--- /dev/null
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import traceback
+import CRL
+import Cfg
+import helpers
+from helpers.io import ErrorMessage
+from helpers.io import WarningMessage
+from helpers.overlay import CfgCache
+from helpers import trace, l
+import plugins
+from Hurricane import DbU
+from Hurricane import Pin
+from Hurricane import Transformation
+from plugins.alpha.block.block import Block
+from plugins.alpha.block.configuration import IoPin
+af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
+def coriolis_setup():
+ with CfgCache(priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.UserFile) as cfg:
+ cfg.misc.catchCore = False
+ cfg.misc.info = False
+ cfg.misc.paranoid = False
+ cfg.misc.bug = False
+ cfg.misc.logMode = True
+ cfg.misc.verboseLevel1 = True
+ cfg.misc.verboseLevel2 = True
+ cfg.etesian.effort = 2
+ cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.10 # 10%
+ cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0 # 100%
+ cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ cfg.anabatic.edgeLenght = 24
+ cfg.anabatic.edgeWidth = 8
+ cfg.anabatic.topRoutingLayer = 'METAL5'
+ cfg.katana.searchHalo = 30
+ cfg.katana.eventsLimit = 1000000
+ cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 7
+ cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 6
+ env = af.getEnvironment()
+ env.setCLOCK('^clk$|m_clock')
+ env.setPOWER('vdd')
+ env.setGROUND('vss')
+def scriptMain ( **kw ):
+ """The mandatory function that Coriolis CGT/Unicorn will look for."""
+ global af
+ IW = IoPin.WEST
+ IE = IoPin.EAST
+ IS = IoPin.SOUTH
+ IN = IoPin.NORTH
+ AB = IoPin.A_BEGIN
+ AE = IoPin.A_END
+ rvalue = True
+ try:
+ #helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 )
+ cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain( **kw )
+ # Quick and simple placement. I/O busses are grouped together.
+ # It may be useful to better choose the sides to give a hint to
+ # the placer about how to "blocks" must be positionned inside the
+ # chip.
+ #
+ # Note: Yes, blocks should be kept by the placer, in a fuzzy way.
+ issuerp = [
+ # Bit inputs.
+ (IN , 'clk' , l( 7050.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'rst' , l( 7000.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'core_bigendian_i', l( 7100.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'dbus_ack' , l( 7200.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'dbus_err' , l( 7300.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'ibus_ack' , l( 7400.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'ibus_err' , l( 7500.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'ibus_we' , l( 7600.0) ),
+ (IN | AE, 'ibus_stb' , l( 7700.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'dmi_req_i' , l( 7800.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'dmi_we_i' , l( 7900.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'memerr_o' , l( 8000.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'pc_i_ok' , l( 8100.0) ),
+ # Bit output.
+ (IN | AB, 'busy_o' , l( 8200.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'dbus_cyc' , l( 8300.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'dbus_stb' , l( 8400.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'dbus_we' , l( 8500.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'dmi_ack_o' , l( 8600.0) ),
+ (IN | AB, 'ibus_cyc' , l( 8700.0) ),
+ # Busses.
+ (IW | AB, 'dbus_bte({})' , l( 500.0), l( 50.0), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'dbus_cti({})' , l( 600.0), l( 50.0), 3),
+ (IW | AB, 'dbus_sel({})' , l( 750.0), l( 50.0), 8),
+ (IW | AB, 'dbus_adr({})' , l( 1150.0), l( 50.0), 45),
+ (IW | AB, 'dbus_dat_r({})' , l( 3400.0), l( 50.0), 64),
+ (IW | AB, 'dbus_dat_w({})' , l( 6600.0), l( 50.0), 64),
+ (IW | AB, 'ibus_bte({})' , l( 9800.0), l( 50.0), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'ibus_cti({})' , l( 9900.0), l( 50.0), 3),
+ (IW | AB, 'ibus_sel({})' , l(10050.0), l( 50.0), 8),
+ (IW | AB, 'ibus_adr({})' , l(10450.0), l( 50.0), 45),
+ (IN | AB, 'ibus_dat_r({})' , l( 500.0), l( 50.0), 64),
+ (IN | AE, 'ibus_dat_w({})' , l( 3700.0), l( 50.0), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'dmi_addr_i({})' , l( 500.0), l( 50.0), 4),
+ (IS | AB, 'dmi_din({})' , l( 700.0), l( 50.0), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'dmi_dout({})' , l( 3900.0), l( 50.0), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'pc_i({})' , l( 7100.0), l( 50.0), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'pc_o({})' , l(10300.0), l( 25.0), 64),
+ ]
+ issuer = af.getCell( 'test_issuer' , CRL.Catalog.State.Logical )
+ blockIssuer = Block.create( issuer , ioPins=issuerp )
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.15
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 7
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 6
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.katana.hTracksReservedMin = 2
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.katana.vTracksReservedMin = 1
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.katana.bloatOverloadAdd = 4
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.block.spareSide = l(400)
+ #blockIssuer.state.fixedHeight = l(15000)
+ #blockIssuer.state.fixedWidth = l(31550)
+ blockIssuer.state.editor = editor
+ blockIssuer.state.useSpares = True
+ blockIssuer.state.useClockTree = True
+ blockIssuer.state.bColumns = 2
+ blockIssuer.state.bRows = 2
+ rvalue = blockIssuer.build()
+ except Exception, e:
+ helpers.io.catch( e )
+ rvalue = False
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ return rvalue
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ coriolis_setup()
+ kwargs = {}
+ success = scriptMain(**kwargs)
+ shellSuccess = 0
+ if not success:
+ shellSuccess = 1
+ sys.exit(shellSuccess)