[soc.git] / src / soc / experiment / alu_fsm.py
1 """Simple example of a FSM-based ALU
3 This demonstrates a design that follows the valid/ready protocol of the
4 ALU, but with a FSM implementation, instead of a pipeline. It is also
5 intended to comply with both the CompALU API and the nmutil Pipeline API
6 (Liskov Substitution Principle)
8 The basic rules are:
10 1) p.o_ready is asserted on the initial ("Idle") state, otherwise it keeps low.
11 2) n.o_valid is asserted on the final ("Done") state, otherwise it keeps low.
12 3) The FSM stays in the Idle state while p.i_valid is low, otherwise
13 it accepts the input data and moves on.
14 4) The FSM stays in the Done state while n.i_ready is low, otherwise
15 it releases the output data and goes back to the Idle state.
17 """
19 from nmigen import Elaboratable, Signal, Module, Cat
20 from nmigen.cli import rtlil
21 from math import log2
23 from nmutil.iocontrol import PrevControl, NextControl
25 from soc.fu.base_input_record import CompOpSubsetBase
27 from nmutil.gtkw import write_gtkw
28 from nmutil.sim_tmp_alternative import (Simulator, is_engine_pysim)
31 class CompFSMOpSubset(CompOpSubsetBase):
32 def __init__(self, name=None):
33 layout = (('sdir', 1),
34 )
36 super().__init__(layout, name=name)
39 class Dummy:
40 pass
43 class Shifter(Elaboratable):
44 """Simple sequential shifter
46 Prev port data:
47 * p.data_i.data: value to be shifted
48 * p.data_i.shift: shift amount
49 * When zero, no shift occurs.
50 * On POWER, range is 0 to 63 for 32-bit,
51 * and 0 to 127 for 64-bit.
52 * Other values wrap around.
54 Operation type
55 * op.sdir: shift direction (0 = left, 1 = right)
57 Next port data:
58 * n.data_o.data: shifted value
59 """
60 class PrevData:
61 def __init__(self, width):
62 self.data = Signal(width, name="p_data_i")
63 self.shift = Signal(width, name="p_shift_i")
64 self.ctx = Dummy() # comply with CompALU API
66 def _get_data(self):
67 return [self.data, self.shift]
69 class NextData:
70 def __init__(self, width):
71 self.data = Signal(width, name="n_data_o")
73 def _get_data(self):
74 return [self.data]
76 def __init__(self, width):
77 self.width = width
78 self.p = PrevControl()
79 self.n = NextControl()
80 self.p.data_i = Shifter.PrevData(width)
81 self.n.data_o = Shifter.NextData(width)
83 # more pieces to make this example class comply with the CompALU API
84 self.op = CompFSMOpSubset(name="op")
85 self.p.data_i.ctx.op = self.op
86 self.i = self.p.data_i._get_data()
87 self.out = self.n.data_o._get_data()
89 def elaborate(self, platform):
90 m = Module()
92 m.submodules.p = self.p
93 m.submodules.n = self.n
95 # Note:
96 # It is good practice to design a sequential circuit as
97 # a data path and a control path.
99 # Data path
100 # ---------
101 # The idea is to have a register that can be
102 # loaded or shifted (left and right).
104 # the control signals
105 load = Signal()
106 shift = Signal()
107 direction = Signal()
108 # the data flow
109 shift_in = Signal(self.width)
110 shift_left_by_1 = Signal(self.width)
111 shift_right_by_1 = Signal(self.width)
112 next_shift = Signal(self.width)
113 # the register
114 shift_reg = Signal(self.width, reset_less=True)
115 # build the data flow
116 m.d.comb += [
117 # connect input and output
118 shift_in.eq(self.p.data_i.data),
119 self.n.data_o.data.eq(shift_reg),
120 # generate shifted views of the register
121 shift_left_by_1.eq(Cat(0, shift_reg[:-1])),
122 shift_right_by_1.eq(Cat(shift_reg[1:], 0)),
123 ]
124 # choose the next value of the register according to the
125 # control signals
126 # default is no change
127 m.d.comb += next_shift.eq(shift_reg)
128 with m.If(load):
129 m.d.comb += next_shift.eq(shift_in)
130 with m.Elif(shift):
131 with m.If(direction):
132 m.d.comb += next_shift.eq(shift_right_by_1)
133 with m.Else():
134 m.d.comb += next_shift.eq(shift_left_by_1)
136 # register the next value
137 m.d.sync += shift_reg.eq(next_shift)
139 # Control path
140 # ------------
141 # The idea is to have a SHIFT state where the shift register
142 # is shifted every cycle, while a counter decrements.
143 # This counter is loaded with shift amount in the initial state.
144 # The SHIFT state is left when the counter goes to zero.
146 # Shift counter
147 shift_width = int(log2(self.width)) + 1
148 next_count = Signal(shift_width)
149 count = Signal(shift_width, reset_less=True)
150 m.d.sync += count.eq(next_count)
152 with m.FSM():
153 with m.State("IDLE"):
154 m.d.comb += [
155 # keep p.o_ready active on IDLE
156 self.p.o_ready.eq(1),
157 # keep loading the shift register and shift count
158 load.eq(1),
159 next_count.eq(self.p.data_i.shift),
160 ]
161 # capture the direction bit as well
162 m.d.sync += direction.eq(self.op.sdir)
163 with m.If(self.p.i_valid):
164 # Leave IDLE when data arrives
165 with m.If(next_count == 0):
166 # short-circuit for zero shift
167 m.next = "DONE"
168 with m.Else():
169 m.next = "SHIFT"
170 with m.State("SHIFT"):
171 m.d.comb += [
172 # keep shifting, while counter is not zero
173 shift.eq(1),
174 # decrement the shift counter
175 next_count.eq(count - 1),
176 ]
177 with m.If(next_count == 0):
178 # exit when shift counter goes to zero
179 m.next = "DONE"
180 with m.State("DONE"):
181 # keep n.o_valid active while the data is not accepted
182 m.d.comb += self.n.o_valid.eq(1)
183 with m.If(self.n.i_ready):
184 # go back to IDLE when the data is accepted
185 m.next = "IDLE"
187 return m
189 def __iter__(self):
190 yield self.op.sdir
191 yield self.p.data_i.data
192 yield self.p.data_i.shift
193 yield self.p.i_valid
194 yield self.p.o_ready
195 yield self.n.i_ready
196 yield self.n.o_valid
197 yield self.n.data_o.data
199 def ports(self):
200 return list(self)
203 def test_shifter():
204 m = Module()
205 m.submodules.shf = dut = Shifter(8)
206 print("Shifter port names:")
207 for port in dut:
208 print("-", port.name)
209 # generate RTLIL
210 # try "proc; show" in yosys to check the data path
211 il = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
212 with open("test_shifter.il", "w") as f:
213 f.write(il)
215 gtkwave_style = {
216 'in': {'color': 'orange'},
217 'out': {'color': 'yellow'},
218 }
220 gtkwave_desc = [
221 'clk',
222 {'comment': 'Shifter Demonstration'},
223 ('prev port', [
224 ('op__sdir', 'in'),
225 ('p_data_i[7:0]', 'in'),
226 ('p_shift_i[7:0]', 'in'),
227 ({'submodule': 'p'}, [
228 ('p_i_valid', 'in'),
229 ('p_o_ready', 'out')])]),
230 ('internal', [
231 'fsm_state' if is_engine_pysim() else 'fsm_state[1:0]',
232 'count[3:0]',
233 'shift_reg[7:0]']),
234 ('next port', [
235 ('n_data_o[7:0]', 'out'),
236 ({'submodule': 'n'}, [
237 ('n_o_valid', 'out'),
238 ('n_i_ready', 'in')])])]
240 write_gtkw("test_shifter.gtkw", "test_shifter.vcd",
241 gtkwave_desc, gtkwave_style,
242 module='top.shf', loc=__file__, base='dec')
244 sim = Simulator(m)
245 sim.add_clock(1e-6)
247 def send(data, shift, direction):
248 # present input data and assert i_valid
249 yield dut.p.data_i.data.eq(data)
250 yield dut.p.data_i.shift.eq(shift)
251 yield dut.op.sdir.eq(direction)
252 yield dut.p.i_valid.eq(1)
253 yield
254 # wait for p.o_ready to be asserted
255 while not (yield dut.p.o_ready):
256 yield
257 # clear input data and negate p.i_valid
258 yield dut.p.i_valid.eq(0)
259 yield dut.p.data_i.data.eq(0)
260 yield dut.p.data_i.shift.eq(0)
261 yield dut.op.sdir.eq(0)
263 def receive(expected):
264 # signal readiness to receive data
265 yield dut.n.i_ready.eq(1)
266 yield
267 # wait for n.o_valid to be asserted
268 while not (yield dut.n.o_valid):
269 yield
270 # read result
271 result = yield dut.n.data_o.data
272 # negate n.i_ready
273 yield dut.n.i_ready.eq(0)
274 # check result
275 assert result == expected
277 def producer():
278 # 13 >> 2
279 yield from send(13, 2, 1)
280 # 3 << 4
281 yield from send(3, 4, 0)
282 # 21 << 0
283 yield from send(21, 0, 0)
285 def consumer():
286 # the consumer is not in step with the producer, but the
287 # order of the results are preserved
288 # 13 >> 2 = 3
289 yield from receive(3)
290 # 3 << 4 = 48
291 yield from receive(48)
292 # 21 << 0 = 21
293 yield from receive(21)
295 sim.add_sync_process(producer)
296 sim.add_sync_process(consumer)
297 sim_writer = sim.write_vcd("test_shifter.vcd")
298 with sim_writer:
299 sim.run()
302 if __name__ == "__main__":
303 test_shifter()