""" * iospecfn: specification for incoming and outgoing data
* depth : number of entries in the FIFO
- NOTE: FPGAs may have trouble with the defaults for SyncFIFO
+ NOTE 1: FPGAs may have trouble with the defaults for SyncFIFO
+ NOTE 2: i_data *must* have a shape function. it can therefore
+ be a Signal, or a Record, or a RecordObject.
+ data is processed (and located) as follows:
+ self.p self.stage temp fn temp fn temp fp self.n
+ i_data->process()->result->flatten->din.FIFO.dout->flatten(o_data)
+ yes, really: flatten produces a Cat() which can be assigned to.
+ this is how the FIFO gets de-flattened without needing a de-flatten
+ function
self.fdepth = depth
def elaborate(self, platform):
self.m = m = ControlBase._elaborate(self, platform)
+ # make a FIFO with a signal of equal width to the o_data.
(fwidth, _) = self.n.o_data.shape()
fifo = SyncFIFO(fwidth, self.fdepth)
m.submodules.fifo = fifo