more pseudocode in TestIssuer
[soc.git] / src / soc / simple /
1 """simple core issuer
3 not in any way intended for production use. this runs a FSM that:
5 * reads the Program Counter from StateRegs
6 * reads an instruction from a fixed-size Test Memory
7 * issues it to the Simple Core
8 * waits for it to complete
9 * increments the PC
10 * does it all over again
12 the purpose of this module is to verify the functional correctness
13 of the Function Units in the absolute simplest and clearest possible
14 way, and to at provide something that can be further incrementally
15 improved.
16 """
18 from nmigen import (Elaboratable, Module, Signal, ClockSignal, ResetSignal,
19 ClockDomain, DomainRenamer, Mux, Const)
20 from nmigen.cli import rtlil
21 from nmigen.cli import main
22 import sys
24 from soc.decoder.power_decoder import create_pdecode
25 from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import PowerDecode2, SVP64PrefixDecoder
26 from soc.decoder.decode2execute1 import IssuerDecode2ToOperand
27 from soc.decoder.decode2execute1 import Data
28 from soc.experiment.testmem import TestMemory # test only for instructions
29 from soc.regfile.regfiles import StateRegs, FastRegs
30 from soc.simple.core import NonProductionCore
31 from soc.config.test.test_loadstore import TestMemPspec
32 from soc.config.ifetch import ConfigFetchUnit
33 from soc.decoder.power_enums import MicrOp
34 from soc.debug.dmi import CoreDebug, DMIInterface
35 from soc.debug.jtag import JTAG
36 from soc.config.pinouts import get_pinspecs
37 from soc.config.state import CoreState
38 from soc.interrupts.xics import XICS_ICP, XICS_ICS
39 from soc.bus.simple_gpio import SimpleGPIO
40 from soc.bus.SPBlock512W64B8W import SPBlock512W64B8W
41 from import ClockSelect
42 from soc.clock.dummypll import DummyPLL
43 from import SVSTATERec
46 from nmutil.util import rising_edge
48 def get_insn(f_instr_o, pc):
49 if f_instr_o.width == 32:
50 return f_instr_o
51 else:
52 # 64-bit: bit 2 of pc decides which word to select
53 return f_instr_o.word_select(pc[2], 32)
55 # gets state input or reads from state regfile
56 def state_get(m, state_i, name, regfile, regnum):
57 comb = m.d.comb
58 sync = m.d.sync
59 # read the PC
60 res = Signal(64, reset_less=True, name=name)
61 res_ok_delay = Signal(name="%s_ok_delay" % name)
62 sync += res_ok_delay.eq(~state_i.ok)
63 with m.If(state_i.ok):
64 # incoming override (start from pc_i)
65 comb += res.eq(
66 with m.Else():
67 # otherwise read StateRegs regfile for PC...
68 comb +=<<regnum)
69 # ... but on a 1-clock delay
70 with m.If(res_ok_delay):
71 comb += res.eq(regfile.data_o)
72 return res
74 def get_predint(m, mask):
75 """decode SVP64 predicate integer mask field to reg number and invert
76 this is identical to the equivalent function in ISACaller except that
77 it doesn't read the INT directly, it just decodes "what needs to be done"
78 i.e. which INT reg, whether it is shifted and whether it is bit-inverted.
79 """
80 regread = Signal(5)
81 invert = Signal()
82 unary = Signal()
83 with m.Switch(mask):
84 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.ALWAYS.value):
85 comb += regread.eq(0)
86 comb += invert.eq(1)
87 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R3_UNARY.value):
88 comb += regread.eq(3)
89 comb += unary.eq(1)
90 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R3.value):
91 comb += regread.eq(3)
92 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R3_N.value):
93 comb += regread.eq(3)
94 comb += invert.eq(1)
95 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R10.value):
96 comb += regread.eq(10)
97 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R10_N.value):
98 comb += regread.eq(10)
99 comb += invert.eq(1)
100 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R30.value):
101 comb += regread.eq(30)
102 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R30_N.value):
103 comb += regread.eq(30)
104 comb += invert.eq(1)
105 return regread, invert, unary
107 def get_predcr(m, mask):
108 """decode SVP64 predicate CR to reg number field and invert status
109 this is identical to _get_predcr in ISACaller
110 """
111 idx = Signal(2)
112 invert = Signal()
113 with m.Switch(mask):
114 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.LT.value):
115 comb += idx.eq(0)
116 comb += invert.eq(1)
117 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.GE.value):
118 comb += idx.eq(0)
119 comb += invert.eq(0)
120 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.GT.value):
121 comb += idx.eq(1)
122 comb += invert.eq(1)
123 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.LE.value):
124 comb += idx.eq(1)
125 comb += invert.eq(0)
126 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.EQ.value):
127 comb += idx.eq(2)
128 comb += invert.eq(1)
129 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.NE.value):
130 comb += idx.eq(1)
131 comb += invert.eq(0)
132 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.SO.value):
133 comb += idx.eq(3)
134 comb += invert.eq(1)
135 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.NS.value):
136 comb += idx.eq(3)
137 comb += invert.eq(0)
138 return idx, invert
141 class TestIssuerInternal(Elaboratable):
142 """TestIssuer - reads instructions from TestMemory and issues them
144 efficiency and speed is not the main goal here: functional correctness is.
145 """
146 def __init__(self, pspec):
148 # test is SVP64 is to be enabled
149 self.svp64_en = hasattr(pspec, "svp64") and (pspec.svp64 == True)
151 # JTAG interface. add this right at the start because if it's
152 # added it *modifies* the pspec, by adding enable/disable signals
153 # for parts of the rest of the core
154 self.jtag_en = hasattr(pspec, "debug") and pspec.debug == 'jtag'
155 if self.jtag_en:
156 subset = {'uart', 'mtwi', 'eint', 'gpio', 'mspi0', 'mspi1',
157 'pwm', 'sd0', 'sdr'}
158 self.jtag = JTAG(get_pinspecs(subset=subset))
159 # add signals to pspec to enable/disable icache and dcache
160 # (or data and intstruction wishbone if icache/dcache not included)
161 #
162 # TODO: do we actually care if these are not domain-synchronised?
163 # honestly probably not.
164 pspec.wb_icache_en = self.jtag.wb_icache_en
165 pspec.wb_dcache_en = self.jtag.wb_dcache_en
166 self.wb_sram_en = self.jtag.wb_sram_en
167 else:
168 self.wb_sram_en = Const(1)
170 # add 4k sram blocks?
171 self.sram4x4k = (hasattr(pspec, "sram4x4kblock") and
172 pspec.sram4x4kblock == True)
173 if self.sram4x4k:
174 self.sram4k = []
175 for i in range(4):
176 self.sram4k.append(SPBlock512W64B8W(name="sram4k_%d" % i,
177 features={'err'}))
179 # add interrupt controller?
180 self.xics = hasattr(pspec, "xics") and pspec.xics == True
181 if self.xics:
182 self.xics_icp = XICS_ICP()
183 self.xics_ics = XICS_ICS()
184 self.int_level_i = self.xics_ics.int_level_i
186 # add GPIO peripheral?
187 self.gpio = hasattr(pspec, "gpio") and pspec.gpio == True
188 if self.gpio:
189 self.simple_gpio = SimpleGPIO()
190 self.gpio_o = self.simple_gpio.gpio_o
192 # main instruction core. suitable for prototyping / demo only
193 self.core = core = NonProductionCore(pspec)
195 # instruction decoder. goes into Trap Record
196 pdecode = create_pdecode()
197 self.cur_state = CoreState("cur") # current state (MSR/PC/SVSTATE)
198 self.pdecode2 = PowerDecode2(pdecode, state=self.cur_state,
199 opkls=IssuerDecode2ToOperand,
200 svp64_en=self.svp64_en)
201 if self.svp64_en:
202 self.svp64 = SVP64PrefixDecoder() # for decoding SVP64 prefix
204 # Test Instruction memory
205 self.imem = ConfigFetchUnit(pspec).fu
207 # DMI interface
208 self.dbg = CoreDebug()
210 # instruction go/monitor
211 self.pc_o = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
212 self.pc_i = Data(64, "pc_i") # set "ok" to indicate "please change me"
213 self.svstate_i = Data(32, "svstate_i") # ditto
214 self.core_bigendian_i = Signal() # TODO: set based on MSR.LE
215 self.busy_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
216 self.memerr_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
218 # STATE regfile read /write ports for PC, MSR, SVSTATE
219 staterf = self.core.regs.rf['state']
220 self.state_r_pc = staterf.r_ports['cia'] # PC rd
221 self.state_w_pc = staterf.w_ports['d_wr1'] # PC wr
222 self.state_r_msr = staterf.r_ports['msr'] # MSR rd
223 self.state_r_sv = staterf.r_ports['sv'] # SVSTATE rd
224 self.state_w_sv = staterf.w_ports['sv'] # SVSTATE wr
226 # DMI interface access
227 intrf = self.core.regs.rf['int']
228 crrf = self.core.regs.rf['cr']
229 xerrf = self.core.regs.rf['xer']
230 self.int_r = intrf.r_ports['dmi'] # INT read
231 self.cr_r = crrf.r_ports['full_cr_dbg'] # CR read
232 self.xer_r = xerrf.r_ports['full_xer'] # XER read
234 # for predication
235 self.int_pred = intrf.r_ports['pred'] # INT predicate read
236 self.cr_pred = crrf.r_ports['cr_pred'] # CR predicate read
238 # hack method of keeping an eye on whether branch/trap set the PC
239 self.state_nia = self.core.regs.rf['state'].w_ports['nia']
240 = 'state_nia_wen'
242 # pulse to synchronize the simulator at instruction end
243 self.insn_done = Signal()
245 if self.svp64_en:
246 # store copies of predicate masks
247 self.srcmask = Signal(64)
248 self.dstmask = Signal(64)
250 def fetch_fsm(self, m, core, pc, svstate, nia, is_svp64_mode,
251 fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
252 fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i):
253 """fetch FSM
254 this FSM performs fetch of raw instruction data, partial-decodes
255 it 32-bit at a time to detect SVP64 prefixes, and will optionally
256 read a 2nd 32-bit quantity if that occurs.
257 """
258 comb = m.d.comb
259 sync = m.d.sync
260 pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
261 cur_state = self.cur_state
262 dec_opcode_i = pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in # raw opcode
264 msr_read = Signal(reset=1)
266 with m.FSM(name='fetch_fsm'):
268 # waiting (zzz)
269 with m.State("IDLE"):
270 comb += fetch_pc_ready_o.eq(1)
271 with m.If(fetch_pc_valid_i):
272 # instruction allowed to go: start by reading the PC
273 # capture the PC and also drop it into Insn Memory
274 # we have joined a pair of combinatorial memory
275 # lookups together. this is Generally Bad.
276 comb += self.imem.a_pc_i.eq(pc)
277 comb += self.imem.a_valid_i.eq(1)
278 comb += self.imem.f_valid_i.eq(1)
279 sync += cur_state.pc.eq(pc)
280 sync += cur_state.svstate.eq(svstate) # and svstate
282 # initiate read of MSR. arrives one clock later
283 comb += << StateRegs.MSR)
284 sync += msr_read.eq(0)
286 = "INSN_READ" # move to "wait for bus" phase
288 # dummy pause to find out why simulation is not keeping up
289 with m.State("INSN_READ"):
290 # one cycle later, msr/sv read arrives. valid only once.
291 with m.If(~msr_read):
292 sync += msr_read.eq(1) # yeah don't read it again
293 sync += cur_state.msr.eq(self.state_r_msr.data_o)
294 with m.If(self.imem.f_busy_o): # zzz...
295 # busy: stay in wait-read
296 comb += self.imem.a_valid_i.eq(1)
297 comb += self.imem.f_valid_i.eq(1)
298 with m.Else():
299 # not busy: instruction fetched
300 insn = get_insn(self.imem.f_instr_o, cur_state.pc)
301 if self.svp64_en:
302 svp64 = self.svp64
303 # decode the SVP64 prefix, if any
304 comb += svp64.raw_opcode_in.eq(insn)
305 comb += svp64.bigendian.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
306 # pass the decoded prefix (if any) to PowerDecoder2
307 sync += pdecode2.sv_rm.eq(svp64.svp64_rm)
308 # remember whether this is a prefixed instruction, so
309 # the FSM can readily loop when VL==0
310 sync += is_svp64_mode.eq(svp64.is_svp64_mode)
311 # calculate the address of the following instruction
312 insn_size = Mux(svp64.is_svp64_mode, 8, 4)
313 sync += nia.eq(cur_state.pc + insn_size)
314 with m.If(~svp64.is_svp64_mode):
315 # with no prefix, store the instruction
316 # and hand it directly to the next FSM
317 sync += dec_opcode_i.eq(insn)
318 = "INSN_READY"
319 with m.Else():
320 # fetch the rest of the instruction from memory
321 comb += self.imem.a_pc_i.eq(cur_state.pc + 4)
322 comb += self.imem.a_valid_i.eq(1)
323 comb += self.imem.f_valid_i.eq(1)
324 = "INSN_READ2"
325 else:
326 # not SVP64 - 32-bit only
327 sync += nia.eq(cur_state.pc + 4)
328 sync += dec_opcode_i.eq(insn)
329 = "INSN_READY"
331 with m.State("INSN_READ2"):
332 with m.If(self.imem.f_busy_o): # zzz...
333 # busy: stay in wait-read
334 comb += self.imem.a_valid_i.eq(1)
335 comb += self.imem.f_valid_i.eq(1)
336 with m.Else():
337 # not busy: instruction fetched
338 insn = get_insn(self.imem.f_instr_o, cur_state.pc+4)
339 sync += dec_opcode_i.eq(insn)
340 = "INSN_READY"
341 # TODO: probably can start looking at pdecode2.rm_dec
342 # here (or maybe even in INSN_READ state, if svp64_mode
343 # detected, in order to trigger - and wait for - the
344 # predicate reading.
345 pmode = pdecode2.rm_dec.predmode
346 """
347 if pmode != SVP64PredMode.ALWAYS.value:
348 fire predicate loading FSM and wait before
349 moving to INSN_READY
350 else:
351 sync += self.srcmask.eq(-1) # set to all 1s
352 sync += self.dstmask.eq(-1) # set to all 1s
353 = "INSN_READY"
354 """
356 with m.State("INSN_READY"):
357 # hand over the instruction, to be decoded
358 comb += fetch_insn_valid_o.eq(1)
359 with m.If(fetch_insn_ready_i):
360 = "IDLE"
362 def fetch_predicate_fsm(self, m, core, TODO):
363 """fetch_predicate_fsm - obtains (constructs in the case of CR)
364 src/dest predicate masks
367 the predicates can be read here, by using IntRegs r_ports['pred']
368 or CRRegs r_ports['pred']. in the case of CRs it will have to
369 be done through multiple reads, extracting one relevant at a time.
370 later, a faster way would be to use the 32-bit-wide CR port but
371 this is more complex decoding, here. equivalent code used in
372 ISACaller is "from soc.decoder.isa.caller import get_predcr"
373 """
374 comb = m.d.comb
375 sync = m.d.sync
376 pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
377 rm_dec = pdecode2.rm_dec # SVP64RMModeDecode
378 predmode = rm_dec.predmode
379 srcpred, dstpred = rm_dec.srcpred, rm_dec.dstpred
380 cr_pred, int_pred = self.cr_pred, self.int_pred # read regfiles
381 # if predmode == INT:
382 # INT-src sregread, sinvert, sunary = get_predint(m, srcpred)
383 # INT-dst dregread, dinvert, dunary = get_predint(m, dstpred)
384 # TODO read INT-src and INT-dst into self.srcmask+dstmask
385 # elif predmode == CR:
386 # CR-src sidx, sinvert = get_predcr(m, srcpred)
387 # CR-dst didx, dinvert = get_predcr(m, dstpred)
388 # TODO read CR-src and CR-dst into self.srcmask+dstmask with loop
389 # else
390 # sync += self.srcmask.eq(-1) # set to all 1s
391 # sync += self.dstmask.eq(-1) # set to all 1s
393 def issue_fsm(self, m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed, nia,
394 dbg, core_rst, is_svp64_mode,
395 fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
396 fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i,
397 exec_insn_valid_i, exec_insn_ready_o,
398 exec_pc_valid_o, exec_pc_ready_i):
399 """issue FSM
401 decode / issue FSM. this interacts with the "fetch" FSM
402 through fetch_insn_ready/valid (incoming) and fetch_pc_ready/valid
403 (outgoing). also interacts with the "execute" FSM
404 through exec_insn_ready/valid (outgoing) and exec_pc_ready/valid
405 (incoming).
406 SVP64 RM prefixes have already been set up by the
407 "fetch" phase, so execute is fairly straightforward.
408 """
410 comb = m.d.comb
411 sync = m.d.sync
412 pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
413 cur_state = self.cur_state
415 # temporaries
416 dec_opcode_i = pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in # raw opcode
418 # for updating svstate (things like srcstep etc.)
419 update_svstate = Signal() # set this (below) if updating
420 new_svstate = SVSTATERec("new_svstate")
421 comb += new_svstate.eq(cur_state.svstate)
423 # precalculate srcstep+1 and dststep+1
424 cur_srcstep = cur_state.svstate.srcstep
425 cur_dststep = cur_state.svstate.dststep
426 next_srcstep =
427 next_dststep =
428 comb += next_srcstep.eq(cur_state.svstate.srcstep+1)
429 comb += next_dststep.eq(cur_state.svstate.dststep+1)
431 with m.FSM(name="issue_fsm"):
433 # sync with the "fetch" phase which is reading the instruction
434 # at this point, there is no instruction running, that
435 # could inadvertently update the PC.
436 with m.State("ISSUE_START"):
437 # wait on "core stop" release, before next fetch
438 # need to do this here, in case we are in a VL==0 loop
439 with m.If(~dbg.core_stop_o & ~core_rst):
440 comb += fetch_pc_valid_i.eq(1) # tell fetch to start
441 with m.If(fetch_pc_ready_o): # fetch acknowledged us
442 = "INSN_WAIT"
443 with m.Else():
444 # tell core it's stopped, and acknowledge debug handshake
445 comb += core.core_stopped_i.eq(1)
446 comb += dbg.core_stopped_i.eq(1)
447 # while stopped, allow updating the PC and SVSTATE
448 with m.If(self.pc_i.ok):
449 comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
450 comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(
451 sync += pc_changed.eq(1)
452 with m.If(self.svstate_i.ok):
453 comb += new_svstate.eq(
454 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
455 sync += sv_changed.eq(1)
457 # decode the instruction when it arrives
458 with m.State("INSN_WAIT"):
459 comb += fetch_insn_ready_i.eq(1)
460 with m.If(fetch_insn_valid_o):
461 # decode the instruction
462 sync += core.e.eq(pdecode2.e)
463 sync += core.state.eq(cur_state)
464 sync += core.raw_insn_i.eq(dec_opcode_i)
465 sync += core.bigendian_i.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
466 # set RA_OR_ZERO detection in satellite decoders
467 sync += core.sv_a_nz.eq(pdecode2.sv_a_nz)
468 # loop into ISSUE_START if it's a SVP64 instruction
469 # and VL == 0. this because VL==0 is a for-loop
470 # from 0 to 0 i.e. always, always a NOP.
471 cur_vl = cur_state.svstate.vl
472 with m.If(is_svp64_mode & (cur_vl == 0)):
473 # update the PC before fetching the next instruction
474 # since we are in a VL==0 loop, no instruction was
475 # executed that we could be overwriting
476 comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
477 comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(nia)
478 comb += self.insn_done.eq(1)
480 with m.Else():
481 = "INSN_EXECUTE" # move to "execute"
483 # handshake with execution FSM, move to "wait" once acknowledged
484 with m.State("INSN_EXECUTE"):
485 # with m.If(is_svp64_mode):
486 # TODO advance src/dst step to "skip" over predicated-out
487 # from self.srcmask and self.dstmask
488 #
489 # but still without exceeding VL in either case
490 # IMPORTANT: when changing src/dest step, have to
491 # jump to = "DECODE_SV" to deal with the change in
494 with m.If(is_svp64_mode):
496 pred_src_zero = pdecode2.rm_dec.pred_sz
497 pred_dst_zero = pdecode2.rm_dec.pred_dz
499 """
500 if not pred_src_zero:
501 if (((1<<cur_srcstep) & self.srcmask) == 0) and
502 (cur_srcstep != vl):
503 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
504 comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(next_srcstep)
505 sync += sv_changed.eq(1)
507 if not pred_dst_zero:
508 if (((1<<cur_dststep) & self.dstmask) == 0) and
509 (cur_dststep != vl):
510 comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(next_dststep)
511 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
512 sync += sv_changed.eq(1)
514 if update_svstate:
515 = "DECODE_SV"
516 """
518 comb += exec_insn_valid_i.eq(1) # trigger execute
519 with m.If(exec_insn_ready_o): # execute acknowledged us
522 with m.State("EXECUTE_WAIT"):
523 # wait on "core stop" release, at instruction end
524 # need to do this here, in case we are in a VL>1 loop
525 with m.If(~dbg.core_stop_o & ~core_rst):
526 comb += exec_pc_ready_i.eq(1)
527 with m.If(exec_pc_valid_o):
529 # was this the last loop iteration?
530 is_last = Signal()
531 cur_vl = cur_state.svstate.vl
532 comb += is_last.eq(next_srcstep == cur_vl)
534 # if either PC or SVSTATE were changed by the previous
535 # instruction, go directly back to Fetch, without
536 # updating either PC or SVSTATE
537 with m.If(pc_changed | sv_changed):
540 # also return to Fetch, when no output was a vector
541 # (regardless of SRCSTEP and VL), or when the last
542 # instruction was really the last one of the VL loop
543 with m.Elif((~pdecode2.loop_continue) | is_last):
544 # before going back to fetch, update the PC state
545 # register with the NIA.
546 # ok here we are not reading the branch unit.
547 # TODO: this just blithely overwrites whatever
548 # pipeline updated the PC
549 comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
550 comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(nia)
551 # reset SRCSTEP before returning to Fetch
552 with m.If(pdecode2.loop_continue):
553 comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(0)
554 comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(0)
555 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
558 # returning to Execute? then, first update SRCSTEP
559 with m.Else():
560 comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(next_srcstep)
561 comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(next_dststep)
562 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
563 = "DECODE_SV"
565 with m.Else():
566 comb += core.core_stopped_i.eq(1)
567 comb += dbg.core_stopped_i.eq(1)
568 # while stopped, allow updating the PC and SVSTATE
569 with m.If(self.pc_i.ok):
570 comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
571 comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(
572 sync += pc_changed.eq(1)
573 with m.If(self.svstate_i.ok):
574 comb += new_svstate.eq(
575 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
576 sync += sv_changed.eq(1)
578 # need to decode the instruction again, after updating SRCSTEP
579 # in the previous state.
580 # mostly a copy of INSN_WAIT, but without the actual wait
581 with m.State("DECODE_SV"):
582 # decode the instruction
583 sync += core.e.eq(pdecode2.e)
584 sync += core.state.eq(cur_state)
585 sync += core.bigendian_i.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
586 sync += core.sv_a_nz.eq(pdecode2.sv_a_nz)
587 = "INSN_EXECUTE" # move to "execute"
589 # check if svstate needs updating: if so, write it to State Regfile
590 with m.If(update_svstate):
591 comb += self.state_w_sv.wen.eq(1<<StateRegs.SVSTATE)
592 comb += self.state_w_sv.data_i.eq(new_svstate)
593 sync += cur_state.svstate.eq(new_svstate) # for next clock
595 def execute_fsm(self, m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed,
596 exec_insn_valid_i, exec_insn_ready_o,
597 exec_pc_valid_o, exec_pc_ready_i):
598 """execute FSM
600 execute FSM. this interacts with the "issue" FSM
601 through exec_insn_ready/valid (incoming) and exec_pc_ready/valid
602 (outgoing). SVP64 RM prefixes have already been set up by the
603 "issue" phase, so execute is fairly straightforward.
604 """
606 comb = m.d.comb
607 sync = m.d.sync
608 pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
610 # temporaries
611 core_busy_o = core.busy_o # core is busy
612 core_ivalid_i = core.ivalid_i # instruction is valid
613 core_issue_i = core.issue_i # instruction is issued
614 insn_type = # instruction MicroOp type
616 with m.FSM(name="exec_fsm"):
618 # waiting for instruction bus (stays there until not busy)
619 with m.State("INSN_START"):
620 comb += exec_insn_ready_o.eq(1)
621 with m.If(exec_insn_valid_i):
622 comb += core_ivalid_i.eq(1) # instruction is valid
623 comb += core_issue_i.eq(1) # and issued
624 sync += sv_changed.eq(0)
625 sync += pc_changed.eq(0)
626 = "INSN_ACTIVE" # move to "wait completion"
628 # instruction started: must wait till it finishes
629 with m.State("INSN_ACTIVE"):
630 with m.If(insn_type != MicrOp.OP_NOP):
631 comb += core_ivalid_i.eq(1) # instruction is valid
632 # note changes to PC and SVSTATE
633 with m.If(self.state_nia.wen & (1<<StateRegs.SVSTATE)):
634 sync += sv_changed.eq(1)
635 with m.If(self.state_nia.wen & (1<<StateRegs.PC)):
636 sync += pc_changed.eq(1)
637 with m.If(~core_busy_o): # instruction done!
638 comb += exec_pc_valid_o.eq(1)
639 with m.If(exec_pc_ready_i):
640 comb += self.insn_done.eq(1)
641 = "INSN_START" # back to fetch
643 def setup_peripherals(self, m):
644 comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
646 m.submodules.core = core = DomainRenamer("coresync")(self.core)
647 m.submodules.imem = imem = self.imem
648 m.submodules.dbg = dbg = self.dbg
649 if self.jtag_en:
650 m.submodules.jtag = jtag = self.jtag
651 # TODO: UART2GDB mux, here, from external pin
652 # see
653 sync += dbg.dmi.connect_to(jtag.dmi)
655 cur_state = self.cur_state
657 # 4x 4k SRAM blocks. these simply "exist", they get routed in litex
658 if self.sram4x4k:
659 for i, sram in enumerate(self.sram4k):
660 m.submodules["sram4k_%d" % i] = sram
661 comb += sram.enable.eq(self.wb_sram_en)
663 # XICS interrupt handler
664 if self.xics:
665 m.submodules.xics_icp = icp = self.xics_icp
666 m.submodules.xics_ics = ics = self.xics_ics
667 comb += icp.ics_i.eq(ics.icp_o) # connect ICS to ICP
668 sync += cur_state.eint.eq(icp.core_irq_o) # connect ICP to core
670 # GPIO test peripheral
671 if self.gpio:
672 m.submodules.simple_gpio = simple_gpio = self.simple_gpio
674 # connect one GPIO output to ICS bit 15 (like in microwatt soc.vhdl)
675 # XXX causes litex ECP5 test to get wrong idea about input and output
676 # (but works with verilator sim *sigh*)
677 #if self.gpio and self.xics:
678 # comb += self.int_level_i[15].eq(simple_gpio.gpio_o[0])
680 # instruction decoder
681 pdecode = create_pdecode()
682 m.submodules.dec2 = pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
683 if self.svp64_en:
684 m.submodules.svp64 = svp64 = self.svp64
686 # convenience
687 dmi, d_reg, d_cr, d_xer, = dbg.dmi, dbg.d_gpr, dbg.d_cr, dbg.d_xer
688 intrf = self.core.regs.rf['int']
690 # clock delay power-on reset
691 cd_por = ClockDomain(reset_less=True)
692 cd_sync = ClockDomain()
693 core_sync = ClockDomain("coresync")
694 += cd_por, cd_sync, core_sync
696 ti_rst = Signal(reset_less=True)
697 delay = Signal(range(4), reset=3)
698 with m.If(delay != 0):
699 m.d.por += delay.eq(delay - 1)
700 comb += cd_por.clk.eq(ClockSignal())
702 # power-on reset delay
703 core_rst = ResetSignal("coresync")
704 comb += ti_rst.eq(delay != 0 | dbg.core_rst_o | ResetSignal())
705 comb += core_rst.eq(ti_rst)
707 # busy/halted signals from core
708 comb += self.busy_o.eq(core.busy_o)
709 comb += pdecode2.dec.bigendian.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
711 # temporary hack: says "go" immediately for both address gen and ST
712 l0 = core.l0
713 ldst = core.fus.fus['ldst0']
714 st_go_edge = rising_edge(m,
715 m.d.comb += # link addr-go direct to rel
716 m.d.comb += # link store-go to rising rel
718 return core_rst
720 def elaborate(self, platform):
721 m = Module()
722 # convenience
723 comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
724 cur_state = self.cur_state
725 pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
726 dbg = self.dbg
727 core = self.core
729 # set up peripherals and core
730 core_rst = self.setup_peripherals(m)
732 # PC and instruction from I-Memory
733 comb += self.pc_o.eq(cur_state.pc)
734 pc_changed = Signal() # note write to PC
735 sv_changed = Signal() # note write to SVSTATE
737 # read state either from incoming override or from regfile
738 # TODO: really should be doing MSR in the same way
739 pc = state_get(m, self.pc_i, "pc", # read PC
740 self.state_r_pc, StateRegs.PC)
741 svstate = state_get(m, self.svstate_i, "svstate", # read SVSTATE
742 self.state_r_sv, StateRegs.SVSTATE)
744 # don't write pc every cycle
745 comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(0)
746 comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(0)
748 # don't read msr every cycle
749 comb +=
751 # address of the next instruction, in the absence of a branch
752 # depends on the instruction size
753 nia = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
755 # connect up debug signals
756 # TODO comb += core.icache_rst_i.eq(dbg.icache_rst_o)
757 comb += dbg.terminate_i.eq(core.core_terminate_o)
758 comb += dbg.state.pc.eq(pc)
759 comb += dbg.state.svstate.eq(svstate)
760 comb += dbg.state.msr.eq(cur_state.msr)
762 # pass the prefix mode from Fetch to Issue, so the latter can loop
763 # on VL==0
764 is_svp64_mode = Signal()
766 # there are *THREE* FSMs, fetch (32/64-bit) issue, decode/execute.
767 # these are the handshake signals between fetch and decode/execute
769 # fetch FSM can run as soon as the PC is valid
770 fetch_pc_valid_i = Signal() # Execute tells Fetch "start next read"
771 fetch_pc_ready_o = Signal() # Fetch Tells SVSTATE "proceed"
773 # fetch FSM hands over the instruction to be decoded / issued
774 fetch_insn_valid_o = Signal()
775 fetch_insn_ready_i = Signal()
777 # issue FSM delivers the instruction to the be executed
778 exec_insn_valid_i = Signal()
779 exec_insn_ready_o = Signal()
781 # execute FSM, hands over the PC/SVSTATE back to the issue FSM
782 exec_pc_valid_o = Signal()
783 exec_pc_ready_i = Signal()
785 # the FSMs here are perhaps unusual in that they detect conditions
786 # then "hold" information, combinatorially, for the core
787 # (as opposed to using sync - which would be on a clock's delay)
788 # this includes the actual opcode, valid flags and so on.
790 # Fetch, then Issue, then Execute. Issue is where the VL for-loop
791 # lives. the ready/valid signalling is used to communicate between
792 # the three.
794 self.fetch_fsm(m, core, pc, svstate, nia, is_svp64_mode,
795 fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
796 fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i)
798 self.issue_fsm(m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed, nia,
799 dbg, core_rst, is_svp64_mode,
800 fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
801 fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i,
802 exec_insn_valid_i, exec_insn_ready_o,
803 exec_pc_valid_o, exec_pc_ready_i)
805 self.execute_fsm(m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed,
806 exec_insn_valid_i, exec_insn_ready_o,
807 exec_pc_valid_o, exec_pc_ready_i)
809 # this bit doesn't have to be in the FSM: connect up to read
810 # regfiles on demand from DMI
811 self.do_dmi(m, dbg)
813 # DEC and TB inc/dec FSM. copy of DEC is put into CoreState,
814 # (which uses that in PowerDecoder2 to raise 0x900 exception)
815 self.tb_dec_fsm(m, cur_state.dec)
817 return m
819 def do_dmi(self, m, dbg):
820 comb = m.d.comb
821 sync = m.d.sync
822 dmi, d_reg, d_cr, d_xer, = dbg.dmi, dbg.d_gpr, dbg.d_cr, dbg.d_xer
823 intrf = self.core.regs.rf['int']
825 with m.If(d_reg.req): # request for regfile access being made
826 # TODO: error-check this
827 # XXX should this be combinatorial? sync better?
828 if intrf.unary:
829 comb +=<<d_reg.addr)
830 else:
831 comb += self.int_r.addr.eq(d_reg.addr)
832 comb +=
833 d_reg_delay = Signal()
834 sync += d_reg_delay.eq(d_reg.req)
835 with m.If(d_reg_delay):
836 # data arrives one clock later
837 comb +=
838 comb += d_reg.ack.eq(1)
840 # sigh same thing for CR debug
841 with m.If(d_cr.req): # request for regfile access being made
842 comb += # enable all
843 d_cr_delay = Signal()
844 sync += d_cr_delay.eq(d_cr.req)
845 with m.If(d_cr_delay):
846 # data arrives one clock later
847 comb +=
848 comb += d_cr.ack.eq(1)
850 # aaand XER...
851 with m.If(d_xer.req): # request for regfile access being made
852 comb += # enable all
853 d_xer_delay = Signal()
854 sync += d_xer_delay.eq(d_xer.req)
855 with m.If(d_xer_delay):
856 # data arrives one clock later
857 comb +=
858 comb += d_xer.ack.eq(1)
860 def tb_dec_fsm(self, m, spr_dec):
861 """tb_dec_fsm
863 this is a FSM for updating either dec or tb. it runs alternately
864 DEC, TB, DEC, TB. note that SPR pipeline could have written a new
865 value to DEC, however the regfile has "passthrough" on it so this
866 *should* be ok.
868 see v3.0B p1097-1099 for Timeer Resource and p1065 and p1076
869 """
871 comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
872 fast_rf = self.core.regs.rf['fast']
873 fast_r_dectb = fast_rf.r_ports['issue'] # DEC/TB
874 fast_w_dectb = fast_rf.w_ports['issue'] # DEC/TB
876 with m.FSM() as fsm:
878 # initiates read of current DEC
879 with m.State("DEC_READ"):
880 comb += fast_r_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.DEC)
881 comb +=
882 = "DEC_WRITE"
884 # waits for DEC read to arrive (1 cycle), updates with new value
885 with m.State("DEC_WRITE"):
886 new_dec = Signal(64)
887 # TODO: MSR.LPCR 32-bit decrement mode
888 comb += new_dec.eq(fast_r_dectb.data_o - 1)
889 comb += fast_w_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.DEC)
890 comb += fast_w_dectb.wen.eq(1)
891 comb += fast_w_dectb.data_i.eq(new_dec)
892 sync += spr_dec.eq(new_dec) # copy into cur_state for decoder
893 = "TB_READ"
895 # initiates read of current TB
896 with m.State("TB_READ"):
897 comb += fast_r_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.TB)
898 comb +=
899 = "TB_WRITE"
901 # waits for read TB to arrive, initiates write of current TB
902 with m.State("TB_WRITE"):
903 new_tb = Signal(64)
904 comb += new_tb.eq(fast_r_dectb.data_o + 1)
905 comb += fast_w_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.TB)
906 comb += fast_w_dectb.wen.eq(1)
907 comb += fast_w_dectb.data_i.eq(new_tb)
908 = "DEC_READ"
910 return m
912 def __iter__(self):
913 yield from self.pc_i.ports()
914 yield self.pc_o
915 yield self.memerr_o
916 yield from self.core.ports()
917 yield from self.imem.ports()
918 yield self.core_bigendian_i
919 yield self.busy_o
921 def ports(self):
922 return list(self)
924 def external_ports(self):
925 ports = self.pc_i.ports()
926 ports += [self.pc_o, self.memerr_o, self.core_bigendian_i, self.busy_o,
927 ]
929 if self.jtag_en:
930 ports += list(self.jtag.external_ports())
931 else:
932 # don't add DMI if JTAG is enabled
933 ports += list(self.dbg.dmi.ports())
935 ports += list(self.imem.ibus.fields.values())
936 ports += list(self.core.l0.cmpi.lsmem.lsi.slavebus.fields.values())
938 if self.sram4x4k:
939 for sram in self.sram4k:
940 ports += list(sram.bus.fields.values())
942 if self.xics:
943 ports += list(self.xics_icp.bus.fields.values())
944 ports += list(self.xics_ics.bus.fields.values())
945 ports.append(self.int_level_i)
947 if self.gpio:
948 ports += list(self.simple_gpio.bus.fields.values())
949 ports.append(self.gpio_o)
951 return ports
953 def ports(self):
954 return list(self)
957 class TestIssuer(Elaboratable):
958 def __init__(self, pspec):
959 self.ti = TestIssuerInternal(pspec)
961 self.pll = DummyPLL()
963 # PLL direct clock or not
964 self.pll_en = hasattr(pspec, "use_pll") and pspec.use_pll
965 if self.pll_en:
966 self.pll_18_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
968 def elaborate(self, platform):
969 m = Module()
970 comb = m.d.comb
972 # TestIssuer runs at direct clock
973 m.submodules.ti = ti = self.ti
974 cd_int = ClockDomain("coresync")
976 if self.pll_en:
977 # ClockSelect runs at PLL output internal clock rate
978 m.submodules.pll = pll = self.pll
980 # add clock domains from PLL
981 cd_pll = ClockDomain("pllclk")
982 += cd_pll
984 # PLL clock established. has the side-effect of running clklsel
985 # at the PLL's speed (see DomainRenamer("pllclk") above)
986 pllclk = ClockSignal("pllclk")
987 comb += pllclk.eq(pll.clk_pll_o)
989 # wire up external 24mhz to PLL
990 comb += pll.clk_24_i.eq(ClockSignal())
992 # output 18 mhz PLL test signal
993 comb += self.pll_18_o.eq(pll.pll_18_o)
995 # now wire up ResetSignals. don't mind them being in this domain
996 pll_rst = ResetSignal("pllclk")
997 comb += pll_rst.eq(ResetSignal())
999 # internal clock is set to selector clock-out. has the side-effect of
1000 # running TestIssuer at this speed (see DomainRenamer("intclk") above)
1001 intclk = ClockSignal("coresync")
1002 if self.pll_en:
1003 comb += intclk.eq(pll.clk_pll_o)
1004 else:
1005 comb += intclk.eq(ClockSignal())
1007 return m
1009 def ports(self):
1010 return list(self.ti.ports()) + list(self.pll.ports()) + \
1011 [ClockSignal(), ResetSignal()]
1013 def external_ports(self):
1014 ports = self.ti.external_ports()
1015 ports.append(ClockSignal())
1016 ports.append(ResetSignal())
1017 if self.pll_en:
1018 ports.append(self.pll.clk_sel_i)
1019 ports.append(self.pll_18_o)
1020 ports.append(self.pll.pll_lck_o)
1021 return ports
1024 if __name__ == '__main__':
1025 units = {'alu': 1, 'cr': 1, 'branch': 1, 'trap': 1, 'logical': 1,
1026 'spr': 1,
1027 'div': 1,
1028 'mul': 1,
1029 'shiftrot': 1
1030 }
1031 pspec = TestMemPspec(ldst_ifacetype='bare_wb',
1032 imem_ifacetype='bare_wb',
1033 addr_wid=48,
1034 mask_wid=8,
1035 reg_wid=64,
1036 units=units)
1037 dut = TestIssuer(pspec)
1038 vl = main(dut, ports=dut.ports(), name="test_issuer")
1040 if len(sys.argv) == 1:
1041 vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.external_ports(), name="test_issuer")
1042 with open("", "w") as f:
1043 f.write(vl)