output registers need to be Data type (consistently)
[soc.git] / src / soc / fu / alu / pipe_data.py
1 from nmigen import Signal, Const
2 from soc.fu.alu.alu_input_record import CompALUOpSubset
3 from soc.fu.pipe_data import IntegerData, CommonPipeSpec
4 from ieee754.fpcommon.getop import FPPipeContext
5 from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import Data
8 class ALUInputData(IntegerData):
9 regspec = [('INT', 'a', '0:63'),
10 ('INT', 'b', '0:63'),
11 ('XER', 'xer_so', '32'),
12 ('XER', 'xer_ca', '34,45')]
13 def __init__(self, pspec):
14 super().__init__(pspec)
15 self.a = Signal(64, reset_less=True) # RA
16 self.b = Signal(64, reset_less=True) # RB/immediate
17 self.xer_so = Signal(reset_less=True) # XER bit 32: SO
18 self.xer_ca = Signal(2, reset_less=True) # XER bit 34/45: CA/CA32
20 def __iter__(self):
21 yield from super().__iter__()
22 yield self.a
23 yield self.b
24 yield self.xer_ca
25 yield self.xer_so
27 def eq(self, i):
28 lst = super().eq(i)
29 return lst + [self.a.eq(i.a), self.b.eq(i.b),
30 self.xer_ca.eq(i.xer_ca),
31 self.xer_so.eq(i.xer_so)]
34 class ALUOutputData(IntegerData):
35 regspec = [('INT', 'o', '0:63'),
36 ('CR', 'cr0', '0:3'),
37 ('XER', 'xer_ca', '34,45'),
38 ('XER', 'xer_ov', '33,44'),
39 ('XER', 'xer_so', '32')]
40 def __init__(self, pspec):
41 super().__init__(pspec)
42 self.o = Data(64, name="stage_o")
43 self.cr0 = Data(4, name="cr0")
44 self.xer_ca = Data(2, name="xer_co") # bit0: ca, bit1: ca32
45 self.xer_ov = Data(2, name="xer_ov") # bit0: ov, bit1: ov32
46 self.xer_so = Data(1, name="xer_so")
48 def __iter__(self):
49 yield from super().__iter__()
50 yield self.o
51 yield self.xer_ca
52 yield self.cr0
53 yield self.xer_ov
54 yield self.xer_so
56 def eq(self, i):
57 lst = super().eq(i)
58 return lst + [self.o.eq(i.o),
59 self.xer_ca.eq(i.xer_ca),
60 self.cr0.eq(i.cr0),
61 self.xer_ov.eq(i.xer_ov), self.xer_so.eq(i.xer_so)]
64 class ALUPipeSpec(CommonPipeSpec):
65 regspec = (ALUInputData.regspec, ALUOutputData.regspec)
66 opsubsetkls = CompALUOpSubset