[soc.git] / src / soc / simple / issuer.py
1 """simple core issuer
3 not in any way intended for production use. this runs a FSM that:
5 * reads the Program Counter from StateRegs
6 * reads an instruction from a fixed-size Test Memory
7 * issues it to the Simple Core
8 * waits for it to complete
9 * increments the PC
10 * does it all over again
12 the purpose of this module is to verify the functional correctness
13 of the Function Units in the absolute simplest and clearest possible
14 way, and to at provide something that can be further incrementally
15 improved.
16 """
18 from nmigen import (Elaboratable, Module, Signal, ClockSignal, ResetSignal,
19 ClockDomain, DomainRenamer, Mux, Const, Repl, Cat)
20 from nmigen.cli import rtlil
21 from nmigen.cli import main
22 import sys
24 from nmigen.lib.coding import PriorityEncoder
26 from openpower.decoder.power_decoder import create_pdecode
27 from openpower.decoder.power_decoder2 import PowerDecode2, SVP64PrefixDecoder
28 from openpower.decoder.decode2execute1 import IssuerDecode2ToOperand
29 from openpower.decoder.decode2execute1 import Data
30 from openpower.decoder.power_enums import (MicrOp, SVP64PredInt, SVP64PredCR,
31 SVP64PredMode)
32 from openpower.state import CoreState
33 from openpower.consts import (CR, SVP64CROffs)
34 from soc.experiment.testmem import TestMemory # test only for instructions
35 from soc.regfile.regfiles import StateRegs, FastRegs
36 from soc.simple.core import NonProductionCore
37 from soc.config.test.test_loadstore import TestMemPspec
38 from soc.config.ifetch import ConfigFetchUnit
39 from soc.debug.dmi import CoreDebug, DMIInterface
40 from soc.debug.jtag import JTAG
41 from soc.config.pinouts import get_pinspecs
42 from soc.interrupts.xics import XICS_ICP, XICS_ICS
43 from soc.bus.simple_gpio import SimpleGPIO
44 from soc.bus.SPBlock512W64B8W import SPBlock512W64B8W
45 from soc.clock.select import ClockSelect
46 from soc.clock.dummypll import DummyPLL
47 from openpower.sv.svstate import SVSTATERec
50 from nmutil.util import rising_edge
52 def get_insn(f_instr_o, pc):
53 if f_instr_o.width == 32:
54 return f_instr_o
55 else:
56 # 64-bit: bit 2 of pc decides which word to select
57 return f_instr_o.word_select(pc[2], 32)
59 # gets state input or reads from state regfile
60 def state_get(m, core_rst, state_i, name, regfile, regnum):
61 comb = m.d.comb
62 sync = m.d.sync
63 # read the PC
64 res = Signal(64, reset_less=True, name=name)
65 res_ok_delay = Signal(name="%s_ok_delay" % name)
66 with m.If(~core_rst):
67 sync += res_ok_delay.eq(~state_i.ok)
68 with m.If(state_i.ok):
69 # incoming override (start from pc_i)
70 comb += res.eq(state_i.data)
71 with m.Else():
72 # otherwise read StateRegs regfile for PC...
73 comb += regfile.ren.eq(1<<regnum)
74 # ... but on a 1-clock delay
75 with m.If(res_ok_delay):
76 comb += res.eq(regfile.data_o)
77 return res
79 def get_predint(m, mask, name):
80 """decode SVP64 predicate integer mask field to reg number and invert
81 this is identical to the equivalent function in ISACaller except that
82 it doesn't read the INT directly, it just decodes "what needs to be done"
83 i.e. which INT reg, whether it is shifted and whether it is bit-inverted.
85 * all1s is set to indicate that no mask is to be applied.
86 * regread indicates the GPR register number to be read
87 * invert is set to indicate that the register value is to be inverted
88 * unary indicates that the contents of the register is to be shifted 1<<r3
89 """
90 comb = m.d.comb
91 regread = Signal(5, name=name+"regread")
92 invert = Signal(name=name+"invert")
93 unary = Signal(name=name+"unary")
94 all1s = Signal(name=name+"all1s")
95 with m.Switch(mask):
96 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.ALWAYS.value):
97 comb += all1s.eq(1) # use 0b1111 (all ones)
98 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R3_UNARY.value):
99 comb += regread.eq(3)
100 comb += unary.eq(1) # 1<<r3 - shift r3 (single bit)
101 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R3.value):
102 comb += regread.eq(3)
103 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R3_N.value):
104 comb += regread.eq(3)
105 comb += invert.eq(1)
106 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R10.value):
107 comb += regread.eq(10)
108 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R10_N.value):
109 comb += regread.eq(10)
110 comb += invert.eq(1)
111 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R30.value):
112 comb += regread.eq(30)
113 with m.Case(SVP64PredInt.R30_N.value):
114 comb += regread.eq(30)
115 comb += invert.eq(1)
116 return regread, invert, unary, all1s
118 def get_predcr(m, mask, name):
119 """decode SVP64 predicate CR to reg number field and invert status
120 this is identical to _get_predcr in ISACaller
121 """
122 comb = m.d.comb
123 idx = Signal(2, name=name+"idx")
124 invert = Signal(name=name+"crinvert")
125 with m.Switch(mask):
126 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.LT.value):
127 comb += idx.eq(CR.LT)
128 comb += invert.eq(0)
129 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.GE.value):
130 comb += idx.eq(CR.LT)
131 comb += invert.eq(1)
132 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.GT.value):
133 comb += idx.eq(CR.GT)
134 comb += invert.eq(0)
135 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.LE.value):
136 comb += idx.eq(CR.GT)
137 comb += invert.eq(1)
138 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.EQ.value):
139 comb += idx.eq(CR.EQ)
140 comb += invert.eq(0)
141 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.NE.value):
142 comb += idx.eq(CR.EQ)
143 comb += invert.eq(1)
144 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.SO.value):
145 comb += idx.eq(CR.SO)
146 comb += invert.eq(0)
147 with m.Case(SVP64PredCR.NS.value):
148 comb += idx.eq(CR.SO)
149 comb += invert.eq(1)
150 return idx, invert
153 class TestIssuerInternal(Elaboratable):
154 """TestIssuer - reads instructions from TestMemory and issues them
156 efficiency and speed is not the main goal here: functional correctness
157 and code clarity is. optimisations (which almost 100% interfere with
158 easy understanding) come later.
159 """
160 def __init__(self, pspec):
162 # test is SVP64 is to be enabled
163 self.svp64_en = hasattr(pspec, "svp64") and (pspec.svp64 == True)
165 # and if regfiles are reduced
166 self.regreduce_en = (hasattr(pspec, "regreduce") and
167 (pspec.regreduce == True))
169 # JTAG interface. add this right at the start because if it's
170 # added it *modifies* the pspec, by adding enable/disable signals
171 # for parts of the rest of the core
172 self.jtag_en = hasattr(pspec, "debug") and pspec.debug == 'jtag'
173 self.dbg_domain = "sync" # sigh "dbgsunc" too problematic
174 #self.dbg_domain = "dbgsync" # domain for DMI/JTAG clock
175 if self.jtag_en:
176 # XXX MUST keep this up-to-date with litex, and
177 # soc-cocotb-sim, and err.. all needs sorting out, argh
178 subset = ['uart',
179 'mtwi',
180 'eint', 'gpio', 'mspi0',
181 # 'mspi1', - disabled for now
182 # 'pwm', 'sd0', - disabled for now
183 'sdr']
184 self.jtag = JTAG(get_pinspecs(subset=subset),
185 domain=self.dbg_domain)
186 # add signals to pspec to enable/disable icache and dcache
187 # (or data and intstruction wishbone if icache/dcache not included)
188 # https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=520
189 # TODO: do we actually care if these are not domain-synchronised?
190 # honestly probably not.
191 pspec.wb_icache_en = self.jtag.wb_icache_en
192 pspec.wb_dcache_en = self.jtag.wb_dcache_en
193 self.wb_sram_en = self.jtag.wb_sram_en
194 else:
195 self.wb_sram_en = Const(1)
197 # add 4k sram blocks?
198 self.sram4x4k = (hasattr(pspec, "sram4x4kblock") and
199 pspec.sram4x4kblock == True)
200 if self.sram4x4k:
201 self.sram4k = []
202 for i in range(4):
203 self.sram4k.append(SPBlock512W64B8W(name="sram4k_%d" % i,
204 #features={'err'}
205 ))
207 # add interrupt controller?
208 self.xics = hasattr(pspec, "xics") and pspec.xics == True
209 if self.xics:
210 self.xics_icp = XICS_ICP()
211 self.xics_ics = XICS_ICS()
212 self.int_level_i = self.xics_ics.int_level_i
214 # add GPIO peripheral?
215 self.gpio = hasattr(pspec, "gpio") and pspec.gpio == True
216 if self.gpio:
217 self.simple_gpio = SimpleGPIO()
218 self.gpio_o = self.simple_gpio.gpio_o
220 # main instruction core. suitable for prototyping / demo only
221 self.core = core = NonProductionCore(pspec)
222 self.core_rst = ResetSignal("coresync")
224 # instruction decoder. goes into Trap Record
225 pdecode = create_pdecode()
226 self.cur_state = CoreState("cur") # current state (MSR/PC/SVSTATE)
227 self.pdecode2 = PowerDecode2(pdecode, state=self.cur_state,
228 opkls=IssuerDecode2ToOperand,
229 svp64_en=self.svp64_en,
230 regreduce_en=self.regreduce_en)
231 if self.svp64_en:
232 self.svp64 = SVP64PrefixDecoder() # for decoding SVP64 prefix
234 # Test Instruction memory
235 self.imem = ConfigFetchUnit(pspec).fu
237 # DMI interface
238 self.dbg = CoreDebug()
240 # instruction go/monitor
241 self.pc_o = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
242 self.pc_i = Data(64, "pc_i") # set "ok" to indicate "please change me"
243 self.svstate_i = Data(32, "svstate_i") # ditto
244 self.core_bigendian_i = Signal() # TODO: set based on MSR.LE
245 self.busy_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
246 self.memerr_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
248 # STATE regfile read /write ports for PC, MSR, SVSTATE
249 staterf = self.core.regs.rf['state']
250 self.state_r_pc = staterf.r_ports['cia'] # PC rd
251 self.state_w_pc = staterf.w_ports['d_wr1'] # PC wr
252 self.state_r_msr = staterf.r_ports['msr'] # MSR rd
253 self.state_r_sv = staterf.r_ports['sv'] # SVSTATE rd
254 self.state_w_sv = staterf.w_ports['sv'] # SVSTATE wr
256 # DMI interface access
257 intrf = self.core.regs.rf['int']
258 crrf = self.core.regs.rf['cr']
259 xerrf = self.core.regs.rf['xer']
260 self.int_r = intrf.r_ports['dmi'] # INT read
261 self.cr_r = crrf.r_ports['full_cr_dbg'] # CR read
262 self.xer_r = xerrf.r_ports['full_xer'] # XER read
264 if self.svp64_en:
265 # for predication
266 self.int_pred = intrf.r_ports['pred'] # INT predicate read
267 self.cr_pred = crrf.r_ports['cr_pred'] # CR predicate read
269 # hack method of keeping an eye on whether branch/trap set the PC
270 self.state_nia = self.core.regs.rf['state'].w_ports['nia']
271 self.state_nia.wen.name = 'state_nia_wen'
273 # pulse to synchronize the simulator at instruction end
274 self.insn_done = Signal()
276 if self.svp64_en:
277 # store copies of predicate masks
278 self.srcmask = Signal(64)
279 self.dstmask = Signal(64)
281 def fetch_fsm(self, m, core, pc, svstate, nia, is_svp64_mode,
282 fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
283 fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i):
284 """fetch FSM
286 this FSM performs fetch of raw instruction data, partial-decodes
287 it 32-bit at a time to detect SVP64 prefixes, and will optionally
288 read a 2nd 32-bit quantity if that occurs.
289 """
290 comb = m.d.comb
291 sync = m.d.sync
292 pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
293 cur_state = self.cur_state
294 dec_opcode_i = pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in # raw opcode
296 msr_read = Signal(reset=1)
298 with m.FSM(name='fetch_fsm'):
300 # waiting (zzz)
301 with m.State("IDLE"):
302 comb += fetch_pc_ready_o.eq(1)
303 with m.If(fetch_pc_valid_i):
304 # instruction allowed to go: start by reading the PC
305 # capture the PC and also drop it into Insn Memory
306 # we have joined a pair of combinatorial memory
307 # lookups together. this is Generally Bad.
308 comb += self.imem.a_pc_i.eq(pc)
309 comb += self.imem.a_valid_i.eq(1)
310 comb += self.imem.f_valid_i.eq(1)
311 sync += cur_state.pc.eq(pc)
312 sync += cur_state.svstate.eq(svstate) # and svstate
314 # initiate read of MSR. arrives one clock later
315 comb += self.state_r_msr.ren.eq(1 << StateRegs.MSR)
316 sync += msr_read.eq(0)
318 m.next = "INSN_READ" # move to "wait for bus" phase
320 # dummy pause to find out why simulation is not keeping up
321 with m.State("INSN_READ"):
322 # one cycle later, msr/sv read arrives. valid only once.
323 with m.If(~msr_read):
324 sync += msr_read.eq(1) # yeah don't read it again
325 sync += cur_state.msr.eq(self.state_r_msr.data_o)
326 with m.If(self.imem.f_busy_o): # zzz...
327 # busy: stay in wait-read
328 comb += self.imem.a_valid_i.eq(1)
329 comb += self.imem.f_valid_i.eq(1)
330 with m.Else():
331 # not busy: instruction fetched
332 insn = get_insn(self.imem.f_instr_o, cur_state.pc)
333 if self.svp64_en:
334 svp64 = self.svp64
335 # decode the SVP64 prefix, if any
336 comb += svp64.raw_opcode_in.eq(insn)
337 comb += svp64.bigendian.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
338 # pass the decoded prefix (if any) to PowerDecoder2
339 sync += pdecode2.sv_rm.eq(svp64.svp64_rm)
340 # remember whether this is a prefixed instruction, so
341 # the FSM can readily loop when VL==0
342 sync += is_svp64_mode.eq(svp64.is_svp64_mode)
343 # calculate the address of the following instruction
344 insn_size = Mux(svp64.is_svp64_mode, 8, 4)
345 sync += nia.eq(cur_state.pc + insn_size)
346 with m.If(~svp64.is_svp64_mode):
347 # with no prefix, store the instruction
348 # and hand it directly to the next FSM
349 sync += dec_opcode_i.eq(insn)
350 m.next = "INSN_READY"
351 with m.Else():
352 # fetch the rest of the instruction from memory
353 comb += self.imem.a_pc_i.eq(cur_state.pc + 4)
354 comb += self.imem.a_valid_i.eq(1)
355 comb += self.imem.f_valid_i.eq(1)
356 m.next = "INSN_READ2"
357 else:
358 # not SVP64 - 32-bit only
359 sync += nia.eq(cur_state.pc + 4)
360 sync += dec_opcode_i.eq(insn)
361 m.next = "INSN_READY"
363 with m.State("INSN_READ2"):
364 with m.If(self.imem.f_busy_o): # zzz...
365 # busy: stay in wait-read
366 comb += self.imem.a_valid_i.eq(1)
367 comb += self.imem.f_valid_i.eq(1)
368 with m.Else():
369 # not busy: instruction fetched
370 insn = get_insn(self.imem.f_instr_o, cur_state.pc+4)
371 sync += dec_opcode_i.eq(insn)
372 m.next = "INSN_READY"
373 # TODO: probably can start looking at pdecode2.rm_dec
374 # here or maybe even in INSN_READ state, if svp64_mode
375 # detected, in order to trigger - and wait for - the
376 # predicate reading.
377 if self.svp64_en:
378 pmode = pdecode2.rm_dec.predmode
379 """
380 if pmode != SVP64PredMode.ALWAYS.value:
381 fire predicate loading FSM and wait before
382 moving to INSN_READY
383 else:
384 sync += self.srcmask.eq(-1) # set to all 1s
385 sync += self.dstmask.eq(-1) # set to all 1s
386 m.next = "INSN_READY"
387 """
389 with m.State("INSN_READY"):
390 # hand over the instruction, to be decoded
391 comb += fetch_insn_valid_o.eq(1)
392 with m.If(fetch_insn_ready_i):
393 m.next = "IDLE"
395 def fetch_predicate_fsm(self, m,
396 pred_insn_valid_i, pred_insn_ready_o,
397 pred_mask_valid_o, pred_mask_ready_i):
398 """fetch_predicate_fsm - obtains (constructs in the case of CR)
399 src/dest predicate masks
401 https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=617
402 the predicates can be read here, by using IntRegs r_ports['pred']
403 or CRRegs r_ports['pred']. in the case of CRs it will have to
404 be done through multiple reads, extracting one relevant at a time.
405 later, a faster way would be to use the 32-bit-wide CR port but
406 this is more complex decoding, here. equivalent code used in
407 ISACaller is "from openpower.decoder.isa.caller import get_predcr"
409 note: this ENTIRE FSM is not to be called when svp64 is disabled
410 """
411 comb = m.d.comb
412 sync = m.d.sync
413 pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
414 rm_dec = pdecode2.rm_dec # SVP64RMModeDecode
415 predmode = rm_dec.predmode
416 srcpred, dstpred = rm_dec.srcpred, rm_dec.dstpred
417 cr_pred, int_pred = self.cr_pred, self.int_pred # read regfiles
418 # get src/dst step, so we can skip already used mask bits
419 cur_state = self.cur_state
420 srcstep = cur_state.svstate.srcstep
421 dststep = cur_state.svstate.dststep
422 cur_vl = cur_state.svstate.vl
424 # decode predicates
425 sregread, sinvert, sunary, sall1s = get_predint(m, srcpred, 's')
426 dregread, dinvert, dunary, dall1s = get_predint(m, dstpred, 'd')
427 sidx, scrinvert = get_predcr(m, srcpred, 's')
428 didx, dcrinvert = get_predcr(m, dstpred, 'd')
430 # store fetched masks, for either intpred or crpred
431 # when src/dst step is not zero, the skipped mask bits need to be
432 # shifted-out, before actually storing them in src/dest mask
433 new_srcmask = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
434 new_dstmask = Signal(64, reset_less=True)
436 with m.FSM(name="fetch_predicate"):
438 with m.State("FETCH_PRED_IDLE"):
439 comb += pred_insn_ready_o.eq(1)
440 with m.If(pred_insn_valid_i):
441 with m.If(predmode == SVP64PredMode.INT):
442 # skip fetching destination mask register, when zero
443 with m.If(dall1s):
444 sync += new_dstmask.eq(-1)
445 # directly go to fetch source mask register
446 # guaranteed not to be zero (otherwise predmode
447 # would be SVP64PredMode.ALWAYS, not INT)
448 comb += int_pred.addr.eq(sregread)
449 comb += int_pred.ren.eq(1)
450 m.next = "INT_SRC_READ"
451 # fetch destination predicate register
452 with m.Else():
453 comb += int_pred.addr.eq(dregread)
454 comb += int_pred.ren.eq(1)
455 m.next = "INT_DST_READ"
456 with m.Elif(predmode == SVP64PredMode.CR):
457 # go fetch masks from the CR register file
458 sync += new_srcmask.eq(0)
459 sync += new_dstmask.eq(0)
460 m.next = "CR_READ"
461 with m.Else():
462 sync += self.srcmask.eq(-1)
463 sync += self.dstmask.eq(-1)
464 m.next = "FETCH_PRED_DONE"
466 with m.State("INT_DST_READ"):
467 # store destination mask
468 inv = Repl(dinvert, 64)
469 with m.If(dunary):
470 # set selected mask bit for 1<<r3 mode
471 dst_shift = Signal(range(64))
472 comb += dst_shift.eq(self.int_pred.data_o & 0b111111)
473 sync += new_dstmask.eq(1 << dst_shift)
474 with m.Else():
475 # invert mask if requested
476 sync += new_dstmask.eq(self.int_pred.data_o ^ inv)
477 # skip fetching source mask register, when zero
478 with m.If(sall1s):
479 sync += new_srcmask.eq(-1)
480 m.next = "FETCH_PRED_SHIFT_MASK"
481 # fetch source predicate register
482 with m.Else():
483 comb += int_pred.addr.eq(sregread)
484 comb += int_pred.ren.eq(1)
485 m.next = "INT_SRC_READ"
487 with m.State("INT_SRC_READ"):
488 # store source mask
489 inv = Repl(sinvert, 64)
490 with m.If(sunary):
491 # set selected mask bit for 1<<r3 mode
492 src_shift = Signal(range(64))
493 comb += src_shift.eq(self.int_pred.data_o & 0b111111)
494 sync += new_srcmask.eq(1 << src_shift)
495 with m.Else():
496 # invert mask if requested
497 sync += new_srcmask.eq(self.int_pred.data_o ^ inv)
498 m.next = "FETCH_PRED_SHIFT_MASK"
500 # fetch masks from the CR register file
501 # implements the following loop:
502 # idx, inv = get_predcr(mask)
503 # mask = 0
504 # for cr_idx in range(vl):
505 # cr = crl[cr_idx + SVP64CROffs.CRPred] # takes one cycle
506 # if cr[idx] ^ inv:
507 # mask |= 1 << cr_idx
508 # return mask
509 with m.State("CR_READ"):
510 # CR index to be read, which will be ready by the next cycle
511 cr_idx = Signal.like(cur_vl, reset_less=True)
512 # submit the read operation to the regfile
513 with m.If(cr_idx != cur_vl):
514 # the CR read port is unary ...
515 # ren = 1 << cr_idx
516 # ... in MSB0 convention ...
517 # ren = 1 << (7 - cr_idx)
518 # ... and with an offset:
519 # ren = 1 << (7 - off - cr_idx)
520 idx = SVP64CROffs.CRPred + cr_idx
521 comb += cr_pred.ren.eq(1 << (7 - idx))
522 # signal data valid in the next cycle
523 cr_read = Signal(reset_less=True)
524 sync += cr_read.eq(1)
525 # load the next index
526 sync += cr_idx.eq(cr_idx + 1)
527 with m.Else():
528 # exit on loop end
529 sync += cr_read.eq(0)
530 sync += cr_idx.eq(0)
531 m.next = "FETCH_PRED_SHIFT_MASK"
532 with m.If(cr_read):
533 # compensate for the one cycle delay on the regfile
534 cur_cr_idx = Signal.like(cur_vl)
535 comb += cur_cr_idx.eq(cr_idx - 1)
536 # read the CR field, select the appropriate bit
537 cr_field = Signal(4)
538 scr_bit = Signal()
539 dcr_bit = Signal()
540 comb += cr_field.eq(cr_pred.data_o)
541 comb += scr_bit.eq(cr_field.bit_select(sidx, 1) ^ scrinvert)
542 comb += dcr_bit.eq(cr_field.bit_select(didx, 1) ^ dcrinvert)
543 # set the corresponding mask bit
544 bit_to_set = Signal.like(self.srcmask)
545 comb += bit_to_set.eq(1 << cur_cr_idx)
546 with m.If(scr_bit):
547 sync += new_srcmask.eq(new_srcmask | bit_to_set)
548 with m.If(dcr_bit):
549 sync += new_dstmask.eq(new_dstmask | bit_to_set)
551 with m.State("FETCH_PRED_SHIFT_MASK"):
552 # shift-out skipped mask bits
553 sync += self.srcmask.eq(new_srcmask >> srcstep)
554 sync += self.dstmask.eq(new_dstmask >> dststep)
555 m.next = "FETCH_PRED_DONE"
557 with m.State("FETCH_PRED_DONE"):
558 comb += pred_mask_valid_o.eq(1)
559 with m.If(pred_mask_ready_i):
560 m.next = "FETCH_PRED_IDLE"
562 def issue_fsm(self, m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed, nia,
563 dbg, core_rst, is_svp64_mode,
564 fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
565 fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i,
566 pred_insn_valid_i, pred_insn_ready_o,
567 pred_mask_valid_o, pred_mask_ready_i,
568 exec_insn_valid_i, exec_insn_ready_o,
569 exec_pc_valid_o, exec_pc_ready_i):
570 """issue FSM
572 decode / issue FSM. this interacts with the "fetch" FSM
573 through fetch_insn_ready/valid (incoming) and fetch_pc_ready/valid
574 (outgoing). also interacts with the "execute" FSM
575 through exec_insn_ready/valid (outgoing) and exec_pc_ready/valid
576 (incoming).
577 SVP64 RM prefixes have already been set up by the
578 "fetch" phase, so execute is fairly straightforward.
579 """
581 comb = m.d.comb
582 sync = m.d.sync
583 pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
584 cur_state = self.cur_state
586 # temporaries
587 dec_opcode_i = pdecode2.dec.raw_opcode_in # raw opcode
589 # for updating svstate (things like srcstep etc.)
590 update_svstate = Signal() # set this (below) if updating
591 new_svstate = SVSTATERec("new_svstate")
592 comb += new_svstate.eq(cur_state.svstate)
594 # precalculate srcstep+1 and dststep+1
595 cur_srcstep = cur_state.svstate.srcstep
596 cur_dststep = cur_state.svstate.dststep
597 next_srcstep = Signal.like(cur_srcstep)
598 next_dststep = Signal.like(cur_dststep)
599 comb += next_srcstep.eq(cur_state.svstate.srcstep+1)
600 comb += next_dststep.eq(cur_state.svstate.dststep+1)
602 # note if an exception happened. in a pipelined or OoO design
603 # this needs to be accompanied by "shadowing" (or stalling)
604 el = []
605 for exc in core.fus.excs.values():
606 el.append(exc.happened)
607 exc_happened = Signal()
608 if len(el) > 0: # at least one exception
609 comb += exc_happened.eq(Cat(*el).bool())
611 with m.FSM(name="issue_fsm"):
613 # sync with the "fetch" phase which is reading the instruction
614 # at this point, there is no instruction running, that
615 # could inadvertently update the PC.
616 with m.State("ISSUE_START"):
617 # wait on "core stop" release, before next fetch
618 # need to do this here, in case we are in a VL==0 loop
619 with m.If(~dbg.core_stop_o & ~core_rst):
620 comb += fetch_pc_valid_i.eq(1) # tell fetch to start
621 with m.If(fetch_pc_ready_o): # fetch acknowledged us
622 m.next = "INSN_WAIT"
623 with m.Else():
624 # tell core it's stopped, and acknowledge debug handshake
625 comb += dbg.core_stopped_i.eq(1)
626 # while stopped, allow updating the PC and SVSTATE
627 with m.If(self.pc_i.ok):
628 comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
629 comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(self.pc_i.data)
630 sync += pc_changed.eq(1)
631 with m.If(self.svstate_i.ok):
632 comb += new_svstate.eq(self.svstate_i.data)
633 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
634 sync += sv_changed.eq(1)
636 # wait for an instruction to arrive from Fetch
637 with m.State("INSN_WAIT"):
638 comb += fetch_insn_ready_i.eq(1)
639 with m.If(fetch_insn_valid_o):
640 # loop into ISSUE_START if it's a SVP64 instruction
641 # and VL == 0. this because VL==0 is a for-loop
642 # from 0 to 0 i.e. always, always a NOP.
643 cur_vl = cur_state.svstate.vl
644 with m.If(is_svp64_mode & (cur_vl == 0)):
645 # update the PC before fetching the next instruction
646 # since we are in a VL==0 loop, no instruction was
647 # executed that we could be overwriting
648 comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
649 comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(nia)
650 comb += self.insn_done.eq(1)
651 m.next = "ISSUE_START"
652 with m.Else():
653 if self.svp64_en:
654 m.next = "PRED_START" # start fetching predicate
655 else:
656 m.next = "DECODE_SV" # skip predication
658 with m.State("PRED_START"):
659 comb += pred_insn_valid_i.eq(1) # tell fetch_pred to start
660 with m.If(pred_insn_ready_o): # fetch_pred acknowledged us
661 m.next = "MASK_WAIT"
663 with m.State("MASK_WAIT"):
664 comb += pred_mask_ready_i.eq(1) # ready to receive the masks
665 with m.If(pred_mask_valid_o): # predication masks are ready
666 m.next = "PRED_SKIP"
668 # skip zeros in predicate
669 with m.State("PRED_SKIP"):
670 with m.If(~is_svp64_mode):
671 m.next = "DECODE_SV" # nothing to do
672 with m.Else():
673 if self.svp64_en:
674 pred_src_zero = pdecode2.rm_dec.pred_sz
675 pred_dst_zero = pdecode2.rm_dec.pred_dz
677 # new srcstep, after skipping zeros
678 skip_srcstep = Signal.like(cur_srcstep)
679 # value to be added to the current srcstep
680 src_delta = Signal.like(cur_srcstep)
681 # add leading zeros to srcstep, if not in zero mode
682 with m.If(~pred_src_zero):
683 # priority encoder (count leading zeros)
684 # append guard bit, in case the mask is all zeros
685 pri_enc_src = PriorityEncoder(65)
686 m.submodules.pri_enc_src = pri_enc_src
687 comb += pri_enc_src.i.eq(Cat(self.srcmask,
688 Const(1, 1)))
689 comb += src_delta.eq(pri_enc_src.o)
690 # apply delta to srcstep
691 comb += skip_srcstep.eq(cur_srcstep + src_delta)
692 # shift-out all leading zeros from the mask
693 # plus the leading "one" bit
694 # TODO count leading zeros and shift-out the zero
695 # bits, in the same step, in hardware
696 sync += self.srcmask.eq(self.srcmask >> (src_delta+1))
698 # same as above, but for dststep
699 skip_dststep = Signal.like(cur_dststep)
700 dst_delta = Signal.like(cur_dststep)
701 with m.If(~pred_dst_zero):
702 pri_enc_dst = PriorityEncoder(65)
703 m.submodules.pri_enc_dst = pri_enc_dst
704 comb += pri_enc_dst.i.eq(Cat(self.dstmask,
705 Const(1, 1)))
706 comb += dst_delta.eq(pri_enc_dst.o)
707 comb += skip_dststep.eq(cur_dststep + dst_delta)
708 sync += self.dstmask.eq(self.dstmask >> (dst_delta+1))
710 # TODO: initialize mask[VL]=1 to avoid passing past VL
711 with m.If((skip_srcstep >= cur_vl) |
712 (skip_dststep >= cur_vl)):
713 # end of VL loop. Update PC and reset src/dst step
714 comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
715 comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(nia)
716 comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(0)
717 comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(0)
718 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
719 # synchronize with the simulator
720 comb += self.insn_done.eq(1)
721 # go back to Issue
722 m.next = "ISSUE_START"
723 with m.Else():
724 # update new src/dst step
725 comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(skip_srcstep)
726 comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(skip_dststep)
727 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
728 # proceed to Decode
729 m.next = "DECODE_SV"
731 # pass predicate mask bits through to satellite decoders
732 # TODO: for SIMD this will be *multiple* bits
733 sync += core.sv_pred_sm.eq(self.srcmask[0])
734 sync += core.sv_pred_dm.eq(self.dstmask[0])
736 # after src/dst step have been updated, we are ready
737 # to decode the instruction
738 with m.State("DECODE_SV"):
739 # decode the instruction
740 sync += core.e.eq(pdecode2.e)
741 sync += core.state.eq(cur_state)
742 sync += core.raw_insn_i.eq(dec_opcode_i)
743 sync += core.bigendian_i.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
744 if self.svp64_en:
745 sync += core.sv_rm.eq(pdecode2.sv_rm)
746 # set RA_OR_ZERO detection in satellite decoders
747 sync += core.sv_a_nz.eq(pdecode2.sv_a_nz)
749 m.next = "INSN_EXECUTE" # move to "execute"
751 # handshake with execution FSM, move to "wait" once acknowledged
752 with m.State("INSN_EXECUTE"):
753 comb += exec_insn_valid_i.eq(1) # trigger execute
754 with m.If(exec_insn_ready_o): # execute acknowledged us
755 m.next = "EXECUTE_WAIT"
757 with m.State("EXECUTE_WAIT"):
758 # wait on "core stop" release, at instruction end
759 # need to do this here, in case we are in a VL>1 loop
760 with m.If(~dbg.core_stop_o & ~core_rst):
761 comb += exec_pc_ready_i.eq(1)
762 # see https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=636
763 #with m.If(exec_pc_valid_o & exc_happened):
764 # probably something like this:
765 # sync += pdecode2.ldst_exc.eq(core.fus.get_exc("ldst0")
766 # TODO: the exception info needs to be blatted
767 # into pdecode.ldst_exc, and the instruction "re-run".
768 # when ldst_exc.happened is set, the PowerDecoder2
769 # reacts very differently: it re-writes the instruction
770 # with a "trap" (calls PowerDecoder2.trap()) which
771 # will *overwrite* whatever was requested and jump the
772 # PC to the exception address, as well as alter MSR.
773 # nothing else needs to be done other than to note
774 # the change of PC and MSR (and, later, SVSTATE)
775 #with m.Elif(exec_pc_valid_o):
776 with m.If(exec_pc_valid_o): # replace with Elif (above)
778 # was this the last loop iteration?
779 is_last = Signal()
780 cur_vl = cur_state.svstate.vl
781 comb += is_last.eq(next_srcstep == cur_vl)
783 # if either PC or SVSTATE were changed by the previous
784 # instruction, go directly back to Fetch, without
785 # updating either PC or SVSTATE
786 with m.If(pc_changed | sv_changed):
787 m.next = "ISSUE_START"
789 # also return to Fetch, when no output was a vector
790 # (regardless of SRCSTEP and VL), or when the last
791 # instruction was really the last one of the VL loop
792 with m.Elif((~pdecode2.loop_continue) | is_last):
793 # before going back to fetch, update the PC state
794 # register with the NIA.
795 # ok here we are not reading the branch unit.
796 # TODO: this just blithely overwrites whatever
797 # pipeline updated the PC
798 comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
799 comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(nia)
800 # reset SRCSTEP before returning to Fetch
801 if self.svp64_en:
802 with m.If(pdecode2.loop_continue):
803 comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(0)
804 comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(0)
805 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
806 else:
807 comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(0)
808 comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(0)
809 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
810 m.next = "ISSUE_START"
812 # returning to Execute? then, first update SRCSTEP
813 with m.Else():
814 comb += new_svstate.srcstep.eq(next_srcstep)
815 comb += new_svstate.dststep.eq(next_dststep)
816 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
817 # return to mask skip loop
818 m.next = "PRED_SKIP"
820 with m.Else():
821 comb += dbg.core_stopped_i.eq(1)
822 # while stopped, allow updating the PC and SVSTATE
823 with m.If(self.pc_i.ok):
824 comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(1 << StateRegs.PC)
825 comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(self.pc_i.data)
826 sync += pc_changed.eq(1)
827 with m.If(self.svstate_i.ok):
828 comb += new_svstate.eq(self.svstate_i.data)
829 comb += update_svstate.eq(1)
830 sync += sv_changed.eq(1)
832 # check if svstate needs updating: if so, write it to State Regfile
833 with m.If(update_svstate):
834 comb += self.state_w_sv.wen.eq(1<<StateRegs.SVSTATE)
835 comb += self.state_w_sv.data_i.eq(new_svstate)
836 sync += cur_state.svstate.eq(new_svstate) # for next clock
838 def execute_fsm(self, m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed,
839 exec_insn_valid_i, exec_insn_ready_o,
840 exec_pc_valid_o, exec_pc_ready_i):
841 """execute FSM
843 execute FSM. this interacts with the "issue" FSM
844 through exec_insn_ready/valid (incoming) and exec_pc_ready/valid
845 (outgoing). SVP64 RM prefixes have already been set up by the
846 "issue" phase, so execute is fairly straightforward.
847 """
849 comb = m.d.comb
850 sync = m.d.sync
851 pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
853 # temporaries
854 core_busy_o = core.busy_o # core is busy
855 core_ivalid_i = core.ivalid_i # instruction is valid
856 core_issue_i = core.issue_i # instruction is issued
857 insn_type = core.e.do.insn_type # instruction MicroOp type
859 with m.FSM(name="exec_fsm"):
861 # waiting for instruction bus (stays there until not busy)
862 with m.State("INSN_START"):
863 comb += exec_insn_ready_o.eq(1)
864 with m.If(exec_insn_valid_i):
865 comb += core_ivalid_i.eq(1) # instruction is valid
866 comb += core_issue_i.eq(1) # and issued
867 sync += sv_changed.eq(0)
868 sync += pc_changed.eq(0)
869 m.next = "INSN_ACTIVE" # move to "wait completion"
871 # instruction started: must wait till it finishes
872 with m.State("INSN_ACTIVE"):
873 with m.If(insn_type != MicrOp.OP_NOP):
874 comb += core_ivalid_i.eq(1) # instruction is valid
875 # note changes to PC and SVSTATE
876 with m.If(self.state_nia.wen & (1<<StateRegs.SVSTATE)):
877 sync += sv_changed.eq(1)
878 with m.If(self.state_nia.wen & (1<<StateRegs.PC)):
879 sync += pc_changed.eq(1)
880 with m.If(~core_busy_o): # instruction done!
881 comb += exec_pc_valid_o.eq(1)
882 with m.If(exec_pc_ready_i):
883 comb += self.insn_done.eq(1)
884 m.next = "INSN_START" # back to fetch
886 def setup_peripherals(self, m):
887 comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
889 # okaaaay so the debug module must be in coresync clock domain
890 # but NOT its reset signal. to cope with this, set every single
891 # submodule explicitly in coresync domain, debug and JTAG
892 # in their own one but using *external* reset.
893 csd = DomainRenamer("coresync")
894 dbd = DomainRenamer(self.dbg_domain)
896 m.submodules.core = core = csd(self.core)
897 m.submodules.imem = imem = csd(self.imem)
898 m.submodules.dbg = dbg = dbd(self.dbg)
899 if self.jtag_en:
900 m.submodules.jtag = jtag = dbd(self.jtag)
901 # TODO: UART2GDB mux, here, from external pin
902 # see https://bugs.libre-soc.org/show_bug.cgi?id=499
903 sync += dbg.dmi.connect_to(jtag.dmi)
905 cur_state = self.cur_state
907 # 4x 4k SRAM blocks. these simply "exist", they get routed in litex
908 if self.sram4x4k:
909 for i, sram in enumerate(self.sram4k):
910 m.submodules["sram4k_%d" % i] = csd(sram)
911 comb += sram.enable.eq(self.wb_sram_en)
913 # XICS interrupt handler
914 if self.xics:
915 m.submodules.xics_icp = icp = csd(self.xics_icp)
916 m.submodules.xics_ics = ics = csd(self.xics_ics)
917 comb += icp.ics_i.eq(ics.icp_o) # connect ICS to ICP
918 sync += cur_state.eint.eq(icp.core_irq_o) # connect ICP to core
920 # GPIO test peripheral
921 if self.gpio:
922 m.submodules.simple_gpio = simple_gpio = csd(self.simple_gpio)
924 # connect one GPIO output to ICS bit 15 (like in microwatt soc.vhdl)
925 # XXX causes litex ECP5 test to get wrong idea about input and output
926 # (but works with verilator sim *sigh*)
927 #if self.gpio and self.xics:
928 # comb += self.int_level_i[15].eq(simple_gpio.gpio_o[0])
930 # instruction decoder
931 pdecode = create_pdecode()
932 m.submodules.dec2 = pdecode2 = csd(self.pdecode2)
933 if self.svp64_en:
934 m.submodules.svp64 = svp64 = csd(self.svp64)
936 # convenience
937 dmi, d_reg, d_cr, d_xer, = dbg.dmi, dbg.d_gpr, dbg.d_cr, dbg.d_xer
938 intrf = self.core.regs.rf['int']
940 # clock delay power-on reset
941 cd_por = ClockDomain(reset_less=True)
942 cd_sync = ClockDomain()
943 core_sync = ClockDomain("coresync")
944 m.domains += cd_por, cd_sync, core_sync
945 if self.dbg_domain != "sync":
946 dbg_sync = ClockDomain(self.dbg_domain)
947 m.domains += dbg_sync
949 ti_rst = Signal(reset_less=True)
950 delay = Signal(range(4), reset=3)
951 with m.If(delay != 0):
952 m.d.por += delay.eq(delay - 1)
953 comb += cd_por.clk.eq(ClockSignal())
955 # power-on reset delay
956 core_rst = ResetSignal("coresync")
957 comb += ti_rst.eq(delay != 0 | dbg.core_rst_o | ResetSignal())
958 comb += core_rst.eq(ti_rst)
960 # debug clock is same as coresync, but reset is *main external*
961 if self.dbg_domain != "sync":
962 dbg_rst = ResetSignal(self.dbg_domain)
963 comb += dbg_rst.eq(ResetSignal())
965 # busy/halted signals from core
966 comb += self.busy_o.eq(core.busy_o)
967 comb += pdecode2.dec.bigendian.eq(self.core_bigendian_i)
969 # temporary hack: says "go" immediately for both address gen and ST
970 l0 = core.l0
971 ldst = core.fus.fus['ldst0']
972 st_go_edge = rising_edge(m, ldst.st.rel_o)
973 m.d.comb += ldst.ad.go_i.eq(ldst.ad.rel_o) # link addr-go direct to rel
974 m.d.comb += ldst.st.go_i.eq(st_go_edge) # link store-go to rising rel
976 def elaborate(self, platform):
977 m = Module()
978 # convenience
979 comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
980 cur_state = self.cur_state
981 pdecode2 = self.pdecode2
982 dbg = self.dbg
983 core = self.core
985 # set up peripherals and core
986 core_rst = self.core_rst
987 self.setup_peripherals(m)
989 # reset current state if core reset requested
990 with m.If(core_rst):
991 m.d.sync += self.cur_state.eq(0)
993 # PC and instruction from I-Memory
994 comb += self.pc_o.eq(cur_state.pc)
995 pc_changed = Signal() # note write to PC
996 sv_changed = Signal() # note write to SVSTATE
998 # read state either from incoming override or from regfile
999 # TODO: really should be doing MSR in the same way
1000 pc = state_get(m, core_rst, self.pc_i,
1001 "pc", # read PC
1002 self.state_r_pc, StateRegs.PC)
1003 svstate = state_get(m, core_rst, self.svstate_i,
1004 "svstate", # read SVSTATE
1005 self.state_r_sv, StateRegs.SVSTATE)
1007 # don't write pc every cycle
1008 comb += self.state_w_pc.wen.eq(0)
1009 comb += self.state_w_pc.data_i.eq(0)
1011 # don't read msr every cycle
1012 comb += self.state_r_msr.ren.eq(0)
1014 # address of the next instruction, in the absence of a branch
1015 # depends on the instruction size
1016 nia = Signal(64)
1018 # connect up debug signals
1019 # TODO comb += core.icache_rst_i.eq(dbg.icache_rst_o)
1020 comb += dbg.terminate_i.eq(core.core_terminate_o)
1021 comb += dbg.state.pc.eq(pc)
1022 comb += dbg.state.svstate.eq(svstate)
1023 comb += dbg.state.msr.eq(cur_state.msr)
1025 # pass the prefix mode from Fetch to Issue, so the latter can loop
1026 # on VL==0
1027 is_svp64_mode = Signal()
1029 # there are *THREE^WFOUR-if-SVP64-enabled* FSMs, fetch (32/64-bit)
1030 # issue, decode/execute, now joined by "Predicate fetch/calculate".
1031 # these are the handshake signals between each
1033 # fetch FSM can run as soon as the PC is valid
1034 fetch_pc_valid_i = Signal() # Execute tells Fetch "start next read"
1035 fetch_pc_ready_o = Signal() # Fetch Tells SVSTATE "proceed"
1037 # fetch FSM hands over the instruction to be decoded / issued
1038 fetch_insn_valid_o = Signal()
1039 fetch_insn_ready_i = Signal()
1041 # predicate fetch FSM decodes and fetches the predicate
1042 pred_insn_valid_i = Signal()
1043 pred_insn_ready_o = Signal()
1045 # predicate fetch FSM delivers the masks
1046 pred_mask_valid_o = Signal()
1047 pred_mask_ready_i = Signal()
1049 # issue FSM delivers the instruction to the be executed
1050 exec_insn_valid_i = Signal()
1051 exec_insn_ready_o = Signal()
1053 # execute FSM, hands over the PC/SVSTATE back to the issue FSM
1054 exec_pc_valid_o = Signal()
1055 exec_pc_ready_i = Signal()
1057 # the FSMs here are perhaps unusual in that they detect conditions
1058 # then "hold" information, combinatorially, for the core
1059 # (as opposed to using sync - which would be on a clock's delay)
1060 # this includes the actual opcode, valid flags and so on.
1062 # Fetch, then predicate fetch, then Issue, then Execute.
1063 # Issue is where the VL for-loop # lives. the ready/valid
1064 # signalling is used to communicate between the four.
1066 self.fetch_fsm(m, core, pc, svstate, nia, is_svp64_mode,
1067 fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
1068 fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i)
1070 self.issue_fsm(m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed, nia,
1071 dbg, core_rst, is_svp64_mode,
1072 fetch_pc_ready_o, fetch_pc_valid_i,
1073 fetch_insn_valid_o, fetch_insn_ready_i,
1074 pred_insn_valid_i, pred_insn_ready_o,
1075 pred_mask_valid_o, pred_mask_ready_i,
1076 exec_insn_valid_i, exec_insn_ready_o,
1077 exec_pc_valid_o, exec_pc_ready_i)
1079 if self.svp64_en:
1080 self.fetch_predicate_fsm(m,
1081 pred_insn_valid_i, pred_insn_ready_o,
1082 pred_mask_valid_o, pred_mask_ready_i)
1084 self.execute_fsm(m, core, pc_changed, sv_changed,
1085 exec_insn_valid_i, exec_insn_ready_o,
1086 exec_pc_valid_o, exec_pc_ready_i)
1088 # whatever was done above, over-ride it if core reset is held
1089 with m.If(core_rst):
1090 sync += nia.eq(0)
1092 # this bit doesn't have to be in the FSM: connect up to read
1093 # regfiles on demand from DMI
1094 self.do_dmi(m, dbg)
1096 # DEC and TB inc/dec FSM. copy of DEC is put into CoreState,
1097 # (which uses that in PowerDecoder2 to raise 0x900 exception)
1098 self.tb_dec_fsm(m, cur_state.dec)
1100 return m
1102 def do_dmi(self, m, dbg):
1103 """deals with DMI debug requests
1105 currently only provides read requests for the INT regfile, CR and XER
1106 it will later also deal with *writing* to these regfiles.
1107 """
1108 comb = m.d.comb
1109 sync = m.d.sync
1110 dmi, d_reg, d_cr, d_xer, = dbg.dmi, dbg.d_gpr, dbg.d_cr, dbg.d_xer
1111 intrf = self.core.regs.rf['int']
1113 with m.If(d_reg.req): # request for regfile access being made
1114 # TODO: error-check this
1115 # XXX should this be combinatorial? sync better?
1116 if intrf.unary:
1117 comb += self.int_r.ren.eq(1<<d_reg.addr)
1118 else:
1119 comb += self.int_r.addr.eq(d_reg.addr)
1120 comb += self.int_r.ren.eq(1)
1121 d_reg_delay = Signal()
1122 sync += d_reg_delay.eq(d_reg.req)
1123 with m.If(d_reg_delay):
1124 # data arrives one clock later
1125 comb += d_reg.data.eq(self.int_r.data_o)
1126 comb += d_reg.ack.eq(1)
1128 # sigh same thing for CR debug
1129 with m.If(d_cr.req): # request for regfile access being made
1130 comb += self.cr_r.ren.eq(0b11111111) # enable all
1131 d_cr_delay = Signal()
1132 sync += d_cr_delay.eq(d_cr.req)
1133 with m.If(d_cr_delay):
1134 # data arrives one clock later
1135 comb += d_cr.data.eq(self.cr_r.data_o)
1136 comb += d_cr.ack.eq(1)
1138 # aaand XER...
1139 with m.If(d_xer.req): # request for regfile access being made
1140 comb += self.xer_r.ren.eq(0b111111) # enable all
1141 d_xer_delay = Signal()
1142 sync += d_xer_delay.eq(d_xer.req)
1143 with m.If(d_xer_delay):
1144 # data arrives one clock later
1145 comb += d_xer.data.eq(self.xer_r.data_o)
1146 comb += d_xer.ack.eq(1)
1148 def tb_dec_fsm(self, m, spr_dec):
1149 """tb_dec_fsm
1151 this is a FSM for updating either dec or tb. it runs alternately
1152 DEC, TB, DEC, TB. note that SPR pipeline could have written a new
1153 value to DEC, however the regfile has "passthrough" on it so this
1154 *should* be ok.
1156 see v3.0B p1097-1099 for Timeer Resource and p1065 and p1076
1157 """
1159 comb, sync = m.d.comb, m.d.sync
1160 fast_rf = self.core.regs.rf['fast']
1161 fast_r_dectb = fast_rf.r_ports['issue'] # DEC/TB
1162 fast_w_dectb = fast_rf.w_ports['issue'] # DEC/TB
1164 with m.FSM() as fsm:
1166 # initiates read of current DEC
1167 with m.State("DEC_READ"):
1168 comb += fast_r_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.DEC)
1169 comb += fast_r_dectb.ren.eq(1)
1170 m.next = "DEC_WRITE"
1172 # waits for DEC read to arrive (1 cycle), updates with new value
1173 with m.State("DEC_WRITE"):
1174 new_dec = Signal(64)
1175 # TODO: MSR.LPCR 32-bit decrement mode
1176 comb += new_dec.eq(fast_r_dectb.data_o - 1)
1177 comb += fast_w_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.DEC)
1178 comb += fast_w_dectb.wen.eq(1)
1179 comb += fast_w_dectb.data_i.eq(new_dec)
1180 sync += spr_dec.eq(new_dec) # copy into cur_state for decoder
1181 m.next = "TB_READ"
1183 # initiates read of current TB
1184 with m.State("TB_READ"):
1185 comb += fast_r_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.TB)
1186 comb += fast_r_dectb.ren.eq(1)
1187 m.next = "TB_WRITE"
1189 # waits for read TB to arrive, initiates write of current TB
1190 with m.State("TB_WRITE"):
1191 new_tb = Signal(64)
1192 comb += new_tb.eq(fast_r_dectb.data_o + 1)
1193 comb += fast_w_dectb.addr.eq(FastRegs.TB)
1194 comb += fast_w_dectb.wen.eq(1)
1195 comb += fast_w_dectb.data_i.eq(new_tb)
1196 m.next = "DEC_READ"
1198 return m
1200 def __iter__(self):
1201 yield from self.pc_i.ports()
1202 yield self.pc_o
1203 yield self.memerr_o
1204 yield from self.core.ports()
1205 yield from self.imem.ports()
1206 yield self.core_bigendian_i
1207 yield self.busy_o
1209 def ports(self):
1210 return list(self)
1212 def external_ports(self):
1213 ports = self.pc_i.ports()
1214 ports += [self.pc_o, self.memerr_o, self.core_bigendian_i, self.busy_o,
1215 ]
1217 if self.jtag_en:
1218 ports += list(self.jtag.external_ports())
1219 else:
1220 # don't add DMI if JTAG is enabled
1221 ports += list(self.dbg.dmi.ports())
1223 ports += list(self.imem.ibus.fields.values())
1224 ports += list(self.core.l0.cmpi.wb_bus().fields.values())
1226 if self.sram4x4k:
1227 for sram in self.sram4k:
1228 ports += list(sram.bus.fields.values())
1230 if self.xics:
1231 ports += list(self.xics_icp.bus.fields.values())
1232 ports += list(self.xics_ics.bus.fields.values())
1233 ports.append(self.int_level_i)
1235 if self.gpio:
1236 ports += list(self.simple_gpio.bus.fields.values())
1237 ports.append(self.gpio_o)
1239 return ports
1241 def ports(self):
1242 return list(self)
1245 class TestIssuer(Elaboratable):
1246 def __init__(self, pspec):
1247 self.ti = TestIssuerInternal(pspec)
1248 self.pll = DummyPLL(instance=True)
1250 # PLL direct clock or not
1251 self.pll_en = hasattr(pspec, "use_pll") and pspec.use_pll
1252 if self.pll_en:
1253 self.pll_test_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
1254 self.pll_vco_o = Signal(reset_less=True)
1255 self.clk_sel_i = Signal(2, reset_less=True)
1257 def elaborate(self, platform):
1258 m = Module()
1259 comb = m.d.comb
1261 # TestIssuer nominally runs at main clock, actually it is
1262 # all combinatorial internally except for coresync'd components
1263 m.submodules.ti = ti = self.ti
1265 if self.pll_en:
1266 # ClockSelect runs at PLL output internal clock rate
1267 m.submodules.wrappll = pll = self.pll
1269 # add clock domains from PLL
1270 cd_pll = ClockDomain("pllclk")
1271 m.domains += cd_pll
1273 # PLL clock established. has the side-effect of running clklsel
1274 # at the PLL's speed (see DomainRenamer("pllclk") above)
1275 pllclk = ClockSignal("pllclk")
1276 comb += pllclk.eq(pll.clk_pll_o)
1278 # wire up external 24mhz to PLL
1279 comb += pll.clk_24_i.eq(ClockSignal())
1281 # output 18 mhz PLL test signal, and analog oscillator out
1282 comb += self.pll_test_o.eq(pll.pll_test_o)
1283 comb += self.pll_vco_o.eq(pll.pll_vco_o)
1285 # input to pll clock selection
1286 comb += pll.clk_sel_i.eq(self.clk_sel_i)
1288 # now wire up ResetSignals. don't mind them being in this domain
1289 pll_rst = ResetSignal("pllclk")
1290 comb += pll_rst.eq(ResetSignal())
1292 # internal clock is set to selector clock-out. has the side-effect of
1293 # running TestIssuer at this speed (see DomainRenamer("intclk") above)
1294 # debug clock runs at coresync internal clock
1295 intclk = ClockSignal("coresync")
1296 dbgclk = ClockSignal(self.ti.dbg_domain)
1300 if False and self.pll_en:
1301 comb += intclk.eq(pllclk)
1302 else:
1303 comb += intclk.eq(ClockSignal())
1304 if self.ti.dbg_domain != 'sync':
1305 dbgclk = ClockSignal(self.ti.dbg_domain)
1306 comb += dbgclk.eq(intclk)
1308 return m
1310 def ports(self):
1311 return list(self.ti.ports()) + list(self.pll.ports()) + \
1312 [ClockSignal(), ResetSignal()]
1314 def external_ports(self):
1315 ports = self.ti.external_ports()
1316 ports.append(ClockSignal())
1317 ports.append(ResetSignal())
1318 if self.pll_en:
1319 ports.append(self.clk_sel_i)
1320 ports.append(self.pll_test_o)
1321 ports.append(self.pll_vco_o)
1322 return ports
1325 if __name__ == '__main__':
1326 units = {'alu': 1, 'cr': 1, 'branch': 1, 'trap': 1, 'logical': 1,
1327 'spr': 1,
1328 'div': 1,
1329 'mul': 1,
1330 'shiftrot': 1
1331 }
1332 pspec = TestMemPspec(ldst_ifacetype='bare_wb',
1333 imem_ifacetype='bare_wb',
1334 addr_wid=48,
1335 mask_wid=8,
1336 reg_wid=64,
1337 units=units)
1338 dut = TestIssuer(pspec)
1339 vl = main(dut, ports=dut.ports(), name="test_issuer")
1341 if len(sys.argv) == 1:
1342 vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.external_ports(), name="test_issuer")
1343 with open("test_issuer.il", "w") as f:
1344 f.write(vl)