# FCLASS: work out the "type" of the FP number
- # Inf
- with m.If(a1.is_inf):
- with m.If(a1.s):
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(1<<0) # | −inf.
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(1<<7) # | +inf.
- # Zero
- with m.Elif(a1.is_zero):
- with m.If(a1.s):
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(1<<3) # | −0.
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(1<<4) # | +0.
- # NaN
- with m.Elif(a1.exp_gt127):
- with m.If(a1.m_msbzero): # signalling NaN
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(1<<8) # | a signaling NaN.
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(1<<9) # | a quiet NaN
- # subnormal
- with m.Elif(a1.exp_n126 & ~a1.m_zero):
- with m.If(a1.s):
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(1<<2) # | a negative subnormal number.
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(1<<5) # | a positive subnormal number.
- # normal
- with m.Elif(a1.s):
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(1<<1) # | a negative normal number.
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += self.o.z.eq(1<<6) # | a positive normal number.
+ finite_nzero = Signal(reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += finite_nzero.eq(~a1.is_nan & ~a1.is_inf & ~a1.is_zero)
+ subnormal = a1.exp_lt_n126
+ m.d.comb += self.o.z.eqCat(
+ a1.s & a1.is_inf, # | −inf.
+ a1.s & finite_nzero & ~subnormal, # | -normal number.
+ a1.s & finite_nzero & subnormal, # | -subnormal number.
+ a1.s & a1.is_zero, # | −0.
+ ~a1.s & a1.is_zero, # | +0.
+ ~a1.s & finite_nzero & subnormal, # | +subnormal number.
+ ~a1.s & finite_nzero & ~subnormal, # | +normal number.
+ ~a1.s & a1.is_inf, # | +inf.
+ a1.is_denormalised, # | a signaling NaN.
+ a1.is_nan & ~a1.is_denormalised) # | a quiet NaN
m.d.comb += self.o.ctx.eq(self.i.ctx)