Fix CustomRegisterTest.
[riscv-tests.git] / benchmarks / mm / gen.scala
1 import scala.sys.process._
2 object MMGen {
3 implicit def i2s(i: Int) = i.toString
4 def writeFile(name: String, contents: String) = {
5 val f = new
6 f.write(contents)
7 f.close
8 }
10 var indent = 0
11 def spacing = " " * indent
12 def assign(lhs: String, rhs: String) =
13 spacing + lhs + " = " + rhs + ";\n"
14 def init(t: String, n: String, v: String) =
15 assign(t+" "+n, v)
16 def open_block(s: String = "") = {
17 val result = (if (s != "") spacing + s else "") + spacing + "{\n"
18 indent = indent + 1
19 result
20 }
21 def close_block = {
22 indent = indent - 1
23 spacing + "}\n"
24 }
26 def ar(m: String, i: String) = m+"["+i+"]"
27 def r(a: String, b: String*) = (a :: b.toList).reduceLeft(_+"_"+_)
29 def rb(m: Int, n: Int, p: Int) = {
30 var s = open_block("static inline void kloop(size_t p, t* a0, size_t lda, t* b0, size_t ldb, t* c, size_t ldc)\n")
32 for (i <- 0 until m)
33 s += init("t*", r("c", i), "&"+ar("c", "ldc*"+i))
34 for (i <- 0 until m; j <- 0 until n)
35 s += init("t", r("c", i, j), ar(r("c", i), j))
37 def doit(m: Int, n: Int, p: Int) = {
38 for (i <- 0 until m)
39 s += init("t*", r("a", i), "&"+ar("a", "lda*"+i))
40 for (k <- 0 until p)
41 s += init("t*", r("b", k), "&"+ar("b", "ldb*"+k))
42 for (k <- 0 until p; i <- 0 until m; j <- 0 until n)
43 s += assign(r("c", i, j), "fma(" + ar(r("a", i), k) + ", " + ar(r("b", k), j) + ", " + r("c", i, j) + ")")
44 }
46 s += open_block("for (t *a = a0, *b = b0; a < a0 + p/RBK*RBK; a += RBK, b += RBK*ldb)\n")
47 doit(m, n, p)
48 s += close_block
50 s += open_block("for (t *a = a0 + p/RBK*RBK, *b = b0 + p/RBK*RBK*ldb; a < a0 + p; a++, b += ldb)\n")
51 doit(m, n, 1)
52 s += close_block
54 for (i <- 0 until m; j <- 0 until n)
55 s += assign(ar(r("c", i), j), r("c", i, j))
56 s += close_block
58 s
59 }
60 def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int = if (b == 0) a else gcd(b, a%b)
61 def lcm(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a*b/gcd(a, b)
62 def lcm(a: Seq[Int]): Int = {
63 if (a.tail.isEmpty) a.head
64 else lcm(a.head, lcm(a.tail))
65 }
66 def test1(m: Int, n: Int, p: Int, m1: Int, n1: Int, p1: Int) = {
67 val decl = "static const int RBM = "+m+", RBN = "+n+", RBK = "+p+";\n" +
68 "static const int CBM = "+m1+", CBN = "+n1+", CBK = "+p1+";\n"
69 writeFile("rb.h", decl + rb(m, n, p))
70 //"make"!!
72 "make run"!
74 ("cp a.out " + Seq("b", m, n, p, m1, n1, p1, "run").reduce(_+"."+_))!
75 }
76 def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
77 test1(4, 5, 6, 24, 25, 24)
78 //for (i <- 4 to 6; j <- 4 to 6; k <- 4 to 6)
79 // test1(i, j, k, if (i == 5) 35 else 36, if (j == 5) 35 else 36, if (k == 5) 35 else 36)
80 }
81 }