ownergit repository hosting
last changeMon, 15 Aug 2022 16:04:43 +0000 (16:04 +0000)
2022-08-15 Luke Kenneth... use --recursive on git submodule not --remote - one... master
2021-10-19 Jean-Paul ChaputAdjust katana settings for LS180/TSMC after Coriolis...
2021-10-06 Jean-Paul ChaputMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2021-10-06 Jean-Paul ChaputMore accurate abstract models for SRAM & PLL.
2021-09-19 Luke Kenneth... use main soclayout and symlink in experiments9
2021-09-19 Luke Kenneth... add $USER to
2021-07-01 Jean-Paul ChaputEnable the heavy leaf load on the main clock. LS180_RC7_FINAL
2021-06-29 Jean-Paul ChaputAdd the filler setting in LS180_RC6
2021-06-26 Jean-Paul ChaputReadjust the position of the SRAM after their blockage...
2021-06-18 Jean-Paul ChaputKeep track of the latest debugged nets (antenna & DRC). LS180_RC3
2021-06-18 Jean-Paul ChaputAdd logos in the bottom left corner and supress iovss...
2021-06-15 Jean-Paul ChaputMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2021-06-15 Luke Kenneth... add wget of libresoc gds logo
2021-06-15 Jean-Paul ChaputMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2021-06-15 Jean-Paul ChaputAdjust router track reservations for convergence.
2021-06-14 Luke Kenneth... add sorbonne logo to wget
2 years ago LS180_RC8_FINAL
3 years ago LS180_RC7_FINAL LS180 RC7 & FINAL version (CTS OK)
3 years ago LS180_RC6 LS180 RC6 version (TSMC valid)
3 years ago LS180_RC3 Version used to generate LibreSOC...
3 years ago ls180-24jan2020
4 years ago partial-core-ls180-gdsii
2 years ago master