comb = m.d.comb
bus = self.bus
- # a Binary-to-Unary one-hots here
+ # a Binary-to-Unary one-hots here. replace-way one-hot is gated
+ # (enabled) by bus.ack, not-write-bram, and state RELOAD_WAIT_ACK
m.submodules.rams_replace_way_e = rwe = Decoder(NUM_WAYS)
comb += rwe.n.eq(~((r1.state == State.RELOAD_WAIT_ACK) & bus.ack &
m.submodules.rams_hit_way_e = hwe = Decoder(NUM_WAYS)
comb += hwe.i.eq(r1.hit_way)
+ # this one is gated with write_bram, and replace_way_e can never be
+ # set at the same time. that means that do_write can OR the outputs
m.submodules.rams_hit_req_way_e = hre = Decoder(NUM_WAYS)
comb += hre.n.eq(~r1.write_bram) # Decoder.n is inverted
comb += hre.i.eq(r1.req.hit_way)
comb += wr_addr.eq(r1.store_row)
comb += wr_sel.eq(~0) # all 1s
- # these are mutually-exclusive via their Decoder-enables
+ # these are mutually-exclusive via their Decoder-enablers
+ # (note: Decoder-enable is inverted)
comb += do_write.eq(hre.o[i] | rwe.o[i])
# Mask write selects with do_write since BRAM