+class PhasedReadPhasedWriteFullReadSRAM(Elaboratable):
+ """
+ Builds, from three 1RW blocks, a pseudo 1W/2R SRAM, with:
+ * one full read port, which works every cycle,
+ * one write port, which is only available on either even or odd cycles,
+ * an extra transparent read port, available only on the same cycles as the
+ write port
+ This type of SRAM is useful for a XOR-based 6x1RW implementation of
+ a 1R/1W register file.
+ :param addr_width: width of the address bus
+ :param data_width: width of the data bus
+ :param we_width: number of write enable lines
+ :param write_phase: indicates on which phase the write port will
+ accept data
+ """
+ def __init__(self, addr_width, data_width, we_width, write_phase):
+ self.addr_width = addr_width
+ self.data_width = data_width
+ self.we_width = we_width
+ self.write_phase = write_phase
+ # interface signals
+ self.wr_addr_i = Signal(addr_width); """phased write port address"""
+ self.wr_data_i = Signal(data_width); """phased write port data"""
+ self.wr_we_i = Signal(we_width); """phased write port enable"""
+ self.rd_addr_i = Signal(addr_width); """full read port address"""
+ self.rd_data_o = Signal(data_width); """full read port data"""
+ self.rdp_addr_i = Signal(addr_width); """phased read port address"""
+ self.rdp_data_o = Signal(data_width); """phased read port data"""
+ self.phase = Signal(); """even/odd cycle indicator"""
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ # instantiate the 1RW memory blocks
+ mem1 = SinglePortSRAM(self.addr_width, self.data_width, self.we_width)
+ mem2 = SinglePortSRAM(self.addr_width, self.data_width, self.we_width)
+ mem3 = SinglePortSRAM(self.addr_width, self.data_width, self.we_width)
+ m.submodules.mem1 = mem1
+ m.submodules.mem2 = mem2
+ m.submodules.mem3 = mem3
+ # wire input write data to first memory, and its output to the others
+ m.d.comb += [
+ mem1.d.eq(self.wr_data_i),
+ mem2.d.eq(mem1.q),
+ mem3.d.eq(mem1.q)
+ ]
+ # holding registers for the write port of the other memories
+ last_wr_addr = Signal(self.addr_width)
+ last_wr_we = Signal(self.we_width)
+ # do the phased read and write addresses coincide?
+ same_phased_read_write = Signal()
+ with m.If(self.phase == self.write_phase):
+ # write phase, start a write on the first memory
+ m.d.comb += mem1.a.eq(self.wr_addr_i)
+ m.d.comb += mem1.we.eq(self.wr_we_i)
+ # save write address and write select for repeating the write
+ # on the other memories, one cycle later
+ m.d.sync += last_wr_we.eq(self.wr_we_i)
+ m.d.sync += last_wr_addr.eq(self.wr_addr_i)
+ # start a read on the other memories
+ m.d.comb += mem2.a.eq(self.rd_addr_i)
+ m.d.comb += mem3.a.eq(self.rdp_addr_i)
+ # output previously read data from the first memory
+ m.d.comb += self.rd_data_o.eq(mem1.q)
+ # remember whether we are reading from the same location as we
+ # are writing, on the phased read port
+ m.d.sync += same_phased_read_write.eq(
+ self.rdp_addr_i == self.wr_addr_i)
+ with m.Else():
+ # read phase, write last written data on the other memories
+ m.d.comb += [
+ mem2.a.eq(last_wr_addr),
+ mem2.we.eq(last_wr_we),
+ mem3.a.eq(last_wr_addr),
+ mem3.we.eq(last_wr_we),
+ ]
+ # start a read on the first memory
+ m.d.comb += mem1.a.eq(self.rd_addr_i)
+ # output the read data from the second memory
+ m.d.comb += self.rd_data_o.eq(mem2.q)
+ with m.If(same_phased_read_write):
+ # if read and write addresses coincide,
+ # output the data just written
+ m.d.comb += self.rdp_data_o.eq(mem1.q)
+ with m.Else():
+ # otherwise, output previously read data
+ # from the third memory
+ m.d.comb += self.rdp_data_o.eq(mem3.q)
+ return m
+class PhasedReadPhasedWriteFullReadSRAMTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
+ def do_test_case(self, write_phase):
+ """
+ Simulate some read/write/modify operations
+ """
+ dut = PhasedReadPhasedWriteFullReadSRAM(7, 32, 4, write_phase)
+ sim = Simulator(dut)
+ sim.add_clock(1e-6)
+ expected = None
+ last_expected = None
+ # compare read data with previously written data
+ # and start a new read
+ def read(rd_addr_i, next_expected=None):
+ nonlocal expected, last_expected
+ if expected is not None:
+ self.assertEqual((yield dut.rd_data_o), expected)
+ yield dut.rd_addr_i.eq(rd_addr_i)
+ # account for the read latency
+ expected = last_expected
+ last_expected = next_expected
+ expected2 = None
+ # same as above, but for the phased read port
+ def phased_read(rdp_addr_i, next_expected2=None):
+ nonlocal expected2
+ if expected2 is not None:
+ self.assertEqual((yield dut.rdp_data_o), expected2)
+ yield dut.rdp_addr_i.eq(rdp_addr_i)
+ # account for the read latency
+ expected2 = next_expected2
+ # start a write
+ def write(wr_addr_i, wr_we_i, wr_data_i):
+ yield dut.wr_addr_i.eq(wr_addr_i)
+ yield dut.wr_we_i.eq(wr_we_i)
+ yield dut.wr_data_i.eq(wr_data_i)
+ yield dut.phase.eq(write_phase)
+ # disable writes, and start read phase
+ def skip_write():
+ yield dut.wr_addr_i.eq(0)
+ yield dut.wr_we_i.eq(0)
+ yield dut.wr_data_i.eq(0)
+ yield dut.phase.eq(~write_phase)
+ # also skip reading from the phased read port
+ yield dut.rdp_addr_i.eq(0)
+ # writes a few values on the write port, and read them back
+ def process():
+ yield from read(0)
+ yield from phased_read(0)
+ yield from write(0x42, 0b1111, 0x12345678)
+ yield
+ yield from read(0x42, 0x12345678)
+ yield from skip_write()
+ yield
+ yield from read(0x42, 0x12345678)
+ yield from phased_read(0x42, 0x12345678)
+ yield from write(0x43, 0b1111, 0x9ABCDEF0)
+ yield
+ yield from read(0x43, 0x9ABCDEF0)
+ yield from skip_write()
+ yield
+ yield from read(0x42, 0x12345678)
+ yield from phased_read(0x42, 0x12345678)
+ yield from write(0x43, 0b1001, 0xF0FFFF9A)
+ yield
+ yield from read(0x43, 0xF0BCDE9A)
+ yield from skip_write()
+ yield
+ yield from read(0x43, 0xF0BCDE9A)
+ yield from phased_read(0x43, 0xF0BCDE9A)
+ yield from write(0x42, 0b0110, 0xFF5634FF)
+ yield
+ yield from read(0x42, 0x12563478)
+ yield from skip_write()
+ yield
+ yield from read(0)
+ yield from phased_read(0)
+ yield from write(0, 0, 0)
+ yield
+ yield from read(0)
+ yield from skip_write()
+ yield
+ # try reading and writing at the same time
+ yield from read(0x42, 0x12563478)
+ # transparent port, should return the value just written
+ yield from phased_read(0x42, 0x55AA9966)
+ yield from write(0x42, 0b1111, 0x55AA9966)
+ yield
+ # after a cycle, returns the new value
+ yield from read(0x42, 0x55AA9966)
+ yield from skip_write()
+ yield
+ yield from read(0)
+ yield from phased_read(0)
+ yield from write(0, 0, 0)
+ yield
+ yield from read(0)
+ yield from skip_write()
+ sim.add_sync_process(process)
+ debug_file = 'test_phased_read_write_sram_' + str(write_phase)
+ traces = ['clk', 'phase',
+ {'comment': 'phased write port'},
+ 'wr_addr_i[6:0]', 'wr_we_i[3:0]', 'wr_data_i[31:0]',
+ {'comment': 'full read port'},
+ 'rd_addr_i[6:0]', 'rd_data_o[31:0]',
+ {'comment': 'phased read port'},
+ 'rdp_addr_i[6:0]', 'rdp_data_o[31:0]']
+ write_gtkw(debug_file + '.gtkw',
+ debug_file + '.vcd',
+ traces, module='top', zoom=-22)
+ sim_writer = sim.write_vcd(debug_file + '.vcd')
+ with sim_writer:
+ def test_case(self):
+ """test both types (odd and even write ports) of phased memory"""
+ with self.subTest("writes happen on phase 0"):
+ self.do_test_case(0)
+ with self.subTest("writes happen on phase 1"):
+ self.do_test_case(1)
if __name__ == "__main__":