bus = self.bus
wb_rd_data = bus.dat_r
wb_wr_data = bus.dat_w
+ wb_rd_data_reg = Signal(self.wordsize*8) # same len as WB bus
wb_ack = bus.ack
gpio_ports = self.gpio_ports
multi = self.multicsrbus
rd_multi = self.rd_multicsr
- comb += wb_ack.eq(0)
- row_const = []
- for row in range(self.n_rows):
- row_const.append(Const(row))
- # log2_int(1) will give 0, which wouldn't work?
- if (self.n_gpio == 1):
- row_start = Signal(1)
- else:
- row_start = Signal(log2_int(self.n_gpio))
# Flag for indicating rd/wr transactions
new_transaction = Signal(1)
# One address used to configure CSR, set output, read input
with m.If(bus.cyc & bus.stb):
- comb += wb_ack.eq(1) # always ack
- # Probably wasteful
- sync += row_start.eq(bus.adr * self.wordsize)
+ sync += wb_ack.eq(1) # always ack, always delayed
+ # TODO: is this needed anymore?
sync += new_transaction.eq(1)
+ # Concatinate the GPIO configs that are on the same "row" or
+ # address and send
+ multi_cat = []
+ for i in range(0, self.wordsize):
+ multi_cat.append(rd_multi[i])
+ sync += wb_rd_data_reg.eq(Cat(multi_cat))
with m.If(bus.we): # write
# Configure CSR
for byte in range(0, self.wordsize):
+ # TODO: wasteful... convert to Cat(), somehow
sync += multi[byte].eq(wb_wr_data[byte*8:8+byte*8])
- with m.Else(): # read
- # Concatinate the GPIO configs that are on the same "row" or
- # address and send
- multi_cat = []
- for i in range(0, self.wordsize):
- multi_cat.append(rd_multi[i])
- comb += wb_rd_data.eq(Cat(multi_cat))
+ with m.Elif(wb_ack): # read (and acked)
+ comb += wb_rd_data.eq(wb_rd_data_reg)
with m.Else():
sync += new_transaction.eq(0)
+ sync += wb_ack.eq(0)
# Only update GPIOs config if a new transaction happened last cycle
# (read or write). Always lags from multi csrbus by 1 clk cycle, most
gpio_internal_traces = ('Internal', [
('clk', 'in'),
- ('row_start[2:0]'),
('rst', 'in')
- gpios._parse_gpio_arg("1-3")
+ #gpios._parse_gpio_arg("1-3")
oe = 1
bank = 3
yield from gpios.config("0-3", oe=1, ie=0, puen=0, pden=1, outval=0, bank=2)
ie = 1
- yield from gpios.config("4-7", oe=0, ie=1, puen=0, pden=1, outval=0, bank=2)
+ yield from gpios.config("4-7", oe=0, ie=1, puen=0, pden=1, outval=0, bank=6)
yield from gpios.set_out("0-3", outval=1)
#yield from gpios.rd_all()