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[crowdsupply.git] / updates / 018_2019may27_nlnet_grant_approved.mdwn
1 The application for funding from NLnet and the
2 [Next Generation Internet](
3 initiative from the European Commission, from back in November of last year,
4 has been approved. It means that we have EUR 50,000 to pay for full-time
5 engineering work to be carried out over the next year, and to pay for
6 bounty-style tasks. For the right people, with the right skills, there
7 is money now available.
9 More plans from our community are in the pipeline. We can apply for
10 additional grants (also up to EUR 50,000). In the next couple of days,
11 we will put in an application for “Formal Mathematical Proofs” of the
12 processor design.
14 There are several reasons for doing so. The primary one is down to the
15 fact that we anticipate this (commercial, libre) product to be closely
16 and independently examined by third parties, to verify for themselves
17 that it does not contain spying backdoor co-processors, as well as the
18 usual security and correctness guarantees. If there exist *formal
19 mathematical proofs* that the processor and its sub-components operate
20 correctly, that independent third-party verification task is a lot easier.
22 In addition, it turns out that when writing unit tests, using formal
23 mathematical proofs makes for *complete* code coverage - far better
24 than any other "comprehensive" multiple unit test technique could ever
25 hope to achieve - with less code and not just better accuracy but *100%
26 provable* accuracy. Additional, much simpler unit tests can then be written
27 which are more along the lines of "HOWTOs" - examples on how to use the
28 unit.
30 This is one of those "epiphany" moments that, as a software engineer of
31 25 years experience, has me stunned and wondering why on earth this is
32 not more generally and widely deployed in software. The answer I believe
33 is down to the nature of what a processor actually is.
35 A processor is developed much more along the lines of how functional programming
36 works. Functional programming can have formal mathematical proofs applied
37 to it because for any given inputs, the output is *guaranteed* to be the same.
38 This of course breaks down when the function has "side-effects," such as
39 reading from a file or accessing other external state outside of the "control"
40 of the function. And, in the design of a processor, by the very nature
41 of hardware, you simply cannot create a verilog module that has access to
42 "files" or to "global variables."
44 In addition, hardware is based purely on boolean logic, and on if/else
45 constructs. In essence, then the *entire hardware design* has to be made
46 according to far simpler rules than "normal" software is expected to conform
47 to. Even memory accesses in hardware have to be implemented according to
48 these strict rules (we're *implementing* LOAD and STORE instructions here,
49 not *using* those LOAD and STORE instructions).
51 Consequently, adding in formal proofs is a little bit easier, brings
52 huge benefits as well in terms of code readability, reliability, and
53 time-cost savings, and has the crucial advantage of being aligned with
54 the overall privacy goal *and* with NLnet's funding remit.
56 ### Summary from the past couple of months
58 The past few months have seen a *lot* of activity. The IEEE754 ADD unit
59 has been completed, both as a finite state machine (FSM) and as a fully
60 pipelined design, both of which have parameters that allow them to do
61 FP16, FP32 or FP64. The DIV unit has been implemented as an FSM, and
62 will stay that way for now. MUL has been completed, however needs to
63 be turned into an FMAC (three operands: multiply and accumulate).
65 A provisional pipeline API has been developed, which the IEEE754 FPU
66 is using. It includes data "funneling" (multiplexing) blocks that allow
67 for the creation of what Mitch Alsup calls a "concurrent computation unit."
68 It's basically an array of matched operand latches and result latches
69 (as input and output, respectively), in front of a single pipeline.
70 This arrangement allows a batch of operations to be presented to the
71 CDC6600-style "dependency matrices."
73 Jacob has been working on a fascinating design: a dynamically partitionable
74 adder and multiplier unit. Given that we are doing a vector processing
75 front-end onto SIMD back-end operations, it makes sense to save gates by
76 allowing the ADD and MUL units to be able to optionally handle a batch
77 of 8-bit operations, or half the number of 16-bit operations, or a quarter
78 of the number of 32-bit operations, or one eighth of the number of 64-bit
79 operations. In this way, many fewer gates are required than if they
80 were separate units. The unit tests demonstrate that the code Jacob
81 has written provide RISC-V mul, mulh, mulhu and mulhsu functionality.
83 The augmented 6600 scoreboard took literally six weeks to correctly implement
84 read-after-write and write-after-read hazards. It required extraordinary
85 and excruciating patience to get right. Adding in write-after-write,
86 however, only took two days, as the infrastructure to do so had already been
87 developed.
89 Currently being implemented is "branch shadowing" - this is not the
90 same as branch *prediction* - that is a different algorithm which,
91 when *combined* with "branch shadowing," provides the feature known as
92 branch *speculation*. This is the source of a lot of confusion about
93 out-of-order (OoO) designs in general. It seems to be assumed that an
94 OoO design *has* to have branch speculation: it doesn't. It's just
95 that, given all the pieces, adding in branch speculation is actually
96 quite straightforward, and provides such a high-performance increase
97 that it is hard to justify leaving it out.
99 One huge surprise came out of a recent discussion with Mitch Alsup. It
100 has been assumed all along that turning this design from a single-issue
101 to multi-issue would be difficult, or require significant gates and latency
102 to do so. The "simple" approach to do multi-issue, using the dependency
103 matrices, would be to analyse a batch of instructions, and if there are
104 no overlaps (no registers in common), allow that batch to proceed in
105 parallel. This is a naive approach.
107 Mitch pointed out that in his work on the AMD Opteron (the processor
108 family that AMD had to publish "Intel equivalent" speed numbers for,
109 because it was so much more efficient and effective than Intel's designs)
110 each instruction "accumulated" the dependencies of all prior instructions
111 being issued in the same batch. This works because read and write
112 dependencies are *transitive* (whenever a -> b and b -> c then a -> c).
114 What that means, in practical terms, is that we have a way to create a
115 design that could, if ramped up, take on the big boys. To make that
116 clear: there's no technical barrier that would prevent us from creating
117 a quad issue (or higher) design.
119 There is still a heck of a lot to get done. However, it has to
120 be said that actually adding an instruction decoder onto the 6600-style
121 dependency matrices is relatively straightforward, this being RISC, after
122 all. It is possible, then, that we may have a subset of functionality
123 operational far sooner than anticipated.