[soc.git] / src / soc / fu / div / test / test_pipe_caller.py
1 import random
2 import unittest
3 from nmigen import Module, Signal
4 from nmigen.back.pysim import Simulator, Delay
5 from nmigen.cli import rtlil
6 from soc.decoder.power_decoder import (create_pdecode)
7 from soc.decoder.power_decoder2 import (PowerDecode2)
8 from soc.decoder.power_enums import XER_bits, Function
9 from soc.simulator.program import Program
10 from soc.decoder.isa.all import ISA
11 from soc.config.endian import bigendian
13 from soc.fu.test.common import (TestCase, ALUHelpers)
14 from soc.fu.div.pipeline import DivBasePipe
15 from soc.fu.div.pipe_data import DivPipeSpec, DivPipeKind
18 def log_rand(n, min_val=1):
19 logrange = random.randint(1, n)
20 return random.randint(min_val, (1 << logrange)-1)
23 def get_cu_inputs(dec2, sim):
24 """naming (res) must conform to DivFunctionUnit input regspec
25 """
26 res = {}
28 yield from ALUHelpers.get_sim_int_ra(res, sim, dec2) # RA
29 yield from ALUHelpers.get_sim_int_rb(res, sim, dec2) # RB
30 yield from ALUHelpers.get_sim_xer_so(res, sim, dec2) # XER.so
32 print("alu get_cu_inputs", res)
34 return res
37 def set_alu_inputs(alu, dec2, sim):
38 # TODO: see https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=305#c43
39 # detect the immediate here (with m.If(self.i.ctx.op.imm_data.imm_ok))
40 # and place it into data_i.b
42 inp = yield from get_cu_inputs(dec2, sim)
43 yield from ALUHelpers.set_int_ra(alu, dec2, inp)
44 yield from ALUHelpers.set_int_rb(alu, dec2, inp)
46 yield from ALUHelpers.set_xer_so(alu, dec2, inp)
49 # This test bench is a bit different than is usual. Initially when I
50 # was writing it, I had all of the tests call a function to create a
51 # device under test and simulator, initialize the dut, run the
52 # simulation for ~2 cycles, and assert that the dut output what it
53 # should have. However, this was really slow, since it needed to
54 # create and tear down the dut and simulator for every test case.
56 # Now, instead of doing that, every test case in DivTestCase puts some
57 # data into the test_data list below, describing the instructions to
58 # be tested and the initial state. Once all the tests have been run,
59 # test_data gets passed to TestRunner which then sets up the DUT and
60 # simulator once, runs all the data through it, and asserts that the
61 # results match the pseudocode sim at every cycle.
63 # By doing this, I've reduced the time it takes to run the test suite
64 # massively. Before, it took around 1 minute on my computer, now it
65 # takes around 3 seconds
68 class DivTestCases:
69 def __init__(self):
70 self.test_data = []
71 for n, v in self.__class__.__dict__.items():
72 if n.startswith("test") and callable(v):
73 self._current_test_name = n
74 v(self)
76 def run_test_program(self, prog, initial_regs=None, initial_sprs=None):
77 tc = TestCase(prog, self._current_test_name,
78 initial_regs, initial_sprs)
79 self.test_data.append(tc)
81 def test_0_regression(self):
82 for i in range(40):
83 lst = ["divwo 3, 1, 2"]
84 initial_regs = [0] * 32
85 initial_regs[1] = 0xbc716835f32ac00c
86 initial_regs[2] = 0xcdf69a7f7042db66
87 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
89 def test_1_regression(self):
90 lst = ["divwo 3, 1, 2"]
91 initial_regs = [0] * 32
92 initial_regs[1] = 0x10000000000000000-4
93 initial_regs[2] = 0x10000000000000000-2
94 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
96 def test_2_regression(self):
97 lst = ["divwo 3, 1, 2"]
98 initial_regs = [0] * 32
99 initial_regs[1] = 0xffffffffffff9321
100 initial_regs[2] = 0xffffffffffff7012
101 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
103 def test_3_regression(self):
104 lst = ["divwo. 3, 1, 2"]
105 initial_regs = [0] * 32
106 initial_regs[1] = 0x1b8e32f2458746af
107 initial_regs[2] = 0x6b8aee2ccf7d62e9
108 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
110 def test_4_regression(self):
111 lst = ["divw 3, 1, 2"]
112 initial_regs = [0] * 32
113 initial_regs[1] = 0x1c4e6c2f3aa4a05c
114 initial_regs[2] = 0xe730c2eed6cc8dd7
115 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
117 def test_5_regression(self):
118 lst = ["divw 3, 1, 2",
119 "divwo. 6, 4, 5"]
120 initial_regs = [0] * 32
121 initial_regs[1] = 0x1c4e6c2f3aa4a05c
122 initial_regs[2] = 0xe730c2eed6cc8dd7
123 initial_regs[4] = 0x1b8e32f2458746af
124 initial_regs[5] = 0x6b8aee2ccf7d62e9
125 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
127 def test_6_regression(self):
128 # CR0 not getting set properly for this one
129 # turns out that overflow is not set correctly in
130 # fu/div/output_stage.py calc_overflow
131 # https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=425
132 lst = ["divw. 3, 1, 2"]
133 initial_regs = [0] * 32
134 initial_regs[1] = 0x61c1cc3b80f2a6af
135 initial_regs[2] = 0x9dc66a7622c32bc0
136 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
138 def test_7_regression(self):
139 # https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=425
140 lst = ["divw. 3, 1, 2"]
141 initial_regs = [0] * 32
142 initial_regs[1] = 0xf1791627e05e8096
143 initial_regs[2] = 0xffc868bf4573da0b
144 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
146 def test_divw_by_zero_1(self):
147 lst = ["divw. 3, 1, 2"]
148 initial_regs = [0] * 32
149 initial_regs[1] = 0x1
150 initial_regs[2] = 0x0
151 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
153 def test_divw_overflow2(self):
154 lst = ["divw. 3, 1, 2"]
155 initial_regs = [0] * 32
156 initial_regs[1] = 0x80000000
157 initial_regs[2] = 0xffffffffffffffff # top bits don't seem to matter
158 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
160 def test_divw_overflow3(self):
161 lst = ["divw. 3, 1, 2"]
162 initial_regs = [0] * 32
163 initial_regs[1] = 0x80000000
164 initial_regs[2] = 0xffffffff
165 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
167 def test_divwuo_regression_1(self):
168 lst = ["divwuo. 3, 1, 2"]
169 initial_regs = [0] * 32
170 initial_regs[1] = 0x7591a398c4e32b68
171 initial_regs[2] = 0x48674ab432867d69
172 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
174 def test_divwuo_1(self):
175 lst = ["divwuo. 3, 1, 2"]
176 initial_regs = [0] * 32
177 initial_regs[1] = 0x50
178 initial_regs[2] = 0x2
179 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
181 def test_rand_divwu(self):
182 insns = ["divwu", "divwu.", "divwuo", "divwuo."]
183 for i in range(40):
184 choice = random.choice(insns)
185 lst = [f"{choice} 3, 1, 2"]
186 initial_regs = [0] * 32
187 initial_regs[1] = log_rand(32)
188 initial_regs[2] = log_rand(32)
189 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
191 def test_rand_divw(self):
192 insns = ["divw", "divw.", "divwo", "divwo."]
193 for i in range(40):
194 choice = random.choice(insns)
195 lst = [f"{choice} 3, 1, 2"]
196 initial_regs = [0] * 32
197 initial_regs[1] = log_rand(32)
198 initial_regs[2] = log_rand(32)
199 self.run_test_program(Program(lst, bigendian), initial_regs)
202 class TestRunner(unittest.TestCase):
203 def write_ilang(self, div_pipe_kind):
204 pspec = DivPipeSpec(id_wid=2, div_pipe_kind=div_pipe_kind)
205 alu = DivBasePipe(pspec)
206 vl = rtlil.convert(alu, ports=alu.ports())
207 with open(f"div_pipeline_{div_pipe_kind.name}.il", "w") as f:
208 f.write(vl)
210 def test_write_ilang_div_pipe_core(self):
211 self.write_ilang(DivPipeKind.DivPipeCore)
213 def test_write_ilang_fsm_div_core(self):
214 self.write_ilang(DivPipeKind.FSMDivCore)
216 def test_write_ilang_sim_only(self):
217 self.write_ilang(DivPipeKind.SimOnly)
219 def run_all(self, div_pipe_kind):
220 test_data = DivTestCases().test_data
221 m = Module()
222 comb = m.d.comb
223 instruction = Signal(32)
225 pdecode = create_pdecode()
227 m.submodules.pdecode2 = pdecode2 = PowerDecode2(pdecode)
229 pspec = DivPipeSpec(id_wid=2, div_pipe_kind=div_pipe_kind)
230 m.submodules.alu = alu = DivBasePipe(pspec)
232 comb += alu.p.data_i.ctx.op.eq_from_execute1(pdecode2.e)
233 comb += alu.n.ready_i.eq(1)
234 comb += pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in.eq(instruction)
235 sim = Simulator(m)
237 sim.add_clock(1e-6)
239 def process():
240 for test in test_data:
241 print(test.name)
242 prog = test.program
243 with self.subTest(test.name):
244 isa_sim = ISA(pdecode2, test.regs, test.sprs, test.cr,
245 test.mem, test.msr,
246 bigendian=bigendian)
247 gen = prog.generate_instructions()
248 instructions = list(zip(gen, prog.assembly.splitlines()))
249 yield Delay(0.1e-6)
251 index = isa_sim.pc.CIA.value//4
252 while index < len(instructions):
253 ins, code = instructions[index]
255 print("instruction: 0x{:X}".format(ins & 0xffffffff))
256 print(code)
257 spr = isa_sim.spr
258 if 'XER' in spr:
259 so = 1 if spr['XER'][XER_bits['SO']] else 0
260 ov = 1 if spr['XER'][XER_bits['OV']] else 0
261 ov32 = 1 if spr['XER'][XER_bits['OV32']] else 0
262 print("before: so/ov/32", so, ov, ov32)
264 # ask the decoder to decode this binary data (endian'd)
265 # little / big?
266 yield pdecode2.dec.bigendian.eq(bigendian)
267 yield instruction.eq(ins) # raw binary instr.
268 yield Delay(0.1e-6)
269 fn_unit = yield pdecode2.e.do.fn_unit
270 self.assertEqual(fn_unit, Function.DIV.value)
271 yield from set_alu_inputs(alu, pdecode2, isa_sim)
273 # set valid for one cycle, propagate through pipeline..
274 # note that it is critically important to do this
275 # for DIV otherwise it starts trying to produce
276 # multiple results.
277 yield alu.p.valid_i.eq(1)
278 yield
279 yield alu.p.valid_i.eq(0)
281 opname = code.split(' ')[0]
282 yield from isa_sim.call(opname)
283 index = isa_sim.pc.CIA.value//4
285 vld = yield alu.n.valid_o
286 while not vld:
287 yield
288 yield Delay(0.1e-6)
289 vld = yield alu.n.valid_o
290 # bug #425 investigation
291 do = alu.pipe_end.div_out
292 ctx_op = do.i.ctx.op
293 is_32bit = yield ctx_op.is_32bit
294 is_signed = yield ctx_op.is_signed
295 quotient_root = yield do.i.core.quotient_root
296 quotient_65 = yield do.quotient_65
297 dive_abs_ov32 = yield do.i.dive_abs_ov32
298 div_by_zero = yield do.i.div_by_zero
299 quotient_neg = yield do.quotient_neg
300 print("32bit", hex(is_32bit))
301 print("signed", hex(is_signed))
302 print("quotient_root", hex(quotient_root))
303 print("quotient_65", hex(quotient_65))
304 print("div_by_zero", hex(div_by_zero))
305 print("dive_abs_ov32", hex(dive_abs_ov32))
306 print("quotient_neg", hex(quotient_neg))
307 print("")
308 yield
310 yield Delay(0.1e-6)
311 # XXX sim._state is an internal variable
312 # and timeline does not exist
313 # AttributeError: '_SimulatorState' object
314 # has no attribute 'timeline'
315 # TODO: raise bugreport with whitequark
316 # requesting a public API to access this "officially"
317 # XXX print("time:", sim._state.timeline.now)
318 yield from self.check_alu_outputs(alu, pdecode2,
319 isa_sim, code)
321 sim.add_sync_process(process)
322 with sim.write_vcd(f"div_simulator_{div_pipe_kind.name}.vcd",
323 f"div_simulator_{div_pipe_kind.name}.gtkw",
324 traces=[]):
325 sim.run()
327 def check_alu_outputs(self, alu, dec2, sim, code):
329 rc = yield dec2.e.do.rc.data
330 cridx_ok = yield dec2.e.write_cr.ok
331 cridx = yield dec2.e.write_cr.data
333 print("check extra output", repr(code), cridx_ok, cridx)
334 if rc:
335 self.assertEqual(cridx, 0, code)
337 sim_o = {}
338 res = {}
340 yield from ALUHelpers.get_cr_a(res, alu, dec2)
341 yield from ALUHelpers.get_xer_ov(res, alu, dec2)
342 yield from ALUHelpers.get_int_o(res, alu, dec2)
343 yield from ALUHelpers.get_xer_so(res, alu, dec2)
345 print("res output", res)
347 yield from ALUHelpers.get_sim_int_o(sim_o, sim, dec2)
348 yield from ALUHelpers.get_wr_sim_cr_a(sim_o, sim, dec2)
349 yield from ALUHelpers.get_sim_xer_ov(sim_o, sim, dec2)
350 yield from ALUHelpers.get_sim_xer_so(sim_o, sim, dec2)
352 print("sim output", sim_o)
354 ALUHelpers.check_int_o(self, res, sim_o, code)
355 ALUHelpers.check_cr_a(self, res, sim_o, "CR%d %s" % (cridx, code))
356 ALUHelpers.check_xer_ov(self, res, sim_o, code)
357 ALUHelpers.check_xer_so(self, res, sim_o, code)
359 oe = yield dec2.e.do.oe.oe
360 oe_ok = yield dec2.e.do.oe.ok
361 print("oe, oe_ok", oe, oe_ok)
362 if not oe or not oe_ok:
363 # if OE not enabled, XER SO and OV must not be activated
364 so_ok = yield alu.n.data_o.xer_so.ok
365 ov_ok = yield alu.n.data_o.xer_ov.ok
366 print("so, ov", so_ok, ov_ok)
367 self.assertEqual(ov_ok, False, code)
368 self.assertEqual(so_ok, False, code)
370 def test_run_div_pipe_core(self):
371 self.run_all(DivPipeKind.DivPipeCore)
373 def test_run_fsm_div_core(self):
374 self.run_all(DivPipeKind.FSMDivCore)
376 def test_run_sim_only(self):
377 self.run_all(DivPipeKind.SimOnly)
380 if __name__ == "__main__":
381 unittest.main()