# see http://bugs.libre-riscv.org/show_bug.cgi?id=282
asmop = yield from self.get_assembly_name()
print ("call", name, asmop)
+ # check halted condition
+ if name == 'attn':
+ self.halted = True
+ return
+ # check illegal instruction
illegal = False
if name not in ['mtcrf', 'mtocrf']:
illegal = name != asmop
- if name == 'attn':
- self.halted = True
- return
info = self.instrs[name]
yield from self.prep_namespace(info.form, info.op_fields)
can_run = Signal(reset_less=True)
comb += can_run.eq(self.ivalid_i & ~core_stopped)
- # connect up instructions. only one is enabled at any given time
- for funame, fu in fus.items():
- fnunit = fu.fnunit.value
- enable = Signal(name="en_%s" % funame, reset_less=True)
- comb += enable.eq((dec2.e.do.fn_unit & fnunit).bool() & can_run)
- # run this FunctionUnit if enabled, except if the instruction
- # is "attn" in which case we HALT.
- with m.If(enable):
- with m.If(dec2.e.do.insn_type == InternalOp.OP_ATTN):
- # check for ATTN: halt if true
- m.d.sync += core_stopped.eq(1)
- with m.Else():
+ # check for ATTN: halt if true
+ with m.If(self.ivalid_i & (dec2.e.do.insn_type == InternalOp.OP_ATTN)):
+ m.d.sync += core_stopped.eq(1)
+ with m.Else():
+ # connect up instructions. only one is enabled at any given time
+ for funame, fu in fus.items():
+ fnunit = fu.fnunit.value
+ enable = Signal(name="en_%s" % funame, reset_less=True)
+ comb += enable.eq((dec2.e.do.fn_unit & fnunit).bool() & can_run)
+ # run this FunctionUnit if enabled, except if the instruction
+ # is "attn" in which case we HALT.
+ with m.If(enable):
# route operand, issue, busy, read flags and mask to FU
comb += fu.oper_i.eq_from_execute1(dec2.e)
comb += fu.issue_i.eq(self.issue_i)
if busy_o or terminated_o:
print("busy/terminated:", busy_o, terminated_o)
- print("!busy",)
+ print("!busy", busy_o, terminated_o)
def set_issue(core, dec2, sim):