from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import json
+from pprint import pprint
import sys
import traceback
import CRL
-import Cfg
import helpers
-from helpers.io import ErrorMessage
-from helpers.io import WarningMessage
-from helpers.overlay import CfgCache
-from helpers import trace, l
+from helpers.io import ErrorMessage
+from helpers.io import WarningMessage
+from helpers import trace
+from helpers import l, u, n
import plugins
from Hurricane import DbU
-from Hurricane import Pin
-from Hurricane import Transformation
-from plugins.alpha.block.block import Block
-from plugins.alpha.block.configuration import IoPin
+if True: # change this to False to get errors to "go away" so that
+ # print / debug statements in generation of spec can be seen
+ # without the critical dependence of having to run via "cgt"
+ from plugins.alpha.block.configuration import IoPin
+ from plugins.alpha.block.block import Block
+ from plugins.alpha.block.configuration import GaugeConf
+ from plugins.alpha.core2chip.niolib import CoreToChip
+ from plugins.alpha.chip.configuration import ChipConf
+ from plugins.alpha.chip.chip import Chip
af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
-def coriolis_setup():
- with CfgCache(priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.UserFile) as cfg:
- cfg.misc.catchCore = False
- cfg.misc.info = False
- cfg.misc.paranoid = False
- cfg.misc.bug = False
- cfg.misc.logMode = True
- cfg.misc.verboseLevel1 = True
- cfg.misc.verboseLevel2 = True
- cfg.etesian.effort = 2
- cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.10 # 10%
- cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0 # 100%
- cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
- cfg.anabatic.edgeLenght = 24
- cfg.anabatic.edgeWidth = 8
- cfg.anabatic.topRoutingLayer = 'METAL5'
- cfg.katana.searchHalo = 30
- cfg.katana.eventsLimit = 1000000
- cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 7
- cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 6
- env = af.getEnvironment()
- env.setCLOCK('^clk$|m_clock')
- env.setPOWER('vdd')
- env.setGROUND('vss')
-def scriptMain ( **kw ):
- """The mandatory function that Coriolis CGT/Unicorn will look for."""
+def _byteify(data, ignore_dicts = False):
+ # if this is a unicode string, return its string representation
+ if isinstance(data, unicode):
+ return data.encode('utf-8')
+ # if this is a list of values, return list of byteified values
+ if isinstance(data, list):
+ return [ _byteify(item, ignore_dicts=True) for item in data ]
+ # if this is a dictionary, return dictionary of byteified keys and values
+ # but only if we haven't already byteified it
+ if isinstance(data, dict) and not ignore_dicts:
+ return dict((_byteify(key, ignore_dicts=True),
+ _byteify(value, ignore_dicts=True))
+ for key, value in data.iteritems())
+ # if it's anything else, return it in its original form
+ return data
+# load JSON-formatted pad info from pinmux
+pth = os.path.abspath(__file__)
+pth = os.path.split(pth)[0]
+print ("path", pth)
+with open("%s/ls180/litex_pinpads.json" % pth) as f:
+ txt = f.read()
+chip = json.loads(txt, object_hook=_byteify)
+chip = _byteify(chip, ignore_dicts=True)
+print (chip)
+chip.update({ 'pads.ioPadGauge' : 'niolib',
+ # core option (big, time-consuming)
+ #'core.size' : (l(28000), l(28000)),
+ #'chip.size' : (l(30200), l(30200)),
+ # no-core option (test_issuer but no actual core)
+ 'core.size' : (l(13000), l(13000)),
+ 'chip.size' : (l(14400), l(14400)),
+ 'pads.useCoreSize': True,
+ 'chip.clockTree' : True,
+ })
+def generate_spec():
+ # convert old ioring format to ioPadsSpec
+ ioPadsSpec = []
+ sd = {'pads.east': IoPin.EAST,
+ 'pads.west': IoPin.WEST,
+ 'pads.south': IoPin.SOUTH,
+ 'pads.north': IoPin.NORTH,
+ }
+ # create lookup dict for resolving pads.instances "side" (NSEW)
+ sides = {}
+ for side in ['pads.east', 'pads.west', 'pads.south', 'pads.north']:
+ io_pin_spec = sd[side]
+ #if side not in sides:
+ # sides[side] = {}
+ for pinname in chip[side]:
+ sides[pinname] = io_pin_spec
+ # now go through pads.instances
+ pprint (sides)
+ for pad in chip['pads.instances']:
+ padname = pad[0]
+ padside = sides[padname]
+ print ("padside", padname, padside)
+ if len(pad) == 4:
+ if pad[-1] == '-':
+ en_sig = 'io_in'
+ if pad[-1] == '+':
+ en_sig = 'io_out'
+ padspec = [padside, None, padname, pad[1], pad[2], en_sig]
+ print("4-long io", pad)
+ elif len(pad) == 6:
+ print("6-long io", pad)
+ padspec = [padside, None, padname] + pad[1:5]
+ else:
+ print("? long io", pad)
+ assert False
+ print ("padspec", padspec)
+ ioPadsSpec.append(tuple(padspec))
+ return ioPadsSpec
+ioPadsSpec = generate_spec()
+def scriptMain (**kw):
+ """The mandatory function to be called by Coriolis CGT/Unicorn."""
global af
- IW = IoPin.WEST
- IE = IoPin.EAST
- IS = IoPin.SOUTH
- IN = IoPin.NORTH
- AB = IoPin.A_BEGIN
- AE = IoPin.A_END
- alup=[
- (IW | AB, 'coresync_clk' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_imm_data_imm_ok' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_invert_a' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_invert_out' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_is_32bit' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_is_signed' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_oe_oe' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_oe_oe_ok' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_output_carry' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_rc_rc' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_rc_rc_ok' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_write_cr0' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_zero_a' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'src3_i' , 0 ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_input_carry({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 2),
- (IW | AB, 'src4_i({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 2),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_data_len({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 4),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 4),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 4),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 5),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_insn_type({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 7),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 11),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_insn({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 32),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_imm_data_imm({})', 0, l( 15.0), 64),
- (IS , 'src1_i({})' , l(10), l( 15.0), 64),
- (IS , 'src2_i({})' , l(15), l( 15.0), 64),
- (IN , 'dest1_o({})' , l(20), l( 15.0), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'cr_a_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'dest5_o' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'xer_ca_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'xer_ov_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'xer_so_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 2),
- (IE | AE, 'dest4_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 2),
- (IE | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 4),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 4),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 5),
- ]
rvalue = True
- helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 )
- cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain( **kw )
- alu0 = af.getCell( 'alu0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
- blockAlu0 = Block.create (alu0, ioPins = alup)
- blockAlu0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.05
- blockAlu0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
- blockAlu0.state.useSpares = False
- #rvalue = blockAlu0.build()
- mulp=[
- (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(4500.0) ),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_imm_data_imm_ok' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_invert_a' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_invert_out' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_is_signed' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_oe_oe' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_oe_oe_ok' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_rc_rc' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_rc_rc_ok' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_write_cr0' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_zero_a' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'src3_i' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(10.0), 3),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(10.0), 3),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(10.0), 4),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_insn_type({})' , 0, l(10.0), 7),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l(10.0), 11),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_insn({})' , 0, l(10.0), 32),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_imm_data_imm({})', 0, l(15.0), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , l(10.0), l(50.0), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , l(20.0), l(50.0), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'cr_a_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'dest4_o' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'xer_ov_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'xer_so_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 2),
- (IE | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 4),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 3),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 4),
- (IN | AE, 'dest1_o({})' , 0, l( 30.0), 64),
- ]
- mul0 = af.getCell( 'mul0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
- blockMul0 = Block.create ( mul0 , ioPins=mulp)
- blockMul0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
- blockMul0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.15
- blockMul0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
- blockMul0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
- blockMul0.state.useSpares = False
- #rvalue = blockMul0.build()
- divp=[
- (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(4500.0) ),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_imm_data_imm_ok' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_invert_a' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_invert_out' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_is_signed' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_oe_oe' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_oe_oe_ok' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_output_carry' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_rc_rc' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_rc_rc_ok' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_write_cr0' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_zero_a' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'src3_i' , 0, l(20) ),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(10.0), 3),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(10.0), 3),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(10.0), 4),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_data_len({})' , 0, l(10.0), 7),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_insn_type({})' , 0, l(10.0), 7),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l(10.0), 11),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_insn({})' , 0, l(10.0), 32),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_imm_data_imm({})', 0, l(15.0), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , l(10.0), l(50.0), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , l(20.0), l(50.0), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'cr_a_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'dest4_o' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'xer_ov_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'xer_so_ok' , 0 ),
- (IE | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 2),
- (IE | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 4),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 3),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 4),
- (IN | AE, 'dest1_o({})' , 0, l( 30.0), 64),
- ]
- div0 = af.getCell( 'div0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
- blockDiv0 = Block.create ( div0 , ioPins=divp)
- blockDiv0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
- blockDiv0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.10
- blockDiv0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
- blockDiv0.state.fixedHeight = l(2000)
- blockDiv0.state.useSpares = False
- #rvalue = blockDiv0.build()
- branchp=[
- (IN, 'coresync_clk' , l( 805.0) ),
- (IW, 'cu_issue_i' , l( 30.0) ),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_imm_data_imm_ok' , l( 40.0) ),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_is_32bit' , l( 70.0) ),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_lk' , l( 150.0) ),
- (IW, 'coresync_rst' , l( 160.0) ),
- (IW, 'src3_i({})' , l( 180.0), l( 10.0), 4),
- (IW, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , l( 270.0), l( 10.0), 3),
- (IW, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , l( 310.0), l( 10.0), 3),
- (IW, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , l( 350.0), l( 10.0), 3),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_insn_type({})' , l( 400.0), l( 10.0), 7),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_fn_unit({})' , l( 470.0), l( 10.0), 11),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_insn({})' , l( 580.0), l( 10.0), 32),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_imm_data_imm({})', l( 900.0), l( 10.0), 64),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_cia({})' , l(1540.0), l( 10.0), 64),
- (IS, 'src1_i({})' , l( 10.0), l( 20.0), 64),
- (IS, 'src2_i({})' , l( 15.0), l( 20.0), 64),
- (IE, 'cu_busy_o' , l(3500.0) ),
- (IE, 'fast1_ok' , l(3520.0) ),
- (IE, 'fast2_ok' , l(3540.0) ),
- (IE, 'nia_ok' , l(3560.0) ),
- (IE, 'dest2_o({})' , l(3580.0), l( 10.0), 64),
- (IE, 'dest3_o({})' , l(4220.0), l( 10.0), 64),
- (IE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , l(4860.0), l( 20.0), 3),
- (IE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , l(4920.0), l( 20.0), 3),
- (IN, 'dest1_o({})' , l( 500.0), l( 10.0), 64),
- ]
- branch0 = af.getCell( 'branch0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
- blockBranch0 = Block.create ( branch0 , ioPins=branchp)
- blockBranch0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.07
- blockBranch0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
- blockBranch0.state.useSpares = False
- #rvalue = blockBranch0.build()
- cr0 = af.getCell( 'cr0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
- blockCr0 = Block.create \
- ( cr0
- , ioPins=[
- (IN, 'coresync_clk' , l( 805.0) ),
- (IW, 'cu_issue_i' , l( 30.0) ),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_cr0_read_cr_whole' , l( 40.0) ),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_cr0_write_cr_whole' , l( 70.0) ),
- (IW, 'coresync_rst' , l( 160.0) ),
- (IW, 'src4_i({})' , l( 180.0), l( 10.0), 4),
- (IW, 'src5_i({})' , l( 220.0), l( 10.0), 4),
- (IW, 'src6_i({})' , l( 260.0), l( 10.0), 4),
- (IW, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , l( 300.0), l( 10.0), 6),
- (IW, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , l( 360.0), l( 10.0), 6),
- (IW, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , l( 420.0), l( 10.0), 3),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_cr0_insn_type({})' , l( 450.0), l( 10.0), 7),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_cr0_fn_unit({})' , l( 520.0), l( 10.0), 11),
- (IW, 'oper_i_alu_cr0_insn({})' , l( 630.0), l( 10.0), 32),
- (IS, 'src1_i({})' , l( 10.0), l( 10.0), 64),
- (IS, 'src2_i({})' , l( 15.0), l( 10.0), 64),
- (IE, 'src3_i({})' , l( 10.0), l( 20.0), 32),
- (IE, 'cu_busy_o' , l(4320.0) ),
- (IE, 'cr_a_ok' , l(4340.0) ),
- (IE, 'full_cr_ok' , l(4360.0) ),
- (IE, 'o_ok' , l(4380.0) ),
- (IE, 'dest2_o({})' , l(4400.0), l( 10.0), 32),
- (IE, 'dest3_o({})' , l(4720.0), l( 10.0), 4),
- (IE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , l(4800.0), l( 20.0), 6),
- (IE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , l(4920.0), l( 20.0), 3),
- (IN, 'dest1_o({})' , l( 100.0), l( 10.0), 64)
- ]
- )
- blockCr0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.10
- blockCr0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
- blockCr0.state.useSpares = False
- #rvalue = blockCr0.build()
- ldst0 = af.getCell( 'ldst0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
- blockLdst0 = Block.create \
- ( ldst0
- , ioPins=[
- (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_ad_go_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'ldst_port0_addr_exc_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'ldst_port0_addr_ok_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'ldst_port0_ld_data_o_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_byte_reverse' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_imm_data_imm_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_is_signed' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_oe_oe' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_oe_oe_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_rc_rc' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_rc_rc_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_sign_extend' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_zero_a' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_st_go_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_ldst_mode({})' , 0, l(20), 2),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 3),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(20), 3),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 2),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_data_len({})' , 0, l(20), 4),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_insn_type({})' , 0, l(20), 7),
- (IW | AB, 'ldst_port0_ld_data_o({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_imm_data_imm({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , 0, l(5), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , 0, l(5), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'src3_i({})' , 0, 0, 64),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_ad_rel_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'ldst_port0_addr_i_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'ldst_port0_is_ld_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'ldst_port0_is_st_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'load_mem_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_st_rel_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'stwd_mem_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'ea({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'ldst_port0_st_data_i({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 3),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 2),
- (IE | AE, 'ldst_port0_addr_i_95' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'ldst_port0_addr_i_{}' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IN | AE, 'o({})' , 0, 0, 64),
- ]
- )
- blockLdst0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
- blockLdst0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.20
- blockLdst0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
- blockLdst0.state.cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 10
- blockLdst0.state.cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 10
- blockLdst0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
- blockLdst0.state.useSpares = False
- #rvalue = blockLdst0.build()
- logical0 = af.getCell( 'logical0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
- blockLogical0 = Block.create \
- ( logical0
- , ioPins=[
- (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_imm_data_imm_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_invert_a' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_invert_out' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_is_signed' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_oe_oe' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_oe_oe_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_output_carry' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_rc_rc' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_rc_rc_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_write_cr0' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_zero_a' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_input_carry({})' , 0, l(20), 2),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 2),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(20), 2),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 3),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_data_len({})' , 0, l(20), 4),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_insn_type({})' , 0, l(20), 7),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l(20), 11),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_insn({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_imm_data_imm({})', 0, l(20), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , 0, l(5), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'cr_a_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'xer_ca_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 2),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 3),
- (IN | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, 0, 2),
- (IN | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, 0, 4),
- (IN | AE, 'dest1_o({})' , 0, 0, 64),
- ]
- )
- blockLogical0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
- blockLogical0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.07
- blockLogical0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
- blockLogical0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
- blockLogical0.state.useSpares = False
- #rvalue = blockLogical0.build()
- shiftrot0 = af.getCell( 'shiftrot0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
- blockShiftrot0 = Block.create \
- ( shiftrot0
- , ioPins=[
- (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_imm_data_imm_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_input_cr' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_is_signed' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_oe_oe' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_oe_oe_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_output_carry' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_output_cr' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_rc_rc' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_rc_rc_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_input_carry({})' , 0, l(20), 2),
- (IW | AB, 'src4_i({})' , 0, l(10), 2),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 4),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(20), 4),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 3),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_insn_type({})' , 0, l(20), 7),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l(20), 11),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_insn({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_imm_data_imm({})', 0, l(20), 64),
- (IW | AB, 'src3_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , 0, l(5), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'cr_a_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'xer_ca_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 4),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 3),
- (IN | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, 0, 2),
- (IN | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, 0, 4),
- (IN | AE, 'dest1_o({})' , 0, 0, 64),
- ]
- )
- blockShiftrot0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
- blockShiftrot0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.7
- blockShiftrot0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
- blockShiftrot0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
- blockShiftrot0.state.useSpares = False
- #rvalue = blockShiftrot0.build()
- spr0 = af.getCell( 'spr0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
- blockSpr0 = Block.create \
- ( spr0
- , ioPins=[
- (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_spr0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'src4_i' , 0, l(10), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'src5_i({})' , 0, l(10), 2),
- (IW | AB, 'src6_i({})' , 0, l(10), 2),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 6),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(20), 6),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 6),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_spr0_insn_type({})', 0, l(20), 7),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_spr0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l(20), 11),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_spr0_insn({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
- (IW | AB, 'src3_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , 0, l(5), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'dest4_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'fast1_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'spr1_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'xer_ca_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'xer_ov_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'xer_so_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 6),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 6),
- (IE | AE, 'dest5_o({})' , 0, 0, 2),
- (IE | AE, 'dest6_o({})' , 0, 0, 2),
- (IE | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IS | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IS | AE, 'dest1_o({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- ]
- )
- blockSpr0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
- blockSpr0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.5
- blockSpr0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
- blockSpr0.state.fixedHeight = l(2200)
- blockSpr0.state.useSpares = False
- #rvalue = blockSpr0.build()
- trap0 = af.getCell( 'trap0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
- blockTrap0 = Block.create \
- ( trap0
- , ioPins=[
- (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 4),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(20), 4),
- (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 5),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_traptype({})' , 0, l(20), 5),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_insn_type({})', 0, l(20), 7),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l(20), 11),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_trapaddr({})' , 0, l(20), 13),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_insn({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_cia({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_msr({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IW | AB, 'src3_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src4_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , 0, l(5), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'fast1_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'fast2_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'msr_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'nia_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 4),
- (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 5),
- (IN | AE, 'dest5_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IN | AE, 'dest4_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IE | AE, 'dest1_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- ]
- )
- blockTrap0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
- blockTrap0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.5
- blockTrap0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
- blockTrap0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
- blockTrap0.state.useSpares = False
- #rvalue = blockTrap0.build()
- fast = af.getCell( 'fast', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
- blockFast = Block.create \
- ( fast
- , ioPins=[
- (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
- (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'cia_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
- (IW | AB, 'fast_nia_wen({})', 0, l(20), 8),
- (IW | AB, 'msr_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
- (IW | AB, 'src1_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
- (IW | AB, 'src2_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
- (IW | AB, 'wen({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
- (IW | AB, 'wen_1({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
- (IW | AB, 'wen_3({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
- (IW | AB, 'wen_6({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
- (IS | AB, 'data_i({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'data_i_2({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'data_i_4({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'data_i_5({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'data_i_7({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IN | AE, 'cia_data_o({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IN | AE, 'msr_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IN | AE, 'src1_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IN | AE, 'src2_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- ]
- )
- blockFast.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
- blockFast.state.cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
- blockFast.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.6
- blockFast.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
- blockFast.state.useSpares = False
- #rvalue = blockFast.build()
- cellInt = af.getCell( 'int', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
- blockInt = Block.create \
- ( cellInt
- , ioPins=[
- (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
- (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
- (IW | AB, 'wen({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
- (IW | AB, 'wen_1({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
- (IN | AB, 'dmi_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
- (IW | AB, 'src1_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
- (IW | AB, 'src2_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
- (IW | AB, 'src3_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
- (IS | AB, 'data_i({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IS | AB, 'data_i_2({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
- (IN | AE, 'dmi_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IN | AE, 'src1_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IN | AE, 'src2_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- (IN | AE, 'src3_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
- ]
- )
- blockInt.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
- blockInt.state.cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
- blockInt.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.07
- blockInt.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
- blockInt.state.useSpares = False
- #rvalue = blockInt.build()
- issuer = af.getCell( 'ls180' , CRL.Catalog.State.Logical )
- blockIssuer = Block.create \
- ( issuer
- , ioPins=[]
- )
- # Cell width:
- #
- # ================ =================
- # alu0 1200
- # branch0 1750
- # cr0 950
- # ldst0 1100
- # logical0 1800
- # mul0 9600
- # shiftrot0 2350
- # spr0 1550
- # trap0 3250
- # fast ?
- # int ?
- # pdecode ?
- # ================ =================
- blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_0_alu0',
- Transformation( l(1000), l(4000),
- Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_1_branch0',
- Transformation( l(2700), l(4000),
- Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_2_cr0' ,
- Transformation( l(4950), l(4000),
- Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_3_div0' ,
- Transformation( l(27000), l(4000),
- Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_4_ldst0' ,
- Transformation( l(6400), l(4000),
- Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_5_logical0' ,
- Transformation( l(8000), l(4000),
- Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_6_mul0' ,
- Transformation( l(10300), l(4000),
- Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_7_shiftrot0' ,
- Transformation( l(20400), l(4000),
- Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_8_spr0' ,
- Transformation( l(23250), l(4000),
- Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_9_trap0' ,
- Transformation( l(25300), l(4000),
- Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2226_fast' ,
- Transformation( l(1000), l(4000),
- Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2228_int' ,
- Transformation( l(1000), l(4000),
- Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- # TODO, create pdecode2 block
- #blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
- # 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2230_pdecode2' ,
- # Transformation( l(1000), l(4000),
- # Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
- blockIssuer.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
- blockIssuer.state.cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
- blockIssuer.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.07
- blockIssuer.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 10000
- blockIssuer.state.fixedHeight = l(15000)
- blockIssuer.state.fixedWidth = l(31550)
- blockIssuer.state.useSpares = False
- blockIssuer.state.editor = editor
- rvalue = blockIssuer.build()
+ helpers.setTraceLevel(550)
+ usePadsPosition = True
+ buildChip = True
+ cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain(**kw)
+ cell = af.getCell('ls180', CRL.Catalog.State.Logical)
+ if cell is None:
+ print(ErrorMessage(2, 'doDesign.scriptMain(): Unable to load '
+ 'cell "{}".'.format('ls180')))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if editor: editor.setCell(cell)
+ ls180Conf = ChipConf(cell, ioPads=ioPadsSpec)
+ ls180Conf.cfg.etesian.bloat = 'nsxlib'
+ ls180Conf.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ ls180Conf.cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
+ ls180Conf.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.05
+ ls180Conf.cfg.block.spareSide = l(700)
+ ls180Conf.cfg.chip.padCoreSide = 'North'
+ ls180Conf.editor = editor
+ ls180Conf.useSpares = True
+ ls180Conf.useClockTree = True
+ ls180Conf.bColumns = 2
+ ls180Conf.bRows = 2
+ ls180Conf.chipConf.name = 'chip'
+ ls180Conf.chipConf.ioPadGauge = 'niolib'
+ ls180Conf.coreSize = (l(13000), l(13000))
+ ls180Conf.chipSize = (l(14400), l(14400))
+ ls180ToChip = CoreToChip(ls180Conf)
+ ls180ToChip.buildChip()
+ chipBuilder = Chip(ls180Conf)
+ rvalue = chipBuilder.doPnR()
+ chipBuilder.save()
except Exception, e:
- helpers.io.catch( e )
+ helpers.io.catch(e)
rvalue = False
return rvalue
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- coriolis_setup()
- kwargs = {}
- success = scriptMain(**kwargs)
- shellSuccess = 0
- if not success:
- shellSuccess = 1
- sys.exit(shellSuccess)
--- /dev/null
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import traceback
+import CRL
+import Cfg
+import helpers
+from helpers.io import ErrorMessage
+from helpers.io import WarningMessage
+from helpers.overlay import CfgCache
+from helpers import trace, l
+import plugins
+from Hurricane import DbU
+from Hurricane import Pin
+from Hurricane import Transformation
+from plugins.alpha.block.block import Block
+from plugins.alpha.block.configuration import IoPin
+af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
+def coriolis_setup():
+ with CfgCache(priority=Cfg.Parameter.Priority.UserFile) as cfg:
+ cfg.misc.catchCore = False
+ cfg.misc.info = False
+ cfg.misc.paranoid = False
+ cfg.misc.bug = False
+ cfg.misc.logMode = True
+ cfg.misc.verboseLevel1 = True
+ cfg.misc.verboseLevel2 = True
+ cfg.etesian.effort = 2
+ cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.10 # 10%
+ cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0 # 100%
+ cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ cfg.anabatic.edgeLenght = 24
+ cfg.anabatic.edgeWidth = 8
+ cfg.anabatic.topRoutingLayer = 'METAL5'
+ cfg.katana.searchHalo = 30
+ cfg.katana.eventsLimit = 1000000
+ cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 7
+ cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 6
+ env = af.getEnvironment()
+ env.setCLOCK('^clk$|m_clock')
+ env.setPOWER('vdd')
+ env.setGROUND('vss')
+def scriptMain ( **kw ):
+ """The mandatory function that Coriolis CGT/Unicorn will look for."""
+ global af
+ IW = IoPin.WEST
+ IE = IoPin.EAST
+ IS = IoPin.SOUTH
+ IN = IoPin.NORTH
+ AB = IoPin.A_BEGIN
+ AE = IoPin.A_END
+ alup=[
+ (IW | AB, 'coresync_clk' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_imm_data_imm_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_invert_a' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_invert_out' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_is_32bit' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_is_signed' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_oe_oe' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_oe_oe_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_output_carry' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_rc_rc' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_rc_rc_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_write_cr0' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_zero_a' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'src3_i' , 0 ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_input_carry({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'src4_i({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_data_len({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 4),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 4),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 4),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 5),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_insn_type({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 7),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 11),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_insn({})' , 0, l( 10.0), 32),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_alu0_imm_data_imm({})', 0, l( 15.0), 64),
+ (IS , 'src1_i({})' , l(10), l( 15.0), 64),
+ (IS , 'src2_i({})' , l(15), l( 15.0), 64),
+ (IN , 'dest1_o({})' , l(20), l( 15.0), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'cr_a_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest5_o' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'xer_ca_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'xer_ov_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'xer_so_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 2),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest4_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 2),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 4),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 4),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 5),
+ ]
+ rvalue = True
+ try:
+ helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 )
+ cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain( **kw )
+ alu0 = af.getCell( 'alu0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
+ blockAlu0 = Block.create (alu0, ioPins = alup)
+ blockAlu0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.05
+ blockAlu0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
+ blockAlu0.state.useSpares = False
+ #rvalue = blockAlu0.build()
+ mulp=[
+ (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(4500.0) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_imm_data_imm_ok' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_invert_a' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_invert_out' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_is_signed' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_oe_oe' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_oe_oe_ok' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_rc_rc' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_rc_rc_ok' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_write_cr0' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_zero_a' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'src3_i' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(10.0), 3),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(10.0), 3),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(10.0), 4),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_insn_type({})' , 0, l(10.0), 7),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l(10.0), 11),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_insn({})' , 0, l(10.0), 32),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_mul0_imm_data_imm({})', 0, l(15.0), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , l(10.0), l(50.0), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , l(20.0), l(50.0), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'cr_a_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest4_o' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'xer_ov_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'xer_so_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 2),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 4),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 3),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 4),
+ (IN | AE, 'dest1_o({})' , 0, l( 30.0), 64),
+ ]
+ mul0 = af.getCell( 'mul0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
+ blockMul0 = Block.create ( mul0 , ioPins=mulp)
+ blockMul0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ blockMul0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.15
+ blockMul0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
+ blockMul0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
+ blockMul0.state.useSpares = False
+ #rvalue = blockMul0.build()
+ divp=[
+ (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(4500.0) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_imm_data_imm_ok' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_invert_a' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_invert_out' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_is_signed' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_oe_oe' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_oe_oe_ok' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_output_carry' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_rc_rc' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_rc_rc_ok' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_write_cr0' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_zero_a' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'src3_i' , 0, l(20) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(10.0), 3),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(10.0), 3),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(10.0), 4),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_data_len({})' , 0, l(10.0), 7),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_insn_type({})' , 0, l(10.0), 7),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l(10.0), 11),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_insn({})' , 0, l(10.0), 32),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_div0_imm_data_imm({})', 0, l(15.0), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , l(10.0), l(50.0), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , l(20.0), l(50.0), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'cr_a_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest4_o' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'xer_ov_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'xer_so_ok' , 0 ),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 2),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 4),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 3),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, l( 20.0), 4),
+ (IN | AE, 'dest1_o({})' , 0, l( 30.0), 64),
+ ]
+ div0 = af.getCell( 'div0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
+ blockDiv0 = Block.create ( div0 , ioPins=divp)
+ blockDiv0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ blockDiv0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.10
+ blockDiv0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
+ blockDiv0.state.fixedHeight = l(2000)
+ blockDiv0.state.useSpares = False
+ #rvalue = blockDiv0.build()
+ branchp=[
+ (IN, 'coresync_clk' , l( 805.0) ),
+ (IW, 'cu_issue_i' , l( 30.0) ),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_imm_data_imm_ok' , l( 40.0) ),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_is_32bit' , l( 70.0) ),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_lk' , l( 150.0) ),
+ (IW, 'coresync_rst' , l( 160.0) ),
+ (IW, 'src3_i({})' , l( 180.0), l( 10.0), 4),
+ (IW, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , l( 270.0), l( 10.0), 3),
+ (IW, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , l( 310.0), l( 10.0), 3),
+ (IW, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , l( 350.0), l( 10.0), 3),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_insn_type({})' , l( 400.0), l( 10.0), 7),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_fn_unit({})' , l( 470.0), l( 10.0), 11),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_insn({})' , l( 580.0), l( 10.0), 32),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_imm_data_imm({})', l( 900.0), l( 10.0), 64),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_branch0_cia({})' , l(1540.0), l( 10.0), 64),
+ (IS, 'src1_i({})' , l( 10.0), l( 20.0), 64),
+ (IS, 'src2_i({})' , l( 15.0), l( 20.0), 64),
+ (IE, 'cu_busy_o' , l(3500.0) ),
+ (IE, 'fast1_ok' , l(3520.0) ),
+ (IE, 'fast2_ok' , l(3540.0) ),
+ (IE, 'nia_ok' , l(3560.0) ),
+ (IE, 'dest2_o({})' , l(3580.0), l( 10.0), 64),
+ (IE, 'dest3_o({})' , l(4220.0), l( 10.0), 64),
+ (IE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , l(4860.0), l( 20.0), 3),
+ (IE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , l(4920.0), l( 20.0), 3),
+ (IN, 'dest1_o({})' , l( 500.0), l( 10.0), 64),
+ ]
+ branch0 = af.getCell( 'branch0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
+ blockBranch0 = Block.create ( branch0 , ioPins=branchp)
+ blockBranch0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.07
+ blockBranch0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
+ blockBranch0.state.useSpares = False
+ #rvalue = blockBranch0.build()
+ cr0 = af.getCell( 'cr0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
+ blockCr0 = Block.create \
+ ( cr0
+ , ioPins=[
+ (IN, 'coresync_clk' , l( 805.0) ),
+ (IW, 'cu_issue_i' , l( 30.0) ),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_cr0_read_cr_whole' , l( 40.0) ),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_cr0_write_cr_whole' , l( 70.0) ),
+ (IW, 'coresync_rst' , l( 160.0) ),
+ (IW, 'src4_i({})' , l( 180.0), l( 10.0), 4),
+ (IW, 'src5_i({})' , l( 220.0), l( 10.0), 4),
+ (IW, 'src6_i({})' , l( 260.0), l( 10.0), 4),
+ (IW, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , l( 300.0), l( 10.0), 6),
+ (IW, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , l( 360.0), l( 10.0), 6),
+ (IW, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , l( 420.0), l( 10.0), 3),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_cr0_insn_type({})' , l( 450.0), l( 10.0), 7),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_cr0_fn_unit({})' , l( 520.0), l( 10.0), 11),
+ (IW, 'oper_i_alu_cr0_insn({})' , l( 630.0), l( 10.0), 32),
+ (IS, 'src1_i({})' , l( 10.0), l( 10.0), 64),
+ (IS, 'src2_i({})' , l( 15.0), l( 10.0), 64),
+ (IE, 'src3_i({})' , l( 10.0), l( 20.0), 32),
+ (IE, 'cu_busy_o' , l(4320.0) ),
+ (IE, 'cr_a_ok' , l(4340.0) ),
+ (IE, 'full_cr_ok' , l(4360.0) ),
+ (IE, 'o_ok' , l(4380.0) ),
+ (IE, 'dest2_o({})' , l(4400.0), l( 10.0), 32),
+ (IE, 'dest3_o({})' , l(4720.0), l( 10.0), 4),
+ (IE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , l(4800.0), l( 20.0), 6),
+ (IE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , l(4920.0), l( 20.0), 3),
+ (IN, 'dest1_o({})' , l( 100.0), l( 10.0), 64)
+ ]
+ )
+ blockCr0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.10
+ blockCr0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
+ blockCr0.state.useSpares = False
+ #rvalue = blockCr0.build()
+ ldst0 = af.getCell( 'ldst0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
+ blockLdst0 = Block.create \
+ ( ldst0
+ , ioPins=[
+ (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_ad_go_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'ldst_port0_addr_exc_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'ldst_port0_addr_ok_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'ldst_port0_ld_data_o_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_byte_reverse' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_imm_data_imm_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_is_signed' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_oe_oe' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_oe_oe_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_rc_rc' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_rc_rc_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_sign_extend' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_zero_a' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_st_go_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_ldst_mode({})' , 0, l(20), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 3),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(20), 3),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_data_len({})' , 0, l(20), 4),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_insn_type({})' , 0, l(20), 7),
+ (IW | AB, 'ldst_port0_ld_data_o({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_ldst_ldst0_imm_data_imm({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , 0, l(5), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , 0, l(5), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'src3_i({})' , 0, 0, 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_ad_rel_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'ldst_port0_addr_i_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'ldst_port0_is_ld_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'ldst_port0_is_st_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'load_mem_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_st_rel_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'stwd_mem_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'ea({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'ldst_port0_st_data_i({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 3),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 2),
+ (IE | AE, 'ldst_port0_addr_i_95' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'ldst_port0_addr_i_{}' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IN | AE, 'o({})' , 0, 0, 64),
+ ]
+ )
+ blockLdst0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ blockLdst0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.20
+ blockLdst0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
+ blockLdst0.state.cfg.katana.hTracksReservedLocal = 10
+ blockLdst0.state.cfg.katana.vTracksReservedLocal = 10
+ blockLdst0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
+ blockLdst0.state.useSpares = False
+ #rvalue = blockLdst0.build()
+ logical0 = af.getCell( 'logical0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
+ blockLogical0 = Block.create \
+ ( logical0
+ , ioPins=[
+ (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_imm_data_imm_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_invert_a' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_invert_out' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_is_signed' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_oe_oe' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_oe_oe_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_output_carry' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_rc_rc' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_rc_rc_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_write_cr0' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_zero_a' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_input_carry({})' , 0, l(20), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(20), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 3),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_data_len({})' , 0, l(20), 4),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_insn_type({})' , 0, l(20), 7),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l(20), 11),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_insn({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_logical0_imm_data_imm({})', 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , 0, l(5), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'cr_a_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'xer_ca_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 2),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 3),
+ (IN | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, 0, 2),
+ (IN | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, 0, 4),
+ (IN | AE, 'dest1_o({})' , 0, 0, 64),
+ ]
+ )
+ blockLogical0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ blockLogical0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.07
+ blockLogical0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
+ blockLogical0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
+ blockLogical0.state.useSpares = False
+ #rvalue = blockLogical0.build()
+ shiftrot0 = af.getCell( 'shiftrot0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
+ blockShiftrot0 = Block.create \
+ ( shiftrot0
+ , ioPins=[
+ (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_imm_data_imm_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_input_cr' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_is_signed' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_oe_oe' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_oe_oe_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_output_carry' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_output_cr' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_rc_rc' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_rc_rc_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_input_carry({})' , 0, l(20), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'src4_i({})' , 0, l(10), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 4),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(20), 4),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 3),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_insn_type({})' , 0, l(20), 7),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l(20), 11),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_insn({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_shift_rot0_imm_data_imm({})', 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IW | AB, 'src3_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , 0, l(5), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'cr_a_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'xer_ca_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 4),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 3),
+ (IN | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, 0, 2),
+ (IN | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, 0, 4),
+ (IN | AE, 'dest1_o({})' , 0, 0, 64),
+ ]
+ )
+ blockShiftrot0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ blockShiftrot0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.7
+ blockShiftrot0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
+ blockShiftrot0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
+ blockShiftrot0.state.useSpares = False
+ #rvalue = blockShiftrot0.build()
+ spr0 = af.getCell( 'spr0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
+ blockSpr0 = Block.create \
+ ( spr0
+ , ioPins=[
+ (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_spr0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'src4_i' , 0, l(10), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'src5_i({})' , 0, l(10), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'src6_i({})' , 0, l(10), 2),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 6),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(20), 6),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 6),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_spr0_insn_type({})', 0, l(20), 7),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_spr0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l(20), 11),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_spr0_insn({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
+ (IW | AB, 'src3_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , 0, l(5), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest4_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'fast1_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'spr1_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'xer_ca_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'xer_ov_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'xer_so_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 6),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 6),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest5_o({})' , 0, 0, 2),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest6_o({})' , 0, 0, 2),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IS | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IS | AE, 'dest1_o({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ ]
+ )
+ blockSpr0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ blockSpr0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.5
+ blockSpr0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
+ blockSpr0.state.fixedHeight = l(2200)
+ blockSpr0.state.useSpares = False
+ #rvalue = blockSpr0.build()
+ trap0 = af.getCell( 'trap0', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
+ blockTrap0 = Block.create \
+ ( trap0
+ , ioPins=[
+ (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_issue_i' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_is_32bit' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rd_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 4),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_rdmaskn_i({})' , 0, l(20), 4),
+ (IW | AB, 'cu_wr_go_i({})' , 0, l(20), 5),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_traptype({})' , 0, l(20), 5),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_insn_type({})', 0, l(20), 7),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_fn_unit({})' , 0, l(20), 11),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_trapaddr({})' , 0, l(20), 13),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_insn({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_cia({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IW | AB, 'oper_i_alu_trap0_msr({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IW | AB, 'src3_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src4_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src1_i({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'src2_i({})' , 0, l(5), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_busy_o' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'fast1_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'fast2_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'msr_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'nia_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'o_ok' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_rd_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 4),
+ (IE | AE, 'cu_wr_rel_o({})' , 0, 0, 5),
+ (IN | AE, 'dest5_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IN | AE, 'dest4_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest3_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest2_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IE | AE, 'dest1_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ ]
+ )
+ blockTrap0.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ blockTrap0.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.5
+ blockTrap0.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
+ blockTrap0.state.fixedHeight = l(5000)
+ blockTrap0.state.useSpares = False
+ #rvalue = blockTrap0.build()
+ fast = af.getCell( 'fast', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
+ blockFast = Block.create \
+ ( fast
+ , ioPins=[
+ (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'cia_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
+ (IW | AB, 'fast_nia_wen({})', 0, l(20), 8),
+ (IW | AB, 'msr_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
+ (IW | AB, 'src1_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
+ (IW | AB, 'src2_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
+ (IW | AB, 'wen({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
+ (IW | AB, 'wen_1({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
+ (IW | AB, 'wen_3({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
+ (IW | AB, 'wen_6({})' , 0, l(20), 8),
+ (IS | AB, 'data_i({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'data_i_2({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'data_i_4({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'data_i_5({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'data_i_7({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IN | AE, 'cia_data_o({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IN | AE, 'msr_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IN | AE, 'src1_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IN | AE, 'src2_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ ]
+ )
+ blockFast.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ blockFast.state.cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
+ blockFast.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.6
+ blockFast.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
+ blockFast.state.useSpares = False
+ #rvalue = blockFast.build()
+ cellInt = af.getCell( 'int', CRL.Catalog.State.Views )
+ blockInt = Block.create \
+ ( cellInt
+ , ioPins=[
+ (IN , 'coresync_clk' , l(805.0) ),
+ (IW | AB, 'coresync_rst' , 0, l(20), 1),
+ (IW | AB, 'wen({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
+ (IW | AB, 'wen_1({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
+ (IN | AB, 'dmi_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
+ (IW | AB, 'src1_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
+ (IW | AB, 'src2_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
+ (IW | AB, 'src3_ren({})' , 0, l(20), 32),
+ (IS | AB, 'data_i({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IS | AB, 'data_i_2({})' , 0, l(20), 64),
+ (IN | AE, 'dmi_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IN | AE, 'src1_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IN | AE, 'src2_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ (IN | AE, 'src3_data_o({})' , 0, l(10), 64),
+ ]
+ )
+ blockInt.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ blockInt.state.cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
+ blockInt.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.07
+ blockInt.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 1
+ blockInt.state.useSpares = False
+ #rvalue = blockInt.build()
+ issuer = af.getCell( 'ls180' , CRL.Catalog.State.Logical )
+ blockIssuer = Block.create \
+ ( issuer
+ , ioPins=[]
+ )
+ # Cell width:
+ #
+ # ================ =================
+ # alu0 1200
+ # branch0 1750
+ # cr0 950
+ # ldst0 1100
+ # logical0 1800
+ # mul0 9600
+ # shiftrot0 2350
+ # spr0 1550
+ # trap0 3250
+ # fast ?
+ # int ?
+ # pdecode ?
+ # ================ =================
+ blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_0_alu0',
+ Transformation( l(1000), l(4000),
+ Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_1_branch0',
+ Transformation( l(2700), l(4000),
+ Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_2_cr0' ,
+ Transformation( l(4950), l(4000),
+ Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_3_div0' ,
+ Transformation( l(27000), l(4000),
+ Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_4_ldst0' ,
+ Transformation( l(6400), l(4000),
+ Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_5_logical0' ,
+ Transformation( l(8000), l(4000),
+ Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_6_mul0' ,
+ Transformation( l(10300), l(4000),
+ Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_7_shiftrot0' ,
+ Transformation( l(20400), l(4000),
+ Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_8_spr0' ,
+ Transformation( l(23250), l(4000),
+ Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2227_fus.subckt_9_trap0' ,
+ Transformation( l(25300), l(4000),
+ Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2226_fast' ,
+ Transformation( l(1000), l(4000),
+ Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2228_int' ,
+ Transformation( l(1000), l(4000),
+ Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ # TODO, create pdecode2 block
+ #blockIssuer.useBlockInstance(
+ # 'subckt_1150_core.subckt_2230_pdecode2' ,
+ # Transformation( l(1000), l(4000),
+ # Transformation.Orientation.ID ))
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.etesian.uniformDensity = True
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.etesian.aspectRatio = 1.0
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.etesian.spaceMargin = 0.07
+ blockIssuer.state.cfg.katana.searchHalo = 10000
+ blockIssuer.state.fixedHeight = l(15000)
+ blockIssuer.state.fixedWidth = l(31550)
+ blockIssuer.state.useSpares = False
+ blockIssuer.state.editor = editor
+ rvalue = blockIssuer.build()
+ except Exception, e:
+ helpers.io.catch( e )
+ rvalue = False
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ return rvalue
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ coriolis_setup()
+ kwargs = {}
+ success = scriptMain(**kwargs)
+ shellSuccess = 0
+ if not success:
+ shellSuccess = 1
+ sys.exit(shellSuccess)