Rv32ud tests (#108)
[riscv-tests.git] / mt / am_matmul.c
1 #include "stdlib.h"
3 #include "util.h"
5 #include "dataset.h"
6 void __attribute__((noinline)) matmul(const int coreid, const int ncores, const int lda, const data_t A[], const data_t B[], data_t C[] )
7 {
8 size_t i, j, k, l;
9 int row,row2, column, column2, column3, column4, column5, column6, column7, column8;
10 size_t max_dim = 32*32;
11 data_t element, element2, element3, element4, element5, element6, element7, element8;
12 data_t temp_mat[32]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
13 data_t temp_mat2[32]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
14 //for (i=coreid*max_dim/ncores; i<(max_dim/ncores+coreid*max_dim/ncores); i+=8){
15 for (l=coreid*32/ncores; l<32*(1+coreid)/ncores; l+=2){
16 row=l*32;
17 row2=(l+1)*32;
18 for (i=0; i<lda; i+=4){
19 element = A[row+i];
20 element2 = A[row+i+1];
21 element3 = A[row+i+2];
22 element4 = A[row+i+3];
23 element5 = A[row2+i];
24 element6 = A[row2+i+1];
25 element7 = A[row2+i+2];
26 element8 = A[row2+i+3];
27 column=i*32;
28 column2=(i+1)*32;
29 column3=(i+2)*32;
30 column4=(i+3)*32;
31 for (j=0; j<32; j+=4){
32 temp_mat[j]+=element*B[column+j]+element2*B[column2+j]+element3*B[column3+j]+element4*B[column4+j];
33 temp_mat[j+1]+=element*B[column+j+1]+element2*B[column2+j+1]+element3*B[column3+j+1]+element4*B[column4+j+1];
34 temp_mat[j+2]+=element*B[column+j+2]+element2*B[column2+j+2]+element3*B[column3+j+2]+element4*B[column4+j+2];
35 temp_mat[j+3]+=element*B[column+j+3]+element2*B[column2+j+3]+element3*B[column3+j+3]+element4*B[column4+j+3];
36 temp_mat2[j]+=element5*B[column+j]+element6*B[column2+j]+element7*B[column3+j]+element8*B[column4+j];
37 temp_mat2[j+1]+=element5*B[column+j+1]+element6*B[column2+j+1]+element7*B[column3+j+1]+element8*B[column4+j+1];
38 temp_mat2[j+2]+=element5*B[column+j+2]+element6*B[column2+j+2]+element7*B[column3+j+2]+element8*B[column4+j+2];
39 temp_mat2[j+3]+=element5*B[column+j+3]+element6*B[column2+j+3]+element7*B[column3+j+3]+element8*B[column4+j+3];
40 }
41 /*if (i==28){
42 for(k=0; k<32; k++){
43 C[row+k]=temp_mat[k];
44 C[row2+k]=temp_mat2[k];
45 temp_mat[k]=0;
46 temp_mat2[k]=0;
47 }
48 }*/
49 }
50 for(k=0; k<32; k++){
51 C[row+k]=temp_mat[k];
52 C[row2+k]=temp_mat2[k];
53 temp_mat[k]=0;
54 temp_mat2[k]=0;
55 }
56 }
58 // ***************************** //
59 // **** ADD YOUR CODE HERE ***** //
60 // ***************************** //
61 //
62 // feel free to make a separate function for MI and MSI versions.
64 }