yield from p.ports()
-def wait_busy(port, no=False):
- while True:
- busy = yield port.pi.busy_o
- print("busy", no, busy)
- if bool(busy) == no:
- break
- yield
-def wait_addr(port):
- while True:
- addr_ok = yield port.pi.addr_ok_o
- print("addrok", addr_ok)
- if not addr_ok:
- break
- yield
-def wait_ldok(port):
- while True:
- ldok = yield port.pi.ld.ok
- print("ldok", ldok)
- if ldok:
- break
- yield
-def l0_cache_st(dut, addr, data, datalen):
- mem = dut.mem
- port1 = dut.pi
- # have to wait until not busy
- yield from wait_busy(port1, no=False) # wait until not busy
- # set up a ST on the port. address first:
- yield port1.pi.is_st_i.eq(1) # indicate ST
- yield port1.pi.data_len.eq(datalen) # ST length (1/2/4/8)
- yield port1.pi.addr.data.eq(addr) # set address
- yield port1.pi.addr.ok.eq(1) # set ok
- yield from wait_addr(port1) # wait until addr ok
- # yield # not needed, just for checking
- # yield # not needed, just for checking
- # assert "ST" for one cycle (required by the API)
- yield port1.pi.st.data.eq(data)
- yield port1.pi.st.ok.eq(1)
- yield
- yield port1.pi.st.ok.eq(0)
- # can go straight to reset.
- yield port1.pi.is_st_i.eq(0) # end
- yield port1.pi.addr.ok.eq(0) # set !ok
- # yield from wait_busy(port1, False) # wait until not busy
-def l0_cache_ld(dut, addr, datalen, expected):
- mem = dut.mem
- port1 = dut.pi
- # have to wait until not busy
- yield from wait_busy(port1, no=False) # wait until not busy
- # set up a LD on the port. address first:
- yield port1.pi.is_ld_i.eq(1) # indicate LD
- yield port1.pi.data_len.eq(datalen) # LD length (1/2/4/8)
- yield port1.pi.addr.data.eq(addr) # set address
- yield port1.pi.addr.ok.eq(1) # set ok
- yield from wait_addr(port1) # wait until addr ok
- yield from wait_ldok(port1) # wait until ld ok
- data = yield port1.pi.ld.data
- # cleanup
- yield port1.pi.is_ld_i.eq(0) # end
- yield port1.pi.addr.ok.eq(0) # set !ok
- # yield from wait_busy(port1, no=False) # wait until not busy
- return data
-def l0_cache_ldst(arg, dut):
- yield
- addr = 0x2
- data = 0xbeef
- data2 = 0xf00f
- #data = 0x4
- yield from l0_cache_st(dut, 0x2, data, 2)
- yield from l0_cache_st(dut, 0x4, data2, 2)
- result = yield from l0_cache_ld(dut, 0x2, 2, data)
- result2 = yield from l0_cache_ld(dut, 0x4, 2, data2)
- yield
- arg.assertEqual(data, result, "data %x != %x" % (result, data))
- arg.assertEqual(data2, result2, "data2 %x != %x" % (result2, data2))
-class TestPIMem(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_pi_mem(self):
- dut = TestMemoryPortInterface(regwid=64)
- #vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
- #with open("test_basic_l0_cache.il", "w") as f:
- # f.write(vl)
- run_simulation(dut, l0_cache_ldst(self, dut),
- vcd_name='test_pi_mem_basic.vcd')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main(exit=False)
--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import Signal, Module, Record
+from nmigen.back.pysim import Simulator, Delay
+from nmigen.compat.sim import run_simulation, Settle
+from nmutil.formaltest import FHDLTestCase
+from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+import unittest
+from soc.experiment.pi2ls import Pi2LSUI
+from soc.experiment.lsmem import TestMemLoadStoreUnit
+from soc.experiment.pimem import TestMemoryPortInterface
+def wait_busy(port, no=False):
+ while True:
+ busy = yield port.pi.busy_o
+ print("busy", no, busy)
+ if bool(busy) == no:
+ break
+ yield
+def wait_addr(port):
+ while True:
+ addr_ok = yield port.pi.addr_ok_o
+ print("addrok", addr_ok)
+ if not addr_ok:
+ break
+ yield
+def wait_ldok(port):
+ while True:
+ ldok = yield port.pi.ld.ok
+ print("ldok", ldok)
+ if ldok:
+ break
+ yield
+def l0_cache_st(dut, addr, data, datalen):
+ if isinstance(dut.pi, Record):
+ port1 = dut
+ else:
+ port1 = dut.pi
+ # have to wait until not busy
+ yield from wait_busy(port1, no=False) # wait until not busy
+ # set up a ST on the port. address first:
+ yield port1.pi.is_st_i.eq(1) # indicate ST
+ yield port1.pi.data_len.eq(datalen) # ST length (1/2/4/8)
+ yield port1.pi.addr.data.eq(addr) # set address
+ yield port1.pi.addr.ok.eq(1) # set ok
+ yield from wait_addr(port1) # wait until addr ok
+ # yield # not needed, just for checking
+ # yield # not needed, just for checking
+ # assert "ST" for one cycle (required by the API)
+ yield port1.pi.st.data.eq(data)
+ yield port1.pi.st.ok.eq(1)
+ yield
+ yield port1.pi.st.ok.eq(0)
+ # can go straight to reset.
+ yield port1.pi.is_st_i.eq(0) # end
+ yield port1.pi.addr.ok.eq(0) # set !ok
+ # yield from wait_busy(port1, False) # wait until not busy
+def l0_cache_ld(dut, addr, datalen, expected):
+ if isinstance(dut.pi, Record):
+ port1 = dut
+ else:
+ port1 = dut.pi
+ # have to wait until not busy
+ yield from wait_busy(port1, no=False) # wait until not busy
+ # set up a LD on the port. address first:
+ yield port1.pi.is_ld_i.eq(1) # indicate LD
+ yield port1.pi.data_len.eq(datalen) # LD length (1/2/4/8)
+ yield port1.pi.addr.data.eq(addr) # set address
+ yield port1.pi.addr.ok.eq(1) # set ok
+ yield from wait_addr(port1) # wait until addr ok
+ yield from wait_ldok(port1) # wait until ld ok
+ data = yield port1.pi.ld.data
+ # cleanup
+ yield port1.pi.is_ld_i.eq(0) # end
+ yield port1.pi.addr.ok.eq(0) # set !ok
+ # yield from wait_busy(port1, no=False) # wait until not busy
+ return data
+def l0_cache_ldst(arg, dut):
+ yield
+ addr = 0x2
+ data = 0xbeef
+ data2 = 0xf00f
+ #data = 0x4
+ yield from l0_cache_st(dut, 0x2, data, 2)
+ yield from l0_cache_st(dut, 0x4, data2, 2)
+ result = yield from l0_cache_ld(dut, 0x2, 2, data)
+ result2 = yield from l0_cache_ld(dut, 0x4, 2, data2)
+ yield
+ arg.assertEqual(data, result, "data %x != %x" % (result, data))
+ arg.assertEqual(data2, result2, "data2 %x != %x" % (result2, data2))
+class TestPIMem(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_pi_mem(self):
+ dut = TestMemoryPortInterface(regwid=64)
+ #vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=dut.ports())
+ #with open("test_basic_l0_cache.il", "w") as f:
+ # f.write(vl)
+ run_simulation(dut, {"sync": l0_cache_ldst(self, dut)},
+ vcd_name='test_pi_mem_basic.vcd')
+ @unittest.skip("broken")
+ def test_pi2ls(self):
+ m = Module()
+ regwid = 32
+ addrwid = 32
+ m.submodules.dut = dut = Pi2LSUI("mem", regwid=regwid, addrwid=addrwid)
+ m.submodules.lsmem = lsmem = TestMemLoadStoreUnit(addr_wid=addrwid,
+ data_wid=regwid)
+ # Connect inputs
+ m.d.comb += [lsmem.x_addr_i.eq(dut.lsui.x_addr_i),
+ lsmem.x_mask_i.eq(dut.lsui.x_mask_i),
+ lsmem.x_ld_i.eq(dut.lsui.x_ld_i),
+ lsmem.x_st_i.eq(dut.lsui.x_st_i),
+ lsmem.x_st_data_i.eq(dut.lsui.x_st_data_i),
+ lsmem.x_stall_i.eq(dut.lsui.x_stall_i),
+ lsmem.x_valid_i.eq(dut.lsui.x_valid_i),
+ lsmem.m_stall_i.eq(dut.lsui.m_stall_i),
+ lsmem.m_valid_i.eq(dut.lsui.m_valid_i)]
+ m.d.comb += [dut.lsui.x_busy_o.eq(lsmem.x_busy_o),
+ dut.lsui.m_busy_o.eq(lsmem.m_busy_o),
+ dut.lsui.m_ld_data_o.eq(lsmem.m_ld_data_o),
+ dut.lsui.m_load_err_o.eq(lsmem.m_load_err_o),
+ dut.lsui.m_store_err_o.eq(lsmem.m_store_err_o),
+ dut.lsui.m_badaddr_o.eq(lsmem.m_badaddr_o)]
+ run_simulation(m, {"sync": l0_cache_ldst(self, dut)},
+ vcd_name='test_pi2ls.vcd')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main(exit=False)