+from enum import Enum, unique
from nmigen import Module, Signal, Elaboratable,
Cat, Repl
from nmigen.cli import main
from nmigen.iocontrol import RecordObject
+from nmigen.util import log2_int
from experiment.mem_types import LoadStore1ToDcacheType,
- DacheToMmuType
+ DcacheToMmuType
+from experiment.wb_types import WB_ADDR_BITS, WB_DATA_BITS, WB_SEL_BITS,
+ WBAddrType, WBDataType, WBSelType,
+ WbMasterOut, WBSlaveOut, WBMasterOutVector,
+ WBSlaveOutVector, WBIOMasterOut,
+ WBIOSlaveOut
# --
# -- Set associative dcache write-through
# use work.wishbone_types.all;
# entity dcache is
+class Dcache(Elaboratable):
# generic (
# -- Line size in bytes
# LINE_SIZE : positive := 64;
# -- Non-zero to enable log data collection
# LOG_LENGTH : natural := 0
# );
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Line size in bytes
+ self.LINE_SIZE = 64
+ # Number of lines in a set
+ self.NUM_LINES = 32
+ # Number of ways
+ self.NUM_WAYS = 4
+ # L1 DTLB entries per set
+ self.TLB_SET_SIZE = 64
+ # L1 DTLB number of sets
+ self.TLB_NUM_WAYS = 2
+ # L1 DTLB log_2(page_size)
+ self.TLB_LG_PGSZ = 12
+ # Non-zero to enable log data collection
+ self.LOG_LENGTH = 0
# port (
# clk : in std_ulogic;
# rst : in std_ulogic;
# log_out : out std_ulogic_vector(19 downto 0)
# );
+ self.d_in = LoadStore1ToDcacheType()
+ self.d_out = DcacheToLoadStore1Type()
+ self.m_in = MmuToDcacheType()
+ self.m_out = DcacheToMmuType()
+ self.stall_out = Signal()
+ self.wb_out = WBMasterOut()
+ self.wb_in = WBSlaveOut()
+ self.log_out = Signal(20)
# end entity dcache;
# architecture rtl of dcache is
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
# -- BRAM organisation: We never access more than
# -- wishbone_data_bits at a time so to save
# -- resources we make the array only that wide, and
# -- ROW_SIZE is the width in bytes of the BRAM
# -- (based on WB, so 64-bits)
# constant ROW_SIZE : natural := wishbone_data_bits / 8;
+ # BRAM organisation: We never access more than
+ # -- wishbone_data_bits at a time so to save
+ # -- resources we make the array only that wide, and
+ # -- use consecutive indices for to make a cache "line"
+ # --
+ # -- ROW_SIZE is the width in bytes of the BRAM
+ # -- (based on WB, so 64-bits)
+ ROW_SIZE = wishbone_data_bits / 8;
# -- ROW_PER_LINE is the number of row (wishbone
# -- transactions) in a line
# constant ROW_PER_LINE : natural := LINE_SIZE / ROW_SIZE;
# -- BRAM_ROWS is the number of rows in BRAM needed
# -- to represent the full dcache
# constant BRAM_ROWS : natural := NUM_LINES * ROW_PER_LINE;
+ # ROW_PER_LINE is the number of row (wishbone
+ # transactions) in a line
+ # BRAM_ROWS is the number of rows in BRAM needed
+ # to represent the full dcache
# -- Bit fields counts in the address
# -- REAL_ADDR_BITS is the number of real address
# - ((TAG_BITS + 7) mod 8);
# -- WAY_BITS is the number of bits to select a way
# constant WAY_BITS : natural := log2(NUM_WAYS);
+ # Bit fields counts in the address
+ # REAL_ADDR_BITS is the number of real address
+ # bits that we store
+ # ROW_BITS is the number of bits to select a row
+ ROW_BITS = log2_int(BRAM_ROWS)
+ # ROW_LINEBITS is the number of bits to select
+ # a row within a line
+ # LINE_OFF_BITS is the number of bits for
+ # the offset in a cache line
+ # ROW_OFF_BITS is the number of bits for
+ # the offset in a row
+ ROW_OFF_BITS = log2_int(ROW_SIZE)
+ # INDEX_BITS is the number if bits to
+ # select a cache line
+ INDEX_BITS = log2_int(NUM_LINES)
+ # SET_SIZE_BITS is the log base 2 of the set size
+ # TAG_BITS is the number of bits of
+ # the tag part of the address
+ # TAG_WIDTH is the width in bits of each way of the tag RAM
+ TAG_WIDTH = TAG_BITS + 7 - ((TAG_BITS + 7) % 8)
+ # WAY_BITS is the number of bits to select a way
+ WAY_BITS = log2_int(NUM_WAYS)
# -- Example of layout for 32 lines of 64 bytes:
# --
# -- .. tag |index| line |
# -- .. |----- ---| | ROW_BITS (8)
# -- .. |-----| | INDEX_BITS (5)
# -- .. --------| | TAG_BITS (45)
+ # Example of layout for 32 lines of 64 bytes:
+ #
+ # .. tag |index| line |
+ # .. | row | |
+ # .. | |---| | ROW_LINEBITS (3)
+ # .. | |--- - --| LINE_OFF_BITS (6)
+ # .. | |- --| ROW_OFF_BITS (3)
+ # .. |----- ---| | ROW_BITS (8)
+ # .. |-----| | INDEX_BITS (5)
+ # .. --------| | TAG_BITS (45)
# subtype row_t is integer range 0 to BRAM_ROWS-1;
# subtype index_t is integer range 0 to NUM_LINES-1;
# subtype way_t is integer range 0 to NUM_WAYS-1;
# subtype row_in_line_t is unsigned(ROW_LINEBITS-1 downto 0);
+ def Row():
+ return Signal(BRAM_ROWS)
+ def Index():
+ return Signal(NUM_LINES)
+ def Way():
+ return Signal(NUM_WAYS)
+ def RowInLine():
+ return Signal(ROW_LINEBITS)
# -- The cache data BRAM organized as described above for each way
# subtype cache_row_t is
# std_ulogic_vector(wishbone_data_bits-1 downto 0);
+ # The cache data BRAM organized as described above for each way
+ def CacheRow():
+ return Signal(WB_DATA_BITS)
# -- The cache tags LUTRAM has a row per set.
# -- Vivado is a pain and will not handle a
# -- clean (commented) definition of the cache
# -- tags as a 3d memory. For now, work around
# -- it by putting all the tags
# subtype cache_tag_t is std_logic_vector(TAG_BITS-1 downto 0);
+ # The cache tags LUTRAM has a row per set.
+ # Vivado is a pain and will not handle a
+ # clean (commented) definition of the cache
+ # tags as a 3d memory. For now, work around
+ # it by putting all the tags
+ def CacheTag():
+ return Signal(TAG_BITS)
# -- type cache_tags_set_t is array(way_t) of cache_tag_t;
# -- type cache_tags_array_t is array(index_t) of cache_tags_set_t;
# constant TAG_RAM_WIDTH : natural := TAG_WIDTH * NUM_WAYS;
# subtype cache_tags_set_t is
# std_logic_vector(TAG_RAM_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
# type cache_tags_array_t is array(index_t) of cache_tags_set_t;
+ # type cache_tags_set_t is array(way_t) of cache_tag_t;
+ # type cache_tags_array_t is array(index_t) of cache_tags_set_t;
+ def CacheTagSet():
+ return Signal(TAG_RAM_WIDTH)
+ def CacheTagArray():
+ return Array(CacheTagSet() for x in range(Index()))
# -- The cache valid bits
# subtype cache_way_valids_t is
# std_ulogic_vector(NUM_WAYS-1 downto 0);
# type cache_valids_t is array(index_t) of cache_way_valids_t;
# type row_per_line_valid_t is
# array(0 to ROW_PER_LINE - 1) of std_ulogic;
+ # The cache valid bits
+ def CacheWayValidBits():
+ return Signal(NUM_WAYS)
+ def CacheValidBits():
+ return Array(CacheWayValidBits() for x in range(Index()))
+ def RowPerLineValid():
+ return Array(Signal() for x in range(ROW_PER_LINE))
# -- Storage. Hopefully "cache_rows" is a BRAM, the rest is LUTs
# signal cache_tags : cache_tags_array_t;
# signal cache_tag_set : cache_tags_set_t;
# attribute ram_style : string;
# attribute ram_style of cache_tags : signal is "distributed";
+ # Storage. Hopefully "cache_rows" is a BRAM, the rest is LUTs
+ cache_tags = CacheTagArray()
+ cache_tag_set = CacheTagSet()
+ cache_valid_bits = CacheValidBits()
+ # TODO attribute ram_style : string;
+ # TODO attribute ram_style of cache_tags : signal is "distributed";
# -- L1 TLB.
# constant TLB_SET_BITS : natural := log2(TLB_SET_SIZE);
# constant TLB_WAY_BITS : natural := log2(TLB_NUM_WAYS);
# constant TLB_PTE_BITS : natural := 64;
# constant TLB_PTE_WAY_BITS : natural :=
+ # L1 TLB
# subtype tlb_way_t is integer range 0 to TLB_NUM_WAYS - 1;
# subtype tlb_index_t is integer range 0 to TLB_SET_SIZE - 1;
# subtype tlb_way_valids_t is
# std_ulogic_vector(TLB_PTE_WAY_BITS-1 downto 0);
# type tlb_ptes_t is array(tlb_index_t) of tlb_way_ptes_t;
# type hit_way_set_t is array(tlb_way_t) of way_t;
+ def TLBWay():
+ return Signal(TLB_NUM_WAYS)
+ def TLBIndex():
+ return Signal(TLB_SET_SIZE)
+ def TLBWayValidBits():
+ return Signal(TLB_NUM_WAYS)
+ def TLBValidBits():
+ return Array(TLBValidBits() for x in range(TLBIndex()))
+ def TLBTag():
+ return Signal(TLB_EA_TAG_BITS)
+ def TLBWayTags():
+ return Signal(TLB_TAG_WAY_BITS)
+ def TLBTags():
+ return Array(TLBWayTags() for x in range (TLBIndex()))
+ def TLBPte():
+ return Signal(TLB_PTE_BITS)
+ def TLBWayPtes():
+ return Signal(TLB_PTE_WAY_BITS)
+ def TLBPtes():
+ return Array(TLBWayPtes() for x in range(TLBIndex()))
+ def HitWaySet():
+ return Array(Way() for x in range(TLBWay()))
# signal dtlb_valids : tlb_valids_t;
# signal dtlb_tags : tlb_tags_t;
# signal dtlb_ptes : tlb_ptes_t;
# attribute ram_style of dtlb_tags : signal is "distributed";
# attribute ram_style of dtlb_ptes : signal is "distributed";
+ dtlb_valids = tlb_valids_t;
+ dtlb_tags = tlb_tags_t;
+ dtlb_ptes = tlb_ptes_t;
+ # TODO attribute ram_style of dtlb_tags : signal is "distributed";
+ # TODO attribute ram_style of dtlb_ptes : signal is "distributed";
# -- Record for storing permission, attribute, etc. bits from a PTE
# type perm_attr_t is record
# reference : std_ulogic;
# rd_perm : std_ulogic;
# wr_perm : std_ulogic;
# end record;
+ # Record for storing permission, attribute, etc. bits from a PTE
+ class PermAttr(RecordObject):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.reference = Signal()
+ self.changed = Signal()
+ self.nocache = Signal()
+ self.priv = Signal()
+ self.rd_perm = Signal()
+ self.wr_perm = Signal()
# function extract_perm_attr(
# pte : std_ulogic_vector(TLB_PTE_BITS - 1 downto 0))
# return perm_attr_t is
# pa.wr_perm := pte(1);
# return pa;
# end;
+ def extract_perm_attr(pte=Signal(TLB_PTE_BITS)):
+ pa = PermAttr()
+ pa.reference = pte[8]
+ pa.changed = pte[7]
+ pa.nocache = pte[5]
+ pa.priv = pte[3]
+ pa.rd_perm = pte[2]
+ pa.wr_perm = pte[1]
+ return pa;
# constant real_mode_perm_attr : perm_attr_t :=
# (nocache => '0', others => '1');
+ REAL_MODE_PERM_ATTR.reference = 1
+ REAL_MODE_PERM_ATTR.changed = 1
+ REAL_MODE_PERM_ATTR.rd_perm = 1
+ REAL_MODE_PERM_ATTR.wr_perm = 1
# -- Type of operation on a "valid" input
# type op_t is
# (
# OP_STORE_HIT, -- Store hitting cache
# OP_STORE_MISS -- Store missing cache
# );
+ # Type of operation on a "valid" input
+ @unique
+ class OP(Enum):
+ OP_NONE = 0
+ OP_BAD = 1 # NC cache hit, TLB miss, prot/RC failure
+ OP_STCX_FAIL = 2 # conditional store w/o reservation
+ OP_LOAD_HIT = 3 # Cache hit on load
+ OP_LOAD_MISS = 4 # Load missing cache
+ OP_LOAD_NC = 5 # Non-cachable load
+ OP_STORE_HIT = 6 # Store hitting cache
+ OP_STORE_MISS = 7 # Store missing cache
# -- Cache state machine
# type state_t is
# (
# STORE_WAIT_ACK, -- Store wait ack
# NC_LOAD_WAIT_ACK -- Non-cachable load wait ack
# );
-# --
+ # Cache state machine
+ @unique
+ class State(Enum):
+ IDLE = 0 # Normal load hit processing
+ RELOAD_WAIT_ACK = 1 # Cache reload wait ack
+ STORE_WAIT_ACK = 2 # Store wait ack
+ NC_LOAD_WAIT_ACK = 3 # Non-cachable load wait ack
# -- Dcache operations:
# --
# -- In order to make timing, we use the BRAMs with
# tlbld : std_ulogic;
# mmu_req : std_ulogic; -- indicates source of request
# end record;
+# Dcache operations:
+# In order to make timing, we use the BRAMs with
+# an output buffer, which means that the BRAM
+# output is delayed by an extra cycle.
+# Thus, the dcache has a 2-stage internal pipeline
+# for cache hits with no stalls.
+# All other operations are handled via stalling
+# in the first stage.
+# The second stage can thus complete a hit at the same
+# time as the first stage emits a stall for a complex op.
+ # Stage 0 register, basically contains just the latched request
+ class RegStage0(RecordObject):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.req = LoadStore1ToDcacheType()
+ self.tlbie = Signal()
+ self.doall = Signal()
+ self.tlbld = Signal()
+ self.mmu_req = Signal() # indicates source of request
# signal r0 : reg_stage_0_t;
# signal r0_full : std_ulogic;
+ r0 = RegStage0()
+ r0_full = Signal()
# type mem_access_request_t is record
# op : op_t;
# valid : std_ulogic;
# same_tag : std_ulogic;
# mmu_req : std_ulogic;
# end record;
+ class MemAccessRequest(RecordObject):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.op = Op()
+ self.valid = Signal()
+ self.dcbz = Signal()
+ self.real_addr = Signal(REAL_ADDR_BITS)
+ self.data = Signal(64)
+ self.byte_sel = Signal(8)
+ self.hit_way = Way()
+ self.same_tag = Signal()
+ self.mmu_req = Signal()
# -- First stage register, contains state for stage 1 of load hits
# -- and for the state machine used by all other operations
# type reg_stage_1_t is record
# -- Signal to complete a failed stcx.
# stcx_fail : std_ulogic;
# end record;
+# First stage register, contains state for stage 1 of load hits
+# and for the state machine used by all other operations
+ class RegStage1(RecordObject):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ # Info about the request
+ self.full = Signal() # have uncompleted request
+ self.mmu_req = Signal() # request is from MMU
+ self.req = MemAccessRequest()
+ # Cache hit state
+ self.hit_way = Way()
+ self.hit_load_valid = Signal()
+ self.hit_index = Index()
+ self.cache_hit = Signal()
+ # TLB hit state
+ self.tlb_hit = Signal()
+ self.tlb_hit_way = TLBWay()
+ self.tlb_hit_index = TLBIndex()
+ self.
+ # 2-stage data buffer for data forwarded from writes to reads
+ self.forward_data1 = Signal(64)
+ self.forward_data2 = Signal(64)
+ self.forward_sel1 = Signal(8)
+ self.forward_valid1 = Signal()
+ self.forward_way1 = Way()
+ self.forward_row1 = Row()
+ self.use_forward1 = Signal()
+ self.forward_sel = Signal(8)
+ # Cache miss state (reload state machine)
+ self.state = State()
+ self.dcbz = Signal()
+ self.write_bram = Signal()
+ self.write_tag = Signal()
+ self.slow_valid = Signal()
+ self.wb = WishboneMasterOut()
+ self.reload_tag = CacheTag()
+ self.store_way = Way()
+ self.store_row = Row()
+ self.store_index = Index()
+ self.end_row_ix = RowInLine()
+ self.rows_valid = RowPerLineValid()
+ self.acks_pending = Signal(3)
+ self.inc_acks = Signal()
+ self.dec_acks = Signal()
+ # Signals to complete (possibly with error)
+ self.ls_valid = Signal()
+ self.ls_error = Signal()
+ self.mmu_done = Signal()
+ self.mmu_error = Signal()
+ self.cache_paradox = Signal()
+ # Signal to complete a failed stcx.
+ self.stcx_fail = Signal()
# signal r1 : reg_stage_1_t;
+ r1 = RegStage1()
# -- Reservation information
# --
# type reservation_t is record
# valid : std_ulogic;
# addr : std_ulogic_vector(63 downto LINE_OFF_BITS);
# end record;
+# Reservation information
+class Reservation(RecordObject):
+ def __init__(self):
+ super().__init__()
+ valid = Signal()
+ addr = Signal(63 downto LINE_OFF_BITS) # TODO LINE_OFF_BITS is 6
# signal reservation : reservation_t;
# -- Async signals on incoming request