--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Cat, Repl
+import math
+class CLZ(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ self.width = width
+ self.sig_in = Signal(width, reset_less=True)
+ out_width = math.ceil(math.log2(width+1))
+ self.lz = Signal(out_width)
+ def generate_pairs(self, m):
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ pairs = []
+ for i in range(0, self.width, 2):
+ if i+1 >= self.width:
+ pair = Signal(1, name="cnt_1_%d" % (i/2))
+ comb += pair.eq(~self.sig_in[i])
+ pairs.append((pair, 1))
+ else:
+ pair = Signal(2, name="pair%d" % i)
+ comb += pair.eq(self.sig_in[i:i+2])
+ pair_cnt = Signal(2, name="cnt_1_%d" % (i/2))
+ with m.Switch(pair):
+ with m.Case(0):
+ comb += pair_cnt.eq(2)
+ with m.Case(1):
+ comb += pair_cnt.eq(1)
+ with m.Default():
+ comb += pair_cnt.eq(0)
+ pairs.append((pair_cnt, 2)) # append pair, max_value
+ return pairs
+ def combine_pairs(self, m, iteration, pairs):
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ length = len(pairs)
+ ret = []
+ for i in range(0, length, 2):
+ if i+1 >= length:
+ right, mv = pairs[i]
+ width = right.width
+ new_pair = Signal(width, name="cnt_%d_%d" % (iteration, i))
+ comb += new_pair.eq(Cat(right, 0))
+ ret.append((new_pair, mv))
+ else:
+ left, lv = pairs[i+1]
+ right, rv = pairs[i]
+ width = right.width + 1
+ new_pair = Signal(width, name="cnt_%d_%d" %
+ (iteration, i))
+ if rv == lv:
+ with m.If(left[-1] == 1):
+ with m.If(right[-1] == 1):
+ comb += new_pair.eq(Cat(Repl(0, width-1), 1))
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += new_pair.eq(Cat(right[0:-1], 0b01))
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += new_pair.eq(Cat(left, 0))
+ else:
+ with m.If(left == lv):
+ comb += new_pair.eq(right + left)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += new_pair.eq(left)
+ ret.append((new_pair, lv+rv))
+ return ret
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ pairs = self.generate_pairs(m)
+ i = 2
+ while len(pairs) > 1:
+ pairs = self.combine_pairs(m, i, pairs)
+ i += 1
+ comb += self.lz.eq(pairs[0][0])
+ return m
--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import Module, Signal, Elaboratable, Mux, Const
+from nmigen.asserts import Assert, AnyConst, Assume
+from nmigen.test.utils import FHDLTestCase
+from nmigen.cli import rtlil
+from nmutil.clz import CLZ
+import unittest
+# This defines a module to drive the device under test and assert
+# properties about its outputs
+class Driver(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self):
+ # inputs and outputs
+ pass
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ comb = m.d.comb
+ width = 10
+ m.submodules.dut = dut = CLZ(width)
+ sig_in = Signal.like(dut.sig_in)
+ count = Signal.like(dut.lz)
+ m.d.comb += [
+ sig_in.eq(AnyConst(width)),
+ dut.sig_in.eq(sig_in),
+ count.eq(dut.lz)]
+ result = Const(width)
+ for i in range(width):
+ print(result)
+ result_next = Signal.like(count, name="count_%d" % i)
+ with m.If(sig_in[i] == 1):
+ comb += result_next.eq(width-i-1)
+ with m.Else():
+ comb += result_next.eq(result)
+ result = result_next
+ result_sig = Signal.like(count)
+ comb += result_sig.eq(result)
+ comb += Assert(result_sig == count)
+ # setup the inputs and outputs of the DUT as anyconst
+ return m
+class CLZTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
+ def test_proof(self):
+ module = Driver()
+ self.assertFormal(module, mode="bmc", depth=4)
+ def test_ilang(self):
+ dut = Driver()
+ vl = rtlil.convert(dut, ports=[])
+ with open("clz.il", "w") as f:
+ f.write(vl)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import Module, Signal
+from nmigen.back.pysim import Simulator, Delay
+from nmigen.test.utils import FHDLTestCase
+from nmutil.clz import CLZ
+import unittest
+import math
+import random
+class CLZTestCase(FHDLTestCase):
+ def run_test(self, inputs, width=8):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.dut = dut = CLZ(width)
+ sig_in = Signal.like(dut.sig_in)
+ count = Signal.like(dut.lz)
+ m.d.comb += [
+ dut.sig_in.eq(sig_in),
+ count.eq(dut.lz)]
+ sim = Simulator(m)
+ def process():
+ for i in inputs:
+ yield sig_in.eq(i)
+ yield Delay(1e-6)
+ sim.add_process(process)
+ with sim.write_vcd("clz.vcd", "clz.gtkw", traces=[
+ sig_in, count]):
+ sim.run()
+ def test_selected(self):
+ inputs = [0, 15, 10, 127]
+ self.run_test(iter(inputs), width=8)
+ def test_non_power_2(self):
+ inputs = [0, 128, 512]
+ self.run_test(iter(inputs), width=11)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()