--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import Array, Memory, Module, Signal
+from nmigen.cli import main
+from AddressEncoder import AddressEncoder
+class SetAssociativeCache():
+ """ Set Associative Cache Memory
+ The purpose of this module is to generate a memory cache given the
+ constraints passed in. This will create a n-way set associative cache.
+ It is expected for the SV TLB that the VMA will provide the set number
+ while the ASID provides the tag (still to be decided).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, tag_size, data_size, set_count, way_count):
+ """ Arguments
+ """
+ # Internal
+ # Memory
+ # Plus one for valid bit. Valid bit will be the LSB in the memory
+ memory_array = Array(Memory(tag_size + data_size + 1, entry_count))
+ self.read_port_array = Array()
+ self.write_port_array = Array()
+ for i in range(way_count):
+ self.read_port_array.append(memory_array[i].read_port())
+ self.write_port_array.append(memory_array[i].write_port())
+ self.way_count = way_count
+ self.tag_size = tag_size
+ self.data_size = data_size
+ # Encoder
+ self.encoder = AddressEncoder(max=way_count)
+ # Input
+ self.enable = Signal(1)
+ self.command = Signal(2) # 00=None, 01=Read, 10=Write
+ self.set = Signal(max=set_count)
+ self.tag = Signal(tag_size)
+ self.data_i = Signal(data_size + tag_size)
+ # Output
+ self.hit = Signal(1)
+ self.multiple_hit = Signal(1) # Oh no
+ self.data_o = Signal(data_size)
+ def elaborate(self, platform=None):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules += self.read_port_array
+ m.submodules += self.write_port_array
+ with m.If(self.enable):
+ with m.Switch(self.command):
+ # Search all sets at a particular tag
+ with m.Case("01"):
+ # Vector to store valid results
+ valid_vector = []
+ # Loop through memory setting what set to read
+ for i in range(self.way_count):
+ n.d.comb += [
+ self.write_port_array[i].en.eq(0),
+ self.read_port_array[i].addr.eq(self.set)
+ ]
+ # Pull out Valid bit from data
+ data = self.read_port_array[i].data;
+ valid_bit = data[0];
+ # Validate given tag vs stored tag
+ tag_start = 1 + self.data_size
+ tag_end = 1 + self.data_size + self.tag_size;
+ tag = data[tag_start:tag_end]
+ tag_valid = self.tag == tag
+ # An entry is only valid if the tags match AND
+ # is marked as a valid entry
+ valid_vector.append(tag_valid & valid_bit)
+ # Pass encoder the valid vector
+ self.encoder.i.eq(Cat(*valid_vector))
+ # Only one entry should be marked
+ # This is due to already verifying the tags
+ # matched and the valid bit is high
+ with m.If(self.encoder.single_match):
+ # Pull out data from the read port
+ read_port = self.read_port_array[self.encoder.o]
+ data_start = 1
+ data_end = 1 + self.data_size
+ data = read_port.data[data_start:data_end]
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.hit.eq(1),
+ self.multiple_hit.eq(0),
+ self.data_o.eq(data)
+ ]
+ # Oh no! Seal the gates! Multiple tags matched?!? kasd;ljkafdsj;k
+ with m.Elif(self.encoder.multiple_match):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.hit.eq(0),
+ self.multiple_hit.eq(1),
+ self.data_o.eq(0)
+ ]
+ # No tag matches means no data
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.hit.eq(0),
+ self.multiple_hit.eq(0),
+ self.data_o.eq(0)
+ ]
+ # TODO
+ # Write to a given tag
+ # with m.Case("10"):
+ # Search for available space
+ # What to do when there is no space
+ # Maybe catch multiple tags write here?
+ # TODO
+ return m
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