--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import (C, Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Mux, Cat, Repl, Signal)
+from nmigen.cli import main
+from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+from nmutil.iocontrol import RecordObject
+from nmutil.byterev import byte_reverse
+from nmutil.mask import Mask, masked
+from nmutil.util import Display
+if True:
+ from nmigen.back.pysim import Simulator, Delay, Settle
+ from nmigen.sim.cxxsim import Simulator, Delay, Settle
+from nmutil.util import wrap
+from soc.experiment.mem_types import (LoadStore1ToMMUType,
+ MMUToLoadStore1Type,
+ MMUToDCacheType,
+ DCacheToMMUType,
+ MMUToICacheType)
+from soc.experiment.mmu import MMU
+from soc.experiment.dcache import DCache
+stop = False
+def wb_get(dc):
+ """simulator process for getting memory load requests
+ """
+ global stop
+ def b(x):
+ return int.from_bytes(x.to_bytes(8, byteorder='little'),
+ byteorder='big', signed=False)
+ mem = {0x10000: # PARTITION_TABLE_2
+ # PATB_GR=1 PRTB=0x1000 PRTS=0xb
+ b(0x800000000100000b),
+ 0x30000: # RADIX_ROOT_PTE
+ # V = 1 L = 0 NLB = 0x400 NLS = 9
+ b(0x8000000000040009),
+ # V = 1 L = 1 SW = 0 RPN = 0
+ # R = 1 C = 1 ATT = 0 EAA 0x7
+ b(0xc000000000000187),
+ 0x1000000: # PROCESS_TABLE_3
+ # RTS1 = 0x2 RPDB = 0x300 RTS2 = 0x5 RPDS = 13
+ b(0x40000000000300ad),
+ }
+ while not stop:
+ while True: # wait for dc_valid
+ if stop:
+ return
+ cyc = yield (dc.wb_out.cyc)
+ stb = yield (dc.wb_out.stb)
+ if cyc and stb:
+ break
+ yield
+ addr = (yield dc.wb_out.adr) << 3
+ if addr not in mem:
+ print (" DCACHE LOOKUP FAIL %x" % (addr))
+ stop = True
+ return
+ yield
+ data = mem[addr]
+ yield dc.wb_in.data.eq(data)
+ print ("dcache get %x data %x" % (addr, data))
+ yield dc.wb_in.ack.eq(1)
+ yield
+ yield dc.wb_in.ack.eq(0)
+def mmu_sim(mmu):
+ global stop
+ yield mmu.rin.prtbl.eq(0x1000000) # set process table
+ yield
+ yield mmu.l_in.load.eq(1)
+ yield mmu.l_in.priv.eq(1)
+ yield mmu.l_in.addr.eq(0x10000)
+ yield mmu.l_in.valid.eq(1)
+ while not stop: # wait for dc_valid / err
+ l_done = yield (mmu.l_out.done)
+ l_err = yield (mmu.l_out.err)
+ l_badtree = yield (mmu.l_out.badtree)
+ l_permerr = yield (mmu.l_out.perm_error)
+ l_rc_err = yield (mmu.l_out.rc_error)
+ l_segerr = yield (mmu.l_out.segerr)
+ l_invalid = yield (mmu.l_out.invalid)
+ if (l_done or l_err or l_badtree or
+ l_permerr or l_rc_err or l_segerr or l_invalid):
+ break
+ yield
+ addr = yield mmu.d_out.addr
+ pte = yield mmu.d_out.pte
+ print ("translated done %d err %d badtree %d addr %x pte %x" % \
+ (l_done, l_err, l_badtree, addr, pte))
+ stop = True
+def test_mmu():
+ mmu = MMU()
+ dcache = DCache()
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.mmu = mmu
+ m.submodules.dcache = dcache
+ # link mmu and dcache together
+ m.d.comb += dcache.m_in.eq(mmu.d_out)
+ m.d.comb += mmu.d_in.eq(dcache.m_out)
+ # nmigen Simulation
+ sim = Simulator(m)
+ sim.add_clock(1e-6)
+ sim.add_sync_process(wrap(mmu_sim(mmu)))
+ sim.add_sync_process(wrap(wb_get(dcache)))
+ with sim.write_vcd('test_mmu.vcd'):
+ sim.run()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test_mmu()