                       index<= index+1;
+                       rg_write_flag<= False;
+               endrule
+               ///////////////// ******************   SLAVE MEMORY **************//////////////////////
+               ///////      SLAVE MEMORY READ       ////////
+               rule rl_dummy_slave_memory_handle_read_request;
+                       let ar<- pop_o(slave_memory_xactor.o_rd_addr);
+                       Bit#(TSub#(mem_size,2)) index_address=(ar.araddr-fromInteger(valueOf(`Base_addr)))[valueOf(`Addr_space)-1:`byte_offset+1];
+                       rg_memory_address<=ar.araddr;
+                       rg_memory_transfer_size<=ar.arsize;
+                       rg_memory_readburst_value<=ar.arlen;
+                       rg_memory_user<=ar.aruser;
+                       rg_memory_id<= ar.arid;
+                       rg_memory_data<=zeroExtend({16'hbabe,rg_count[15:0]}); 
+                       rg_memory_state<=Get_resp;
+                       $display($time,"\tTbSlave_Memory: Recieved Read Request for Address: %h for id: %d",ar.araddr, ar.aruser);
+               endrule
+               rule rl_dummy_slave_memory_handle_read_response(rg_memory_state==Get_resp);
+                       /*`ifdef RV64
+                               Bit#(`Reg_width) data0 = {,};
+                       `else 
+                               Bit#(`Reg_width) data0 =;
+                       `endif*/
+                       Bit#(`Reg_width) data0= rg_memory_data;
+                       AXI4_Rd_Data#(`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) r = AXI4_Rd_Data { rresp: AXI4_OKAY, rdata: data0 ,
+                                                                                                                                       rlast: rg_memory_readburst_counter==rg_memory_readburst_value,
+                                                                                                                                       ruser: rg_memory_user, rid: rg_memory_id};
+                       if(rg_memory_transfer_size==2)begin // 32 bit
+                               if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0]==0)
+                                       r.rdata={data0[31:0],data0[31:0]};
+                               else
+                                       r.rdata={data0[63:32],data0[63:32]};
+                       end
+                       else if (rg_memory_transfer_size=='d1)begin // half_word
+                               if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0] ==0)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[15:0],data0[15:0],data0[15:0],data0[15:0]};
+                               else if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0] ==2)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[31:16],data0[31:16],data0[31:16],data0[31:16]};
+                               `ifdef RV64
+                                       else if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0] ==4)
+                                               r.rdata = {data0[47:32],data0[47:32],data0[47:32],data0[47:32]};
+                                       else if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0] ==6)
+                                               r.rdata = {data0[63:48],data0[63:48],data0[63:48],data0[63:48]};
+                               `endif
+                       end
+                       else if (rg_memory_transfer_size=='d0) begin// one byte
+                               if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0] ==0)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[7:0],data0[7:0],data0[7:0],data0[7:0],data0[7:0],data0[7:0],data0[7:0],data0[7:0]};
+                               else if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0] ==1)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[15:8],data0[15:8],data0[15:8],data0[15:8],data0[15:8],data0[15:8],data0[15:8],data0[15:8]};
+                               else if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0] ==2)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[23:16],data0[23:16],data0[23:16],data0[23:16],data0[23:16],data0[23:16],data0[23:16],data0[23:16]};
+                               else if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0] ==3)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[31:24],data0[31:24],data0[31:24],data0[31:24],data0[31:24],data0[31:24],data0[31:24],data0[31:24]};
+                               `ifdef RV64
+                               else if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0] ==4)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[39:32],data0[39:32],data0[39:32],data0[39:32],data0[39:32],data0[39:32],data0[39:32],data0[39:32]};
+                               else if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0] ==5)
+                               r.rdata = {data0[47:40],data0[47:40],data0[47:40],data0[47:40],data0[47:40],data0[47:40],data0[47:40],data0[47:40]};
+                               else if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0] ==6)
+                               r.rdata = {data0[55:48],data0[55:48],data0[55:48],data0[55:48],data0[55:48],data0[55:48],data0[55:48],data0[55:48]};
+                               else if(rg_memory_address[`byte_offset:0] ==7)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[63:56],data0[63:56],data0[63:56],data0[63:56],data0[63:56],data0[63:56],data0[63:56],data0[63:56]};
+                               `endif
+                       end
+                       slave_memory_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r);
+                       if(rg_memory_readburst_counter==rg_memory_readburst_value)
+                               rg_memory_readburst_counter<=0;
+                       else
+                               rg_memory_readburst_counter<=rg_memory_readburst_counter+1;
+                       $display($time,"\tTBSlave: Responding Read Request with Data: %8h BurstCounter: %d BurstValue: %d for id: %d",r.rdata,rg_memory_readburst_counter,rg_memory_readburst_value,rg_memory_user);
+               endrule
+               ///////      SLAVE MEMORY WRITE       ////////
+               rule rl_wr_respond_memory;
+                       // Get the wr request
+                       let aw <- pop_o (slave_memory_xactor.o_wr_addr);
+                       let w  <- pop_o (slave_memory_xactor.o_wr_data);
+                       //Bit#(TSub#(mem_size,2)) index_address=(aw.awaddr-fromInteger(valueOf(base_address)))[valueOf(mem_size)-1:`byte_offset+1];
+                       //dmemLSB.b.put(w.wstrb[3:0],index_address,truncate(w.wdata));
+                       //`ifdef RV64 dmmMSB.b.put(w.wstrb[7:4],index_address,truncateLSB(w.wdata)); `endif
+                       let b = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bresp: AXI4_OKAY, buser: aw.awuser, bid:aw.awid};
+                       if(rg_memory_writeburst_counter==aw.awlen)begin
+                               rg_memory_writeburst_counter<=0;
+                       slave_memory_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq (b);
+                       end
+                       else
+                               rg_memory_writeburst_counter<=rg_memory_writeburst_counter+1;
+                       $display($time,"\tTBSlave_Memory: Recieved Write Request for Address: %h data: %h strb: %b awlen: %d rg_memory_writeburst_counter: %d",aw.awaddr,w.wdata,w.wstrb,aw.awlen,rg_memory_writeburst_counter);
+               endrule
+               ///////////////// ******************   SLAVE PERIPHERAL **************//////////////////////
+               ///////      SLAVE PERIPHERAL READ       ////////
+               rule rl_dummy_slave_peripheral_handle_read_request;
+                       //let ar<- pop_o(slave_peripheral_xactor.o_rd_addr);
+                       let ar<- pop_o(slave_peripheral_xactor.o_rd_addr);
+                       Bit#(TSub#(mem_size,2)) index_address=(ar.araddr-fromInteger(valueOf(`Base_addr)))[valueOf(`Addr_space)-1:`byte_offset+1];
+                       rg_peripheral_address<=ar.araddr;
+                       rg_peripheral_transfer_size<=ar.arsize;
+                       rg_peripheral_readburst_value<=ar.arlen;
+                       rg_peripheral_user<=ar.aruser;
+                       rg_peripheral_id<= ar.arid;
+                       rg_peripheral_data<=zeroExtend({16'hbabe,rg_count[15:0]}); 
+                       rg_peripheral_state<=Get_resp;
+                       $display($time,"\tTbSlave_peripheral: Recieved Read Request for Address: %h for id: %d",ar.araddr, ar.aruser);
+               endrule
+               rule rl_dummy_slave_peripheral_handle_read_response(rg_peripheral_state==Get_resp);
+                       /*`ifdef RV64
+                               Bit#(`Reg_width) data0 = {,};
+                       `else 
+                               Bit#(`Reg_width) data0 =;
+                       `endif*/
+                       Bit#(`Reg_width) data0= rg_peripheral_data;
+                       AXI4_Rd_Data#(`Reg_width,`USERSPACE) r = AXI4_Rd_Data { rresp: AXI4_OKAY, rdata: data0 ,
+                                                                                                                                       rlast: rg_peripheral_readburst_counter==rg_peripheral_readburst_value,
+                                                                                                                                       ruser: rg_peripheral_user, rid: rg_peripheral_id};
+                       if(rg_peripheral_transfer_size==2)begin // 32 bit
+                               if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0]==0)
+                                       r.rdata={data0[31:0],data0[31:0]};
+                               else
+                                       r.rdata={data0[63:32],data0[63:32]};
+                       end
+                       else if (rg_peripheral_transfer_size=='d1)begin // half_word
+                               if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0] ==0)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[15:0],data0[15:0],data0[15:0],data0[15:0]};
+                               else if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0] ==2)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[31:16],data0[31:16],data0[31:16],data0[31:16]};
+                               `ifdef RV64
+                                       else if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0] ==4)
+                                               r.rdata = {data0[47:32],data0[47:32],data0[47:32],data0[47:32]};
+                                       else if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0] ==6)
+                                               r.rdata = {data0[63:48],data0[63:48],data0[63:48],data0[63:48]};
+                               `endif
+                       end
+                       else if (rg_peripheral_transfer_size=='d0) begin// one byte
+                               if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0] ==0)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[7:0],data0[7:0],data0[7:0],data0[7:0],data0[7:0],data0[7:0],data0[7:0],data0[7:0]};
+                               else if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0] ==1)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[15:8],data0[15:8],data0[15:8],data0[15:8],data0[15:8],data0[15:8],data0[15:8],data0[15:8]};
+                               else if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0] ==2)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[23:16],data0[23:16],data0[23:16],data0[23:16],data0[23:16],data0[23:16],data0[23:16],data0[23:16]};
+                               else if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0] ==3)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[31:24],data0[31:24],data0[31:24],data0[31:24],data0[31:24],data0[31:24],data0[31:24],data0[31:24]};
+                               `ifdef RV64
+                               else if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0] ==4)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[39:32],data0[39:32],data0[39:32],data0[39:32],data0[39:32],data0[39:32],data0[39:32],data0[39:32]};
+                               else if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0] ==5)
+                               r.rdata = {data0[47:40],data0[47:40],data0[47:40],data0[47:40],data0[47:40],data0[47:40],data0[47:40],data0[47:40]};
+                               else if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0] ==6)
+                               r.rdata = {data0[55:48],data0[55:48],data0[55:48],data0[55:48],data0[55:48],data0[55:48],data0[55:48],data0[55:48]};
+                               else if(rg_peripheral_address[`byte_offset:0] ==7)
+                                       r.rdata = {data0[63:56],data0[63:56],data0[63:56],data0[63:56],data0[63:56],data0[63:56],data0[63:56],data0[63:56]};
+                               `endif
+                       end
+                       slave_peripheral_xactor.i_rd_data.enq(r);
+                       if(rg_peripheral_readburst_counter==rg_peripheral_readburst_value)
+                               rg_peripheral_readburst_counter<=0;
+                       else
+                               rg_peripheral_readburst_counter<=rg_peripheral_readburst_counter+1;
+                       $display($time,"\tTBSlave_Peripheral: Responding Read Request with Data: %8h BurstCounter: %d BurstValue: %d for id: %d",r.rdata,rg_peripheral_readburst_counter,rg_peripheral_readburst_value,rg_peripheral_user);
+               endrule
+               ///////      SLAVE PERIPHERAL WRITE       ////////
+               rule rl_wr_respond_peripheral;
+                       // Get the wr request
+                       let aw <- pop_o (slave_peripheral_xactor.o_wr_addr);
+                       let w  <- pop_o (slave_peripheral_xactor.o_wr_data);
+                       //Bit#(TSub#(mem_size,2)) index_address=(aw.awaddr-fromInteger(valueOf(base_address)))[valueOf(mem_size)-1:`byte_offset+1];
+                       //dmemLSB.b.put(w.wstrb[3:0],index_address,truncate(w.wdata));
+                       //`ifdef RV64 dmmMSB.b.put(w.wstrb[7:4],index_address,truncateLSB(w.wdata)); `endif
+                       let b = AXI4_Wr_Resp {bresp: AXI4_OKAY, buser: aw.awuser, bid:aw.awid};
+                       if(rg_peripheral_writeburst_counter==aw.awlen)begin
+                               rg_peripheral_writeburst_counter<=0;
+                       slave_peripheral_xactor.i_wr_resp.enq (b);
+                       end
+                       else
+                               rg_peripheral_writeburst_counter<=rg_peripheral_writeburst_counter+1;
+                       $display($time,"\tTBSlave_Peripheral: Recieved Write Request for Address: %h data: %h strb: %b awlen: %d rg_peripheral_writeburst_counter: %d",aw.awaddr,w.wdata,w.wstrb,aw.awlen,rg_peripheral_writeburst_counter);
+               endrule
+               /////////////////////////        SEND INTERRUPT FROM PERIPHERAL        //////////////////////////////
+               rule rl_send_interrupt;
+                       dma.interrupt_from_peripherals('hA01);
+               endrule
+       endmodule