from nmigen import Signal, Cat, Const, Mux
from math import log
+from operator import or_
+from functools import reduce
class MultiShift:
""" Generates variable-length single-cycle shifter from a series
e_width = {32: 10, 64: 13}[width]
e_max = 1<<(e_width-3)
self.rmw = m_width # real mantissa width (not including extras)
+ self.e_max = e_max
if m_extra:
# mantissa extra bits (top,guard,round)
self.m_extra = 3
a 10-bit number
args = [0] * self.m_extra + [v[0:self.e_start]] # pad with extra zeros
- print (self.e_end)
+ print ("decode", self.e_end)
return [self.m.eq(Cat(*args)), # mantissa
self.e.eq(v[self.e_start:self.e_end] - self.P127), # exp
self.s.eq(v[-1]), # sign
self.m.eq(Cat(self.m[0] | self.m[1], self.m[2:], 0))
+ def shift_down_multi(self, diff):
+ """ shifts a mantissa down. exponent is increased to compensate
+ accuracy is lost as a result in the mantissa however there are 3
+ guard bits (the latter of which is the "sticky" bit)
+ this code works by variable-shifting the mantissa by up to
+ its maximum bit-length: no point doing more (it'll still be
+ zero).
+ the sticky bit is computed by shifting a batch of 1s by
+ the same amount, which will introduce zeros. it's then
+ inverted and used as a mask to get the LSBs of the mantissa.
+ those are then |'d into the sticky bit.
+ """
+ sm = MultiShift(self.width)
+ mw = Const(self.m_width-1, len(diff))
+ maxslen = Mux(diff > mw, mw, diff)
+ rs = sm.rshift(self.m[1:], maxslen)
+ maxsleni = mw - maxslen
+ m_mask = sm.rshift(self.m1s[1:], maxsleni) # shift and invert
+ stickybits = reduce(or_, self.m[1:] & m_mask) | self.m[0]
+ return [self.e.eq(self.e + diff),
+ self.m.eq(Cat(stickybits, rs))
+ ]
def nan(self, s):
return self.create(s, self.P128, 1<<(self.e_start-1))
--- /dev/null
+from random import randint
+from nmigen import Module, Signal
+from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation
+from fpbase import FPNum
+class FPNumModShiftMulti:
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ self.a = FPNum(width)
+ self.ediff = Signal((self.a.e_width, True))
+ def get_fragment(self, platform=None):
+ m = Module()
+ #m.d.sync += self.a.decode(self.a.v)
+ m.d.sync += self.a.shift_down_multi(self.ediff)
+ return m
+def check_case(dut, width, e_width, m, e, i):
+ yield dut.a.m.eq(m)
+ yield dut.a.e.eq(e)
+ yield dut.ediff.eq(i)
+ yield
+ yield
+ out_m = yield dut.a.m
+ out_e = yield dut.a.e
+ ed = yield dut.ediff
+ calc_e = (e + i)
+ print (e, bin(m), out_e, calc_e, bin(out_m), i, ed)
+ calc_m = ((m >> (i+1)) << 1) | (m & 1)
+ for l in range(i):
+ if m & (1<<(l+1)):
+ calc_m |= 1
+ assert out_e == calc_e, "Output e 0x%x != expected 0x%x" % (out_e, calc_e)
+ assert out_m == calc_m, "Output m 0x%x != expected 0x%x" % (out_m, calc_m)
+def testbench(dut):
+ m_width = dut.a.m_width
+ e_width = dut.a.e_width
+ e_max = dut.a.e_max
+ for j in range(200):
+ m = randint(0, (1<<m_width)-1)
+ zeros = randint(0, 31)
+ for i in range(zeros):
+ m &= ~(1<<i)
+ e = randint(-e_max, e_max)
+ for i in range(32):
+ yield from check_case(dut, m_width, e_width, m, e, i)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ dut = FPNumModShiftMulti(width=32)
+ run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_multishift.vcd")
+ #dut = MultiShiftModL(width=32)
+ #run_simulation(dut, testbench(dut), vcd_name="test_multishift.vcd")